HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 January Planning Commission MinutesCITY OF PRIOR LAKE
January 19, 1984
7:30 P.M.
7:35 P.M.
8:30 P.M.
8:45 P.M.
Call to order
(612) 447.4230 4629 lOAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372
January 19, 1984
The January 19, 1984 meeting of the Prior Lake Planning Commission was
called to order by Chairman Arnold at 7:30 P.M. Present were Commissioners
Roseth, Felix, Larson, Loftus and City Planner Graser.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. Motion by Larson to
approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Loftus. Upon a vote taken,
the motion was duly passed.
Item I, Norm Erickson & Dean Morlock- Windsong P.U.D. Final Plat Review.
Mr. Erickson, Mr. Morlock, Roger Hauge, partner and Greg Kopischke,
Consulting Engineer were persent to answer questions.
Mr. Kopischke commented on the 9 Items /contingencies set by Council and
addressed at this review. He felt there would be no problem in complying
with the contingencies.
City Planner Graser commented per Memorandum date January 11, 1984.
The Planning Commissioners had comments on compliance of the construction
for homes, dollar value, covenants, park dedication, drainage comments
from the Watershed District and PCA and Soil Conservation Service, road
surfacing, Calmut intersection, erosion control and association fees and
their control.
Motion by Larson to approve the Final P.U.D. for Windsong with the
1. All vehicular driving surfaces shall be either blacktopped
or of concrete construction.
2. All paddock areas shall be dustproofed by whatever means
necessary as required by the City Zoning Officer. This may
include additional plantings to prevent wind erosion.
3. All horses kept in the barn shall be owned at least in part
by a resident in the development.
4. The paddock areas shall be used mainly for exercise and
showing of animals for potential sale.
5. No horses shall be fed or groomed outside the barn. Drinking
water may be provided.
6. There shall be no other shelters of any kind for horses on
the entire Windsong development other than the barn as shown
on the final plans.
(612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372
7. The paddock areas must be groomed as deemed necessary by
the Zoning Officer to keep them manure free, and to produce
a good visual impression.
8. The horse density of the paddock areas must be limited to
maintain a grass cover.
9. Weeds shall be sprayed, cut, - r emoved from all fence lines,
the paddock and landscaped areas.
10. The death of any shrub, or tree which is part of the land-
scaping plan for the equestrian area shall be replaced in
the growing season of death.
11. 'Phe barn, its accessory building and fencing for the paddock
,:teas shall be maintained in good condition; any broken parts
all be immediately replaced, and painted or stained once
eery five years or as required by the Zoning Officer.
12. fsere shall be no outside storage of manure or any other
parts, pieces, items, feed, tools or equipment which is used
for the equestrian operation.
13. All lights from the equestrian operation shall be directed
14. All noise resulting from the equestrian operation which is
deemed objectionable as determined by the Zoning Officer shall
be muffled or controlled.
15. Any malodorous gas resulting from the equestrian operation as
determined by the Zoning Officer shall be remedied by whatever
means necessary.
16. The requirements of both the Pollution Control Agency and the
Minnesota Soil and Water Conservation District be implemented
prior to placing any horses on the site.
17. The requirements of the City Engineer be incorporated into the
plans and specification for utility construction.
18. The barn and its smaller accessory facility shall not be con-
structed until 50% of the lots in the subdivision have been sold.
19. Alternative uses of the barn and its accessory building may be
those uses which are permitted and conditional in the R -1 District.
20. The Park Dedication be land or cash as set by Staff.
21. The maximum number of horses boarded in the barn shall be 96.
seconded by Felix. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed.
At this time a 3 minute recess was called.
The meeting reconvened at 8:51 P.M.
Item II, Dan Metzger, variance continuation. Mr. & Mrs. Metzger were
present to answer questions.
City Planner Graser commented that the applicant was to submit a building
envelope for hoth lots as requested at the last Planning Commission meeting.
Mr. Metzger stated that a neighborhood meeting took place and it was agreed
that the Poquette's would buy the west 10' of Lot 21 and the Hall's would buy
the east 30' of Lot 20, therefore making the Metzger Lot 53 ft. wide. From
the newly created Lot Mr. Metzger is requesting a 5' side yard variance.
The house having a 105' :Lakeshore setback.
Mr. Hall stated that with the new W.timely purchase of the lot
he would like to see a tax moratorium for his 30 feet.
City Planner Graser stated that Mr. Hall should contact the County.
Also, there is no objection to the proposed variance and the lot split
can be expedited by process of Resolution 78 -21.
Motion by Larson to grant a 5' east side variance for the proposed 53'
Metzger lot in Eastwood provided that the parties complete the process
in Resolution 78 -21 and staff approval is granted to that replatting and
the home is constructed and located on the lot in conformance with the
drawings submitted, seconded by Felix. Upon a vote taken, the motion
was duly passed.
Item III, North American Communications Systems, Inc. Conditional Use
and Variance. Mr. Tom Herdt representative was present to answer questions.
Mr. Herdt commented that the proposed property site will be purchased
contingent upon Planning Commission approval. The site will have a
12 X 20' wood building, two 15' satellite dishes and a 125' tower all
enclosed with a security fence, the entrances over an easement on
Highway 13. This use will keep the natural state of the property without
much disturbance in construction.
City Planner Graser commented per memorandum dated January 16, 1984.
Mr. Graser commented that Charles Tooker, City Consulting Planner, felt
the site needed additional plantings of 15 -20 pine trees to the south
and east and sumac along the school property line.
At this time input was given from the audience.
Douglas St. Aubin, 5401 Centennial St., had concerns over the effect this
facility would have on the natural environment of the site and T.V. reception.
Mr. Herdt stated that the only part fenced in would be the anchor points,
building and dishes and there hasn't been much of a problem with reception
to T.V.'s in other areas with cable.
Manny Russo stated that all the people in the neighborhood were not con-
tacted. I live across from the cemetery my neighbor called and asked me
if I got something in the mail. That's why there is only a small turnout.
As a resident of the community we have the right as any other in the community.
It was turned down by group of people on the hill and it was turned dowel by
the school board, I'm not speaking as a school board member but I am one.
Lawrence Wild and others built our homes where there is country. When there
is a lot of kids their curosity is aroused. About a year ago a young student
climbed over a fence and got electrocuted. Kids will climb anything if it
looks tempting. We are slowly being surrounded by businesses. The tower is
only so high but we don't like it. It won't stop any encroachment in the area.
There are no guarantees. Most towers like this are put out in the country
Jim Simon, 5366 Centennial St., stated that he would rather have a
tower then other commercial, and /or 11. or 12 condo's next door.
How long would the tower stay in this location was a question he
had but was very much in favor of the tower.
Mr. Herdt stated he really couldn't put a time on it but probably
15 to 25 years.
The Planning Commissioners had concerns over security, fencing, light-
ing, red light on top, access, fee ownership or title, lightning and
future use.
Sig Hogan, who has been in the tower construction business for about
30 years now, stated that he does not know of any problems with lightn-
ing but soil is a very important factor.
Motion by Roseth to approve the Conditional Use Permit and a 90'
height variance for North American Communications Systems, Inc.
because the facility will act as a good transition between the
commercial and residential areas adjacent to it and will not be
detrimental to the general health and welfare of the community
and approved upon the following contingencies:
1. Staff's recommendation regarding tree planting and
landscaping be met.
2. The natural surroundings be left undisturbed.
3. There is proper security lighting near the building
and on top of the antenna.
4. All the anchors be fenced in.
5. The land not be subdivided while under the ownership of
North American Communications Systems, Inc.
seconded by Larson. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed.
Discussion followed concerning the retreat of the City Staff and Council.
The Planning Commissioners requested City Planner Graser write a Memo
to the City Council requesting attendance of the Planning Commissioners
if any topic was pertinent to the Planning Commissioners.
Motion by Roseth to adjourn the January 19, 1984 Planning Commission
meeting seconded by Larson. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly
passed. The meeting adjourned at 10:25 P.M.
January 5, 1984
7:30 P.M.
7:35 P.M.
8:00 P.M.
Call to order
(612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372
January 5, 1984
This item is a continuation of two weeks ago. Staff has made copies
of proposal and topos which are attached. Mr. Metzger contacted staff
and informed them that a survey was being prepared and a compromised
house location. The survey was not complete at the time of this
mailing and will be presented by Mr. Metzger at the meeting on
January 5, 1984.
Mr. Fitzgerald received preliminary P.U.D.. approval by the Planning
Commission on December 16, 1982. The ordinance requires the Planning
Commission to review each P.U.D. once a year for progress and report
to the City Council. The 2.5 acre P.U.D. includes one three story 18
unit condo building. To date the project has not been started. The
primary reason for the review is to ensure compliance to the conditions
of the P.U.D. and to determine if conditions and land development patterns
in the area have adversely affected the P.U.D.. Staff will make a pre-
sentation on this matter.
(612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 369 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372
January 5, 1984
The January 5, 1984 meeting of the Prior Lake Planning Commission was
called to order by Chairman Arnold at 7:30 P.M. Present were Commissioners
Loftus, Larson, Roseth, Felix and City Planner Craser.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. Motion by Roseth to
approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Felix. Upon a vote taken,
the motion was duly passed.
Item I, Dan Metzger variance continuation. Mr. & Mrs. Metzger were present
to answer questions. City Planner Graser reviewed and brought everyone up
to date.
Mr. Metzger stated the reason for his variance is "hardship ". The value of
property in today's market is too high for one home to be built on two lots
and the proposed house is back 95' from the 904 elevation which is in
Skip Reebie, representative for the contractor, stated that percentage wise
Mr. Metzger can't go any higher to qualify for a loan, therefore, one house
on two lots is unreasonable.
Frank Muelken, Attorney for the Poquette's, (wAo are abutting property owners)
stated that they are requesting a variance denial unless the proposed house
is repositioned.
Judy Hall abutting property owner stated that the proposed house would obstruct
their view and is requesting repositioning the house, also the lift station in,
this area was set up to service 6 homes but there are 5 now and it is constantly
ringing. What will happen if 2 more homes are proposed for the two lots?
Karen Algren, Poquette's daughter, stated that the area is the most beautiful
on the lake,therefore, both lots should have one house to be consistent with
the area and the lift station is a problem.
Discussion followed regarding the "Grandfather Clause" and "Substandard Lots ".
(612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372
The Planniur, Commissioners had several concerns:
1. Hardship for applicant.
2. Changes on new survey.
3. Lift Station.
4. Area terrain.
5. Location of house & lot affecting Lot 21.
6. Blocked views.
7. Harmoniously development with the area.
Motion by Roseth to approve the 4.75 foot side yard variance from the
east and west property lines for Lot 20 Eastwood due to the extremely
long lot. Motion died for lack of second.
Discussion followed with the Planning Commissioners.
Motion by Larson to deny the 4.75 foot side yard variance from the east
and west property lines for Lot 20 Eastwood since no sufficient hardship
was shown by the applicant, seconded by Felix. Upon a vote taken,
Larson & Felix voted aye, Roseth & Arnold voted naye, Loftus abstention.
Motion did not carry.
Discussion followed with the Planning Commissioners.
Motion by Roseth to continue the variance application for Dan Metzger to
January 19, 1984 at 8:30 P.M., to allow the property owner to bring in a
building envelope for Lots 20 and 21, seconded by Felix. Upon a vote taken,
the motion was duly passed.
Item II, John Fitzgerald, P.U.D. Status Review for property adjacent to
County Road 21 the Wagon Bridge and Quincy Street. Mr. Fitzgerald was
present to answer questions.
City Planner Graser commented that the only changes done have been minor,
which were recommended by Staff. Staff recommends continuation of this
P.U.D. for another year.
Mr. Fitzgerald reviewed and commented on the P.U.D. stating that due to
the economy work will not start until later this year or next, therefore
a continuation is requested.
Motion by Rosetb to reaffirm and approve a continuation for John Fitzgerald's
P.U.D. abutting County Road 21, the Wagon Bridge and Quincy Street for one
year, seconded by Felix. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed.
Motion by Loftus to adjourn the Planning Commission meeting, seconded by
Felix. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. The meeting
adjourned at 9:11 P.M.