HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 01 1990 Planning Commission minutesCENSUS '90 I s REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA FEBRUARY 1, 1990 7:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER 7:30 P.M. REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 7:35 P.M. HEARING DISCUSSION OF REDEVELOPMENT STAFF PROJECT NO. 2 PLAN AND ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION FINDING REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. * Indicates a Public Hearing All times stated on the Planning Commission Agenda, with the exception of Public Hearings, are approximate and may start a few minutes later than scheduled. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 1, 1990 The February 1 order at 7::3 MOTION BY WELLS, SECOND BY WRITTEN. Vote taken signified aye and Roseth. MOTION CARRIED amission Meeting was :called to Kedrowski.. Those ;present were maki, Wells, Roseth, Director t City Planner Deb?Garross, and i- MINUTES TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS ftus, Arnold, Kedrowksi, Wells, rdracommendation to the at Scanticon. All Kay Mr. this long range planning. Mr.` the proposed development i Kathleen Nye, representat information on the Sup. Priordale Mall district. 30,000 sq. feet, and the existing mall. The li discussed and samples of Construction on the pro77'eq date for the store ovenino nformation for the e. charge at Resolution plan is e Plan and gmente of presented sod in the y Market, ar to the oject was re shown. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 2, 1990 PAGE 2 Mr. Graser reviewed the site plan and several comments from the Staff on the plan. The Commissioners were advised that their input and conceptual approval of the site plan would be forwarded to the Council. Chairman Kedrowski informed the Commissioners of the three items that they are to consider, the overview of the project, Comprehensive Plan consistency, and site plan approval. Recess called at 8:32 P.M. Meeting recalled to order at 8:45 P.M. Comments from the Commissi parking zone, ring road corral, enhancing gate en defined, bus shelter, irand '. alignment. All were in agr MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY WELLS, TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION WHEREBY THE PLANNING COMMISSION FINDS, THE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PLAN NO. 2 IN CONFORMANCE TO THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. Vote taken signified ayes by Arnold, Wells, Kedrowski, Loftus and Roseth. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY WELLS, SECOND BY ROSETH, TO SUPPORT THE CONCEPT AND OVERVIEW PLAN OF THE PROJECT AS PRESENTED AND THIS APPROVAL BE FORWARDED TO THE CITY COUNCIL. Vote taken signified ayes by Roseth, Wells, Kedrowski, Arnold, and Loftus. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY ARNOLD, TO SUPPORT THE SUPER VALUE SITE PLAN WITH THE FOLLOWING RECOMMENDATIONS, . 1. THE ALIGNMENT OF TOWER STREET BE SHOWN ON THE SITE PLAN. 2. THE ALIGNMENT OF TORONTO AVENUE BE SHOWN ON THE SITE PLAN. 3. PARKING ISLANDS AND STRIPING OF PARKING LOT BE INCORPORATED IN THE SITE PLAN.. 4. DEFINE SPACE /SITE:LINES NEXT TO:PRIORDALEtMALL. 5. SIDEWALKS ON THE EAST AND WEST SIDES OF BUILDING SHOULD BE WIDENED TO 8 FEET. 6. BUS SHELTER AND CART CORRAL LOCATION BE INDENTIFIED IN SITE PLAN. 7. PARKING ISLANDS BE DEFINED IN THE MIDDLE ROW OF THE SW PARKING LOT. 8. SIDEWALKS BE LOCATED ON TORONTO, TOWER AND DULUTH AVENUE TO CONSOLIDATE THE BU6INESS DISTRICT. 9. PARALLEL PARKING IS RECOIIENDED ON WEST SIDE OF ::BUILDING TO ENHANCE MOVEMENT OF TRAFFIC AND TO ALLOW FOR EASY ACCESSIBLE HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 1, 1990 PAGE 3 10. A COORDINATED LIGHTING CONCEPT BE DEVELOPED FOR THE ENTIRE SITE. 11. PRIORDALE MALL LOADING ZONE BE REVIEWED WITH REDESIGN OF TORONTO AVENUE. 12. LANDSCAPING - TREES SHOULD BE 40 FEET APART INSTEAD OF 100 FEET. 13. A SPRINKLER SYSTEM SHOULD BE INSTALLED TO MAINTAIN PLANTINGS. 14. PLANTING MATERIALS SHOULD BE OF LOW MAINTENANCE AND DURABLE. Vote taken signified ayes by Roseth, Wells, Arnold, Loftus and Kedrowski. MOTION CARRIED. A brief discussion on Scanticon and future meetings for Commissioners followed. MOTION BY WELLS, SECOND BY ARNOLD, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Vote taken signified ayes by Roseth, Wells, Arnold, Loftus and Kedrowski. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 9:53 P.M. Tapes of meeting are on file at city Hall. Horst Graser Rita M. Schewe Director of Planning Recording Secretary CENSUS •0 40 NOTICE: TO: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS FROM: NORST GRASER, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING RE: PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 9, 1990 You are hereby notified the the Prior Lake Planning commission will not convene their regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, February 15, 1990. The meeting has been cancelled due to lack of items. The next scheduled meeting will be March 1, 1990. Please review the enclosed documents and be ready to comment on at the March 1, 1990, meeting. 4629 Dakota St. SE., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 1 Ph. (612) 4474230 1 Fax (612) 4474245