HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 June Planning Commission Minutes_jL m� REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA 7LVE 15, 1989 7:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER 7:30 P.M. REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING * 7:35 P.N. PUBLIC HEARING- ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS STAFF * Indicates a Public Hearing All times stated on the Planning Commission Agenda, with the exception of Public Hearings, are approximate and may start a few minutes later than scheduled. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 1 Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 ` jI PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 15. 1989 The June 15, 1989 Prior Lake Planning Commission Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Wells. Present were Commissioners Loftus, Roseth, Wells, Kedrowski, Arnold, Deb Garross, Assistant City Planner and Gary Schmitz, Planning Intern. An invitation will be extended to Pat Lynch of the D.N.R. to attend a Planning Commission Meeting and meet the Commissioners. Commissioner Kedrowski's discussion on procedural tactics tabled until after the Public Hearing. ITEM I - REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING MOTION BY ROSETH, SECOND BY KEDROWSKI, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JUNE 1, 1989 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. Vote taken signified ayes. MOTION CARRIED. ITEM II PUBLIC HEARING - ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS Public Hearing was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Wells. Public was not in attendance. Gary Schmitz presented the information on the Zoning Ordinance Amendments as per memo of June 15, 1989, and ask-4 the Commissioners to act on each amendment when presented. ATTACHMENT 1 - Definitions were given with changes made to the following: DECK - a flat, floored, roofless area, adjoining a house supported on footings. GAZEBO - a detached roofed free standing porch or screen house. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY ARNOLD, RECOMMENDED THAT ATTACHMENT 1, THE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE DEFINITIONS, BE ADDED TO ORDINANCE 8.1. vote taken signified ayes. MOTION CARRIED. SECTION 4.2 - MOTION BY ARNOLD, SECOND BY KEDROWSKI, A RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL, TO APPROVE ATTACHMENT 2 IN ITS ENTIRETY, EXCEPT FOR THE DEFINITION OF PLATFORM AND THAT WOULD BE CONTINGENT UPON THE REPORT FROM THE D.N.R. Vote taken signified ayes. MOTION CARRIED. 4629 Dakota St. SE., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JUNE 15, 1989 PAGE 2 MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY ARNOLD, TO REQUEST POLICY STATEMENT FROM THE ENGINEER DEPARTMENT ON EASEMENT REQUIREMENT ?ROCEDURES. Vote taken signified ayes. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY ARNOLD, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO CHANGE NUMBERING OF 4.2 TO 4.2A AND SETBACK REQUIREMENTS FOR ACCESSORY STRUCTURES NUMBERED 4.2B. Vote taken signified ayes. MOTION CARRIED. SECTION 4.1B MOTION BY ARNOLD, SECOND BY KEDROWSKI, TO CHANGE THE WORDING IN #1 OF THE PROPOSED LANGUAGE TO READ: ALL STRUCTURES AND IMPROVEMENTS NOT COVERED IN SECTION 4.2B, WHETHER OPEN OR ENCLOSED, ATTACHED OR DETACHED TO THE PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE, SHALL NOT PROJECT INTO ANY MINIMUM REQUIRED SETBACKS FOR THAT ZONING DISTRICT. Vote taken signified ayes. MOTION CARRIED. SECTION 6.2A3 MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY ROSETH, TO APPROVE STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS TO DELETE PARAGRAPH AND ADD TO 4.1B. Vote taken signified ayes. MOTION CARRIED. VARIANCES - SECTION 9.3E3 MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY ARNOLD, TO ELIMINATE SECTION 9.3E3. Vote taken signified ayes. MOTION CARRIED. STORAGE SHED POLICY STATEMENT MOTION BY ROSETH, SECOND BY KEDROWSKI, TO DELETE ATTACHMENT 3 OF POLICY STATEMENT ON STORAGE SHEDS ON LAKE TATS. Vote taken signified ayes. MOTION CARRIED. SECTION 7.61A MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY KEDROWSKI, TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED LANGUAGE AND RECOMMEND IT BE ADOPTED. Vote taken signified ayes. MOTION CARRIED. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JUNE 15, 1989 PAGE 3 CONDITIONAL USE. MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY ARNOLD, TO ADOPT THE PROPOSED LANGUAGE. Vote taken signified ayes. MOTION CARRIED. DAY CARE CENTERS Mr. Schmitz indicated the wording should be changed in the memo to the following: The ordinance amendment would add daycare facilities for less than twelve (12) children as a permitted use in the R -1 zoning district, Daycare facilities for more than twelve (12) children will remain a conditional use in the R -1 zoning district. Minnesota State Statute 462.357 Subdivision 7' requires daycare facilities for less than twelve 1 children to be a permitted use in the R -1 zoning district. See Attachment 4 for reference to the statue. MOTION BY ROSETH, SECOND BY ARNOLD, TO ACCEPT THE CHANGE OF WORDING FOR DAYCARE CENTERS. Vote taken signified ayes. MOTION CARRIED. PARKING LOTS Mr. Schmitz stated that the number should be 3.2 not 4.2 as printed. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY LOFTUS TO APPROVE PROPOSED CHANGE ON PUBLIC PARKING LOTS. Vote taken signified ayes. MOTION CARRIED. SECTION 4.2 Rural Service Area Lot Size - A -1 Agricultural District MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY ROSETH, TO ADOPT THE PROPOSED CHANGE. Vote taken signified ayes. MOTION CARRIED. C -1 Conservation District MOTION BY ROSETH, SECOND BY KEDROWSKI, TO ACCEPT THE PROPOSED CHANGE. Vote taken signified ayes. MOTION CARRIED. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JUNE 15, 1989 PAGE 4 MOTION BY ROSETH, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. Vote taken signified ayes. MOTION CARRIED. Public Hearing closed at 8:41 P.M. Commissioner Kedrowski asked for discussion on decision procedure on variance applications. Commissioner Roseth recommended that Staff devise a policy guide to use for consistency in application reviews. MOTION BY ARNOLD, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. Vote taken signified ayes. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 8:56 P.M. Tape of meeting available at City Hall. Deb Garross Rita M. Schave Assistant City Planner Recording Secretary- rn _ _j L REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA JUNE 1, 1989 7:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER 7:30 P.M. REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 7:35 P.M. SETBACK VARIANCES DEAN RANDY FLOCK 8:00 P.M. SETBACK VARIANCES CRAIG i DARLENE CRAM * Indicates a Public Hearing All times stated on the Planning Commission Aqenda, with the exception of Public Hearings, are approximate and may start a few minutes later than scheduled. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax(612)447-4245 1L� PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 1, 1989 The June 1, 1989, Prior Lake Planning Commission Meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Wells. Present were Loftus, Roseth, Wells, Kedrowski, Horst Graser, Director of Planning, Deb Garross, Assistant City Planner, and Gary Schmitz, City Planning Intern. Commissioner Arnold arrived at 7:34 P.M. ITEM I - REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING commissioner Loftus questioned whether the word OPPOSING used in the motion to grant the variance for John Bear, should be changed to IMPOSING. (Upon review of the taped proceedings by the recording secretary, the word used in the motion was OPPOSING). MOTION BY ROSETH, SECOND BY LOFTUS, TO ACCEPT MINUTES. Vote taken signified axes by Loftus, Roseth, Wells and Arnold. commissioner Kedrowski abstained from voting as he was not present at May 4, 1989 Planning Commission Meeting. Deb Garross read a letter from Mike Mueller stating that he will be leaving his position as D.N.R. Hydrologist for Scott County, to take a position with Cambridge and wished to commend the Planning Commission on their efforts and dedication to the planning and growth of Prior Lake. Commissioner Roseth commented that an invitation should be issued to Mr. Mueller's replacement to meet the Planning Commissioners. ITEM II - DEAN RANDY FLOCK VARIANCE Dean Randy Flock, #1015, 6501 Woodlake Drive, Richland, MN, stated that he is requesting a 50' lakeshore, 5' north side and 3' south side yard variance to build a single family home on Lot 11 and part of 12, Grainwood Park. Deb Garross presented information on the variance as per memo of June 1. 1989. Telephone call from Harold Dellwo, 4287 Grainwood Circle, stated that he had no objections to the variance as requested. Letter from Mike Mueller stated that the lakeshore variances should be reduced as much as possible. Letter dated May 31, 1989, from Paul Breckner of 4267 Grainwood circle, objected to the 5 foot north sidey variance next to his property. Sue Breckner stated her position the same as her husband's. Ilene Larson, 4253 Grainwood Circle, was aprehensive about the the possibilty of granting a 7 foot south side variance close to her lot but after discussion was in agreement with the variance of 5 feet. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake. Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 1 Fax (612) 4474245 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JUNE 1, 1989 PAGE 2 Comments from the Commissioners concerned the design of the proposed home and future possibility of splitting the Larson property. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY ROSETH, TO APPROVE A 3 FOOT NORTH SIDE YARD VARIANCE, 5 FOOT SOUTH SIDE YARD VARIANCE, 50 FOOT LAKE SHORE VARIANCE, 17% COVERAGE RATIO VARIANCE FOR LOT 11 AND PART OF LOT 12 GRAINWOOD PARK. JUSTIFICATION WOULD BE THE HARDSHIP CREATED BY THE SUBSTANDARD SIZE OF THE LOT. Commissioner Loftus suggested a friendly amendment to the motion stating that it should be noted that there is a precedent in the Grainwood area to allow structures on substandard lots. Amendment accepted by Commissioner Kedrowski. Commissioner Wells pointed out as the applicant had agreed to the change in the variances, the application could be amended. Vote taken signified ayes. MOTION CARRIED. ITEM II - CRAIG AND DARLENE CRAM - VARIANCE Craig Cram, wishes to build a single family home on Lot 25 and part of Lot 2 Northwood. Because of the lot size and shape the request is for a 12 foot lakeshore, 5 foot north side and 5 foot south side variance. Gary Schmitz presented information as per memo dated June 1, 1989. Scott and Judy Wheeler, 3222 Butternut Circle, oppose the southwest side yard variances. They felt the house should be redesigned. Mr. Wheeler passed out a statement to the Commissioners stating their objections. Comments from the Commissioners concerned the number of trees to be removed and that the design of the garage should be downsized. After considerable discussion a recess was called at 9:00 p.m. Th meeting was reconvened at 9:20 p.m. commissioner Walls outlined two options available to the applicant. 1. The commission will act on the application as presented. 2. Work out a compromise to amend variances. A compromise was reached by the parties involved to amend the variances requested. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES NNE 1, 1989 PAGE 3 NOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY ARNOLD, TO GRANT A 12 FOOT LAKESHORE VARIANCE, 5 FOOT NORTH SIDE VARIANCE, 3 FOOT SOUTH SIDEYARD VARIANCE. JUSTIFICATION FOR IT BEING THE CHARACTER OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD; THAT THE REQUEST WAS IN LINE WITH VARIANCES THAT HAVE BEEN GRANTED IN THE PAST AND HARDSHIP IS PRESENT DUE TO THE PIE SHAPE OF THE LOT. The applicant and the Wheelers agreed to the amendment. Vote taken signified ayes. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY ROSETH, SECOND ARNOLD, TO ADJOURN MEETING. Vote taken signified ayes. MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. *Tapes of meeting available at City Hall. Deb Garross Rita M. Schewe Assistant City Planner Recording Secretary