HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 June Planning Commission MinutesPLANNING CCAIUSSION AGENDA JUNE 16, 1988 7:30 P.M. CALL TO ONEHt 7:30 P.M. WIEN MINUM OF PREVIOUS MHUMG 7:35 P.M. SBIIRIIG VARIANCE (COW.) CHARM y�y, CRor 8:00 P.M. 88ARING BBORA,AND VA7 zu 0 O:1111H+E 8 :15 P.M. REAL= 8108 7AND VARMICE MICHAEL MaGAIBP 8:30 P.M. IBARIM LAIDISHORS VARIANCE iCHN B. m,I,y 8:45 P.M. RBARBIG LAIDISHOW VARtANCE LAW OEil611112 Ewes mum, nc. 9:00 P.M. BRARIIIG Sim VARIANCE P.P. INC. (812) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA UM y ; U CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MiNUrES JUNE 16, 1988 The June 16, 1988, Prior Lake Planning Caoaission meeting was called to order at 7:32 P.M. by Chairman Roseth. Present were Canal sioners Arnold, Loftus, Wells, City Planner Graser, Assistant City Planner Garross, Cm issioner Kedrowski arrived at 7:52 P.M. .2x...1988, PRIOR Lmm Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; thr motion passed unanimously. ITEM I I - CAAM�RR YtYnORMT VARIANCE CONTDwnm mrnn City Planner Grazer commented that a letter received from Mike Mueller, DMR, on June 10, 1988, states 'that adjacent Iota do not have to be o®bined if under different ownerabip at the time of application. Therefore, no action is necessary on this item. At this time a 15 minute recess was celled. Tie meeting resumed at 8:00 P.M. ITM III - aWRE UM VAR AUM RWWUWP av O nle the bank who in turn wants a guarantee that it is buildable before issuing the loan. Assistant City Planner Garrose commented per D18i mew dated June 10, 1988 and staff's mew dated June 16, 1988. The Planning Commissioners felt that acting on this variance request prior to the City Council hearing Monday, June 20, 1988 would be in conflict with a previous similar request. MDTION By KMR0 MI, SEODMDED BY ARN(I,D, TO Ooffn= TSB VARIANCE RlI1UEN POR LOT 34 AND PART OF LOT 35, PAIIMIEil BBACS TO JULY 7, 1988 AT 8:30 P.M. (812) "7-4230 4029 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 66372 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 16, 1988 Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Kedrowski, Loftus, Roseth, wells; the motion passed unanimously. ITEM IV SIDE YARD VARIn*w'F REOTIEST By MICHAEL MdAHEY Mr. McGahey commented that construction on the lot is restrained by sanitary sewer line, steep topography, and the 50 foot lot size. There is a small summer cottage on the lot which they are making into a permanent home but there is no garage and a storage area is needed. Therefore, the request is for a five foot east side yard variance for 14948 Pixie Point Circle, Lot 5, Eastwood First Addition. Assistant City Planner Garross commented per memo dated June 16, 1988. Ms. Garross also stated that a letter was received from Edward S Lynn Fieker, area property owner, with no objection to the variance request except that the drainage situation is a concern. The Planning Commissioners discussed this variance request. MOTION BY WELLS, SECONDED BY KMROMa, TO APPROVE A FIVE FOOT EAST SIDE YARD VARIANCE FOR 14948 PIXIE POINT CDKLE, LOT 5, EAS WOOD FIRM ADDITION, SINCE THE VARIANCE WOULD NOT BE DETRIMENTAL TO THE HEALTH OR GENERAL WELFARE OF THE COMMUNITY UNITY AND IS CONSISTENT WITH PAST DSCISIONS OF THE PIANNDG COMMISSION. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Kedrowski, Loftus, Hoseth, Wells; the motion passed unanimously. ITEM V _ TMEMM ymaAm'y RmIUEST BY JOHN B. Kma —ry Mr. Kelly, 5460 Candy Cove Trail, commented that the variance requests are needed due to the steep slope of the lots. However, he could work within the 25 foot variance rule. Assistant City Planner Garross commented per memo dated June 16, 1988. The Planning Commissioners discussed the variance requests with regard to alignment of existing structures, notification of neighbors, coverage ratio, and compliance. MOTION BY WELLS, SECOND® BY ARNID, TO APPRM A 4 FOOT SIDE YARD VARIANCE AND A 25 FOOT LAIC VARIANCE FOR LOT 16, CANDY OOVE PARR, SINCE IT IS NOT DETRIMENTAL TO THE HEALTH AND WELFARE OF TO O"UNJW AND CONSISTENT WITH PAST SIDE YARD VARIANCE REDUESTS. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, 6edrowski, Loftus, Lbseth, Wells; the motion passed unanimously. NOTION By WELLS, SBOONOED BY AMID, TO APPRWE A 7 FOOT SIRE YARD AND A 25 FOOT LMMSEORE VARIANCE FOR LOT 17 CANDY U= PARK, SINCE IT IS IN LINE WITH CURREW STRUCTURES AND IT IS NOT DETRIMENTAL TO THE HEALTH AND WELFARE OF THE COMMUNITY. upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Reds+ ski, Loftus, Boseth, Wells; the motion passed unanimously. 2 PLANNim CDMKISSION MINUTES JUNE 16, 1988 1TF+P1 Vl - LARFSHORE VARIANCE REOLM BY LARRY GMSMER (REEDS LMP INC Rod Stankovich, one of the owners, commented that a precedent for island building was Lone Tree Island. The owners of Reed's Island would build on the highest grand area since filling and grading would be very difficult and expensive. There is an old foundation, 40 -45 years old, that could possibly be built on, therefore a variance is needed since the area to build on would be close to the water line. Also, since the insurance laws are very strict, the owners of Reed's Island would keep the use private and orderly. Assistant City Planner Garross commented per memo dated June 16, 1988. City Planner Graser commented that the concerns of the City Attorney are on zoning, actual use of the island under R-1 district in the shoreland management district, the intense use of the island during the summer months, rules of the association, parking on the mainland, and number of boats at one time on the island. Mr. Graser's recommendation w be to continue this item to July 7, 1988 so input from the City Attorney can be received. The audience had concerns over use of the island, intensity of the district, commercial verses residential, noise, boat traffic, safety, and fire control. The Planning C:maissioners commented on specific use in an R-1 district, 5 owners now and selling shares to 20-25 more people, seasonal cabin, number of boat slips, sleeping facilities, additional decks, security, safety, DNR comments on docks, and becoming a stop over place for anyone. MOTION BY EEORONSKI, SECONDED BY ARNOLD, TO CONrINUE THE IAKESHORE VARIANCE RBQUBSI' FOR REED'S ISLAND TO JULY 7, 1988, AT 8:45 P.M. WHEREAS THE FC)LIQPIND ITEM BE ADDRESSED AT THAT TIME: 1. DNR COMMNIS ON DOCKAGE. 2. ATTORNEY OPINION ON ZONING CONCERNS OF USE IN AN Rrl AREA. 3. SHCURITY /SAFETY COMMENT'S FROM POLICE CHIEF DICK PONELL AND 7HE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMM. 4. REED'S ISLAND INC. RULES PRESENTED AND DISCUSSED BY ONE OF THE NE BERS. S. PAST EXPERIENCES OF THE YACH'y CLUB PRESENTED AND DISCUSSED BY ONE OF ITS NEIBERS. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Reds+ ski, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; the motion passed unanimously. *The tape of this hearing will be on file in the office of the City Planner. ITEM VII - P.F. INC. SIGN VARIANCE REDDER FOR AMOCO Mark Windson, Northstar Engineering Consultants, commented that the request for a sign variance is due to: 1. Formerly, there were two buildings on the site, and one was removed. Therefore, they should be allowed one, large, high, sign for the two small ones allowed before. 2. The realignment of County Road 21 and State Trunk Highway 13 hinders the right in/right out direction of cars. PLANNING OOMMISSION MINUMS JUNE 16, 1988 3. The visibility of the sign needs to be high so motorists have enough time to see it for turn lanes. 4. The old sign now will be blocked by the canopy. 5. The new sign will be moved back behind the trees and curve, therefore a high sign is needed for motorists to see it. City Planner Graser commented per memo dated June 16, 1988, The Planning Commissioners discusepd this variance request with regard to hardship, height of the sign, setting a precedent, right in/right out traffic pattern, hours of operation, and illumination of the sign. MOTION BY ARNOLD, S&OODDED BY &EDROMa, TO DENY THE SIGN VARIANM RBDUBET BY P.F. INC. FOR AlDOO SINM A LACK OF BAIMMIP BAS Nor SEW DEMONSntAM ADD GRA[T M A VARIANCE WOULD SET A PROBL@I CAUSING PRB(CDENr. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Redrowski, Loftus, Wells; nay by Rosethj the motion carried. MOTION BY LMMS, SBODDDED BY WELLS, TO AWOORN ME JUNG 16, 1986, PRIOR LAIM PLANNIID OOlBASSSON NBSTIM. Upon a vore taken, ayes by Arnold, Redrovski, Loftus, Rneeth, Wells; the notion Passed unenimous p, The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.N. 4 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PLANNING 00MUSSION AGENDA JUNE 2, 1988 7:30 P.N. CALL 1O omm 7:30 P.N. REVIEW NIIif W OF PRV=S NEST= 7:35 P.N. BEARING SIDB "m VARIANCE 7:45 P.N. AEARTI G SSOFN AW VARIANCE (872) 447.4230 4829 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 The June 2, 1988, Prior Lake Planning Ca®ission meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Roseth. Present were Casal sioners Arnold, Eedrowski, Loftus, and Assistant City Planner Garross. Absent was Coaaissioner Wells. ITEM I - REVIIS7 Mnmrm OF PRCVIODS - I MOTION BY KEDIOM, 'SBOOMED'BY ARNOLD, TO APPROVE THE MAY 19, 1988, PRIOR LAID: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AS PRFSEVER Upon a vote taken ayes by Arnold, Sedrowski, Loftus, Rosethi the motion passed unanimously. At this time, Chairman Roseth read a letter from Matthew Nielson, Savage Planner /Zoning Administrator, thanking the Commission for the opportunity to speak at the May 19, 1988 meeting and for the gifts he received. ITEM IZ - VARIANCE REQUEST BY RICH= EDGERTON Mr. Edgerton commented that he is requesting to build a 22 foot garage on a 75 foot substandard lot. At present, there is no garage and the proposed would be consistent with other homes in the area. Assistant City Planner Garross commented per memo dated June 2, 1988. IDTION BY AMU, SBOONt VARIANCE FOR THE EAST COLORADO STREET Am SING IN INSTANCES WHERE THERE NOT BE DETRIMENTAL TO NEIGHBORHOOD. "t Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Eedro ski, Loftus, Ruaeth7 the motion passed unanimously. ITEILIIL---S00E0LANL VARIANCE Nwassr -BY jam { AM EMMA $ Sandra Breeggsronn commented that the property me'.purctak" d in 1976, and they would like to sell the lot to a first home buyer. Therefore they are requesting a variance from the 10,000 square foot requirement to 9,000 square foot building envelope. They feel they are being penalised for arcing a lot before the Shoreland Ordinance changed and what happens nor since th y have been paying taxes on a buildable lot. (872) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUr S JUNE 2, 1588 The audience comments were in regard to drainage, type of house, addition of garage, and what happens with buildable lots in the Shoreland District. Assistant City Planner Garross commented per memo dated June 2, 1988. Also, Ms. Garross stated that she received a phone call from Mildred Borchardt, area resident, in opposition to the variance request due to density of the area. Commissioner Arnold excused himself at this time to attend wake services for Councilman Larson's son. The Planning Commissioners discussed the request for a variance from the required square footage for shoreland district, and felt that the City Council should set policy and that the Commissioners are there to carry policies out. However, they feel it isn't fair to the property owners who have been paying taxes on a buildable lot but to set a precedent at this time would be detrimental. ;DT M BY ROBOTS, SB00N0ED BY MER00a, TO RHCOMMW TD CITY a"= TIAT THE HEARING PROCESS BE INITIA'T'ED TO CONSIDER SCBBTAMDARD IM SIZE IN WE SHOSELA1D DISTRICT. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Kedra ski, Rosette, nay by Loftus (Commissioner Loftus felt it would be premature to ask the City Council to deal with this at this time); the motion carried. KWION BY WKWSKI, SOMWED BY IMM, 10 UW WE MODEST FOR A 1,000 MGM FOCI MINIMUM LOT SIZE n;ARIANCE !'ROM US 8HMUND MWOWNT O DINWCE FOR THE WHET 1/2 CF LOT 5 AND LOT 6 B>OCISPT '196 NEST 15 FEW, K= 2, LAKESIDE GARDBMS SINCE 'THERE HAS NOT BEEN A PRffMW PRRCBO= SET. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Kedroeski, Loftus, Roseth; the motion passed unanimously. MOTOIB; BY EEOROMBIQ, SBCD ® BY LOPTM 10 ACJOOM THE JWR 2, 1986, PRICE LAKE PIJ89CQi.; OONNIMCN M66TW. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Kedra WA, Loftus, Roseth; the motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at B:SS P.M.