HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 February Planning Commission MinutesCITY OF PRIOR LAKE PLANNING CDMM=CN AGMM FEBRUARY 18, 1988 7:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER 7:30 P.M. REVIBI MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 7 :35 P.M. HEARING 8:30 P.K. PUBLIC HEARING 9:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING xv . ,• . , ....,•. P.U.D. AMINDME T (COMP.) LAKESIDE MARINA P%MBRTIES, INC. WIDIDSOMI; ON THE LAKE y nI (612) 447.4290 4620 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 3!S PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 66372 The February 18, 1988, Prior Lake Planning Commission meeting was called to order at 7:33 P.M. by Chairman Boseth. Present were Commissioners Arnold, Loftus, Kedrowski, Wells, City Planner Graser, Assistant City Planner Garross. Mike Mueller of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources was also present. ITEM I - REVIEW BMW OF PREVICUS w,rtEMIG MOPION By KEDWAM, SEA By WELLS, TO APPROVE = FEBRUARY 4, 1988, PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MINV= AS PRESERM. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Kedrowski, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; the motion passed unanimously. Bryce Huemoeller, attorney and representative of Lakeside Marina, reviewed the eleven amendments request per mamo dated January 12, 1988. Mr. Hueaoeller stated that a meeting with City Staff, the flat, and City Attorney earlier in the day resulted in some changes to the eleven amendments which he reviend for the Cammissioners. At this time the applicant is requesting omments and information from the Planning Cauoissioners before going to the I19R with the request. City Planner Graser commented per Mike Mueller, area hydrologist frc received a permit in 1978 to ei docks, since then the criteria has into consideration such as, ar maneuvering issues for boats and :< another permit is given. The stet become involved in water issues wk the case here. February 18, 1988. Marina to be The area residents had concerns over parking, maneuvering, traffic, safety, additional slips, density, rubbish, congestion, access, widening of County Road 21, policing, and over ridding an existing! permit. (812) 447.4230 4020 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX SNI PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA SW2 MINUTES OF WE PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 18, 1988 Brad Larson, Scott County Engineer, commented on County Road 21 construction with regard to widening the road towards the marina side at the bride site. Also t!,3 County will be upgrading County Road 21, thus there will be no parking along the road, and local access tie-in to County Road 21 should be reviewed. The Planning Commissioners discussed the request and felt the concerns should be adhered to. The Commissioners would like to see a site plan and asked that the item be continued. At this time a letter from Harriet & Rollie Thieling was read into the record. They are against the expansion. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECONDED BY WELLS, TO NNIRNUE THE RBQUEST BY LAKESIDE MARINA PROPERTIES, INC. FOR ExPANSION OF NON aNF01*MU USE TO APRIL 21, 1988, AT 7:35 P.M. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Kedrowski, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; the motion passed unanimously. At this time a 5 minute recess was called. The meeting resumed at 9:55 P.M. TTEM III - 07NT1?II AM PUBLIC HEM= FOR WINDSQNGz. ON arM ffl3M F FOR P U_D AMENDMW City Planner Grazer reviewed the status of the last discussion that took place on February 4, 1988. Mr. Graser stated that Mr. Heuscnele has met with City Engineer, Larry Anderson and felt they will work out any concerns. Ralph Heuschele, attorney, project manager and partner for H & H Land Development, stated that they are asking for Preliminary Plat approval subject to the contingencies stated by Mr. Graser. Mr. Neuschele presented, for the record, a letter from the DNR granting 20 boat slips to the subdivision. Mike Mueller from the DNR and area hydrologist, consented that mooring of 5 or more boats constitutes a marina, however, this is a private use and a big difference from commercial which has never addressed before. There will be future evaluating after observation on private uses. The audience has concern uver parking, traffic, pollution, and control over launching. The Planning Commissioners discussed the request with regard to parking, traffic, pollution, control gate on launch area, walkway, signege, and a site plan. MNION BY AIMM, SECONDED BY KEDROVSRI, 1O APPROVE TO P.U.D. AlHiMHW FOR WI DSONG ON THE TARE SUWBCF M- 1. THE DM LETTER OF 2 -5-88 PROM XW LORMSMOM TO PALPH HEUBMI .E BE SUBNIIT= AS EXHIBIT "A ", PH37FMMW 20 BORE MIPS. 2. A PLAN SHIM BE INCLUDED IN THE PRELIN119M PLAN SOW= HON THE S MO SEWER SYSTEM WILL BE IMPROVED AND CDMXT D IN AOOOIDANM WITH BDTH TO CITY AND CDONIFY ENGINEER RBWI MFllTS. MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 18, 1988 3. THE SANITARY SEWER FOR WZEDSONG CIRLCE NORTH BE INSTALLED WITH AN 8 INCH SEWERMAIN SIZE AND MANHOLE CONSTRUCTED AT THE INTERSECTION OF WINDSONG CIRCLE AND WINDSONG CIRCLE NORTH. 4. THE 6 INCH WATERMAIN SHOULD BE EXTENDED TO LOT LINE BETWEEN LOTS 4 AND 5 ON LORD'S CIRCLE. 5. THE LETTER OF REOOMMENDATION FROM THE SOILS ENGINEER AS TO THE INSTALLATION OF THE PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER LINES WITHIN THE AREA OF UNODMPACTED DISTURBED BACEFILL FOR MWCC INTERCEPTOR SEWER. 6. A OONCEPTUAL TYPE LANDSCAPE PLAN BE SUBMITTED. 7. THE SIGNAGF. FOR THE BOAT LAUNCHING FACILITY SHOULD INDICATE PRIVATE BOAT LAUNCH, MEMBERS ONLY. 8. THE CONCEPTUAL PLAN DATED 2 -18 -88 CALLED PARR PLAN WINDSOLD P.U.D. BE SUBMITTED, DELETING THE STORAGE BUIMING. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Redrovski, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; the motion passed unanimously. MOTION BY ARNCBA, SECONDED BY KEDRWSLCI, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC BEARING FOR WI DSONG ON THE LAKE P.U.D AMENDMENT. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Kedrowski, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; the motion passed unanimously. *The tape of this public hearing will be kept on file in the office of the City Planner as official record. City Planner Graser commented per memo dated February 18, 1988. Brad Larson, Scott County Highway Engineer, ca®ented that additional feet are needed so they don't run into conflict with projects. The County has the setbacks for most roads now and would like Prior Lake to establish the same. The Planning Commission discussed the setback amendment. MOTION BY KLI)RSWSKI, SECONDED BY LOFTUS, TO REDOM@D THAT SECTION 4.11, OF THE PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE BE AMENDED TO IRODRRPDRNTE THE FOLIG RiG: 4. 11, IN PLATTED AREAS OR WHERE CITY SUM AND WATER ARE AVAILABLE, THE MINIMUM FRONT YARD SETBACK IN ALL DISTRICTS FOR COUNTY ROADS AND COLLECIORS SHALL BE EIGHTY THREE FEET (83') FROM THB CENTERM OF THE TRAVELED R ROMY. IN ALL OTHER AREAS, THE PAM YARD SETBACK FROM COUNTY RIDS AM COLLECTORS SHALL BE ONE HUNDRED FIFTY FEET (150') FROM THE CENTERLINE OF THE TRAVMD RTADNRY. THE CENTERLINE OF THE CLOSEST AWACENT TAD SHALL BE USED TO MEASURE FROM YARD SETBACKS IN INSTANCES OF FOUR LANE RDADFAYS. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Redrwski, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; the motion passed unanimously. MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE PLANNING ODMMISSION FEBRUARY 18, 1988 POTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECONDED BY ARNOLD, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC BEARING FOR ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMEW. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Kedrowski, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; the motion passed unanimously. *The tape of this public hearing will be kept on file in the office of the City Planner as official record. City Manager, Dave Unmacht, canmented to the Commissioners with regard to an upcoming meeting with the DNR, the award for Deb Garross as rookie of the Year, the upcoming Planning Commission retreat, the Lakeside Marina issue is, also, a City Council concern, and Prior Lake 2000 crnmdttee needs a representative from the Planning Commission. MDPION BY P SETH TO ACCEPP TOM KEDROWSKI VOLUNIZERING TO JOIN THE PRIOR LAKE 2000 OOMMrr=, SECONDED BY LOPTUS, TO AOCEBT THE VOLUNTEER AND TO CLOSE NOMINATIONS. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Loftus, Roseth, Wallss the motion passed unanimously. MOTION BY WELLS TO GIVE RECOGNITION TO DEB GROPOSS THE A003MLDATMOR OF ROOK1'E OF THE YEAR MM, SECONDED BY I0411IS. Open a vote taken, ayes by Arnold. Kedrovski, Loftus, loseth, Wells; the motion passed unanimously. UDPION BY AIKW, SECONDED BY KEDROM, TO AD1XXHV THE PEDFU Y 18, 1988, PRIOR LAKE PIANBIING COMMISSION MEETING. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Kedrovski, Loftus, Roseth, Weller the motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 11x15 P.R. r: r 4 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMSION AGENDA FEBRUARY 4, 1988 7:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER 7:30 P.M. R07M MINuz!ES OP PREVi008 ME8'PII1G 7:35 P.M. HEARING 7:45 P.M. D79CDSSIOM 8:15 P.M. DISCUSSION , • 1. 11 11 1 ,r nr ,r. iJ[Nlt;ihr;��.4i7. r :Ys.1i (612) 447.4220 4628 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. !OX Will PRKNI LAKE, MINNESOTA 661!2 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 4, 1988 The February 4, 1988, Prior Lake Planning Commission meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Roseth. Present were Commissioners Kedrowski and Wells, City Planner Graser, and Assistant City Planner Garross. Commissioner Loftus arrived at 7:35 P.M. and Commissioner Arnold arrived at 8:05 P.M. I= I - REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS Hamm MOTION BY WELLS, SECONDED By KEDROWSRI, TO APPROVE THE JANOARY 21, 1968, PRIOR LAM PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AS PRESENTED. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Kedrowski, Rose*h, Wells; the motion passed unanimously. At this time a 2 minute recess was called. The meeting resumed at 7:35 P.M. ITE4 I - imw mTION FOR LAM GENSI s No one was present to represent the applicant. Assistant City Planner Garross cmvwnted per memo dated January 21, 1988 and the D.N.R. letter dated January 15, 1988. The Planning Commissioners discussed the variance request. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, .SECONDED BY WELLS, TO DENY THE VARIANCE APPLICATION BY LARRY GENSMER FOR LOT 43 AND 44 GRM HEIGHTS SINCE NO HARDSHIP EXIS'T'S AND IT'S IN VIOLATION OF THE ZONING CODE. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Kedrowaki, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; the motion passed unanimously. ITEM III - DISCUSSION OF DOWNICAIN A®BVFl}F BY Xav arnrrwr.arst Kay discussed the Downtown Redevelopment Plan with regard to the January Workshop by the Council and RFP (quest for Proposal) prooess. The Dm*cwn Redevelopment Plan entails circulation plans, cost factors, staging improvements, market values, and citizen commitment. Kay welcamed arrl ideas that anyone could contribute. (612) 447.4280 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 369 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 66x72 City Planner Graser commented that the retreat will be held at the Minneapolis Hilton on March 11th and 12th, 1988. The morning agenda will be with Stephan Tanner, an architect, who has a degree fran Switzerland and very knowledgeable on identity. The afternoon session will be with Mike Mueller of the D.N.R. regarding how he perceives Prior Lake. Mr. Graser asked for input on Friday night's agenda. The Commissioners felt Friday would be ideal for Zoning issues. MOTION BY A WED, SBO(WED BY WELLS, TO AWOURN THE FEBRLYnM 4, 1988, PRIOR LAKE PLRNNIM OOMMISSION MEETING. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Kedrwski, Loftus, RDseth, Wells; the motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. 1 P�iM l' •� 11 r: