HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 August Planning Commission MinutesCITY OF PRIOR LAKE PIANNITG COMMISSION AGEIDA AU(;USIr 21 1986 7:30 PAL CALL TO OR= 7:30 P.R. REVIEW MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MBETIlG 7:35 P. M. C[ Ry" JCHIi I 8:00 P.M. B.H. GRACE CORP. 8:30 P.M. RBID SINIIIAS 9:00 P.N. ALNRC INC. 9:15 PAL DISCUSSION SUBDIVISION CONE. VARIANCE COW. SUBDIVISION ADVISORY M!m' mG SUBDIVISION CODINANCB B-1 BUSIN BS DISTRICT (612) 4474230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 369 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION NDNUTFS AUGUST 21, 1986 The August 21, 1986 Prior Lake Planning CWWdSaion meeting was called to order by Chairman Larson at 7:30 P.M. Present were Commissioners Arnold, Loftus, Wells, City Planner Graser and Assistant Planner Garross. C®issioner Roseth arrived at 9:35 P.M. MOTION BY LDFIUS TO AppROvE TBE ML11YM OF THE AUGUST 7, 1986 N WING AS PRESENTED, SECONDED BY AMU. UPON A VOTE TARN, THE NOTION WAS DULY PASSED. (AIW=r L 0F1US, WELDS, LARSON) Item I, continuation of Clayton Johnson Subdivision public hearing. Mr. Johnson was present to answer questions. City Planner Graser commented per memo dated August 18, 1986. MOTION BY WELLS TO APPROVE CLAYTON'S 1ST ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT REQUEST SINCE IT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE ZONING ORDINANCE, SECONDED BY LOME. UPON A VOTE TAKEN, THE NOTION WAS DULY PASSED. (ARNCLD, IOP'1US, IARSON, WELLS) MOTION BY ARNOLD TO CLOSE THE SUBDIVISION PUBLIC HEARING FOR CLAYTON JOHNSON, SE O DED BY LOFNS. UPON A VOTE TAKEN, TOLE MOTION WAS DULY PASSED. (AIMD, IL)MS, WELLS, LARSON) At this time a 6 minute recess was called. The meeting resumed at 8 :00 P.M. Item II, B.H. Grace Corporation Variance Continuation. ioren Grass discussed the variance requests for Lot 2, North Grainwood. Specifically the applicant had applied for a 2' north side yard, 5' south side yard, 50' lakeshore and 25' front yard using one rod measurement from the road. Mr. Gross also commented on the coverage ratio associated with the proposal. (612) 447 -4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 65372 City Planner Graser commented per mend dated August 7, 1986. Mr. Graser further commented that the concept of including the 1 rod road in the coverage ratio had merit. The Planning Canmission discussed the possibility of setting future precedent for allowing 1008 variance and stipulations regarding the locations for future decks. MOTION BY ARNOLD TO GRANT A 25 FOOT FRONT YARD, 5 FOOT SOUTH SIDE YARD, 2 FOOT NORTH SIDE YARD AND 50 FOOT LAKESHORE VARIANCE FOR B.B. THE 16 1/2 FOOT ROADWAY WITH UNDERLYING UTILITY SERVICE SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE OONSIDERATION OF THE PROPERTY. THE VARIANCES ARE CONTINGENT UPON STAPF APPROVAL OF A DRAINAGE CONFIGURATION TO BE INCORPORATED WM THE PROPOSAL. ALSO, DUE TO THE NUMBER OF VARIANCES BEING GRANTED, ANY FUTURE DEW OR ADDITIONS MUST BE CONTAINED WITHIN THE BUILDING AREA DELINEATED BY THE AFOREMENTIONED VARIANCES. THE VARIANCES WERE GRANTED DUE TO THE UNIQUENESS OF THE PROPERTY. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY WELLS, UPON A VOTE TAKEN, THE MOTION WAS DULY PASSED. (LARSON, ARNOLD, LOFTUS, WELLS) At this time a 5 minute recess was called. The meeting resumed at 8:40 P.M. Item III, Reno Sinikas variance request. The application requested a 2 foot east side yard and 2 foot west side yard variance to construct a tame and also a 5 foot west side yard variance to construct an attached garage. Rena Sinikas commented that due to substandard dimensions and the topography of Lot 20, variances were required in order to construct the home and attached garage. Assistant City Planner Garross commented per 10010 dated August 18, 1986. At this time Chairman Larson read 2 letters for the record, Exhibit A from Greg & Lindy Larson, and Exhibit B from Dr. Creighton J. McKowen. Both letters were in support of the variance requests. The Commissioners considered the need to also incorporate a lakeshore variance for the deck addition. Ken Applebaimm commented on the steepness of the back yard and also explained that he would incorporate railroad ties and planters into the landscape design in order to help prevent erosion. MOTION BY LOFTUS TO GRANT THE FOLLOWING VARIANCEST A 4 POOP LAKESHORE, 2 FOOT WEST MID FAST SIDE YARD FOR THE HOUSE AND A 5 POOP WEST SIDE YARD FOR THE GARAGE FOR LOT 20 CANDY OOVE PARK, SINE IT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE aWACTM OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND WOULD NOT BE DETRIMENTAL. TO THE GENERAL HEALTH, WELFARE OR PROPERTY VALUES OF THE OOM UN Ty, SECONDED BY ARNOLD. UPON A VOTE TAKEN, THE MOTION WAS DULY PASSED. (ARNOLD, LARSON, LOFTUS, WELLS) At this time a 5 minute recess was called. The meeting resumed at 9:00 P.M. Item Iv, A]mac Inc. subdivision advisory meeting was called to order. Ronald Swanson, Valley Engineering Co. Inc., ccm anted on the plans for a future subdivision next to Island View 3rd Addition. The preliminary plans include approximately 43 single family hones. Mr. Swanson further discussed park requirements, trunk sewer, topography of the site, road connections, lot configurations and drainage from the site. Item V, Discussion of the Subdivision Ordinance by City Planner Graser. City Planner Graser cmmmented that the Subdivision Ordinance which was drafted in 1974, was in need of revisions necessary to update the document to current standards. The Planning Commissioners discussed the existing ordinance the possible areas to be revised. An updated draft is to be brought back before the Cmumission at a future date. At this time re- organisation was called. NNION BY ROSEID TO NIMIIATE ICKUS FOR 1986 -87 CBAII041N, SBODIDED BY A13i W. NNION BY ARMD TO CLOSE THE NOIffiMIONS FOR CBAnwx, SECONDED BY WELLS. UPON A VOTE TNMN, T IDS NNION WAS DULY PASSED AND IW IS 'IDS NEW CBAI WN- NOTION BY AN CUD TO NO!@ATE ROSEID AS VICE CHAIFPW OF THE FLAMM COMMISSION, SECONDED BY WBLLB. MOTION BY LOPRVS TD Nk1IIATE NEWS AS VICE CHAIRMAN: AT THIS TINS WELLS RE7E = THE NOMINIRION. NXION BY ARNMD TO CLOSE TIDE N NI ATIONS FOR VICE CHAIRMAN, SEOONM BY ROSETID. UPON A VOTE TAKEN, THE NOTION WAS DULY PASSED AND ROSBIH IS THE NEW VICE CHAINW. At this time it was ,,....,ic voiced that Chairmen Laracn did an outstanding job . NOTICN BY AINOLD m ADJOURN 7HE AUG= 21, 1986 PRICK LANE PLANING CONNISSION N BTJM, SEODIDED BY 206M. UPON A VOTE ==, ME MOTION WAS DULY PASSED. (AM=, LARSON, ICUTUS, IDBEID, =18) THE MEA.7= AWOMW AT 10:25 P.M. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Ni Hs ,. t 7:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER 7:30 P.M. REVIEW MIN ES OF PREVIOUS MERMIG 7:35 P.M. CLAYTON JCJBN9(N SEEDWISION 8:00 P.M. H.H. GRACE ODWORATION VARIANCE 8:30 P.M. NNIREEW ANDERIM VARIANCE 9:00 P.M. JOHN ZAL89RY VARIANCE 9 :15 P.M. JOHN S(HOffid+ER VARIANCE (812) 447.4290 4629 DAKOTA STREET &E. P.O. BOX 350 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 7, 1956 The August 7, 1986 Prior Lake Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Larson at 7:55 P.M. Present were Commissioners Loftus, Wells, and City Planner Graser. Absent was Commissioner Arnold. Commissioner Roseth arrived at 9:28 P.M. MOTION BY L.OPTUS 70 APPROVE THE JULY 31, 1986 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED, SBCO DED BY WELLS. UPON A VOTE TIMM, 198 MOTION WAS DULY PASSED. (IOMS, WELLS, LARSON) Item I, Subdivision Public Hearing for Clayton Johnson. This item is to be continued since the list for notification was not received in time by staff. MOTION BY LDFTUS 70 CONTINUE THE SUBDIVISION PUBLIC HEARING FOR CLAYTON JOHNSON UNTIL AUGUST 21, 1986 AT 7:35 P.M., SBCONDED BY WELLS. UPON A VOTE TAKEN, THE MOTION WAS DULY PASSED. (WELLS, IOFIOS, LARSON) Item II, B.H. Grace Corporation request for a 25' front yard, 1' north side yard, 5' south side yard, and 62' lakeshore variance for Lot 2 North Grainwood. Loren Gross, representative for the applicant, commented that these are difficult lots to build on, they had been assessed as buildable lots and economically not possible to combine the lots as one. Therefore they are requesting the variances. City Planner Graser commented per memo dated 8/7/86. Ron Ebb, 19806 Jordan Court, Lakeville, as President of Some Builders didn't know the history or that variances were needed but wanted to come up with something reasonable with 850' on the main level with a tuck under garage. The Planning Commissioners had conoern over the situation with regard to the lots being assessed yet too small to be buildable without the granting of several variances. MOTION BY WELLS TO CONTINUE 70 DISCUSSION OF VARIANCE APPLICATION FOR B. H. GRACE CORPORATION UNTIL AUGUST 21, 1986 AT 8:00 P.M. TO GIVE THE APPLICANT TIME TO R&- EVALUATE THE EBT WrVE VARIANCES, SBOO DIED BY LDFTUS. UPON A VOTE TRIM, THE MOTION WAS DULY PASSED. (WILLS, LOF'19S, LARSON) (612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 Item III, request by Richard J. Anderson for an 18.5 foot lakeshore variance and two 5 foot side yard variances for 2963 Terrace Circle. Mr. & Mrs. Anderson were present to answer questions. Mr. Anderson stated that they were seeking 2 five foot side yard variances in order to construct the detached garage in an aesthetically pleasing location. City Planner Graser canmen per memo dated 8/2/86. The Commissioners had no problem with the lakeshore variance but the side yard variances shaved no hardship. NOTION BY LOFTUS TO GRANT AN 18.5 FOOT LAKESHORE VARIANCE FOR 2963 TERRACE CIRCLE SINCE IT IS CONSISTENT WITH PREVIOUS PLANNING COMMISSION PROCEDURE AND NOT DETRINENTAL 7O THE AREA, BUT TO DENY THE TWO 5 FOOT SIDE YARD VARIANCES SINE MUM IS No HARDSHIP WITH THIS SIZE LOT, SECONDED BY WELLS. UPON A VOTE TARN, THE MOTION WAS DULY PASSED. (WELLS, LOFTUS, LARSON) Item IV, request by John Zalesky for a 9.2 foot side yard variance for 5706 Birchwood Avenue N.E. Mr. Zalesky was present to answer questions. Mr. Zalesky commented that he applied for a building permit for a deck and found the lot 18' narrower than the builder said and the builder had put a sliding glass door on the side yard. Since there is a hill in the bank of the house this presents a hardship. City Planner Graser dented per memo dated 8/7/86. At this time Chairman Larson read three letters Exhibit "A" Rick D. Murray, "B" Mr. & Mrs. Michael Volkart, "C James L. & Patti A. Bowe, for the record all objecting to the variance request. The Cammissionners had concern over setting a new precedent even though definite hardship exists. MOTION BY LCF DS TO GRANT A 5.2 FOOT SIDE YALE VARIANCE FOR 5706 BIRCILWOOD AVENUE N.E. SINCE THIS WAS THE POLICY STATB!'LNT OF THE CITY COUNCIL. IN SIMILAR SITUATIONS AND THE ONE YEAR TIME FOR BUILDING IDLTUM DOWINITELY, SEOOMUED BY WELLS. UPON A VOTE MUM, THE MOTION WAS DULY PASSED. (WELL -S, LOFT US, LARSOM Roseth arrived at 9:28 P.M. and did not vote on the Zalesky variance. Item V, Anderson - Knutson Construction Co. request for a 30 foot front yard variance for 16511 Anna Trail. Jim Anderson of Knutson ODnetruction Company commented that the variance was necessary to make the beat visual function and use of the facility for a storeroom and showroom when enclosing the existing metal building. City Planner Graser commented per memo dated August 7, 1986. 4[7PION BY WELLS TO G&W ANDER90N — KNUTSON M STRUCPION OD. A 30 POOL FRONT YARD VARIANCE FOR 16511 ANNA TRUL SINCE TSB PRMOSAL UTILIZES THE EXISTING SI7QJATION WELL AND WILL RESULT IN D95KWENMM THAT WILL BE IN 796 BEST INTEREST OF THE CDMMUNM, SEA BY R SETH. UPON A VOLE VM, THE NOTION WAS DULY PASSED. (WELLS, LCMS, ROSE19, LARSON) NOTICN BY LOF°US TD AWOURN THE AUGUST 7, 1986 PRIOR LAMB PlAHMG O7MiMCN U+IEE M, SBOONDED BY WELLS. UPON A VOTE MLKEN, THE MM7M MRS DULY PASSED. THE ME6T1'f1G ADJOURdED AT 9:43 P.M.