HomeMy WebLinkAbout87-JUNE�uNE CITY OF PRIOR LANCE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Jum 4, 1987 The June 4, 1987 Prior Lake Planning Caomfssion meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Chairman Loftus. Present were Camoissioners Arnold, Hoseth, Wells, City Planner Graser and Assistant City Planner Garross. Absent was Commissioner Kedrovski. I ITER I - REVIEW Of MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Page 1, paragraph 3, second to last sentence delete 'like to' add "likely" delete 'ROW' add 'right of way'; Page 3, paragraph 3, delete 'code" add 'established precedent; MOTION BY AANOLD, SECOND BY W ELLS To APPROVE ISE MLNK/1RS4 Cr THE MAY 21, 1987 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETE0 AS AMENDED. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Roseth, Loftus, Wells; the motion passed unanimously. ITEM II - VARIANCE RBOUEST BY PAUL NERTENB Paul Martens commented on the variance request for the one acre parcel located east of C.R. 83 and about 1/4 mile south of C.R. 42 zoned Agricultural. The building envelope is limited in relation to the size of the parcel and in order to fit the house onto the rectangle property and parallel to C.R. 83 variances are needed. Assistant City Planner Garross commented per mew dated June 4, 1987. The Planning Commissioners discussed the variance request for 14241 Columbia Avenue. MOTION BY WELLS, SECOND BY ROSETH TO APPROVE A 46 FOOT WEST PROM! YARD AND A 5 FOOT EAST REAR YAm VARIANCE FOR 14241 COLUMBIA AVENUE SINCE IT IS NOT DETRIMENTAL TO THE AREA AND SINCE THE HARDSHIP IS CAUSED BY THE PROMICKS OF THE ZONING OIDIN AIICE AND LITERAL RM EM W OF SEMACK R MUIRMOLPS WOULD REMDER THE LOT VIRTUALLY UNBUI DABLB. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; the motion passed unanimously. At this time a 5 minute recess was called. The meeting resumed at 8:00 P.M. (612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 ITEM III - VARIANCE RBOUEST BY EEMIE NEESM Steve Nelson commented on the variance request for 15279 Fairbanks Trail with regard to expansion of an old cabin for living quarters. Mr. Nelson camoented �aat the 20 X 28' addition is a living roam, dinning room and bedroom for his growing family. Mr. Nelson also felt a concern for the adjacent property owners in blob ing their sWllghi and view since this is an A frame structure. city Planner eraser oa®ented per memo An June 4, 1987. At this time audience input was called for. Mammy Rwso, owner of Lot 11 Maple Park Shore Acres, was concerned over the A frame structure blocking sunlight and view and haw it would fit into the area. . The Planning Oosdasioners discussed the variance request with regard to roof height, need for additional variances, neighbors caverns over blocking vier and sunlight, and development on a substandard lot. However, they felt this request is consistent with previous requests in this area. M0 om By Am=, 'saam BY MBLLS 7A APPROVE A 4.2 FOOT SIDE YARD VARLANOB To MESTAUCP A 20 X 28 POOP ADDITION TO AN MMSTING HOME AT 15279 FALRNUM TAAID S.E. sn cz lT IS MOT DETR7J®1FAL TO TUB AM AND PROPERTY VAUIES. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Loftus, Roseth, Walle the motion passed unanimously. ITEM IV - VARLAtXB RBOID4ST SY JODY R This item was withdraw from the Agenda since a variance was not needed. Mike and Bernice Lehe were present to oppose the Raiersam variance request. MOTION BY WELLS, SBOOED BY 1108® To AWOONN THE JUNE 4, 1967 PRLOR LAXE PLAEIIIING OOMMIS M NEW=. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; the motion passed unanimo The meeting adjourned at 9:04 P.M. r :r s 4 •;, •r • :cu' 2 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PLANNING ODMWSION NINUPFS JUNE 18, 1987 The June 18, 1987 Prior Luke Planning C�ission meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.N. by Chairman Loftus. Present were Commissioners Chuck Arnold, Tom Kedrwaki, Dave Boseth, City Pirwrer Graser and Assistant City Planner Garross. Commissioner wells arrived at 7:38 P.N. 444 +� ;�>�/ : •,- .141 /4x •- :; rn/ �1 .I;n>V 41.. Yil iH I:nl � • 1 Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Roseth, Loftus, Kedranskii the motion passed unanimously. At this time a 2 minute recess was called. The meeting resumed at 7:35 P.N. IT@! iI — BQE 0007PATIIli 1�`y BY BB BAILEY ,� Bab Bailey cxmmernted on the Barre Occupation request regarding a lawn service �S'p Since the application, Nr. Bailey has aside sane dnarges such as only billing and phone calls will be at the house and only one person camantes fray the house to the place where the trailers and equipment are stored. City Planner Graser commented per msso 5- 21 -87, and asked the Cammission to take into consideration the charms merle since the memo. The area residents had concerns on early morning noise, dust, sparks, additional parked cars trucks and trailers on the street, returning crew on rainy days and mulling around. The residents did rat have any objections to a Bane Occupation within the covenants of the subdivision and an automatic review. The Planning Commissioners discussed the concerns of the residents and Mr. Bailey's effort to work out a solution to the situation with the residents. (812) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE. MINNESOTA 55372 / • / /M2•]UPFS OF T8E F_,iOP. LAKE PLANNING CoWnSSION June 18, 1987 MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY ARNOLD TO GRANT A HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT TO BOB BAILEY FOR LAWN SERVICE AT 6386 150TH STREET S.E., CONTINGENT UPON: 1. THERE IS NO STORAGE OR MAINTENANCE OF LAWN SERVICE EQUIPMENT ON PREMISES. 2. NO ON OR OFF STREET PARKING EXCEPT FOR THE ONE EMPLOYEE WHO COMES IN TO HELP OPERATE BUSINESS. 3. NO PARKING OF TRAIL m AND OTimER B:juipmmr ON THE pid2GSES. 4. TO HAVE OUTSIDE MEANS FOR EMPLOYEES TO PEST. 5. IF ANY COMPLAINTS THE HOME occupATION PERMIT MUST BE REVIEWM AND CDUM BE REVCKED. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Loftus, Kedrowski, Roseth, Wells; the motion passed unanimously. At this time Commissioner Arnold stepped dam from his chair due to personal interest in the next two items. WEN ITT — N RV RRTkxn LNM &K TP 2Cff2 C Greg Mead representative for the School District commented that the Task Force receded additional classrooms for the school space need. The variance will be needed on the side adjacent to Memorial Park to place portable classroom on the site. This could be a short term solution depending on the bond issue. City Planner Graser txmem*ad per memo dated 6/la/87. The Planning Commission commented on the variance request with regard to parking facilities being deleted, delivery trucks access, bond issue with no interest so far, and any alternative sites for portables. r► �•� r•.. .• r •..y •.•• r.►' - n• •;- •' wr. �►: ••. a rn�• U a vote taken, ayes by Kedrowski Loftus. lloseth. WUls; Arnold abstention; I7= IV - CDFUTTrnasr, WE PEA%= MMYP CKTI N FOR Ar.rwr_ T.r. _ TaraNn ViFAn 529 AME $1 Hon Swanson representative for Al mac, Inc. commented on the modification to include all 31 lots to have lake access instead of 21 lots. They are only requesting the number of people who can use the boat slips not the number of slips to increase since Outlot A was always expressed for backlot access. City Planner Graser commented per mew dated 6/18/87. At this time audience input was called for. The area residents had concerns over increase of traffic on the small bay causing accidents, shallowness of the bay creating mud and erosion, wildlife being disturbed, concrete trucks cleaning out rigs in bay and bringing mud onto streets, construction noise starting at 5:30 A.M., and Outlot A property title. : ✓ re>rrvres OF THE PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMPIISSION June 18, 1987 At this time City Planner Graser stated that a telephone call was received from an area resident opposed to more boat slips in the bay. The Planning Commissioners discussed the increase in association membership for backlot access in Island View 5th Addition. M:7PION BY KEDWASKI TO MODIFY THE EXISTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ISSUED 9 -20-87 FOR THE ESTAB LISHMENT OF ISLAND VIM 5TH ADDITION HOMEOf =S ASSOCIATION TO EXPAND THE MEMBERSHIP FROM 21 TO 31 THUS INCLUDING ALL LOTS THAT ARE IN THE SUBDIVISIIXy SECONDED BY ROSETH. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Redraw ski, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; Arnold abstention; the motion carried. MOTION BY ROBBIH TO ADJOURN THE JUNE 18, 1987 PRIOR LAID; PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, BBODMDED BY WELIS. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Redra,ski, BMus, Lbsseth, Wells; the motion passed unanimousl The meeting adjourned at 9s20 P.N. BMW GRNSER DIFAC OR OF PLAAaM 97