HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 September Commission Meeting MinutesCITY OF PRIOR LAKE 7:30 P.K. CALL TO CRDER PLANNING OOHUHSSION AGENDA SE7 ZMER 17, 1987 7:30 P.K. RBIIIBK KIN= OF PREVIOUS KEEPING 7:35 P.M. HEARING 8:00 P.N. SWUNG 8 :15 P.M. DISCUSSION n4' AS�1L , rte, (812) 4474290 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. SOX 3119 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA S53n CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 17, 1987 The September 17, 1957, Prior Lake Planning Commission meeting was called to order at 7:33 P.R. by Chairman Roseth. Present were Commissioners Arnold, Xedrowski, Loftus, Wells, City Planner Graver, and Assistant City Planner Garross. ITEM I - REVIEW OF 1411011118 OF PREVIC US M:ETWE ARM SEPTEMBER 3, 1957 NnWES AS PCLLaiS: PAGE 3, LAST SENTENCE ADD: AFTER NCMnVTICN "SIXIXDED BY WELLS ". PAGE 4, SECOND PARAGRAPH ADD: AFTER V014110TION "SECONDED BY ARNfLD ". MCTRCM BY LOMUS, SE(DMD BY UWAS TO APPRWE TOE SEpTENEER 3, 1957 PLANNING ODM4LSSIM IUC1rE6 AS ARMID®. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Xedrowski, Loftus, Hoseth, Wells; the motion passed unanimously. At this time, Chairman Roseth stepped dam fron the Chair due to personal association with the parties involved in the next item. 1TEN II - VARIANCE RE0UBBT BY IEYDDR MM&= Mr. Rygajlo comaented that, in 1979, the lot was divided into two parcels and at that time there was only a 25' setback requirement from Highway 13 whereas; nor, there is a 50' setback requirement. Unfortunately, in 1979, he could not afford to build nor Could the abutting property owners afford to purchase the other lot. Due to the pie shape and elevations of the lot, a variance is needed to build a home. City Planner Graser commented per mom dated 9- 17 -87. At this time audience inert was celled for. Bob Larson owner of abutting lot had concerns aver the drainage from the lot towards his property. Mrs. Larson questioned whether the house plan could be moved on the lot. Lloyd Lucht, 5968 Flandrau Circle, had concerns over the turning lane off Highway 13 to the lot and the conformance of a house to fit into the neighborhood. (612) 447.4230 4029 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.C. BOX 269 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 The Planning Commissioners had concerns over the elevations, setbacks, design criteria of hone, retaining wall, drainage, and planting Plan. They felt more information was needed to make a decision. MMON BY KEDROi;SBI TO CONTINUE THE VARIANCE REQUEST BY IZYDOR RYWLD TO OCT(BER 1, 1997 AT 8.15 P.M., SEOXDED BY ARN=. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Kedrwski, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; the motion passed unanimously. At this time Chairman Roseth returned to the Chair. City Planner Graser cemented that due to unforeseeable conflicts the applicant did riot purchase the lot therefore withdrawing his application. rrwm IV - ® Alter OP IEIPIW NIGH' Discussion followed regarding a meeting night; howeverr the consensus was to keep the nights that are sdneduled new which is the first and third Thursdays. City Flamer Graser commented that the new Reference Kemal the Commissioners received required many haws of labor by Deb Garross in order to put it together. "MON By MErana, SBa= BY ROBE= TO GIVE OPPLCiAL CO@NND TCN TO ;EB GOBS FOR THE PMERENCE MPJ WL. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Bedrewski, Loftus, Remeth, Wells; the motion passed unanimously. MOTION BY ARUM TO ADSOURK THB sRPZENM 17, 1967 PRIOR IM PLAHImGG CONKUM ION Mwermy SBUO1M BY NEWS. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Eedro ski, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; the motion passed unanGmeL+ sl y. The meeting adjourned at 8;42 P.M. 2 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE &.",_- r. s r- 7130 P.M. CALL TO ORDER 7:30 P.M. REVIEP HINUT6S OF PREVIOUS N66TIING 7:35 P.M. PUBLIC HERRING ZONING ORDINANCE ANIM W PETER T. PLINK 7:36 P.M. PUBLIC HLW11", OOHDPTom USE PERMIT PETER T. PLINK 7:37 P.M. PUBLIC REARING VARIANCE PEM T. PLINK 8:30 P.M. HEARING FINN. PLAT THE HARBOR 779 ADD. a "n NT? -9 8:45 P.M. EEMU NG 9:00 P.M. ELECTION FINAL PLAT NCR SBU B OAKS 578 ARID. •: r %06 (012) 447.4230 4029 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 06872 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PLANNING aoMUSSION SEPTUM 3, 1967 The September 3, 1987 Prior Lake Planning Commission meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.K. by Chairman Loftus. Present were Commissioners Arnold, Kedrowski, Roeeth, Wells, City Planner Graser and Assistant City Planner Garross. rrm I - Rarm CF MIRRM UP PRan= MOPING NOTION BY ARNOLD, SECOND BY REDROMSK1 TO APPROVE TIE AUGUST 6, 1987 PLANND?IG fDNKWSION KOKITEH AS PRESENTED. Upon ,a vote taken, ayes by Arnold,:Kedrowaki, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; the motion Passed unanimously a gas 76 of the outside facia with Amoco colors. City Plamr Graser commented per memo d that Consulting City Planner Tooker woul 4, 1987. At this time audience input was called fo Jim Haug, owner of used car lot across tl . ....e.. L ..a...... ; ac b ... a . & Ben Bear, Prior Lake resident, was concerned with Main Street and Dakota Street remaining the same. Jim Keenan, owner of the Travel/Insurance Agency, we concerned over the selling of the agency and the traffic route to the abutting clinic which he proposes to buy. (612) 447.4280 40" DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O.' BOX :W9 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 3, 1987 The Planning Commissioners discussed the proposal and questioned the feasibility of another convenience store and gas station in Prior Lake, safety of traffic off Highway 13, service hours, number of parking spaces, viability of the alley to a 24 foot roadway, Walker Avenue as a frontage road or traffic circulation route, purchase of the single family home by the City, meeting setbacks from all property lines and signage. MOTION BY ROSEID TO APPROVE: 1. A ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TO INCLUDE AS CONDITIONAL USE A CAR WASH IN A B-2 DISTRICT, AND THE SUBMIISSION OF THE AMOCO STATION REPLACING UNION 76 STATION. SECONDED BY LOFTUS. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Kedrowski, Lotus, Roseth, Wells; the motion passed unanimously. MOTION BY ROSETH TO APPROVE: 2. THE 7 FOOT FRONT YARD VARIANCE FROM S.T.B. 13. A. VACATE WALKER AVENLE FROM DAKOTA STREET TO THE SOUTHERN TERMINUS Cr THE SITE. B. GRAW THE CITY A 14 PCOT ROAD EASEMENT OVER THE WESTERLY 14' OF THE SITE. C. GRWr THE CITY A 24' ROAD EASEMENT THROUGH THE PARKING LOT AS SHOWN OR THE SITE PLAN. 3. PRIOR LAKE A;R(BPM THE SINGLE FAMILY HOME, REPM IT AND SELL THE PROPERTY TO TOE APPLICANT OR WHATEVER THEY SEE FIT TO DO. 4. PRIOR LAKE DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT PLANS M MMED THE 24 FOOT ALLEY SOUTH TO CREDIT RIVER ROAD FROM DAKOTA. 5. APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBJECT TO: A. THE EXTERIOR FINISH OF THE BUIIMING BE A UNIFORM BRICK AS DESCRIBED IN THE PLAN. B. THE PROPANE 1HNR BE MOVED TO A LESS VISIBLE DANGEROUS SPOT AND APPROPRIATELY LANDSCAPED. C. THE IAM3CAPE PLAN BE AOCEP'141BLE TO STAFF. D. THE APPLICANT HEiNE ALL RESIDUE BLACKTOP HEM= THE SITE AND S.T.H. 13. E. ALL TAN'S AND PIPING BE REMOVED. SECONDED BY TOM LOFTUS. (MR. LCFTUS HAD CONCERN OVER THE EM= OF TRAFFIC CIRCULATION IN THIS AREA OFF NWAM AVENUE AND THE FEASIBILITY OF BUYING A SINGLE FAMILY HOME BY THE CITY) Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Kedrowski, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; the motion passed unanimously- 2 MINUTES OF TPE PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTDBER 3, 1987 MOTION BY IOSETH TO CEASE THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR ZONING ORDINANCE AMEMIDMENT, CONOITICNAL USE PERMIT, AND VARIANCE FOR PETER T. FLINR, SECONDED BY WELLS. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Kedrowski, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; the motion passed unanimously. *The tape of this public hearing will be kept on file in the office of the City Planner as official record. At this time a 5 minute recess was called. The meeting resumed at 6:50 P.M. ITEM TTT HR&RIMG ON FIN11I. PLAT aFTR;lvmr. TRR. HARROfi 7TH ADDITION City Planner Graser commented per memo dated September 3, 1967. MOTION BY ARNOLD TO GIVE FINAL PLAT APPROVAL TO THE HARBOR 7TH ADDITION, SINCE IT IS IN SUBSTANTIAL C014PLIANCE TO THE , BECOMED BY LOCI. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Kedrowski, Loftus, Rmseth, Wells; the motion passed unanimously. .nor ly MAgIM ON FINAL PLAT NM H ^BURP OAFS 52a AIDMM City Planner Graser commented that Preliminary Plat approval was given by both the Council and Pla=ning Commission witn the contingency that the park dedication as sham, hammerhead driveways for lots abutting Carriage Hill Road and the 100 year flood level in the ponding area be successfully completed, which has been done. Mr. Graser read the legal description for the record: Lots 5, 6 7 Block 2, and Late 2 3, 4, 5, 6 Block 1, North Shore Oaks 5th Addition MOTION BY MAS TO APPROVE THE FINAL PLAT OF NORTH SHORE CARS 5TH ADDITION SUBJBM TO: 1. DEDICATION OF PARR AS SHOWN O9 THE PLAT. 2. HAMtM= DR EWAYS PDR LOTS ABUTTING CARRIAGE HILL ROAD. SECONDED BY ROSETH. upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Kedrowski, Loftus, RDseth, Wells; the motion passed unanimously. ITEM V - marAWMAT ON OF THE PLN2GW OQNUffl= MOTION BY AIMM TD NOM11a4CTE DAVE R]SFTH FOR CHAIR AND NNW TO CLOSE THE NOMINAMCN. 3 MDVTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE PLANNING OOM MISSION SEPTEMBER 3, 1987 Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Kedrowski, Loftus, Wells; the motion carried. MMON BY FJOSEM TO NOMINATE MARY ELLEN WELLS FOR VICE CHAIR AND NNW TO CLOSE THE NOMINATION. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Kedrowski, Loftus, Roseth; the motion carried. MDPION BY ARM n TO AOOuM 'BBB SEPTEMBER 3, 1987 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING CDM4SSION NMM G, SECONDED BY I"MOMSRI. Opm a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Kedroi:ski, Loftus, BDeeth, Wells; the motion Passed unanimousl The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. BDRBr W. GRAM DIFJKN t OF PLM IIM; 4