HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 December Planning Commission MinutesINDEX 1986 PLANNING ODMMISSION MINUTES JANUP.RY 2, 1986: WILLIAM MCDONdLD F.U.D. STAFF DISCUSSION OF PLANNING COMMISSION RETREAT JANUARY 16, 1986: STAFF COMP PLAN AMENDMENT (URBAN SERVICE AREA) TONI DOROFF HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT CAL LUfDQUIST/ P.U.D. PRELIMINARY PLAN BOB BROWN FEBRUARY 6, 1986: STEVE MCDONALD P.U.D. OONTINU ,TION DAVE UNNACHT MN. STAR CITIES PROGRAM FEBRUARY 20, 1986: LOREN GROSS MARY MAII,ARET 1ST. PRELIM. PLAT TOM STEFFENS WILLtNS 6TH PRELIM. PLAT STAFF ZCN. AMENDMENT" P.U.D. MINIMUM ACREAGE. MARCH 6, 1986: NORTAOD DEV. INC. CONDITIONAL USE MARCH 20, 1986: STAFF SATELLITE DISH RECEIVING STAFF RADIO ANTENNA O DIMANCE STAFF ZON. CODE AMENDMENT V' ' •1' •Pri 1 r. r. n:v is APRIL 17, 1986: 06T PROPERTIES O T PROPERTIES N n-o v• a' REZONING (CATES STREET) LAKESIDE ESTATES 5 ADDITION PRELIM@pm PLAT LAKESIDE PARR 2ND ADD. PRELIM. PLAT WESTEDGE ESTATES PRE. PLAT RASPOMM RIDGE PRE. PLAT NON CDNIII muNG USE ALTERATION ODNDITIONAL USE PERMIT MAY 1, 1986: EDC— PLANNING COMM. DOWNTOWN PLAN DISCUSSION NORIHOO INC. COND. USE AND VARIANCE COMP. STAFF LAKESHORE RESTRICTIONS OjT PROPERTIES REZONING (CATES STREET) CONT. COT PROPERTIES LAKESIDE ESTATES 5 ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT COW. MAY 15, 1986: JUNE 5, 1986: JOHN ANDERSON PUMP AND METER SERVICE JOHN MOGINNIS JULIE VALINE JOHN NOEL w w w w7 w w w VNVn •'• w •• : a• Y' JUNE 19, 1986: JULY 2, 1986: JULY 31, 1986: AUGUST 7, 1986: AUGUST 21, 1986: aL r •,. ,. >• a n•r. :. r a• •. 1 PUBLIC HEARING BEVERLY MBCRTE7. JERRY NAHONEY • a "' Y . •i:. C" «' ••'P • 'I CLAYTON JOHNSON B.S. BRACE CORP. HIM SINIKAS ALMAC INC. STAFF LP •.r• 1h: :w •,�n.. PRmimnuIS PLAT CLAYTOW 1ST VARIANCE VARIANCE VARIANCE VARIANCE CLAYTCHS 19T ADM. PRELIM. PLAT VARIANCE COW. SUBDIVISION AOVISORr MEETING DISCUSSION B-I DISTRICT SUBDIVISION OROINANCB SEPTEMBER 4, 1986: MARDI FY, GUM SUBDIVISION ADVISORY MEETING PRIOR LAKE MACHINE VARIANCE PAT MCGINNIS CONDITIONAL USE SEPTEMBER 18, 1986: SOUIHDALE Y.M.C.A. CONDITIONAL USE TOM THUMB VARIANCE PAUL JOACHIM VARIANCE OCTOBER 2, 1986: ALMAC INC. ISLAND VIEW 4TH PRE. PLAT MARY EGGUM CONCEPT PLAN DAVE UNMAcHT E.D.C. POLICIES LAWRENCE RYAN VARIANCE OCTOBER 16, 1986: STAFF SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE STAFF ZONING CORE AMEND. SEC. 2.5 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT DMENT TAMMY KAUFHOLD HCME OCCUPATION NOVEMBER 6, 1986: R0SERNN CAMPAGNOLI ZONING CODE AMENDMENT MAW BOGUR PRE. PRAT OAKRIDGE CT 2ND ADDN LARRY MILLER CONCEPT PLAN NOVEMBER 20, 1986: PUBLIC HEARING SCBDIVISION ORDINANCE PUBLIC HEARING 2.5 ZCNnG OUDna= PUBLIC NEARING COMP PLAN POLICIES 1-6 DECEMBER 4, 1986: RCBEANN CAMPAAGNOLI REZONING 2.5 AC. C -1 TO R-1 FRED SCHNEICH COND. USE ALTERATION "FREDDIES" DECEMBER 18, 1986: PUBLIC HEARING S=IVISION CWINRNCB JODY RAEEM LIKrM) RETREAT COND. USE ALMAC INC. ISLAND VIEW 5TH OONCEPT REVIEW .. •. z " 6 4 1 1i� I H:A C J * ' : 8' 7:30 P.M. CALL TO OROER 7:30 P.M. MUM MINUrW OF PREVIOUS MEFLWG 7:35 P.M. PUBLIC HLVUN; Cam. SUB. OB;Onumm STAFF 8:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING OMVITIQEIL USE JODY RAFBRTr PBM IT 4:00 P.M. DISCUSSION SUB. CONCEPT ALMAC INC. REVIEW (812) 1174230 4620 DAKOTA STREET B.E. P.O. SOX 366 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55379 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PLANNING OOMMISSION MINUrE5 DECEMBER 18, 1986 The December 18, 1986 Prior Lake Planning Commission meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Chairman Loftus. Present were Camnissioners Arnold, Larson, Roseth, Wells (arrived at 8:10 P.M.), and City Planner Graser. BY sY Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Larson, Loftus, Roseth; Wells absent; the motion carried. ITM 1 - YUtlLlI: H ^a••�^•• Wtt1 u1u,f1 ••� __ �•°• •••••,�•�•�•••• City Planner Graser discussed Chapter 6, 6 -1 Conformance to Applicable Rules and Regulations; 6 -2 Streets; and 6 -3 Alleys. Due to the fact that Engineering is working on a Public Works Design Manual which will affect this ordinance, they have not had a chance to review the ordinance. Chairman Loftus moved this item to the foot of the Agenda to keep the next item on schedule. At this time a 3 minute recess was called. The meeting resumed at 8:38 P.M. Diane Nimmer and Jody Rafferty, applicants, were present to answer questions. Diane Nimmer commented that the request is to consider a "Limited Retreat". The operation would consist of weekend sessions for no more than 12 people. The rest and relaxation programs would take place within the home. Sane outside activities may take place. Jody Rafferty commented that the house plan was to the most part sufficient to accommodate the retreat. The applicants propose to finish the basement and other minor remodeling. A study to determine the capacity of the septic system would be done if the City requires it. Parking will have to be expanded. Large shrubs would be planted to scree: the ears from neighborhood. If parking cannot be resolved the: a lino service would provide transportation from a location elsewhere. (612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 66372 City Planner Graser commented per main dated December 15, 1986. Chuck Pavlish commnented that stress was put on him with this request. This would decrease his privacy with traffic increase and people wandering outside. Also he would like the present zoning to stay in this area. xiike DiPaolo commented that he would like to see an annual review plus the permit revoked if expanded beyond this use. Also parking could be a problem and this use is out of character in the area. Elaine Res commented that the private aspect of single family area is important to then and would like to see that ruin. The Planning Commissioners had concerns over the following: 1. Number of people working at the facility and as guests. 2. The number of parking spaces required and appropriate screening. 3. The size of the septic system. 4. Consistency of the use with area character. 5. Neighbors. 6. The inpact this use may have on the conceptualized develosment framework for county Road 42. 7. How this use could establish a commercial foothold resulting in a compromise of attitudes towards long range planning for questionable short range benefits. MOTION BY LARSON To DENY TBE CDNDITIOWL USE PBRl11T REMW To ODiD = A 'LIMIT RETREAT" BUSINESS ON 5.1 ACM IN AN AGRICOfaUM AREA, SINCE IT WDULD SET A PRECEDENT FOR COMMERCIAL USE ALONG couNTY ROAD 42, SE=VW BY AMW. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Larson, Roeeth, Wells; nay Loftus (felt this was a low profile use and with conditions set, could be a use); the motion carried. MOTION BY LARSON To CLOSE THE 'SEARING FOR A CO DITIOM USE PERMIT RE== FOR A LIMITED RETREAT IN AN AGRICULIS M AREA, SHOOHM By AMW- Upan a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Larson, Loftus, Rgseth, Wellsl the motion passed unanimously. *The tape of the hearing will be kept on file in the office of the City Planner as the official record of this Bearing. Ion &anon, representing Almac Inc., which is located north of Island' item including trees, utilities, park to lake, docking, and Fremont Avenue. The Commissioners reviewed the plat with respect to zoning, Comprehensive Plan and subdivision requirements. The Commission did not find any elements which were inconsistent with City planning. At this time Chairman Loftus harried the gavel to Vice Chairman Roseth before leaving due to an early morning meeting. A 3 minute recess was called. Vice Chairman Roseth called the meeting back to order at 10:28 P.M. IMM 11 pti ILIC WMM === OF 741E SUBDIVISION OHD MAN=* City Planner Graser commented on Chapter 6 Number 6 -3 Blocks; 6-4 Lots; 6 -5 Easements; and 6-6 Natural Features. The Commissioners commented as the review went along with commendation to City Planner Graser for a job well dare. MOTION BY AIEMD TO COUMM THE PUBLIC HEARING CF MM SUBDIVISION OE029NC E BY STAFF TD JANIIW 15, 1987, STAFF WILL DESIMM A TIME, SBODWED BY WELLS. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Larson, Loftua Rosethr wells; the motion passed unanimously. *The tape of the hearing will be kept on file in the office of the City Planner as the official record of this Public Hearing. MOTION BY AMW TO ADJOURN WE D®C =HR 18, 1986 PRIER UM PIANKM COMMISSION NMTIM, SRMWW BY IAISM. Upon a vote taker; ayes by Arnold, Larson, Loftus. Hoseth, wells; the motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10 :50 P.M. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PL,ANWIV COMMMlON AGE DA DECEMBER 4, 1986 7:30 P.N. CALL. TO ODER 7:30 P.M. Fanmu MIr'JPEL4 Of PREVIOUS MEETING 7:35 P.N. PUBLIC HRARLMG RMIX)NING JERK[ i HosaNN CAMPA[ NOU 8:00 P.M. CO DD. USE PERMIT FREMDIBB FRBU SCSIBICB ALTERATION OM 70 Lmm (8i'. %4280 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 30 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 88x72 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PLANNING CDMM7S&loN MINUES DECEMBER 4, 1986 The December 4, 1986 Prior Lake Planning Commission meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Loftus. Present were Commissioners Arnold, Larson, RDseth, Wells, City Planner Graser and Assistant City Planner Garross. 44�!e . �� ?, v_.i�Ul4 -.w •.��7+.il�•!L'l:l?'.k44 u .• is 4 •ago a, a•r �a� •. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Larson, Loftus, Imseth, Wells; the motion passed unanimously. At this time City Planner Graser requested the Commissioners cancel the January 1, 1987 meeting due to it being Now Year's Eve. The Commissioners agreed to this unanimously. Jerry and Roseann Caapagnoli and new property owner John Rafferty were present to answer questions. Roseann Campagnoli commented that the request was to rezone 5.1 acres of C -1 Conservation land to A-1 Agricultural. Her home has been sold to an individual who is interested in ope rating a retreat facility. Because retreats are only allowed in Agricultural zones, the request is to rezone the property to A-1. City Planner Graser commented per memo dated 12/1/86,. At this time audience input was called for. The area residents were concerned over the use of Pike Lake. Specifically residents stated that they had moved to the area because of its private, rural setting. That natural setting is important and residents would like it preserved. Concern was also expressed that rezoning may increase the density of development in the area and residents are opposed to that. The Cam issioners had great concern over tt and Conservation areas, spot zoning, a def development on future growth along County concerned that the rezoning must be care for the benefit of the property owner. Ca regarding this area because decisions mad on future development along County Road 42. M (612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 City Pla:mer Graser explained that similar uses are allowed in C -1 and A-1 Districts. He further explained that the boundaries of the Conservation District may be studied in greater detail when development proposals are introduced. If the individual parcel does not reflect Conservation Zoning, the district boundaries may be refined by rezoning. In this case, the low lard natural features of Pike lake should remain C -1 and be preserved. However, the high lard portion of the parcel that does not reflect conservation zoning, could be rezoned to A -1 Agricultural. MOTION BY ROSETH TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT APPROXIMATELY 1/2 OF PARC•:L. BE REZONED FROM C -1 CONSERVATION TO A -1 AGRICULTURAL AND THAT THE APPLICANT SUBMIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT ACCURATELY GIBES THE AREA To BE REZONED. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS TO BE APPROVED BY STAFF, SEOOMM ARNOLD. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Loftus, Arnold, Wells; nay by Larson and Roseth (concerned about making a rezoning decision without a specific legal description); the motion carried. MOTION BY ROSEETH TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON REZONING JEROLD AND R SEANN CAMBAGNOLI PROPERTY, SECONDED BY ARNOLD. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold, Larson, Loftus, Roseth, Wells; the motion passed unanimously. 'The tape of the hearing will be kept on file in the office of the City Planner as the official record of this Public Hearing. Fred Schweich cemented an Phase III of the plan to expand Freddies on the Lake. The Proposed improvements include expending the facility with the addition of a larger kitchen, the location of the entrance will be changed, bathrooms will be relocated, new windows and siding will be added to the exterior, air conditioning and a wrap around deck will also be added to the facility. The parking lot has just been inproved and parking is sufficient to accamodate the addition. Mr Schweich meted that it is his hope that Freddies will became a fine dining establishment for the Prior Lake area. City Planner Graser cemented per memo dated 12/1/96. At this time audience input was called for. The area residents felt the addition would be an inprovesent for the area and increase their property values. They also felt that a fine dining restaurant would be an asset to the caommity. Residents also explained that noise from the restaurant has not been a problem for them. The Planning Commissioners discussed this phase alteration with concern that the hone to the west be protected from patrons and restaurant noise. The Commissioners also discussed the time frame for construction, enclosing the dumpsters and that fans on the roof be screened from vier. There was also discussion regarding traffic and parking slog Green Heights Trail. MOTION r•. 1 TO RECOMEND AJZowngG THE X •' •. OF THE CONDITIONAL PER41T FOR FREDDIES ON { SUBJECT TO- 1. PLANTING ON WEST BE OF DENSE AN1 MATURE PLANT MATERIALS. .1. FLAWING PROGPM MUST BE APPROVED STAFF. 2. APPROPRIATE SOUND AND VISUAL BARRIMS FOR ROOF FANS BE INCORPORATED INTO THE PLAN. 3. THE PROPOSED DECK BE MODIFIED IN ORDER 1 PROTECT :1" • PSEHO I T O ❑ ' WEST FROM NOISE AND PATRON CONTACT. 4. FENCING INCORPORATED f RD TO 188' PEOPLE FROM CLIMBING ON :I' ROOF. 5. PLANTINGS DISTUPORD VUR EXCRVATION MST BE REPLWTED. 6. PHASE III INCEME AT LEAST 55 PARaNG SPACES. 7. UNIFORM [4 s• t:' PlAMERIALS ' ♦: 1' INTSMAMED FOR T HE EMMM STRUCTURE. 8. PAGES 1-3 OF THE PLM BECOM AN MUUBrr POR MM PROPOSAL. 5_il.t, -'_I .L APR Upon a vote taken# ayes by Arnaldr Larson. Lottua FAmethr Nellal the notion Passed may. NOTION BY ROOM 7n AWOUIdI 786 MCIM a 4, 1986 MM LM PIANWG CMGGMON N66TLNG SWMUW BY L Umm Upon a vote taken, ayes by Arnold. Larson. Laftus Boseth Nallsy the notion passed mmdmx sly. The anetIng adjourned at 10:80 P.N. Herat IL Grader City PImler Agela Jaspers Aloordtn9 secretary