HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 May Planning Commission Minutes50 1 M of P�ato� lip N ES P PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS MAY 13, 1993 - 7:00 P.M. TO 9:30 P.M. I. INTRODUCTION - HORST GRASER II. THE WILDS PUD - DEVELOPMENT TEAM Design (deviation from zoning standards) Physical Features Gradin Utilitias Parks 6 Open Space Housinq Construction Timing III. REVIEW OF TIMELINE - HORST GRASER IV. OTHER ISSUES 4629 Dakota St. SE., Prior "ke, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 AN eQM OPPOxrurmv EMPLOM 411 ,�P \NNE 'A50693" REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Thursday, May 6, 1993 7:30 P.M. Call Meeting to Order. a) Review Minutes of Previous Meeting. 7:35 p.m. 1. Public Hearing to consider the Preliminary Plat of Forest Oaks 8:30 P.M. 2. Public Hearing to consider Rezoning schematic and Preliminary P.U.D., and Preliminary Plat approval of Cardinal Heights 10:00 p.m. 3. Public Hearing to consider a minor Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zoning Code Amendment to add policies regarding Agricultural Preserves Other Business a) Review Wavelength- Establish calendar of meeting dates. b) Final review of Realtor Workshop Recommendations (Commissioner Greenfield) c) Discuss Revised Meeting Format (Commissioner Greenfield) All times stated on the Planning Commission Aqenda, with the exception of Public Hearings, are approximate and may start a few minutes earlier or later than the scheduled time. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior lake, Mirmesota 55372 ! Ph (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 AN EQUAL OPPORT MfY EMKO M PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 6, 1993 The May 6, 1993, Planning Commission Meeting was called to order by Roseth at 7:30 P.M. Those present were Commissioners Roseth, Arnold, Loftus and Greenfield, Director of Planning Horst Graser, Associate Planner James Hayes, and Secretary Rita Schewe. Commissioner Wuellrer arrived at 8:12 P.M. ITEM I - REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Commissioner Arnold stated on page 12, paragraph 1, line 3, correct the spelling of the word "that". MOTION BY ARNOLD, SECOND BY GREENFIELD, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS CORRECTED. Vote taken signified ayes by Arnold, Greenfield, Roseth, and Loftus. MOTION CARRIED. A brief recess was called at 7:31 P.M. The meeting was reconvened at 7:35 P.M. ITEM II - .._ PUBLIC HEARING - PRELIMINARY AT OF FOREST OAKS The Public Hearing was called to order at 7:35 P.M. to consider the Preliminary Plat of Forest Oaks. The public was in attendance and a sign -up sheet was circulated. Ron Swanson, Valley Surveying Company, Prior Lake, representing the applicant Robert Paschke, gave the presentation for the Forest Oaks Subdivision. The subject property is 3.7 acres located northeast of the intersection of Forest Circle and Fish Point Road. The proposal is to divide the land into 8 single family lots that would be custom built to fit each lot to save as many trees as possible. Much of the area will not be disturbed during the development. Horst Graser, Director of Planning, presented the information as per memo of May 6, 1993. The subdivision is being processed according to Section 6 -3 -1, Abbreviated Subdivision Process of Prior Lake Ordinance 87 -10 and is consistent with the requirements. The entire site is wooded with a mixture of mature trees, scrub brush and wild flowers. There are no wetlands on the property as defined by the Wetlands Act of 1991. Outlot A will be dedicated to the City for a public roadway. Shoreland _ Ordinance doers not permit clear cutting, but does allow for a (WORD- -does) building pacr (5-20-93) 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 AN EQUAL OPPOMNM FMPIDYFR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MAY 6, 1993 PAGE 2 Vicki Hunter -15347 Fish Point Road, stated that when their home was built the contractor tried to save the trees at the time of construction but six months later they died. Lawrence Schweich - 22222 Dodd Blvd. Lakeville, asked what the plans for Kortsch Trail will be, and at the time he was developing the area he was not allowed to develop the way the applicant is proposing and was quite vehement in voicing his opinion. The public portion of the hearing was closed. commissioner Loftus spoke on Mr. Schweich's situation. Ron Swanson stated the owner of the property refused to sell to allow connections of the neighborhoods. Commissioner Arnold spoke on tree preservation and each lot would be custom designed and graded to fit that design to save as many trees as possible. Commissioner Greenfield spoke on a gradingq plan, compaction and there should be guidance to each prospective buyer on home design and grading. Commissioner Roseth commented on tree replacement. MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY ARNOLD, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 93 -02PC FOR APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF FOREST OARS •FIRST ADDITION, RATIONALE BEING IT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND IS COMPLIANT WITH THE PRIOR LAKE SUBDIVISION AND ZONING ORDINANCES. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Arnold, Greenfield, and Roseth. Commissioner Wuellner abstained as he arrived during the presentation. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY ARNOLD, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. Vote taken signified ayes by Arnold Loftus, Roseth, and Greenfield, Commissioner Wuellner abstained. NOTION CARRIED. The Public Hearing was closed at 8:15 P.M. A recess was called at 8:19 P.M. The meeting was reconvened at 8:30 P.M. ITEM III- PUBLIC HEARING - CARDINAL HEIGHTS- REZONING SCHEMATIC AND NARY LAT P. . AND PRELIM Y The Public Hearing was called to order at 8:30 P.M. The public was in attendance and a sign -up sheet was circulated. Rick Packer of the Sienna Corporation presented the information on the project and history of the company. The subject site is 147 acres located within the corporate limits Of the City Of Prior Lake, east of the St. Michael cemetery, south of Prior Lake Senior High School, east of the Credit River Township /Prior Lake line and north of Markley Lake. It is a difficult lot to develop due to the topography. The property will have 221 lots which meet the zoning requirements with the exception of so lots that PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MAY 6, 1993 PAGE 3 have a lot width less that the code requirement of 80 feet. The lot prices will be approximately $35,000 each and the homes to be built will be approximately $140,000 to $180,000. The applicant requests to vary the tree planting regulation, is: one tree would be planted in the front yard and the other tree would be clustered throughout the subdivision to create a pleasing effect in landscaping also uniform mailboxes will be furnished to provide a neat street image. A decrease of five (5) feet setback on the garage side yard is being requested. All of the engineering concerns have been discussed with the Engineering neering Department and solutions have been worked out. The applicant in favor of extending a sidewalk along Crossandra Street to Fish Point Road from the westerly property edge but does object to the Parks Department request to extend sidewalks throughout the outlots. Horst Graser presented the information as per memo of May 6, 1993. The application presented by the Sienna Corporation is for Rezoning, Schematic and Preliminary PUD Plan, and Preliminary Plat for Cardinal Heights. As these items are interelated all three should be discussed at this hearing. The development will be done in four phases. The rezoning request is to rezone approximately 36.48 acres from R -4 Mixed Code Residential to R -1 Urban residential; approximately 17.26 acres from C -1 Conservation to R -1 Urban Residential; approximately 5.92 acres from C -1 Conservation to R -1 Urban Residential; and approximately 2.76 acres from C -1 Conservation to R -1 Urban Residential. The rezoning would downzone portions of the site to a lower density which would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Resolution 93 -03PC outlines the application and rationale for the rezoning application. The P.U.D. section of the Zoning ordinance allows the developer to vary lot size, street size, and setback requirements as deal��nn options to reflect market conditions. The applicant wishes to change three items. 1. Requests that the front yard tree be allowed to cluster in strategic places thoughout the development. 2. A reduction in lot width from the minimum of 80 feet down to 70 feet. 3. The setback from side property lines from 10 feet down to 5 feet for garage only. The many natural features of the site were discussed such as the slopes, considerable overstory, marshes, and Markley Lake. The developer will not fill drain, or touch any of the wetlands. Trail systems will link the area. outlot D may be redesigned. The eyebrow cul -de -sacs are not allowed on Municipal State aid roads. The developer is proposing a 50 foot right -ofway except for Crossandra Street. The property is a search area for additional well sites. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MAY 6, 1993 PAGE 4 Resolution 93 -04PC outlines the contingencies for the approval of the Schematic and Preliminary P.U.D. plan for Cardinal Heights. Resolution 93 -OSPC outlines the contingencies for the approval of the Preliminary Plat for Cardinal Heights. Terri Pherson -15538 Fish Point Road, stated her neighborhood is concerned on the traffic and wanted know what controls will be used. She has no problem with the development concept. Ron Ceminsky -5239 Brooks Circle SE, asked if there would be any restrictive covenants and what would the timeframe of development be. Mike Novak Jr. -5535 Bounty St. SE, said restrictive covenants are needed. Alma Picha -5940 160th St., stated that she had 2.72 acres and wants the sewer and water to her property. Bill Schmokel -4151 Grainwood Circle, asked what the status of the improvement of 160th Street. He has no problems with the development, liked the tree planting concept, but is concerned on the drainage for narrow lots. Robert Mastons -16181 Fillmore Ave. SE, is impressed with the plan but feels there should be covenants. Encouraged the building of trails to link neighborhoods. Wanted assurance there would be single family homes only and not multi - family. A question from the floor was asked on street lighting, and additional school children coming into the district. Bruce Loney Assistant City Engineer responded to the question on lighting Bill Schmokel answered as spokeperson for the school district and gave information on the financial assessment of students. Ron Ceminsky -5239 Brooks Circle SE, asked if there would be cement or blacktop curb 6 gutter. Mr. Loney answered it would be cement. The public portion of the hearing was closed. Commissioner Arnold liked the open space of the plan but was concerned on the traffic flow of the neighborhood and on lots that have roads on both sides. Mr. Packer stated that landscaping would be done for these lots. Mr. Loney commented on the traffic increase and upcoming street projects in 1994 and 1995. Commissioner Greenfield felt that 70 foot lots are not wide enough and there should be plans in place for road improvements when a subdivision is brought in. Mr. Loney said County Road 44 is a county road and the city will work with them. Commissioner Wuellner was concerned on lot sizes and can envision variances in the future with the 5 foot setback. The subject site is a PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MAY 6, 1993 PAGE 4 beautiful area and would encourage a trail system or sidewalks, restrictive covenants and asked the status of Outlot P and was informed it would be given to the City. Commissioner Loftus talked on the explosive growth and the impact on schools, traffic, emergency services, and Mrs. Picha's situation was discussed. At 10:20 P.M., Chairman Roseth called to order the 10:00 P.M. Public Hearing on the Agricultural Preserve Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Zoning Code Amendment and placed this item on the agenda after the conclusion of the Cardinal Heights Public Hearing. Ken Applebaum -1040 East 146th St. Burnsville explained that the school district would be Prior Lake but the fire department would be Savaga. The people moving into the development would be paying taxes to help support the schools and police services. Prior Lake will expand as other communities are filled. Does Prior Lake take the attitude of "we have ours, you qo someplace else" to new development. Mr. Applebaum commended Sienna Corporation on their concept. Commissioner Roseth voiced his concerns on the traffic and road connections- Commission- Greenfield suggested-an-adjustment of removing 4 lots to increase the lot width of other lots. NOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY GREENFIELD, TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARINGS FOR REZONING, SCHEMATIC AND PRELIMINARY P.U.D. PLAN, AND PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR CARDINAL HEIGHTS TO MAY 20, 1993, AT 8:30 P.M. To FURTHER REVIEW AND ADD THE FOLLOWING CONTINGENCIES TO THE LIST OF 1 -4 IN RESOLUTION 93 -05PCJ 5. ADJUSTMENT TO LOT 25 -BLOCK 12, LOT 6 -BLACK 13, LOT 10 -BL0CK 15, LOT 21, BLOCK 7, TO INCREASE LOT FRONTAGE. 6. DISCOURAGE THE FIVE (5) FOOT GARAGE SETBACK. 7. PROPOSAL FOR TRAFFIC PLAN AND ADJUSTMENT TO THE SPEED LIMIT IN THE INTERIM. S. WORK WITH STAFF TO DEVELOP A PLAN FOR SIDEWALKS AND TRAIL SYSTEMS. 9. ESTABLISH BOUL�kVARDS PROPOSAL ON WIDTH, SIDEWALKS, TREES, AND TRAIL SYSTEMS AND INTEGRATE INTO THE AGREEMENT. 10. SCREENING METHOD FOR LOTS 4, 5, 6, BLACK 12. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Greenfield, Wuellner, Roseth, and Arnold. MOTION CARRIED. A recess was called at 10:42 P.M. The meeting was reconvened at 10:55 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN A}LENOMENT AND ZON NG CODE $ CI G G AUXILWUNUMAL FX5b ZXVZ0 The Public Hearing was called to order at 10:56 P.M. The public was in attendance and a sign -up sheet was circulated. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MAY 6, 1993 PAGE 5 Horst Graser presented the information as per memo of Titan 1993. The City of Prior Lake was contacted by the Metropo Council in January of 1993 and advised that the City's Com prehensive Plan did not contain proper reference to Agricultural Preserve policies nor were existing agricultural Preserves indicated on the Land Use Map. The Metropolitan Council Staff recommended that the City submit a minor comprehensive plan amendment to correct the discrepancy. Harold Bohlen -13380 Hickory Avenue, voiced his objections to the amendments on the grounds it would give the City too many restrictions for growth and felt it would stop development. Consensus from the Commissioners were in favor of the amendments. MOTION BY ARNOLD, SECOND BY WUELLNER, TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO THE PRIOR LAKE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO ADD A POLICY STATEMENT AND MAP CHANGES RELATIVE TO DESIGNATED AGRICULTURAL PRESERVE LANDS. Vote taken signified ayes by Arnold, Wuellner, Roseth, Loftus, and Greenfield. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION • BTI- LOFTUS SECOND.BY*�3WELTMRFbf AN TO PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE AND ZONING ORDINANCE TO CHANGE AGRICULTURAL PRESERVE REGULATIONS. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Wusliner, Greenfield, Arnold, and Roseth. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY NUELLNER, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO ADJOURN THE PUBLIC HEARINGS. Vote taken signified Wuellner, Loftus, Arnold, Greenfield, and Roseth. MOTION CARRIED. Public Hearing closed at 11:35 P.M. ITEM 5 - OTHER BUSINESS a) Review Wavelength- Establish calendar of meeting dates. Jim Hayes, Associate Planner presented information on the format and dates for neighborhood meetings. The first meeting is scheduled for June 17, 1993 at 6:30 - 8:30 P.M. and will be held regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting nights. Several neighborhoods will be on the agenda per meeting On May 20 the format will be discussed on conducting the neighborhood meetings. The Commissioners were informed of a special workshop with the City Council, Economic Development Committee, and the Planning Commission on The Wilds on May 13, 1993, at 6 :30 P.M. b) Final Review of Realtor Workshop Recommendations - Commissioner Greenfield. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MAY 6, 1993 PAGE 6 Commissioner reviewed his recommendations in his letter of April 1, 1993, Exhibit E. MOTION BY GREENFIELD, SECOND BY WUELLNER, TO ADOPT THE RECOMMENDATIONS AS PRINTED AND TO FORWARD TO THE CITY COUNCIL. Vote taken signified ayes by Greenfield, Wuellner, Roseth, Arnold, and Loftus. MOTION CARRIED. c) Discuss Revised Meeting Format- Commissioner Greenfield stated Commissioner Wuellner is the presenter. A discussion followed on various ways of conducting the planning commission meetings and possible changing the procedure to an informal atmosphere. A discussion on tree replacement followed. MOTION BY GREENFIELD, SECOND BY ARNOLD, TO DIRECT STAFF TO RESEARCH AND PRESENT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION, A POSSIBLE TREE REPLACEMENT AMENDMENT AS A PRESERVATION OF NATURAL AMENITIES. vote taken signified ayes Greenfield, Arnold, Roseth, Nnsllner, and Loftus. MOTION CARRIED: .. .... .. -. .. _. MOTION BY ARNOLD, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO ADJ THE MEETING. Vote taken signified ayes by Arnold, Loftus, Roseth, Greenfield, and Wuellner. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 12:20 A.M. Tapes of the nesting on file at City Hall. Horst Graser Rita M. Schur* Director of Meeting Recording Secretary XI "AGENDA" REGULAR PL`niiriZNG G ®M[7YNulON AGENDA Thursday, May 20, 1993 7:30 p.m. Call Meeting to Order. a) Review Minutes of Previous Meeting. 7:35 P.M. 1. Planning District Workshop 8:30 p.m. 2. Cardinal Heights P.U.D., Rezoning, and Preliminary Plat - Continued 3. Other Business All times stated on the Planning Commission Agenda, with the exception of Public Hearings, are approximate and may start a few minutes earlier or later than the scheduled time. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 AN EQUAL OPPORn1NRY Fbi %MM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MAY 20, 1993 The May 20, 1993, Planning Commission Meeting was called to order by Chairman Roseth at 7:30 P.M. Those present were Commissioners Roseth, Arnold, Loftus, Greenfield, Director of Planning Horst Graser, Associate Planner James Hayes, and Secretary Rita Schewe. Commissioner Wuellner was absent. ITEM I - REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Commissioner Arnold stated on page 1, paragraph 8, line 9, to change the word "doers" to "does" for the sentence to read "Shoreland Ordinance does not permit clear cutting, but does allow for a building pad ". MOTION BY ARNOLD, SECOND BY LOFTUS TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS AMENDED. Vote taken signified ayes by Arnold, Loftus, Roseth, and Greenfield. MOTION CARRIED. Discussion on The Wilds workshop followed and possibly setting up a time to walk the site. ITEM II - PLANNING DISTRICT WORKSHOP Associate Planner Hayes gave an outline of the information and procedure to inform different neighborhoods of the meeting schedule through an insert in the Wavelength and a notice in the Prior Lake American. The amount of time allotted to each neighborhood would be approximately 40 minutes. Mr. Grazer stated a list of questions were included in the Wavelength to allow the public an opportunity to preview the items to discuss. Commissioner Greenfield suggested a thank you letter to the public for attending the neighborhood meetings would be in order to put in a letter of introduction handout at the meetings. A notice will be sent to neighborhood associations. Councilman Gene White, who was present in the audience, suggested that at the closure of each neighborhood meeting, any additional comments could be sent in to be complied later. A recess was called at 8:25 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 8:30 P.M. ITEM III - CARDINAL HEIGHTS REZONING SCHEMATIC AND PRELIMINARY PLAT P.U.D.. AND PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL - CONTINUED The Public Hearing was recalled to order at 8:30 P.M. The public 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 AN EQUAL OPPORrUNnY BTLQ'ER PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MAY 20, 1993 PAGE 2 was in -- attendance. A sign -up sheet was circulated. Rick Packer representative for Sienna Corporation 4940 Viking Drive, Edina, MN, stated the name of the development had been changed to Cardinal Ride. A slide presentation of the various projects developed by Sienna Corporation was shown. Homes built with a five foot garage side setback were shown as well as the landscaping and architectural control that is part of Sienna's standards. Mr. Packer explained the rational of using a five foot setback enables varying designs and allows more visible green space in one location between houses. Mr. Packer is requesting a P.U.D. for their development and a transfer of 5 lots for 55 acres of open space. Director of Planning Horst Graser gave an brief outline on the modifications for Cardinal Ridge. Cul -de -sac L was extended into Outlot C, gaining two lots. The objective was to eliminate an eyebrow style cul -de -sac. Cul -de -Sac G was added using a small portion of Outlot D. The open space southeast of the intersection of Sections E & F is being platted as a lot. A 60 foot exposure to Outlot C is incorporated between Lots 11 and 12, Block 8, to accommodate a city trail. The total number of lots increased from 221 to 223. The lots per gross acre increased from 1.55 units to 1.57 units. The public open space decreased from 55.49 to 52.81 acres. Questions that were raised by the public were addressed as per memo of May 20, 1993. County Road 44 is in the jurisdiction of Scott County and is in the CIP for 1994. Fish Point Road was designed as a collector and State money used for this project. The issue remaining is the five foot garage setback. The objective of a P.U.D. is to provide the opportunity for a developer to change densities, move things around , provide wildlife systems in the area and vary designs. The reduction in lots sizes is realistic and can be substantiated. The lots that are requested to be reduced is in the center of the development and there is 388 open space. The development meets the intent of the P.U.D. code and fits the topography of the area. The development addresses the needs of transportation, parks, and trail systems. All Outlots will be owned by the City and will be open space. City Engineer Larry Anderson, stated that the streets, sewer and water are adequate for the area. County 44 will have a signal when warrants are met. The Engineering Department has reviewed the plans submitted by Sienna and all plans have been completed for Preliminary Plat. Prior to final plat approval appropriate easements for drainage, trunk line utilities and acceptable grading, sewer & water, and paving plans will need to be submitted. Carl Hanson 4065 Raspberry Ridge Road, objected to the size of the lots, density and the development is unattractive. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MAY 20, 1993 PAGE 3 Terri Pherson -15538 Fish Point Road, felt the concerns of the existing neighborhood were not met, traffic issues were not addressed and their neighborhood would be destroyed because of the development. Alma Picha -5940 160th St. SE, asked for clarification on where sewer and water will be installed which was explained to her. commissioner Greenfield stated he was disappointed that something could not be done with the traffic situation, number of children would increase the capacity for schools, open space, number of lots increased and was not in favor of the 5 foot reduction for garage. At this point Mr. Greenfield displayed a tape measure and measured out 5 feet to show the amount of setback that would be reduced. He felt the development does not warrant P.U.D. status and will not recognize it as such. He then read the P.U.D. definitions from the ordinance. Mr. Greenfield read the park memo from Parks Director Bill Mangan regarding designated park space. Commissioner Loftus commented on the traffic safety issues and preservation of natural amenities. Mr. Loftus also commented on having quality builders and affordable housing which would be a trade off in density. Commissioner Roseth asked the procedure on tree preservation and removal, and was in favor of the development. Commissioner Arnold suggested adjusting lot lines to lessen the number of smaller lots and pointed out where several lots could be changed, but was in favor of the P.U.D. Mr. Packer stated that their plan is sensitive to the area and is a compromised plan and will not be changed any further. Larry Anderson informed the Commissioners that the open space designated is what Staff requested and explained the drainage system for the development and adjoining area. Mr. Graser explained the conditions of a P.U.D. and when the developer is asked to give up something the City has to give credit in another area and it would be an exchange. After Conferring with Commissioner Arnold on lot adjustments, Mr. Packer stated he could see where some lines could be changed and would direct his staff to do so. MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY ARNOLD, TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THE APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION 93 -03 TO RECOMMEND THE REZONING OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ON THE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A SUBMITTED BY THE SIENNA CORPORATION. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Arnold, Roseth and Greenfield. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY ARNOLD, SECOND BY ROSETH, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. Vote taken signified ayes by Arnold, Roseth, Loftus, and PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MAY 20, 1993 PAGE 4 Greenfield. MOTION CARRIED. The Public Hearing was closed at 10:55 PM. MOTION LOFTUS, SECOND BY ROSETH, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 93 -04 OF T'E SCHEMATIC AND PRELIMINARY P.U.D. PLAN AS AMENDED FOR CARDINAL )GE. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Roseth, and Arnold. Nay by Commissioner Greenfield. MOTION CARRIED. Commissioner Greenfield stated his rationale for nay was objection to granting a P.U.D. status, open space is overinflated, and the usefulness of Outlots A 6 F justify that being stricken from the land being allotted is useful public land and diminishes the significant P.U.D. status. MOTION BY ARNOLD, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. Vote taken signified ayes Arnold, Loftus, Greenfield, and Roseth. MOTION CARRIED. Public Hearing closed at 10:57 P.M. MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY ROSETH, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 93 -05 FOR THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF CARDINAL RIDGE AS AMENDED. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Roseth, Greenfield, and Arnold. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY ARNOLD, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. Vote taken signified ayes by Arnold, Loftus, Roseth, and Greenfield. MOTION CARRIED. Public Hearing closed at 10:58 P.M. A request came from Assistant City Manager Kay Kuhlmann, to hold a special public hearing meeting to adopt the Business Parks Standards. The date of Tuesday, June 15, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. was set. MOTION BY ARNOLD, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Vote taken signified ayes by Arnold, Loftus, Greenfield, and Roseth. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adj.rned at 11:10 P.M. Tapes of the meeting are on file at City Hall. Horst W. Graser Rita M. Schewe Director of Planning Recording Secretary