HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 February Planning Commission Meeting MinutesCITY OF PRIOR LAKE g?4Y` i 3 ma gam 0MUSSICN AGENDA p8SR0w 19, 1987 7:30 P.R. 7:30 P.R. 7:35 P.& 8:15 P.R. 8:45 P.R. L (874) 447.4480 4849 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 30 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA SI M CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRDARY 19, 1987 The February 19, 1987 Prior Lake Planning Ctumission meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Loftus. Present were Commissioners Arnold, Kedrowski, RDSeth, City Planner Graser and Assistant City Planner Garross. Absent was Commissioner Wells. ITLMI I - IlSVIFW i4INIlP1iS CF IiMHVIO03 MBEFDiG Corrections of the February 5, 1987 minutes as follows: First page, second to last paragraph change "Crass" to "Brass ". Page 2, Mkmber 4. change O STR M= RBUONME D THAT CITY COUNCIL SEER LHGAL. ADVICE REGARDING THE ISSUE OF WITHHQDING BUILDING PERMITS UNTIL COUNTY ROAD 83 Is IMPROVED." to "STRONGLY RSOJ!!@D TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THE ROAD BE BLACKrOPPFD FROM FREMONT AVEMuE ON COMW ROAD 83 TD COONMA ROAD 21, TARES TENTHS OF A WILE." MOTION BY R06ETH TO APPROVE THE FEBRU M 5, 1987 PLANNING COMMISSION M@RA'FS AS AMENDED, SEO@DED BY ARMDLD. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Eedrowski, Loftus, RDSeth; the motion carried. Steve McDonald, son of William, representative cemented on the request to rezone about 2.5 acres from P.D.D. to R-2. The development framework for the P.U.D. consists of one 18 unit caMdcnniniom or apartment building. The applicant sought to amend the P.U.D. to a townhouse development in 1985. At that time it was discovered that the subject site contained less than the 2.5 acres required for a P.U.D.. The applicant is now requesting that the P.U.D. be rezoned to its underlying zoning classification of R-2 Urban Residential. It is his opinion that R-2 zoning would be more marketable and feasible at this time. City Planner Grazer n+men* per memo dated 2/16187 with regard to rezoning the P.U.D., past action on the rezoning of the site from R-2 to P.U.D. and the building site envelope. At this time audience input was called for. The area residents were not opposed to the rezoning of this property from P.U.D. to R-2 single family. They were concerned over existing and increased traffic conditions and obstruction of view to the lake. Also there was great concern over the future plans of this site, such as size of building and kind, if rezoned to R-2. There was concern over the jutting peninsula off Bass Street into Prior Lake and what cold develop there. (872) 447.4230 4829 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 65372 MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE PLANNING 3DMMISSION FEBRUARY 19, 1987 The Planning Commissioners were not opposed to rezoning of the McDonald property from P.U.D. to R-2 single family. However, they were interested in what the future building plans of the site would be, with regard to structure size and architecture. POTION BY ARNOLD TO REZONE THE WILLIAM W. McDONALD 2.5 ACRES FROM P.U.D. 2 -83 TO R-2 URBAN RESIDENTIAL, SINCE THE REZONING NWID No!p BE DETRIMENTAL TO THE GENERAL HEALTH, AND WELFARE OF THE COMMUNITY, SHOM)ED BY EEDRWSKI. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Kedrowski, Loftus, RosethU the motion carried. POTION BY ARNOLD TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE MCDOPWLD REZW =, SEMNDED BY R SETH. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Eedrowski, Loftus, RosethP the motion carried. "The tape of this gearing will be kept on file in the office of the City Planner as the official record of this Public Hearing. At this time a 5 minute recess was called. The meeting resumed at 8:25 P.M. IT@1 III - VARIANCE RBDUESr BY DONALD V. ALBERTS Mr. Alberts consented on his request for an 8' side yard and 4 front yard variance for 14704 Care Avenue BE. The variance is requested for a garage to be added on the side of the house adjacent to the existing double garage. However, the orientation of the house on the lot makes entrance to the existing garage a hardship for turning. The lot next door has a timbered retaining wall which is on the property line. The applicant expresses concern that a car may back off of the driveway and cause damage to the adjacent hose. Mr. Robert Hillique commented that. his mother -in -law (Mrs. Bergh) owns the lot north of the subject lot and has no objections to the proposed variance. He further commented that the people did riot put the house on the subject lot and perhaps the C.ammissioners could find a fair alternative to the situation even though ordinance is specific with regard to the conditions that must be present in order to justify granting a variance. The Planning Commissioners discussed the variance and were concerned over the setting of an irreversible precedent even though they understood the situation. The Commissioners discussed the possibility of redesigning the existing garage entrance to allow better access. Their suggestion to the applicant was to work out an alternative plan and resubmit the proposal to the Commission at a later date. MOTION BY MMRWUSHI TO TABLE THE VARIANCE MWW BY DONALD V. MAWS TO A LATER DATE TO BE DETERMINED, SHOWED BY %SEMU. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Bedrowski, Loftus, Roseth; the motion carried. MINVPFS OF THE PRIOR LAID; PIANNING COMMISSION FMMWARY 19, 1987 ITEM IV - DISCUSSION ON REPREM FOR THE COMISSSIONERS City Planner Grayer asked the Commissioners for their input on location, time, topics and speakers for the annual retreat. The Commissioners discasred the retreat and tentatively decided on April 11, 1987. Perhaps a Friday, April 10 and Saturday, April 11, 1967 could be worked out. The proposed retreat location would be The Hilton. Topics discussed were; County Road 42 and north side of Highway 13 type of growth and cc®mity access. Speakers requested were manning Staff; Tooker, Grayer, Garross. City Planner Graver c- -anted that he would see what could be worked out and will get back to the Ommissioners. MOTION By ROSH TO AD30URN THE FEHRWW 19, 1987 PRIOR LAKE H,AMENG COMMISSION MMMG, SHO MOM BY AMEM Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Redrwski, Loftus, Roseth; the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9335 ML r,••., r �. •ryr CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PLANNING commBION AGENDA PEBRUARZ 5, 1957 7:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER 7:30 P.N. REVIEW MINUTES Of PREVIOUS METING 7:35 P. R. PUBLIC SEARING SUBDMSION PRE.. PLAT D. MWILLIANS 7:35 P.N. PUBLIC SEARING RE80RRG D. NeWILLIAL6 9:00 P.M. PUBLIC SEARING P.U.D. AMBRDMRNT TON STEFFENS 9:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING ZONING CC06 ANEDNENT TOM STEFFENS 9:00 P.M. PUBLIC HLARIIG CONPRNSESM PLAN AMENDMENT TOM STEFFENS 9:45 P.N. VARIANCE MARL HUM 10:00 P.M. FINAL PLAT APPROVAL 2ND ADD. TO LM03SUDE BRAD ROTBREN PARK 10:00 P.M. FINAL PLAT APPROVAL CAKRIDGS ODW 2M) AM NARV HGGIM 10:00 P.M. FINAL PLAT APPROVAL CLAYTON'S 1ST ADD. CLAYTON JOHNSON (812)147.4290 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 88872 The February 5, 1987 Prior Lake .Planning Commission meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.N. by Chairman Loftus. Present were Coemissioners Arnold, Poseth, Wells, City Planner Grazer and Assistant City Planner Garross. M134 T - RBi7IEm1 NINUPES CF PREVIOOS E9sF.TLNG N714ON BY RO6Bi9 TO APPROVE TDB JANO W 15, 1987 NDK7FFS AS PRESEMM, SECONDED BY AFW=. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; the motion carried. At this time new Planning Commissioner Tom Kedrowski took the Oath of Office given by City Planner Grazer. and the developer is requesting .1 3 lots. A conditional use permit provide backlot access for 21 lots regarding parka and enginserim except for the staff proposal to li continue to work with engineerin the plat. Furthermore, the develi sanitary serer from the north ei to Preliminary Plat approval the i rezoned from 0-1 Conservation to would be consistent with the City Plat A ant with all items Almmc Inc. Will on of utilities to i installation of d:83. in addition that the site be requested rezoning City Planner Graser commented per memo dated 2/2/87 with regard to rezoning, Comprehensive Plan consideration, past actions affecting the site, Creek protection, variance and conditional use permit requests and road circulation. At this time audience input was cal7_od for. Raman Kohut, 3600 154th Street NW, presented a letter from his attorney, Philip Crass, regarding the dust problem of County Road 83 as a detrimental health and safety hazard. City Planner Graser read the letter Exhibit "A• for the record. (612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 259 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 56372 MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 5, 1987 The area residents discussed existing traffic and dust problems along County Road 83 and were concerned about additional problems associated with the addition of this subdivision. Also there was concern of when and if they could hook up to the sanitary sewer pipe being put in by the Sioux Community along County Road 83. The Planning Camnissioners were not opposed to the rezoning of Island View 5th Addition. The proposed R-1 zoning would be consistent with the Cep Plan. Lot 1 Block 5 should be eliminated because of the low land situation. Fremont Avenue to C.R. 83 should be kept a consistent width of 36' and the creek should be protected at all costs. Furthermore, the developer should have the understanding that sewer hookup to the north is not guaranteed by the City. County Road 83 from Fremont Avenue to County Road 21 should be paved prior to building. MOTION BY WELLS TO APPROVE THE REQUEST TO REZONE THE SUBJECT SITE OF ISLAND VIEW 5TH ADDITION FROM C -1 OOESETVATION TO R-1 URBAN RESIDENTIAL, SEWEDEU BY RSETH. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Redrowski, Roseth, Wells, Loftus; the motion carried. The rezoning public hearing was closed. MOTION BY ROSETH TO APPROVE PRELImpm PLAT OF ISLAND VIEW 5TH ADDITION AS SUBMrrTW WITH THE FOLLOnM CONDITIONS: 1. DEVELOPER DELINEATE THE FLOCURRY AND PROVIDE THE NECESSARY EASEMENTS TO PROTECT THE CR=, AS SPECIFIED BY EMINF.6RING STAFF. 2. VARIANCES FOR LOTS 2, 3 AND 4, BI= 2 BE GRANTED SINCE 70 DEVELOPMENTAL FRANDEMRE WAS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED AND THE BUILDING LIM WELL NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT THE SIGHT LINES OR RESIDENTIAL CBARACFER. z. LOT 1, BL= 5 BE ELIMINATED. 4. STRONGLY RIMM D TEAT CITY COUNCIL SBHC LEGAL ADVICE REGARDING TO ISSUE OF wI'THMMINC BUILDING PERM].TH UNTIL OOONIY HORD 83 IS IMPROVED. THE ISSUE MAY CONCERN A HEALTH, WELFARE SAFETY CONSIDERATION THAT SHOULD BE ADDRESSED BY L EGAL COUNCIL. 5. THE COMITICOL USE PERMIT FOR GUTGOT A - BACRAT AOfE86 FOR 21 LETS BE APPROVED OONFINGBNT UPON ALL DDCUH43M BEING PREPARED AND SUBMITTED TO STAFF AND ODONIY WATER PATROL FOR APPROVAL. 6. FREMONT AVENUE BE IMPROVED TO A WIDTH OF 36' TO COUNTY ROAD 83. 7. SANITARY SEWER SERVICE MAY BE PROVIDED UTILIZING A TEMPORARY LIFT STATION WITH PLIW TO THE SCUM IN THE EVENT THE HDHHRKRNTON TRW SEWER IN COUNTY ROAD 83 IS NOT AVAILABLE. 8. REODWWW THAT CITY COUNCIL CONSIDER THE FEASIBILITY OF INCOFM A = OOILOT A OF ISLAND VIM 47H ADDITION AS ADDITIONAL PARE( LAND- SECONDED BY RISETH. MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 5, 1987 Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Loftus, Kedrowski, RDseth, Wells; the motion carried. MOTION BY ROSEM TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT APPRQJAL FOR ISIAND VIEW 5TH ADDITION, SECONDED BY ARLALD. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Loftus, Kedrowski, Roseth, wells; the motion carried. *The tape of this hearing will be kept on file in the office of the City Planner as the official record of this Public Hearing. At this time a 5 minutes recess was called. The meeting resumed at 9:25 P.M. John Knoblauch, Tort Steffens, appL answer questions. Greg Halling Morgan Avenue South, Bloomington C to Priorview P.U.D. to include acres of Holly Court, therefore cr to construct rental units with In Greg Halling's opinion, the P.0 plain provided contours be trims wetland area could be controlled w The developer has met with area n privacy fence north of Five Hawks. the completion of Five Hawks with City Planner Graser commented per of the Priorview P.U.D. Staff good planning and economic sense. good reason to change the Boni require a great deal of grading ar in the 100 year flood elevation.' tot lot as sham in the flood plat clearly exceeds the carrying cepac likely be disturbed if constru staff's opinion, accommodate an A- architectural style of the bui apartment type construction and adjacent haws. a dated The residents were opposed to the Amendment t P.U.D.. They were also concerned with emriro site such as: 1.) The site being able to handl the wetland area being a state conservation a appropriate authorities such as MM had been n 4.) The wetland area holds wildlife habitat th were also concerned that higher density level by the elementary school which would result i walking. Residents felt that increased densi lead to an increase of crime, debris, trash, a in their neighborhood. Chairman Loftus r Erickson, area residents opposing the request, Melling, were present to with Rehder Wenzel, 10100 request is for an amendment y with the annexation of 1.7 148 units. The proposal is and l outside parking spot. t in the 100 year flood ge work be under taken. The a such as a 42" culvert. respect their requests for a ray 13 will be improved with Court. with regard to the history Lon of Holly Court would make .oper has not demonstrated The slope and hillside would >rtherly unit is almost 1008 data is not accurate and the than the road. The density The creek bed would most in done_ The site cannot. in than larger to smaller lease the density of the 1 issues associated with the 0 year flood. 2.) A part of 3.1 Ousatione whether the d. Healcennrs traffic flow for children 1 units would ansit people . a Mrs. Gene 3 MERYIES OF THE PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION FEEK ARY 5, 1987 The Planning Camnissioners had concerns and concurred with staff on topography, vegetation, erosion, flooding, water storage and retentions issues. They did agree that annexation of Holly Court would be feasibly goad. Ted Schweich commented that Holly Court annexation would be for the health, safety and welfare of the area due to better fire and rescue access. He also felt that density credits should be given for dam work which is expensive to the developer. The new design for the units is an asset to the area. NOTION BY ARROLD To OM THE REZONING OF PRIORVIEW P.U.D. FROM R-2 To R-3 SINCE THE PROPOSAL DOES NOT WARRANT AN INCREASE IN DENSITY, DUE To SECTION 6.11 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE PAGE 25, 12.E PRESERVING NATURAL AREA; AND THIS IS NOT IN THE BEST IIT1TMEST OF 70 GMERAL HEALTH AND WELFARE OF THE COMRONLTY, SECONDED BY WELLS. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Eedrowski, Loftus, Aoseth, Wells; the motion carried. MOTION BY AMW TO ffiHY THE ANgNM II' OF TBE COMMMMIVE PLAN DUE TO THE FINDINGS M WICKED IN THE PREVIOUS MOTION, SBOO DED BY WELLS - Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Redrowski, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; the motion carried. MOTION BY ARNULO TO APPROVE WE PRIORVIHQ P.O.D. AMR41M'TO ANWIM 1.7 ACRES OF ELM 2 HOLLY COURT TO MaMASE 7M WHITY TO 118 OMITS, THE DEVELOPER MUST RES== TO THE PANNING O"ISSION, A DBFnff= SITE PLAN PAYING GREATER ATTENTION TO SUCH DMULS AS FLOOD PLAIN namoRATioN SLOM, NATURAL FEATURES AND M" MM AREAS, AND GREATER OMMIDERMION FOR DEVSAPMM OF THE TOT LOT, SHCOND® BY WEIR. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Redraw ski, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; the motion carried. MOTIMM BY ROSETH TO CHASE THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR RBZOMM AND OOMPREIENSIVE PLAN AMSNDM W FOR PRICBM31 P.U.D., SBOOMDED BY ARNOLD. [loon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Redraw ski, Loftus, Roseth, WellsM the motion carried. NNICN BY RUSELH TO TAM THE PRIORVIEU P.U.D. AMMIMIT PUBLIC BEARING TO A FUTURE DATE, SECONDED BY ARNOLD. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Redrwski, Loftus, Roseth, Weller the motion carried. *The tape of this hearing will be kept on file in the office of the City Planner as the official record of this Public Hearing. At this time a 5 minutes recess was called. The meeting resumed at 11:18 P.N. 4 NtINCfl'FS OF THE PRIOR LAKE PLANPIING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 5, 1987 ITEM IV - VARIANCE REQUEST BY MARH HYLAND Mark Hyland commented on his request for a 7.82 foot front yard and a 5 foot south side yard variance for 14399 watersedge Trail NE. The variance is requested in order to construct a greenhouse addition to his hone. He discussed his plans with neighbors and received no objection to his proposal. Assistant Planner Garross comented per memo dated 2/5/87. The applicant had ben granted a variance in 1985 but never utilized it. This proposal would be consistent with existing development in the neighborhood. The abutting neighbors were in attendance and supported the proposal and felt it would enhance the neighborhood. They stated that Mr. Hyland has already put in a lot of time and money to improve his property. The Planning Commissioners discussed the variance request and proposed addition. MOTION BY WELLS TO APPROVE A 7.82 FOOT FRONT YARD AHD A 5 FOOT SOUTH SIDE YARD VARIANCE FOR 14399 WATERSEDGE TRAIL HE SINCE IT IS NOT DCT MMM TO THE HEALTH, WELFARE AND SAFETY OF TO CMMNITY AND IS CONSISTENT WITH PREVIOUS RSDUESIS FOR LOTS OF SMALL AREA, SECONDED BY KEDROWSKI. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Eedrowski, Loftus, Roseth, wells; the motion carried. At this time the last item on the Agenda (Final Plat approval for Clayton's 1st Addition) was called to order. This item was taken out of sequence because the applicant was present at this time. ITEM V - FINAL PLAT APPROVAL Or QAY'TON'S 1ST ADDITION Clayton Johnson was present to answer questions. City Planner Graser consented that Preliminary Plat approval was on 8 -21-86 and the City approved the final plat subject to a Park Dedication fee of $840 being paid. MOTION BY ARNOLD TO APPROVE FINAL PLAT OF aAY'1'CN'S 1ST ADDITION, SB(X ED BY XEDROWSICI. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Redrowski, Loftus, Roseth, wells; the motion carried. ITEM vi - FINAL PLAT APPROVAL OF 2ND ADDITION TO LMZS=JNM City Planner Grazer commented that the Preliminary Plat approval was on 4 -17-86 the park fee was waived and the plat is in compliance. MOTION BY AMW TO APPROVE THE FINN. PLAT OF 2ND ADDITION TO LAMSIDE PARE, SECONDED BY ROSETH. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Eedrowski, Loftus, Roseth, wells; the notion carried. 3 MII=FS OF THE PRIOR DARE PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 5, 1987 ITEM VII FINAL. PLAT APPFDM OF OA aMM COW 2ND ADDITION City Planner Graser calmented that P^el ry Plat approval was on 11 -6 -86 for 7.6 acres, the frontage to Lot on North 90 Final Plat approval contingent upon: 1. Developer responsible for Lot 1 utility stubs. 2. Low slab elevation be at or higher than 958.4 for Lot 1,2,3. I OH •11'J 17 I •Il 1. THE DEVELOPER BE RESPONSIBLE FOR UTILITY sTDBs TO LOT 1. 2. UN SLAB FOR HOMES ON LOP' 1 -3 BE AT OR HIGHER THAN 958.4 ELEVATION. SBOONDE) BY WEBS. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Redro>.ski, Loftus, Roseth, Walls; the motion carried. NDFION BY ARROED TO AWOORN TOE FEiFUM 5, 1987 FRIAR LNUE IiAHBING aw(ESSION !WANG, HEMMED BY HOSM. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Bedrowski, Loftus, nuseth, Wellsi the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:40 P.N. 6