HomeMy WebLinkAbout87-MARCHM CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 19, 1987 The March 19, 1987 Prior Lake Planning Commission meeting was called to order at 7 :32 P.M. by Vice Chairman Roseth. Present were Commissioners Arnold, Wells, Kedrowski, City Planner Graser, and Assistant City Planner Garross. Commissioner Loftus arrived at 7:50 P.M. MOTION BY ARNOLD TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 5, 1987 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AS PRESENTED, SECONDED BY WELLS. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Kedrwski, Roseth, Wells; the motion carried. ITEM II - CONCEPTUAL PLAT HEARING FOR DOUG F'ARRELL - UMM SHORE OAKS Gene Simpkins and Doug Farrell, property owners, c®nented that they are seeking concept approval for a small subdivision consisting of 13 lots which is located adjacent to Carriage Hill Road. The introduction of sewer and water to the area has prompted the owners to submit development plane. City Planner Graser discussed the Conceptual Plat for North Shore Oaks This plat would come under the old Subdivision Ordinance and Conceptual Plat approval was given by Eagle Creek Township prior to its annexation to Prior Lake. Mr. Graser further commented on sewer utilities planned for the area, tree plantings, width of Carriage Hill Road, and the proposed park land. The area designated for park is low land and may not satisfy City park dedication requiremer'`s. The developer should give thought to retaining the parcel as a natural wildlife area. Staff recommends conceptual plat approval. The Planning Commissioners commented on the topography being even with little grading and filling to be done, the size of the lots, proposed price range and possibility of creating lots to accommodate garages. The Commissioners were concerned that many of the proposed lots are smaller in dimension than lots in adjacent subdivisions. Adjacent homeowners may oppose the platting of lots smaller than existing lots. It was the consensus of the Commission that the developer should proceed with their plans. At this time a 5 minute recess was called. The meeting was called back to order at 8:13 P.M. by Chairman Loftus. (612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 65372 KTNUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE PLANNING NNLMISSION MARCH 19, 1987 ITEM III =-P 1DLIC _ JJEAR IW_ (J?Mr JNUATION FUR OOLCEPT SITE PLAN - YRIOId70GD P [ AMEMIDKD BY 7GM STYE FENS WAS CALLED TO M ER Previous to the meeting at 5:30 P.M. a tour of the property for this hearing was taken by Staff, Planning Commission, developer, and area residents. Greg Halling, Engineer for Rehder Wenzel, and representative for the developer was present to answer questions. City Planner Graser reviewed past action of Priorwood P.U.D. with regard to the history of the P.U.D. and original proposal to develop 106 multi family units in a 17.4 acre parcel. The concerns of 5 years ago are similar to todays concerns. They consist of natural limitations of the site, garage space, another need for a plan with detail and good architectural design. Five years ago the Prior Lake market favored apartments and condominiums while today's market is for single family homes. Mr. Graser further commented on drainage and creek flowage, the integration of the P.U.D. development with adjacent developed neighborhoods, tot lot area, read design and collector system for safety, grading and filling destruction, flood plain and orientation of units on the property. At this time audience input was called for. The area residents were opposed to the increased density proposed, destruction of natural features, devaluation of their property, impact of development on the environmentally sensitive area, transition area between single family hones and condos or apartments with a buffer, increased heavy traffic in area if Cates and Five Hawks are connected, erosion and water flow, and tot lot location a concern for safety. The Planning Commissioners had concerns over the increased density, how changes from the first P.U.D. request to this amendment affect the density bonuses given, density bonuses should be re- evaluated, tot lot location, destruction of slopes and natural features, developers lack of concern for the environment, amount of buildable area, trails /walkways, aesthetic design, roadway circulation for safety, drainage and water flow, owner occupied or rental, engineering and parks concerns. The Commissioners were concerned that the density the developer is attempting to achieve is in direct conflict with the goals of P.U.D. development as specified in Section 6.11 of the Zoning Ordinance. MOTION BY WFLU TO DENY THE PRIONIC D P.U.D. APPLICATION AS PRESENTED BASED ON: 1. THE P.U.D. DOES HOT MEET THE REQUIREMENTS F IRBLI SHED IN THE ZONING ORDINANCE. 2. UNITS TO NORTH IN THE P.U.D. ARE TOO CLOSE TO THE PROPERTY LINE, A 15' BUFFER IS NEEDED TO RETAIN NATURAL FEATURES AND TO PROVIDE SEPARATION BETWEEN THE P.U.D. AND EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY HOMES. THE PROPOSAL SHOULD INCLUDE PLANS FOR A SIDUALK ALONG FIVE HAWKS AVENUE AND A PRIVACY FENCE BETWEEN THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND P.U.D. 3. LOCATION AND SIZE OF TOT LOOT SHOULD BE ADDRESSED AS PER STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION. 4. SINGLE FAMILY HOMES ARE RECOMMENDED ALONG NORTH EDGE OF P.U.D. FOR TRANSITION AREA AND OWNER OCCUPIED UNITS SHOULD BE ONODRFORATED AS WELL AS RENTAL UNITS. 5. INSUFFICIENT PARKING SPACES FOR P.U.D. •!tumor : ez 10 N MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COM•IISSION MARCH 19, 1987 ITEM ISI - PUBLIC HFAR COILrINUATION FOR CONCEPT SITE PLAN - PRIORWO® AMENDMENT BY T()M STEFFENS WAS CALLED TO ORDER Previous to the meeting at 5:30 P.M. a tour of the property for this hearing was taken by Staff, Planning Commission, developer, and area residents. Greg Halling, Engineer for Rehder Wenzel, and representative for the developer was present to answer questions. City Planner Graser reviewed past action of Priorwood P.U.D. with regard to the history of the P.U.D. and original proposal to develop 106 multi family units in a 17.4 acre parcel. The concerns of 5 years ago are similar to todays concerns. They consist of natural limitations of the site, garage space, another need for a plan with detail and goad architectural design. Five years ago the Prior Lake market favored apartments and condominiums while today's market is for single family hones. Mr. Graser further commented on drainage and creek flowage, the integration of the P.U.D. development with adjacent developed neighborhoods, tot lot area, road design and collector system for safety, grading and filling destruction, flood plain and orientation of units on the property. At this time audience input was called for. The area residents were opposed to the increased density proposed, destruction of natural features, de- valuation of their property, impact of development on the environmentally sensitive area, transition area between single family homes and condos or apartments with a buffer, increased heavy traffic in area if Cates and Five Hawks are connected, erosion and water flaw, and tot lot location a concern for safety. The Planning Commissioners had concerns over the increased density, haw changes from the first P.U.D. request to this amendment affect the density bonuses given, density bonuses should be re- evaluated, tot lot location, destruction of slopes and natural features, developers lack of concern for the environment, amount of buildable area, trails /walkways, aesthetic design, roadway circulation for safety, drainage and water flow, owner occupied or rental, engineering and parks concerns. The Commissioners were concerned that the density the developer is attempting to achieve is in direct conflict with the goals of P.U.D. development as specified in Section 6.11 of the Zoning Ordinance. MOTION BY WELL: TO DENY THE PRIORWOCD P.U.D. APPLICATION AS PRESENTED BASED ON: 1. THE P.U.D. DOES NOT MEET THE REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED IN THE ZONING ORDINANCE. 2. UNITS ID NORTH IN THE P.U.D. ARE TOO CLOSE 70 THE PROPERTY LINE, A 15' BUFFER IS NEEDED TO RETAIN NATURAL FEATURES AND TO PROVIDE SEPARATION BETWEEN THE P.U.D. AND EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY HOMES. 741E PROPOSAL SHOULD INCLUDE PLANS FOR A SIDEWALK ALONG FIVE HAWKS AVENUE AND A PRIVACY FENCE BETWEEN THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND P.U.D. 3. LOCATION AND SIZE OF TOT LOT SHOULD BE ADDRESSED AS PER STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION. 4. SINGLE FAMILY HOMES ARE REODMMMMM ALONG NORTH EDGE OF P.U.D. FOR TRANSITION AREA AND OWNER OCCUPIED UNITS SHOULD BE INCORPORATED AS WELL AS RENTAL UNITS. 5. INSUFFICIENT PARKING SPACES FOR P.U.D. aim nw �w•m y MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 19, 1967 Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Kedrowski, Loftus, ROseth, Wells; the motion carried. MOTION BY AR40LD TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR OONCEPT SITE PLAN - PRIOM30D P.U.D. AMENDMENT BY TOM STEFFENS, SEODMED BY ROSEIH. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Kedrowski, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; the motion carried. *The tape of this hearing will be kept on file in the office of the C.'.ty Planner as the official record of this Public Hearing. At this time a 5 minute recess was called. The meeting resumed at 10:05 P.M. ITEM IV - CON11NUED VARIANCE REQUEST RV GREG BIDE Greg Eide commented that the request is for a 24 garage to the south side of his house. Assistant City Planner Garross commented per memo dated 3/5/87 with regard to safety onto County Road 81. Also stating that a call from Brad Larson, Scott County Highway Engineer was received. The County would be opposed to this variance request due to the creation of another access point onto County Road 81. Staff was concerned that a safe intersection could not be achieved due to existing topography on the site. The Planning Commissioners commented on the topography of the lot with concern over the steep slope and limited landing space at County Road 81. The Commissioners were concerned that the intersection of the driveway and County Road 81 would cause an unsafe situation for the homeowner and traffic on the County Road. MOTION BY ARN(LD TO DENY THIS RBXES ' FOR A 34 FOOT FRONT YARD VARIANCE FR(M7 THE SOUTHEAST PROPERTY LINE FOR 3013 FAIRVIEW ROAD SINCE THE SLOPE PRESENTS AN UNSAFE M DITICN FOR ACCESS TO CDUNFY ROAD 81, SHOOMM BY ROBETH. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Kedrowski, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; the motion carried. ITEM V - 0XVINUM VARIAN10E RR7x7R_ST RV DON ALBER S Don Alberts commented on the request for an 8' frontyard and 4 south side yard variance to build a garage. Mr. Alberts presented two letters from abutting property owners, Ardis Bergh north side property owner and Mr. 6 Mrs. Michael Wagner south side property owners, riot opposed to the variance request. Also Mr. Alberts presented pictures stowing lot lines and house which he bought as such. Assistant City Planner Garross commented per memo dated 3/19/87 with regard that the lot exceeds minimum lot size requirements, the applicant purchased the home with full knowledge of the garage and driveway situation, and lack of hardship as specified in Section 7.6 of the City Zoning Ordinance. The Planning Commissioners discussed the variance and understood the situation. However there was concern over setting an irreversible precedent. 3 MINUTES OF 141E PRIOR LAKE PLANNING C0194MION MARCH 19, 1987 MOTION BY ROSETH TO DENY THE APPLICATION FOR 4'11" SIDE YARD AND 8' FRONT YARD VARIANCE FOR 19704 OOJE AVENUE S.E. SINCE IT DOES NOT CONFORM TD THE PRIOR LAKE ZONING 01MINANCE SECTION 7.6 AND GRMITING WOULD SET AN IRREVERSIBLE PRECEDENT, SECONDED BY ARNOLD. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Kedrowski, Roseth, Wells; nay by Loftus (He felt there was a hardship not caused by the applicant.); the motion carried. MOTION BY ROSEIH TO AA70URN THE MARCH 19, 1987 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, SECONDED BY ARNOLD. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Kedrowski, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. 4