HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 March Planning Commission Minutes7:30 P.M. CRU TO ORDER 7:30 P.M. REVIEI+i MINUTES OF PREVIOUS NEETINr 7:35 P.M. SMTELITE DISH RH(S1VIK; STAFF 8:15 P.M. RMDIO ANTMR ORDIMMM STAFF 9:00 P.M. ZONING CODE AM@ DISMIT STAFF (812) 447. 4230 4829 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. SOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 56872 The March 20, 1986 Prior Lake Planning Cammission meeting was called to order by Chairman Larson at 7:30 P.M. Present were Commdesioners Arnold, Loftus, Wells and City Planner Graser. Absent was Cammissiamer Roseth. MNION BY WELLS TO ABPRWE THE MARCH 6, 1986 NIINUTES AS PRESENTED, SEOONDED BY LOM. - 3. UPON A VOTE MUM, THE MOTION WAS DULY PASSED. item I, the Public Hearing for the Satellite Dish Receiving was called to order. Staff commented per memo dated March 18, 1986. Audience input was called for at this time. Sid Kitrell, 3800 Green Heights Trail, commented that as the ordinance stands now he would not be able to put up a Satellite Dish due to the unusua small size of his lot. The Planning Commissioners had concerns over height, screening, safety, visual impression, and future volume. MMON BY Al» TO REOOMMW TO THE CITY OOUNCIL THE POLdixim BE L11SEl m IN THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE NECESSARY OWROL FOR DISH RECEIVB -CHLY ANMM UNDER SECPION 6.12 UNDER GENERAL REQUIItRIENlS: 1. Define dish antennasL clarify thmmm as structures. Include a 'meight limitation (20 feet). 2. Require a building permit to erect them. 3. Make existing dishes legal non - conforming uses. 4. Exempt dishes that are lees than 1.5 meters in diameter and dishes that are used by City of Prior Lake. 5. Do not allow the construction of a dish antenna in any required setback area for any district. (612) 447 -4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 6. Do not allow dish antennas in front yards or on buildings. In the cases where sight lines are impaired the Planning Commission shall consider alternative locations, including roof mounts, through the variance process. In the event a roof antenna is permitted it shall be totally screened from view when viewed from points on adjacent parcels. The screening shall consist of materials similar to that of the building. 7. All dish antenna mounted on the ground or on a supporting structure other than a building, shall be screened from view by some aesthetically appropriate means. The City Planner shall review the screening at the time of permit application. 8. Do not allow dishes to have affixed to them lights, reflectors or flashers. 9. Exempt dishes in rural services area zones if the dish cannot be seen from the road. SEOONUED By WE LE. UPUN A VOTE TAM, 141E MDPION WAS DULY PASSED. MJPION BY MUD TO (SASE THE SATELLITE DISH RECEIVE-ONLY AN1ENN& PUBLIC HEARING, SEOONUED By IAPM. UPON A VOTE TARN, THE MOTION WAS DULY PASSED. Item II, Tower and Radio Antenna Ordinance Public Hearing was called to order. Staff commented per mew dated March 18, 1986. At this time audience input was called for. Mike Abitz, 14056 Natalie Road, commented an the variance requirement, safety aspect, and number of people involved in radio operation in the area. Sid Ritrell, 3800 Greer Heights Trail, commented on the tower installation per manufacturer's specifications, existing towers grandfathered, crank up tower, lightning effects on towers, safety against climbers, and requirement of a building permit. Bob Myster, 6646 Rustic Road, agreed with the ordinance except on the setback requirement should be 1/2 the tower height. The Planning Commission commented on the Ordinance. II 9 • i 1 s' N+ IA•. 'ail + IJ 1. Add Section 5.2 on page 17 of the awning ordinance dealing with this regulation. 2. Define antenna and tower in the back of the Zoning Ordinance and make them structures. 3. Require a building permit. In the event the antenna is changed on an existing tower no building permit is required. 4. Exempt City of Prior Lake towers and antennas. 5. Make existing towers with antennas (TWA) non - conforming uses. 6. Make a maximum height of the nM 75 feet. However a TWA cannot be in excess of a height equal to the distance from the base of the IWA to the nearest overhead electrical power line which serves more than one dwelling or place of business, less 5 feet. In the case of an extendable tower the permanent height of the tower shall be considered the tower in the retractable position and the extended height shall be considered the tee rary *.eight of the tower. 7. The maximum setback from any property line and 904 contour line should be equal to 1/2 the height of the TWA measured from the base to its highest point. 8. Do not allow any part of any TWA which includes anchors to extend across any property line, public street, sidewalk. 9. TWA must be properly grounded with an 8' ground rod at the base of the tower and connected with a number 6 or larger wire between the ground rod and base. 10. Do not allow lights, flashers or reflectors on TWA's unless required. 11. Exempt TWA's which are located in the rural service area and can meet the following requirements. a) Be located at least 250 ft. from the centerline of a public road. b) Have setbacks equal to 1/2 the height of the TWA from the base to its highest point. 12. Anti -climb devices shall be installed on each tower including existing towers. SE40DIDED BY WE=. UPON A VOTE TAM, THE MOTION WAS DULY PASSED. MNION BY AWW TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON RADIO ANTWW AND TORM, ==ED BY IAFUS. UPON A VOTE VM, THE MOTION WAS DULY PASSED. Item III, Zoning Code Amendment to increase minimum P.U.D. size to 10 acres. staff commented per memo dated March 14, 1986. The Planning ominissioners had concern over the size being 10 acres. 'P •. -I 1 �' •- I Ii1 I' A •' I's Ir I Y: 1 Jtl' •" I 1 ^J 1 r' Y' Yi •. I' I 1 •11 is 1 }I / I •� •',••1.4AI I Id1 1" � /'• I} Y• I " 1' - 1 Y "+� •" MOMON BY - ' •' 1 To • Y Oti THE HEARIM ON ZCNIM 011 EW 19 TO nqcREASE MINIMU14 P.U.D. SIZE TO 10 ACRES, SBOONDE By LQ?TW- UPON A VOTE MUM, THE MMCN F DULY PASSED- At this time Staff discussed the up coming retreat for the Co mission. MDrICN BY AjWW TO ADJOURN 18E M4ACH 20, 1986 PRIOR LAID; PLAN UG COMMISSION PL'EiM, SEOOMm BY LfE1US. UPON A VOTE "KEN, THE KnMM MRS DOZY PASSED. 79E MEETING ADJOURNED AT 11:10 P.M. t o CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PIANNDE 001411SSION AGENDA NARM 6, 1986 7:30 P. H. 7:35 P.M. 0 ! 44 4 11 1., (692) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PLANNIM COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 6, 1986 The March 6, 1986 Prior Lake Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Larson at 7:30 P.M. Present were Commissioners Loftus, Wells, Arnold, and City Planner Graser. Absent was Commissioner Roseth. Motion by Loftus to approve the minutes of the February 20, 1986 minutes as amended: page 3, item number 5, end of sentence, add "but the park fee must be paid ", seconded by Wells. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. Item I, Northoo, Inc. request for a Conditional Use Permit. Larry Gensmer and Brad Rothnen, property owners, were present to answer questions. Brad Rothnem commented on the property shape being triangular, $28,000 owing in back taxes, and economically have to be duplexes. City Planner Graser commented per memo dated March 3, 1986. At this time audience input was called for. Bob Hobbs, Eagle Creek Avenue, area resident commented on the impact of two duplexes. He felt that it would establish a rental attitude in the area and devalue his hare. It would also alter the single family residential character of the area. The Planning Commissioners all felt that this proposal is beyond the carrying capacity of the site. The possibility of four rental units in a single family residential setting, as is the case here, is not consistent with good land use transition. The application should be denied. At this time the applicant requested a continuation of the request. Motion by Arnold to continue the Conditional Use Permit request by Northoo, Inc. to April 3, 1986 at 8:00 P.M. to allow the applicant to meet with staff and if any changes in the application area residents will be notified, seconded by Loftus. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. Motion by Arnold to adjourn the March 6, 1986 Prior Lake Planning scission meeting, seconded by Loftus. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M. (612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372