HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 February Planning Commission Minutesx AAA CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMEMION AGENDA FPsBR[Il4E0C 20, 1986 7:30 P.M. 7:35 P.M. 8:15 P.M. 9:00 P.M. r . r•a a• (612) 447-4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 The February 20, 1986 Prior Lake Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Larson at 7:35 P.M. Present were Commissioners Loftus, Roseth, Wells, Arnold arriving at 8:20 and City Planner Graser. Motion by Roseth to approve the minutes of the February 6, 1986 meeting as presented, seconded by Loftus. Upon a vote taken, the notion was duly passed. Item I, Mary Margaret let Addition request for Preliminary Plat approval. Loren Gross, developer, was present to answer questions. Mr. Gross commented on the Preliminary Plat with regard to location, access and a covenant for the Subdivision and block correction on the site plan (north -block 1 and south -block 2). City Planner Grauer commented per memo dated 1,/12/86. Robert Tufte, '14937 Manitou Road, had concern over the configuration of the lot on the end of the subdivision and the covenant regarding house size. The Planning Cmumisaioners cammented on the subdivision with regard to erosion, utilities, access and corrected plat drawings. Motion by Roseth to approve the Preliminary Plat for Mary Margaret let Addition contingent upon the following: 1. All disturbed areas must be immediately seeded and mulched with MZ/DOf mix until such time that road construction is completed. 2. Park dedication of $1,944.00 be paid. 3. Sewer and water service to Lot 2 Block 1 must be placed in the sere trench. 4. The curb boxes must be moved out into the right of way (one foot is adequate). 5. The curb radii must be increased to 25 feet. (612) 447- 4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 6. Both corner lots must be platted with 25 foct radii. 7. The face of the street must be 30 feet and 33 feet outside curb to curb. 8. Appaloosa Trail must recognize a 30 MPH design (the vertical curb may start at the gutter line). 9. The existing ground profile must be verified. 10. Submit to staff correct descrepencies of lot and block between sheet 1 and 2 of plat. seconded by Loftus. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. At this time a 5 minute recess was called. The meeting resumed at 8:20 P.M. Item II, Preliminary Plat approval request for Willows 6th Addition. Joe &noblaugh, developer and Greg 9olling, Engineer, were present to answer questions. Mr. Rnoblaugh commented on the Plat regarding neighborhood input from the previous meetings an the plat and felt this was a good plan for the area. City Planner Graser meted per memo dated 2/14/86. At this time audience input was called for. Joe Knoblaugh, developer, referred to Resolution 85-29 and the vacation of Willow Beach Road as dedicated in the plat of Willows 4th Addition. John Thomas, Willows resident, on behalf of the Willow Beach Association did not want a roadway reduction, and wanted to know what the buffer was north of Willow Lane. Al Schneider, an behalf of the Willow Beach Association, asked when the notices were sent out, felt the decision should be held until the City Council intentions are verified, and any decision be presented to the Willow Beach Association. Barb Wood, abutting property owner, had concern shallowness of the lots & lot 24 Greg Holling, Engineer for the plat, ccmmetted on the vacated roadway, access, easements and Lot 24. The Planning Commissioners had concerns over access to Lot 24, drainage, vacation of Willow Beach Road, walkway, and 100 foot frontage an Willow Lane. Motion by Arnold to approve the Preliminary Plat for Willow's 6th Addition contingent upon: 1. Lot 24 in Block 4 be eliminated. 2. Willow Beach Trail in this plat must be renamed. 3. The developer construct Willow Lane to Pershing Avenue and from Pershing Avenue east to the public portion of Pershing Avenue, and the City acquire the necessary right of way. 4. Preliminary Plat be corrected to show Willow Beach Trail as an existing platted roadway and all lots west of Willow Lane be adjusted to reflect 100 feet of frontage. 5. The park dedication fee has not been determined for that portion of the plat that has not paid a park fee (block 1 and 2) . 6. Developer submit a plan for construction of a pedestrian and bicycle /walkway between Willow Beach Trail and Willow Law prior to final plat approval. seconded by Roseth. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. Motion by Arnold to close the Public Rearing for the Preliminary Plat of Willow's 6th Addition, seconded by Loftus. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. At this time a 5 minute recess was called. The meeting resumed at 9:45 P.M. Item III, Amendment to Zoning Code by staff. City Planner Graser requested Commission support to change minimam acreage for a P.U.D. to 10 acres. The Planning Commissioners felt this was a necessary change to provide adequate acreage for a well designed P.U.D. The Planning Commissioners discussed the retreat and decided on April 4 & 5, 1986 for the date. Motion by Arnold to adjourn the February 20, 1986 Prior Lake Planning Cammissicn meeting, seconded by Roseth. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M. r ?z y CITY OF PRIOR LAKE U, PLANNING OOMMISSION AGENDA FEBRL*M 6, 1986 7:30 P.M. CALL 1O OR= 7:35 P.M. STEVE MC DONALD 8:45 P.M. DAVE OIMAWr P.O.D. (OOIMIATION) MOM. STAR CPPY Pr4oGm 1612) 447. 4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 369 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 6, 1986 The February 6, 1986 Prior Lake Planning Camiission meeting was called to order by Chairman Larson at 7:35 P.M. Present were Cam issioners Arnold, Loftus, Roseth and City Planner Graser. Motion by Arnold to approve the minutes of the January 16, 1986 meeting as presented, seconded by Loftus. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. Item I, Mc Donald P.U.D. Amendment continuation was called to order. Present were Steve McDonald, applicant, Thomas Robertson, developer and Bill Anderson, principle architect were present to answer questions. Steve No Donald cc mented on the location of the P.U.D. Bill Anderson cammented on the location, site coverage, parking, view of the lake, access, garbage removal, snow removal, utilities, variances, grading, berming, landscaping, architect of the buildings and height. City Planner Graser reviewed and ca®ented per mmw dated $/2/86. At this time audience input was called for. Aurilla Johnson, Omer of Lot 8, had concern over the land next to the lake being in the flood plain. James Space, abutting property owner, had concerns over minimum acreage for a P.U.D., variances, height of the building, noise, flood plain area, and parking. Margie Klegin, 4396 Quincy Street, had concern over enough land to qualify for a P.U.D., parking and pedestrian crossing and valuation of property decreasing and who will enforce rules of the Association or owners of the P.U.D. Elizabeth Vetter, 15946 Sunfish Trail, had concern over the many variances and devaluation of the residential neighborhood. Wayne Miller, 4094 Wagon Bridge Circle, had concern over the setback from the lake being met. Wayne Dyson, Wagon Bridge Circle, had concern over provision for a playground and boat parking. (612) 447 -4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 Pat Malay, 4397 Quincy Street, had concerns over the parking lot off Quincy, trees planted blocking the view of the lake, value of property decreasing, and pedestrian crossing. James Space, abutting property owner, had more concerns over building in a flood plain, this P.U.D. conforming to current standards, dockage, and parking across Quincy and the effect on abutting property. Ralph Vetter, 15946 Sunfish Trail, had concerns over his lake view being obstructed and the P.U.D. not be granted due to many unanswered questions. Pat Malay, 4397 Quincy Street, had concern over the building distance from the lot line. Tan Malay, 4397 muincy Street, had concern over the parking lot south of Quincy being close to his property line, if there will be buffering between properties and number of slots in the parking lot. At this time audience input was closed. Tom Robertso,, developer, commented that they were not opposed to meeting with the neighbors or property owners and hear the concerns and try to resolve than. The Planning Commissioners had several concerns and comments on the P.U.D. regarding; zoning, density, streets, traffic, noise, alignment, crowding, design, site lines, enough land for a P.U.D., acquiring necessary permits from the DNR and Watershed, dockage, storage, flood plain filling, price range of units and parking area. Motion by Foseth to send to City Council the Mc Donald P.U.D. Amendment request after hearing testimony and materials submitted the specific concern that determination must be made whether this is a valid P.U.D. since the acreage seems to be 2.13 without filling and 2.37 with filling and the City Cade calls for a minimum of 2.5 acres for a P.U.D., seconded by Arnold. Discussion followed regarding this. Motion by Arnold to amend the motion to: In as much as the acreage of this property is 2.13 (2.3733 with fill) it does not meet the minimum requirement for consideration as a P.U.D. In addition, the proposal does not incorporate a variety in the organization of site elements, building density or housing types. Also, the proposed P.U.D. does not contain any creative elements and does not incorporate a uniqueness in design. Also, in as much as adjacent property owners expressed concern about impairment of their views and in as much as this proposal is contingent upon fill approval from the DO and Watershed and the applicant failed to provide requested information about dockage, therefore it is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the requested variances be denied and that the Preliminary P.U.D. as submitted be denied. seconded by Roseth. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. Motion by Roseth to adjourn the Mc Donald P.U.D. public hearing, seconded by Loftus. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. At this time a five minute recess was called. The meeting resumed at 10:23 P.M. Item Ii, Dave Unmacht, Assistant City Manager, presented the Minnesota Star City Program. Mr. Unmacht commented per memo on the Minnesota Star City Program. Motion by .Arnold for the City of Prior Lake to support this endeavor of the Minnesota Star City Program, seceded by Loftus. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. Motion by Arnold to adjourn the February 6, 1986 Prior Lake Planning Commission meeting, seceded by Loftus. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M.