HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 December Planning Commission MinutesINDEX 1988 PLANNING COMAIISSION MINUTES JANUARY 7, 1988: STAFF SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE AMEND DENNIS FITZGERALD SUBDIVISION "THE TREES" P.P. PAUL/SUE BRECKNER VARIANCE DAN DUOOS VARIANCE JANUARY 21, 1988: H&H LAND DEVELOPMENT P.U.D. AME DMENP(WIND SONG) KAY SCHMUDLACH DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT DAN DUCOS VARIANCE (CONT.) PAUL BRECKNER VARIANCE (CONT.) LARRY GENSMER VARIANCE FEBRUARY 4, 1988: LARRY GENSMER VARIANCE (OONT.) KAY SCHMLDIACE DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT (CONT. ) STAFF P.C. REPRFAT AGENDA FEBRUARY 18, 1988: LAKESIDE MARINA EXPANSION OF NUN CONFORMING USE PROPERTIES, INC. WINDSONG ON THE LAKE P.U.D. AMENDMENT STAFF ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT MARCH 3, 1988: NO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DUE TO LACK OF ITEMS. MARCH 17, 1988: STAFF SIGN C DINA= MEMDM ENT STAFF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING INDEPENDENT SCHOOL VARL&JE /CONDITIONAL USE DISTRICT #719 PERMIT APRIL 7, 1988: BARB & EDMUND IARKA VARIANCE APRIL 21, 1988: JAMES DUMNA AKFSIDE NUN- CDMPORMING USE MARINA ROD STANL(WICH/ ODMDITIONAL USE PERMIT CABOOZE CRUISE LINES EXPANSION JAN BRIXIUS CO DITIQDIL USE PERMIT ROBERT DIETRICH VARIANCE KENNETH HEDBERG SHORELAMD VARIANCE KENNETH HEDBEEG LAKESHORE VARIANCE HORST GRASER IAKESHM VARIANCE MAY 5, 1988: MAY 19, 1988: JUNE 2, 1988: JUNE 16, 1988: JULY 7, 1988: INDEX 1988 PLANNING COMMISSION M1NUI'FS EDWARD BERENS HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT KAY SCRMODLAC -I DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT/ HIGHWAY 13 UPDATE MATTHEW NIEL,SON SAVAGE DEVELOPMENT /LAND USE SAVAGE PLAN /ZONE ADMIN DF, o a / r -• VARIANCE CUNT.) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CONT.) NUN — CONFORMING USE (CONT.) VARIANCE SHONM AND VARIANCE SAVAGE CITY PIANN WbISCUSSION LAND USE DEVELOPMENT . «•..,1 it N:n •,• �• � >rr CHARLES YOUN3VORST EDGENE O'KEEFE MICHAEL. McGAREY JOHN B. KELLY LARRY GENSMER (REED'S ISLAND, INC.) P.F. INC. (AN3 D) 6 40 Its «" liti•• «- / 4 k,10 ; a F . , « . SIGN VARIANCE II SING • '" •1 C is• • ri•. 7 , 1 NON CONPOAMING USE EQ'ANSICK (CONT.) VARIANCE WONT.) VARIANCE (COMP.) JULY 21, 1988: ST E P HEN COLIME HOME OCCUPATION PA4 1 MOHONALa) BUILDERS VARIANCE « HAUGEN VARIANC ROBERT PASCHIM SHORELAND VARIANCE �,VAF «' HW 13 TASK .•.r AUGUST 4, 1988: AUGUST 18, 1988: SEPTEMBER 1, 1988: SEPTEMBER 15, 1988: OCTOBER 6, 1988: OCTOBER 20, 1988: NOVEMBER 3, 1988: NOVEMBER 17, 1988: DECEMBER 1, 1988: DECEMBER 15, 1988 INDEX 1988 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES NO MEETING ROD STANKOVICH STAFF PLANNING COMMISSION VARIANCE SUB. ORD. AMENDMENT ROD STANKOVICH/ VARIANCE (CONT.) NO MEETING ` CHARLES BRAZIER VARIANCE ARID RHOADS LAEESHORB VARIANCE (CONTINUATION) STEVEN NIOSI VARIANCE STEPHEN P. COLLINS HOME OCCUPATION REEDS ISLAND INC. VAR'. & CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA DECEMBER 15, 1988 7:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER 7:30 P.M. REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 7:35 P.M. HEARING LAKESHORE VARIANCE ARIA RHOADS 7:40 P.M. HEARING LAKESHORE VARIANCE ARID RHOADS (612) 447.4230 4029 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 66372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 15, 1988 The December 15, 1988 Prior Lake Planning Commission was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Wells. Present were Commissioners Loftus, Roseth, Wells, Arnold, City Planner Graser and Assistant City Planner Garross. Not present was Commissioner Kedrowski. TTRM T - 4PVTFw MTMnTFC nr DDCVTAIM MVVMTMP_ MOTION BY ARNOLD, SECONDED BY ROSETH, TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 1, 1988 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AS PRESENTED. Vote taken signified ayes by Arnold, Loftus, Roseth, Wells. Commissioner Kedrowski arrived at 7:40 P.M. ITEM II - LAKESHORE VARIANCE FOR ARLD RHOADS Continued from December 1, 1988, Planning Commission Meeting. First discussion is on lakeshore setback variance and second lakeshore variance is on sewage system. Renee Rhoads, 13429 South Robert Trail, Rosemount, MN stated they are requesting a variance to build a summer home on Reeds Island for summer and possibly winter use. A letter dated December 12, 1988, was submitted to the Planning Commission, outlining the details of the proposal. City Planner Graser, reviewed the issues for the Commission to consider. The applicant is requesting lakeshore variances for the construction of a 36x40 foot dwelling on Reeds Island and variances for an on -site septic system. Mr. i Mrs. Rhoads filed an application to install a septic system on the island requiring a 39 foot variance to the northwest 904 contour line and 25 foot variance to the southeast 904 contour line in accordance to Plan A, as reviewed by the City Building Official. (812) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LAKE. MINNESOTA 55372 Pianning Commission Minutes December 15, 1988 Page 2 Mr. Graser reviewed the application in terms of the following issues raised by the Planning Commission. 1. On -site septic system: Building Official Staber, recommends Plan A be adopted if the Commission grants the variance. Other alternatives would be a sealed system or an incinerator. 2. Dock issues:- The northwest and southwest parts of the island were identified as proposed dock locations. 3. Exterior materials: Proposed consists of cedar siding, Anderson Casement windows and 150 lb asphalt shingles. 4. Mainland parking: Parking will be provided on property owned by Rod Stankovich in the Blohms First Addition adjacent to County Road 21. 5. Distance to the Mainland: Distance from island to the point of Breezy Point is approximately 400 feet plus or minus, and approximately 800 feet plus or minus from the proposed building location to the first home on Breezy Point. 6. Erosion control: Large rocks and a filter blanket have been placed on shoreline. Erosion control during construction can be ordered by the Building Inspector. 7. Standards: The four points which address the variance and are the common elements used to analyze variances. The information provided by the applicant were not well developed and lack detail. 8. well construction: A well is being constructed by the applicant. Setbacks for wells are 50 feet from the 904 line if it is a deep well, if less than 50 feet in depth the set back is 100 feet from the 904 line. A variance may be needed for a future well on the island depending on the depth of the well. 9. House plans: Mr. Graser reviewed the proposed floor plan and stated that the elevations provided did not correspond to the proposed floor plan. Mr. Graser reported that Staff recommends approval of the variance. Steve Viet, 5257 Columbus Ave. Minneapolis, MN, Architect for the applicants, clarified the floor plan for the Planning commission. Tom Foster, 5283 Frost Point, Prior Lake, MN, questioned the intentions of the applicants with regard to the type of septic system that will be installed. Mr. Foster would like serious consideration to be given to installation of a holding tank. Planning Commission Minutes December 15, 1988 Page 3 Chairman Wells read a letter submitted by Mr. Cy Schweich, dated December 15, 1988, expressing concerns for a well variance, single family dwelling, elevation of lake with respect to lower elevation of septic system, and boat slip locations. Mr. Schweich felt the island would be buildable with public water and sewer. Tom Sclick, 15213 Edgewater Circle, Prior Lake, (phone call on December 15, 1988) voiced opposition to the approval of this variance. Barb Stark (letter dated December 15, 1988) expresses that guidelines should be kept and the island should be deemed unbuildable. Ms. Stark felt the variances were excessive. The Planning Commissioners reviewed the application and felt that a holding tank would be better than a septic system. The Commissioners felt that the applicant had answered all questions and had no objections to granting the structural variance. The Commissioners reviewed a passage from Randy Bennett's letter (City Attorney Staff) stating that the City is not liable if unable to provide safety protection such as Fire, Police and Ambulance to the island. Questions were raised concerning the decks, the applicant reported that no decks are being proposed at this time. Mr. Rhoads indicated that they anticipate drilling a deep well and he would install a holding tank instead of a septic system if the Commissioners so desire. MOTION BY ARNOLD TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING VARIANCES FOR BUILDING A STRUCTURE ON REED'S ISLAND: 1. 56 FT. TO THE HE CORNER OF TO THE 904 CONTOUR LINE. 2. 52 FT. TO THE NW CORNER OF TO THE 904 CONTOUR LINE. 3. 63 FT. TO THE SW CORNER OF TO THE 904 CONTOUR LINE. 4. 30 FT. TO THE SE CORNER OF TO THE 904 CONTOUR LINE. THE PROPOSED CABIN THE PROPOSED CABIN THE PROPOSED CABIN THE PROPOSED CABIN IN THAT THE APPLICANT HAS SATISFACTORILY ANSWERED ALL THE CONCERNS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION, THE SIZE OF THE CABIN IS REASONABLE AND THE LOCATION IS THE LOGICAL PLACE FOR THE CABIN IN ORDER TO MEET FLOOD PLAIN REQUIREMENTS. MOTION SECONDED BY KEDROWSKI. AN AMENDMENT TO THE MOTION REQUIRES TWO OFF SITE PARKING SPACES BE PROVIDED: DOCKS BE LOCATED ON SW AND NW SIDE OF ISLAND. AMENDMENT TO MOTION ACCEPTED BY ARNOLD AND KEDROWSKI. Vote taken on motion, ayes by Arnold, Kedrowski, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; the motion carried unanimously. This item will go to City Council for review. Planning Commission Minutes December 15, 1988 Page 4 MOTION BY KEDROWSKI THAT THE SECOND VARIANCE REQUEST FOR THE C SEPTIC SYSTEM, 36 FEET NW 904 CONTOUR LINE AND 25 FEET SE 904 CONTOUR LINE BE DENYED. SECONDED BY ROSETH. Vote taken signified ayes by Arnold, Kedrowski, Loftus, Roseth, wells; Motion carried unanimously. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI THAT A SEALED SEPTIC SYSTEM BE INSTALLED AND THE PUMPING RECORDS BE SUBMITTED TO CITY STAFF IN A TIMELY MANNER. SECOND BY ROSETH. Vote taken signified aye .y Arnold, Kedrowski, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; Motion carried unr mously. OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Graser discussed information concerning the Retreat and indicated the topic would likely be Long Range Water Management. MOTION TO ADJOURN BY ROSETH. SECOND BY REDROWSKI. Ayes by Arnold, Kedrowski, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; Motion carried unanimously. * Tape of meeting on file at City Hall. Horst Graser Rita Schewe Director of Planning Recording Secretary CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MEMORANDUM DATE: DECEMBER 15, 1988 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: HORST GRASER, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING RE: RENEE AND ARIA RHOADS LAKESHORE AND SEPTIC SYSTEM VARIANCE BACKGROUND: This item came before the Planning Commission on December 1, 1988. After lengthy discussion, the item was continued to December 15, 1988, in order to give the applicant time to address the following items raised by the Planning Commission: 1. Details concerning the type and location of septic system proposed. 2. Proposed dock location and number. 3. Explanation of the type of materials proposed for the exterior of the seasonal dwelling. 4. Details concerning the proposed method to access the island and designation of two mainland parking spaces. 5. Determination of the distance of the island to the mainland and to the nearest home. 6. Method of erosion control proposed for the construction phase of the dwelling. 7. Written statement addressing how the proposed a plication meets the variance standards found in Section 7.6(Cg of the Zoning ordinance. DISCUSSION: In an effort to address the concerns of the Planning Commission the applicant submitted the attached response, in letter form addressed to Horst Graser. The applicant addressed the issues as follows: on Si te Se tic System: The applicant has filed a variance for an on site septic system. Two options have been submitted. Plan A is the alternative that is recommended by Gary Staber, City Building Official. (See attached memo dated December 13, 1988 to Horst Graser). The DNR has also received the plan and recommends the installation of a valve for protection in the event high water or flooding should occur. (612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 5072 2. Dock Issues: Have been addressed in general terms. The area for d6cks is shown on the attached site plan. The docks are proposed to be located on the northwest and southwest ,carts of the island, depending on high or low water seasons. 3. Exterior Materials: Will consist of cedar siding and Anderson Casement Windows. The roof will be shingled with 150 lb. asphalt shingles. 4. Mainland Parkin : Has been provided by Rod Stankovitci in the attac ed "Standard Purchase Agreementn document which indicates a legal description in Blohms Addition as parking area. 5. Distance to avai a e in 400 feet +/- nearest home the distance feet. :he Mainland: According to 1987 aerial photos e� PTann'ing Department, the island is located from the mainland and 800 feet +/- from the in Breezy Point. The applicant has stated that form the island to the nearest home is 1000 6. The erosion of the shoreline has been restricted by the placement of large rock and a filter blanket along the shoreline. Erosion control should also be installed during the construction phase of the structure. The Building official can require erosion control measures be implemented as a building permit requirement. 7. The standards for considering variances are found in the Zoning Code and are addressed in part 4 of the letter from the applicant. The a plicant °s rational is not well developed and lacks detail. overall, staff believes the applicant has a good case for receiving a variance. The island has no buildable area and the proposed site is the only logical place for a building and septic system. An argument can be made however as to the size of the structure which is 36 x 40 feet and totals 1,440 square feet. A reduction in the size of the building will reduce thee impact on the island in terms of variances and visual impression. However, reducing the cabin size by perhaps 300 or 400 square feet will have no significant affects on the environment. The critical issue is the on site septic system, how well it functions and is maintained. High water may render the system unusable for long periods of time. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA DECEMBER 1, 1988 7:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER 7:30 P.M. REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 7:35 P.M. HEARING VARIANCE RENEE & ARLO RHOADS (812) 447.4230 4828 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 1 11 • • PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 1, 1988 The December 1, 1988, Prior Lake Planning Commission meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Wells. Present were Commissioners Arnold, Kedrowski, Loftus, Roseth, City Planner Graser, and Assistant City Planner Garross. ITEM I - REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING MOTION BY ARNOLD, SECONDED By KEDRowsRT APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 17, 1988, PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AS PRESENTED. Vote taken signified ayes by Arnold, Kedrowski, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; the motion passed unanimously. ITEM II LAKESHORE VARIANCE FOR ARLO & RENEE RHOADS Proposal to build 36x4 seasonal dwelling on Reed's Island Prior Lake. Request lakeshore variances. Renee Rhoads, 13429 South Robert Trail, Rosemount, MN, indicated that she and her husband would like to build a second home on Reed's Island and are requesting variances for the structure as follows: 1. 56 ft. to the HE cabin to the 904 2. 52 ft. to the NW cabin to the 904 3. 63 ft. to the SW cabin to the 904 4. 30 ft. to the BE cabin to the 904 corner of the proposed contour line. corner of the proposed contour line. corner of the proposed contour line. corner of the proposed contour line. Mr. Horst Graser, City Planner, reviewed the variances on a map of the proposed building site. A similar application came before the Planning Commission June and July 7th for Reeds's Island which was approved. The City Council denied the variance at a subsequent hearing appeal. Mr. Graser reported that the variance (612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 .,ior bake Planning commission December 1,1988 Page 2 _.t denied over issues of corporate ownership, land use, health rIr'd welfare issues which were brought out during the Council's 1i scussion. Mr. Graser had two recommendations for the Commission regarding the Rhoads variance. 1) one is to conti:,ue the variance, to allow the applicant time to show the difference from the similar application presented to the Council earlier this year. The applicant should address each issue that the Council outlined in their motion denying the variance. 2) The Commission could consider the application as a new application and differentiate between this and the previous one by Reed's Island Inc. Comments from the floor were made by: George Koblas, 5201 Frost Point Circle Bruce Peters, 5004 Condon's St. S.E. Edward Doebel, 15365 Breezy Point Road Tom Watkins, 5242 Frost Point Circle S.E. Rod stankovich, 5512 Candy Cove Trail John Roberts, 187 Edgewater Circle - phone call The following comments were registered at the hearing: - Applicant should put in writing how he would overcome objections from City Council. - Comprehensive Plan Amendment re: lakeshore. - That development remain single family, not become commercial - Number and length of docks be specified. - Information made part of this issue, use of property which is unique. - Concern that the waterway or channel could be constricted due to dock location. - variance requested is too excessive and should not be approved. Questions raised by the Planning Commission were on waste water, wells, does Planning commission have authority to restrict placement of docks, and general questions regarding the proposed septic system. Larry Gensmer reported that he felt the application materials were adequate. He had thought all items were in complaince. Discussion followed by the Commissioners on the variance. General consenus was that this item be tabled in order to allow the applicant to address the issues brought out by the Council and allow the City Council to review the application. Placement of docks is important also. Written documentation to address Prior Lake Pla.r. :r,inq Commission December 1, 1988 Page 3 issues such as septic system variance, dock location, access to the island and parking should. be ::cnsidered at this time. The island is a urn clue piece of property, therefore, the four variance tests should be addressed by the applicant. 1. Literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in undue hardship with respect to the property. 2. Such unnecessary hardship results because of circumstances unique to the property. 3. The hardship is caused by provisions of the ordinance and is not the result of actions of persons presently having an interest in the property. 4. The variance observes the spirit and intent of this ordinance produces substantial justice and is not contrary to the public interest. Mr. Graser stated that the Planning Commission be specific in stating what they will require of the applicant. MOTION BY ROSETH TO CONTINUE TO DECEMBER 15, 1988 AT 9:00 P.M. SO THAT THE FOLLOWING ITEMS CAN BE ADDRESSED: #1 - FLOOD PLAIN ORDINANCE ELEVATION REQUIREMENTS BE SATISFIED AND DOCUMENTATION BE PROVIDED. #2 - DOCUMENTATION AND INFORMATION ABOUT THE WASTE WATER SITUATION BE SUBMITTED. #3 - EROSION CONTROL MEASURES BE IMPLEMENTED. #4.- APPLICANT ADDRESS THE FOUR TESTS REQUIRED UNDER THE ORDINANCE FOR VARIANCE. #5.- THAT STRUCTURAL PLANS BE PROVIDED. #6.- LOCATION OF DOCKS BE PROVIDED. #7.- PLANS FOR OFF PROPERTY PARKING SITE ON THE MAINLAND BE PREPARED AS REQUIRED BY RESOLUTION 78 -22. #8.- DOCUMENTATION OF THE DISTANCE FROM THE ISLAND TO THE MAINLAND. #9 - STATEMENT STATING THE ABILITY OF THE CITY TO PROVIDE CITY SERVICES TO THE ISLAND. MOTION SECONDED BY LOFTUS. Vote taken on motion, ayes by Arnold, Kedrowski, Loftus, Roseth, wells; the motion carried. comment from the floor by Mr. Watkins was to clarify his position on the Reeds Island. Mr. Watkins stated previous Council review appeal of the Planning Commission on Reed's island. MOTION TO ADJOURN THE DECEMBER 1, 1988 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING BY CHUCK ARNOLD, SECONDED BY KEDROWSKI. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Kedrowski, Loftus, Roseth, wells; the motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. Horst Graser Director of Planning Rita Schewe Recording Secretary * Tape of Planning Commission meeting on file at City Hall. SUBJECT• The applicants have proposed to to build a 36x40 foot seasonal dwelling on Reeds Island in Prior Lake. The following lakeshore variances are required: 1. 56 ft. to the NE corner of the proposed cabin to the 904 contour line. 2. 52 ft. to the NW corner of the proposed cabin to the 904 contour line. 3. 63 ft. to the SW corner of the proposed cabin to the 904 contour line. 4. 30 ft. to the SE corner of the proposed cabin to the 904 contour line. STAFF ANALYSIS• This item came before the Planning Commission on July 7, 1988 under the applicant of Reeds Island Inc. The current applicant has a purchase agreement with Reeds Island Inc. to buy the island with a 36x40 ft. seasonal cabin to be constructed by the seller. The current proposal is virtually identical to the one that came before the Planning Commission in July of 1988. The Commission voted unanimously to approve the variance with the following conditions. 1. FLOODPLAIN ORDINANCE ELEVATION AND FILL REQUIREMENTS BE STATISFIED. 2. WASTE WATER SITUATION PERTAINING TO THE PROPOSED KITCHEN BE ADDRESSED TO THE SATISFICATION OF STAFF. 3. THE APPLICANT REDESIGN THE LOCATION OF THE PROPOSED DECKS IN A MANNER WHICH MINIMIZES THE AMOUNT OF VARIANCE REQUIRED. 4. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES BE IMPLEMENTED IMMEDIATELY UPON REMOVAL OF ANY VEGETATION OR GROUND COVER AND NATURAL VEGETATION BE RESTORED IMMEDIATELY UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. (612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 s- ..absequent to the Planning commission action on the variance the +.,,_.y council felt that issues relative to the variance warranted ,' f urther review and study. These issues included corporate cwnership vs single family ownership; land use; whether a seasonal cabin is a single family dwelling and on site dFvelopment constraints. Because these issues were , _nsatisfactorly resolved the variance was denied for the following reasons: 1. Applicant's have failed to meet the four tests required under the ordinance for a variance. 2. Different structure may be possible to be built on the island which would comply with the ordinance without the need for lot variances. 3. The structure as submitted to Council is not a seasonal dwelling as compared to previous structures approved in the community of Prior Lake. The structure does not comply with the Uniform Building Code which specifies that either a bathtub or shower be included in the bathroom to be classified as a dwelling. 4. The characteristics of this island make it unique and long term aspects of the property should be considered. 5. Ability of City to provide City services, including utility service to be addressed by the Planning Commission before any structure is constructed. The current proposal by Mr. & Mrs. Rhodes includes the identical site plan as Reeds Island Inc. with the only exception a deleted 10x24 deck on the northwest wall of the cabin. All other setbacks are identical. The interior of the purposed 1440 sq. foot structure is altered to include a full bath and bedroom in addition to a kitchen and family room. Although the disposal of waste water is not mentioned in this application. The applicant desires to have a site leaching system. The setback for such a -ystem is 75 feet from the 904 contour line. In this case it ..11 also require a variance from the Planning Commission. A system has been designed and approved by the DNR for the island. The same waste treatment system has been submitted to Prior Lake staff but has not been reviewed with respect to the proposed occupancy of the cabin. STAFF RECOMME mn,s apapplication appears to continue circumstances which are different than the application. of Reeds Island Inc. However the applicant has for whatever reason chosen not to differentiate between his variance and that of Reeds Island. The applicant should specifically address the five conditions outlined as part of the motion denying Reeds Island Inc. variance with respect to the his variance request. Since the two variances are very similar the Council's conditions for construction on the island must be dealt with. The item should be tabled until the until the applicant is prepared to provide this comparative analysis.