HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 April Planning Commission Minutesmu II I, • PLANNING 00MMISSION AGEDDA APRIL 17, 1986 7:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 7:35 P.M. 8:00 P.M. 8:30 P.M. 8 :45 P.M. 9:30 P.M. 10:15 P.M. 10:30 P.M. a •'11 31• •C �1��: r JWi:ti9 I.1;:J Y: t• I�. "u'I • M1 �• I • :o r' • (612) 447.4230 4029 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 369 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 66972 PLANNING COM4IISSION MINUTES APRIL 17, 1986 The April 17, 1986 Prior Lake Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Larson at 7:30 P.M. Present were Casnissioners Arnold, Loftus, Roseth, wells, City Planner Graser and City Planning Intern Deb Garross. MOTION BY WELLS To APPROVE THE APRIL 3, 1986 MDWTES AS PRESENTED, SECONDED BY AMOLD. UPON A VOTE TARN, THE MOTION WAS DULY PASSED. Item I, Public Hearing to consider rezoning of a C -1 Conservation District to R-1 Residential was called to order. The subject parcel is located approximately 200 feet east of intersection of Alban- Avenue and Cates Street. City Planning Intern Deb Garross commented per mono dated April 14, 1986. Larry Boltz commented to the Commission in behalf of his mother who lives on Pleasant Street. She has taken care of the property designated as Outlot A for the past 20 years and is concerned about the future use of the parcel. Andrew Franklin, 4294 Pleasant, caomented that the Conservation District should not be rezoned. He presented •Exhibit A" which consisted of a petition and questions from area residents who do riot support rezoning that portion of the Conservation District. Ted Schweich commented that the property has been taxed and considered buildable therefore he feels the rezoning request is justified. The Planning Commissioners expressed concern over the rezoning, filling, grading, and future use of the land mass located within the Conservation District. MOTION BY IOFIUS TO TABLE THE REZONING OF C -1 CONSERVATION DISTRICT TO R-1 RESIDENTIAL. FOR 3.5 ACRES LOCATED APPROKIMATELY 200 FEET EAST OF INTERSECTION OF ALBANY AVENUE AND CAM STREET, UNTIL MAY 1, 1986 AT 10:00 P.M., SECONDED BY R7 SETH. UPON A VOTE TAKEN, THE MOTION WAS DULY PASSED. MOTION BY APNOLD TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR REZONING OF C -1 CONSERVATION DISTRICT TO R-1 RESIDENTIAL, SECONDED BY L.ONRUS. UPON A VOTE TAKEN, THE MOTION WAS DULY PASSED. (312) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 Item II, Lakeside Estates 5th Addition Preliminary Plat subdivision request. Ted and Greg Schweich requested that the item be tabled due to the action on the previous Item. MOTION BY LOFTUS TO TABLE 241E SUBDIVISION REQUEST FOR LAKESIDE ESTATES 5TH ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT To MAY 1, 1986 AT 10 :15 P.M., SECONDED BY WELLS. UPON A VOTE TAKEN, 243E MOTION WAS DULY PASSED. MOTION BY RSETH TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON LAKESIDE ESTATES 5TH ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBDIVISION, SECONDED BY MUD. UPON A VOTE TAKEN, THE MOTION WAS DULY PASSED. Item III, Public Hearing for Lakeside Park 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat was called to order. Brad RDthnem and Larry Gensmer, Northco Development Inc., developers were present to answer questions. Brad Rothnem cmnented that due to the opposition from area residents, the developers are now requesting a simple subdivision of 2 equal lots in an R-1 zoned area. Mr. Rothnem also commented that the park dedication fee should be waived in this case because the developers are dedicating part of their property to the City. City Planner Graser commented per memo dated April 14, 1986. MOTION BY ARNOLD TO APPROVE THE REQUESTED SUBDIVISION FOR LAKESIDE PAW 2ND ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT SING IT IS ODNSIST01T WITH CITY CODE AND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ACT ON THE PARK DEDICATION REQUEST FOR WAIVER, SEOOMDFD BY WELLS. UPON A VOTE MUM, THE MOTION WAS DULY PASSED. MOTION BY ROSEIH TO (LASE THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR LAKESIDE PARK 2ND ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT, SECONDED BY ARNOLD. UPON A VOTE TAKEN, THE MOTION WAS DULY PASSED. Item TV, Public Hearing for Westedge Estates Preliminary Plat was called to order. Louie Stassen, developer, and Tam Loucks, Consultant were present to answer questions. Mr. Loucks commented on the subdivision with regard to the townhome units, erosion, drainage, elevation, landscape, and permit required from the county. City Planner Graser canmented per memo date April 14, 1986. The Planning Camissioners camiented on the Preliminary Plat with few concerns. MOTION BY ARMDLD TO APPROVE THE WESTIDGE ESTATES PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBDIVISION CONTINGENT UPON THE FOLIOAWi: 1. A STORM DRAINAGE PLAN AND CUMMIONS ACCRP4MIBLE TO CITY S141FF. THIS WILL INVO,VE A RFSPUNSIBILITY TO THE DEVEWPER TO PROVE TO THE CITY THE AMD= OF ADDITIONAL FLAW, AND THE DISPOSITION OF THE FLOW FROM THE SITE TO THE PONDING AREA. 2. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MIST BE SHOWN. 3. ADDITIONAL EASEMENTS FOR INTERNAL SEWER AN WATER LINES MUST BE SHOWN. 4. THE LOWERING OF THE WATERMAIN OR RAISIN OF THE SEWER OR ANY OTHER ALTERNATIVE TO PROVIDE UTILITIES TO THE DEVELOPMENT WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEVELOPER AND THE DEVELOPER SHALL SUBMIT THE PLAN FOR APPROVAL BY STAFF. 5. A PERMIT FROM SCOTT OOUNTY FOR ACCESS AND WORK IN THEIR R.O.W. BE OBTAINED. 6. ALL OUM BOXES MUST BE WITHIN A UTILITY EASEMENT. 7. THE PLANT MATERIALS SHOULD BE DOUBLED. 8. PAYMENT OF THE PARR DEDICATION FEE BY THE APPLICANT. SECONDED BY ROSETH. UPON A VOTE TAKEN, THE MOTION WAS DULY PASSED. MOTION BY HRH TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR WFSTEDGE ESTATES PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBDIVISION, R=WED BY ARNOLD. UPON A NUTE TAKEN, THE MOTION WAS DULY PASSED. At this time a recess was called. The meeting resumed at 9:35 P.M. Item V, Public Hearing for Raspberry Ridge Preliminary Plat Subdivision was called to order. Greg Kopischke, Westwood Planning Consultant, was present to answer questions. Mr. Kopischke commented on the acreage, rezoning, parks, access, sanitary sewer line, drainage, poding, buffering, phasing, and hame values. City Planner Graser commented per memo dated April 17, 1986. At this time audience input was called for. Bruce Jandorf, 15079 Manitou Road, had concerns over the traffic pattern, access, comber of lots to be developed, safety for children, and parks. Bob Cavill, 14909 Manitou Road, felt the conservation area should be maintained in order to protect wildlife in the area. Regina ward, 15208 Edinborough, expressed concerns regarding costs and access to streets such as Edinborough. Kitty Jobst, 15110 Martinson Island, had a concern over the exit access off Lord's Street and felt residents in the Martinson Island area should be notified of meetings affecting this area. Eu4enc Carpenter, 15005 Manitou Road, long time resident of the area, expressed the concern that a wind tunnel may exist in the low area where the proposed relocation of Lord's Street is to occur. He also expressed concern for the safety of children crossing the roads and indicated that there may be Indian mounds (burial grounds) located within the proposed subdivision area. Mike Poskozim, 14929 Manitou Road, felt that the natural land should not be destroyed. Bob cavill, 14909 Manitou Road, had concern over the park property being developed if not given to the City. Jean McCarthy, 15130 Martinson Island, felt access to Lord's Street should remain as is. Bruce Jandorf, 15079 Manitou Road, inquired whether or not a study had been done to analyze traffic on Lord's Street, especially during the Winter months. He also cammented that the width of the street needs to be 50 feet or more. Bob Cavill, 14909 Manitou Road, commented that a bike path was considered many years ago around the lake and inquired whether this subdivision would include a bike path. Maureen Jandorf, 15079 Manitou Road, was concerned about safety factors in regards to the blind spot that exists where Manitou Road and Lord's Street intersect. John McCarthy, 15130 Martinson Island, felt there should be two access roads from the area and Lord's Street be kept as one. The Planning Coomissicners had concerns regarding 2 roads to County Road 21, parks in the subdivision, safety for children, traffic, erosion, ponding, utilities, road and traffic study dare, green space, Indian burial mounds, and Watershed input. MOTION BY ARNOLD TO TABLE RASPBERRY RIDGE PRELIMINARY PLAT UNTIL MAY 15, 1986 AT 7:35 P.M. TO GIVE THE DEVELOPER TIME TO MEET WITH STAFF ON THE CONCERNS AS FOLLOWS: 1. SUIGLE PARK LOCATION CN COUNTY ROAD 21 AND LORD'S STREET INTERSECTION. 2. OUTLOT A & B DEDICATED TO THE CITY. THE PONDING AREAS ONE IS DIVIDED By THE RAILR10AD AND THE OTHER TO TO RIGHT BE PRESERVED. 3. DEVELOPER CONIFER WITH CITY STAFF ON FILLING OF THE MARSH AREA. 4. THE REVISED PLAN PRESERVE 20% OR MORE SLOPES. ARCHITBCTORAL CONTROL BE CONSIDERED. 5. THE INFORMATION REQUIRED CH INDIAN MOUNDS OBTAINED. 6. INPUT FROM COUNTY WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCESS ON COUNTY ROAD 21. 7. TRAFFIC STUDY WAS DISCUSSED. 8. WATERSHED INPVP REGARDING OVERFLOW. 9. GREEN SPACE AT NORTH END OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. 10. TWO CUL DE SAC AREAS ON HIGHLAND AND IAN'S COURT REGARDING TRAFFIC. 11. MARTINSON ISLAND PEOPLE BE WJTIFIEr OF ANY UPCOMING MET;TING. SECONDED BY WELLS. UPON A VOTE TAKEN, THE MOTION WAS DULY PASSED. MOTION BY ROSETH TO CLOSE THE RASPBERRY RIDGE PUBLIC HEARING, SECONDED BY ARNOW. UPON A VOTE TAKEN, THE MOTION WAS DULY PASSED. Item VI, Bob Boegeman request for Non Conforming Use Alteration of Hollywood Inn. Mr. Bob Boegeman was present to answer questions. City Planner Graser commented per mama dated April 14, 1986. The Planning Carmissioners expressed concern whether screening and terming should be done prior to issuance of a building permit. MOTION BY IDFTUS TO APPROVE THE NON CONFORMING USE ALTERATION FOR THE HOLLYWOOD INN CONTINGENT UPON: 1. A LANDSCAPE PLAN BE PREPARED BY A FMISl'ERED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SCREENING THE REAR OF THE INN AND THE PLAN BE SUBMITTED TO AND APPROVED BY CITY STAFF. 2. THAT ALL IMPROVEMENTS AND LANDSCAPING BE COMPLETE AND INSTAL.L.ED PRIOR TO A BUILDING PERMIT FOR THE TWdO NEWLY CREATED BUILDABLE LOT'S. Item VII, Northco Development request for Conditional Use Permit. Brad Rothnem and Larry Genemer, developers, were present to answer questions. Brad Rothnem discussed the proposal to construct 3 towntames in an R-2 area. In his opinion the development meets the necessary requirements. He further commented on items such as architectural style, elevation changes, color and value of the proposed tovnhomes. Fred Oakley, 4052 Grainwood, was in favor of the proposal and asked if Grainwood Trail would be a public road, which direction the proposal will face and if there will be a homeowners association. MOTION BY LOETUS TO TABLE THE OONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RBQUPST FOR LOT 5 BLOCK 1 BT,OHM'S FIRST ADDITION, SECONDED BY ARNOLD- UPON A VOTE MUM, THE MVTTON WAS DULY PASSED. MOTION BY ARNOLD TO CLOSE THE APRIL 17, 1986 PRIOR LORE PLANNING COMIISSION MEETING, SECONDED BY ROSETH. UPON A VOTE MUM, THE NOTION WAS DULY PASSED. THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 11:40 P.M. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PLAPOMC COMUSS1GM AGENDA APRm 3, 1986 7:30 P.R. CALL 70 OFGW 7:30 P.R. waElf Mnv= OP PREVIOUS MmTnG 7:35 P.M. P1NLD WOLFRAM VARIAIM 8:00 P.M. MORD30D DEym4pm 3PP 01DT 30EM I= (O1R'IILIDId' m 8:30 P.M. L110ES110liB MUNGA@TT STUFF 9:45 P.M. WT asm cm = LMOB P.D.D. AMMEN P 10:15 P.M. BOB BOBGEMMI MOM OMWON13M 066 ALTEWIOM (812) 4474230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 369 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 56372 The April 3, 1986 Prior Lake Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Larson at 7:30 P.M. Present were Commissioners Arnold, Loftus, wells, Roseth, City Planner Graser and City Planning Intern Deb Garross. MOTION BY ARTAI.D TO APPROVE THE MARCH 20, 1986 MINUTES AS ANWED " page 3, end of page add SECONDED BY AIM=. UPON A VOTE TAKEN, THE MOTION WAS DULY PASSED." SECDtVED BY WELTS. UPON A VOTE TAKEN, THE NOTION WAS DULY PASSED. Item I, Ronald wolfram request for a 5 foot side yard variance from the west side property line to construct a 26 X 26 foot detached garage at 4612 Pleasant Street SE. Mr. Wolfram was present to answer questions. Mr. Wolfram commented that with the small lot this was the only location for a new garage. Mr. Wolfram presented a letter "Exhibit A" from Wayne and Anna Arabs stating they have no objection to the garage. City Planner Graser commented per memo dated 4/3/86. Mr. Graser also commented that this is in the Redevelopment District but is not detrimental to the District. The Planning Oommissio ers had no problems with the variance request. MOTION BY ROSETIH TO APPROVE THE RONALD WOLFRAM REQUEST FOR A 5 FOOT SIDE YARD VARIANCE FROM THE WEST SIDE PROPERTY LINE TO OOFSTRIXR A 26 X 26 FOOT DETACHED GARAGE AT 4612 PLEASANT STREET S.E. SINCE IT IS CONSISTENT WITH TO OHARWTER OF THE AIM AND WOULD IMPROVE THE VISUAL neWSSICN OF THE PROPERT7f BY PROVIDING A COVERED STORAGE FOR THE APPLICANT AND THE REQUEST IS CONSISTENT WITH PREVIOUS PLAMM COMMISSION ACTION FOR SURSTANDARD LOTS AND BASED ON THE EXISTING HARMIP, SECONDED BY WELLS. UPON A VOTE TAKEN, THE NOTION WAS DULY PASSED. At this time a 10 minute recess was called. The meeting resumed at 8:10 P.M. (612) 447- 4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 Item 11, Northco Development continuation for a Conditional Use request. Larry Genaner, developer, was present to answer questions. Mr. Gensner commented that they are subdividing the property into 2 single family lots and withdrawing the previous request for two duplexes in a R-1 zoned area. NO M 7 TON WAS NECESSARY ON THIS ITEM. Item III, Lakeshore Management Ordinance. City Planning Intern, Deb Garross presented the Ordinance and commented per memo dated 3/27/86. Tan Fos:ar, 5283 Frost Point Circle, commented that his tenant at Watersedge Office Piaza had a concern over screening along the shoreline blocking view for security reasons. The Planning COMiBSioners had several concerns and comments on the Ordinance. MOTION BY ARNOLD TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF THE LAKESHORE MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE IN AMENDED FORM page 5, under SECTION 2 A. under GENERAL DEVELOPMEW S1REAMS ADD (4) UNNAMED TRIBUTARY GENERAL DEVE14PNW page 8, under C., 2. delete "(THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE BOAT PAWNS)." page 9, under D., 2., a. delete "(b) PLACING IRE 10ABST FLOOR AT A LEVEL AT LENM THREE FEET ABOVE THE HIGHEST Rom WATER LEVEL. IN TRW INSMM WHERE SUFFICIENT DATA 0" KNOWN HIGH WATER LEVELS ARE NOT AVAUABLE, THE ORDI"Alal HIGH WATER WM SHALL BE USED-" add "(b) PLACED V OF THE LOWEST FLOOR SHALL BE AT AN KW =C" OONSIMW WTLH THE STORM WATER NUUGEMW PLAN." page 10, under B., 2. delete "ADD" add "�" add after mulch 'OR SOD" `ION: 1, }• •.•a' 1: ill • • V v} • • r a sl 9 }H' -• }• •' I• / • V '1} 'I • • 111 �: 1 Item IV, Winds:3ng On The Lake Amendment to P.U.D. from an equestrian to a golf course. Ralph Heuschele, Attorney, and Dawn Varda, Architect, and Dean Morlock developer were present to answer questions. Ms. Varda presented the change from the equestrian area to a physical fitness /parklike theme comnenting on the contours of the land, walkways, 2 additional boat slips, 2 additional lots, plantings, and buildings. City Planner Graser cmmented per memo dated 3/31/86 and had no problem with the 2 additional lots and 2 additional boat slips. Also reading the memo from City Consultant Planner Charles Tooker on landscaping. Mike Felix, 15260 Eagle Creek Drive, commented that the planting plan should have a time frame. The Planning Commissioners had comments on the P.U.D. change. MOTION BY LOMUS TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED AMEMDMEW TO REPLACE THE EQUESTRIAN ELEMENT WITH A PHYSICAL FITNESS/PAR1MIRL THEME WI DSONG ON THE LAKE P.U.D. CONDITIONED UPON WNII+ORMRNCE TO THE PLANTING PLAN SOMIITTED TO, REVIEWED BY AND APPROVED BY THE CITY STAFF AND TENTATIVE TIME TABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AMENITIES APPROVED BY STAFF BE SUBMITTED AT TIME OF REVIEW BY THE CITY COUNCIL, SECONDED BY ARNOED. UPON A VOTE TAKEN, THE MOTION WAS DULY PASSED. MOTION BY R16ETH TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR WiNDSONG ON THE LAKE P.U.D., SECONDED BY WELLS. UPON A VOTE TAKEN, THE MOTION WAS DULY PASSED. At this time a 5 minute recess was called. The meeting resumed at 10:45 P.M. Item V, Bob Boegeman request for Non Conforming Use Alteration to remove a portion of lots 1 and 2 from the Hollywood Inn land mass to build single family homes. Mr. Boegemen was present to answer questions. Bob Boege am commented an the request to build single family homes on 3 sixty foot lots since he purchased 30 feet of vacated 7th street. City Planner Graser commented per memo dated 3/31/86. The Planning Commissioners had concerns over the request for hones on sixty foot lots, a business next to residential, buffering, landscaping, and future of this area. MOTION BY LLCM S TO APPROVE THE NON OONPDRMING USE ALTERA°.ION FOR BOB BOBGEMAN CONTTINGENT UPON: 1. THAT LOTS 1 -3 AND ONE HALF OF SEVENTH STREET BE COMBINED TO FORM TWO 40 FOOT LOTS. 2. A LFMDSCAPE PLAN BE SUBMITTD BY A RBGISTERBD IAMM CAPE ARCHITECT TO SCREEN THE REAR OF THE INN. 3. IN THE EMU THE RESIDUE OF LOTS 1 ADD 2 ARE NOT COMBINED WITH AWAOENT LAND; THEN ONLY ONE HOME CAN BE BUILT ON SAM LOTS 1 ADD 2. .MMUN BY LOFTUS 70 CASE THE APRIL 3, 1986 PRIOR LM M H AM M MM MISSION NEMME, SHCODDID BY IDS. UPON A VOTE MUM, THE NOTION WAS DULY PASSED. THE MEMM G ADJOURNED AT 11:20 P.M.