HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 June Planning Commission MinutesCITY OF PRIOR LAKE
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June 2 .. 1984
7:30 P.M. Call, to order
7:35 P.M. KEN ENO
(612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372
. l W, ..
June 21, 1984
The June 21, 1984 meeting of the Prior Lake Planning Ccrtmission was
called to order at 7:35 PM by Vice Chairman Felix. Present %ere Ccmnis-
sioners Roseth, Larson, Loftus and City Planner Graser. Absent was
Chairman Arnold.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. Motion by Larson
to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Roseth. Upon a vote
taken, the notion was duly passed.
Item I, Ken Eno request for a 4 foot side yard variance for Lot 12
C.O. Hannen's Maple Park Shore Acres. Gleve Eno, Father and Ellen
Eno were present to answer questions.
Cleve Eno camiented that they are requesting a 5 foot variance rather
than the 4 foot as applied for. A survey of the lot was necessary
and after receiving the survey the error was revealed.
City Planner Graser co mmented per Mery dated June 21, 1984. Also
presenting a letter, Exhibit "A ", fran Manny Russo who is requesting
a copy of the survey.
Motion by Roseth to approve the 5 foot side yard variance for Lot
12 C.O. Hannen's Maple Park Shore Acres since it is consistent with
past policy and the general health and character of the neighborhood,
seconded by Loftus. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed.
Item II, Bob Boeck request for a 14.5 foot lakeshore variance for
Lot 3, Fairview Beach. Mr. Boeck was present to answer questions.
Mr. Boeck commented on the small lot and he is trying to stay within
the site line of the surrounding hares.
City Planner Graser commented per Memo dated June 21, 1984.
The Planning Commissioners had concerns over the buildability of the
lot. There are severe problems with traffic maneuverability, steep
terrain for vehicular access, parking and frontage. The lot has been
altered and now has only 27' of frontage on a roadway. Should remain
part of the original building package.
(612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 369 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372
Planning Commission
June 21, 1984
Page Two
Motion by Larson to deny the application since:
1. 27 feet of frontage on an unimproved 20 foot wide driveway.
2. A rear yard service area for off street parking which is
within 20 feet of the "front" living space of an existing
3. Inadequate access, limited parking and turnaround space.
The driveway serving this lot would be very steep.
4. This request is in violation of Section 7.6, Subdivision
5. It is not in the best interest of good land development.
6. Not in the best interest of the general health and welfare
of the community.
seconded by Loftus. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed.
Item III, Bob Banitt request for a 5 foot side yard variance from
the east and west side property lines for Lot 13, Green Heights lst
Addition. Mr. Banitt was present to answer questions.
Mr. Banitt commented on the lot's substandard size and his needs to
build a tuck -under home. Also, Mr. Banitt stated he would constrict
a swale to control water runoff.
City Planner Graser commented per Memo date June 20, 1984.
Ron Friedges, abutting property owner had concerns over the drainage
onto his property from the proposed site.
Mrs. William Richards commented on the water problem.
The Planning Commissioners commented on the legal description, electrical
easement, house size, drainage, and setting a precedent.
Motion by Roseth to deny the 5 foot side yard variance from east and
west side property lines but grant a 5 foot east side and a 3 foot
west side yard variance for Lot 13, Green Heights lst Addition, contin-
gent upon a 12 to 16 inch swale on both sides of the house, since
this is consistent with previous Planning Crnmi.ssion policies and
not detrimental to the general health and welfare of the community,
seconded by Loftus. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed.
At this time Mayor Johnson invited the Planning Commissioners to the
Council meeting on Monday evening to discuss Industrial Development
in the City.
Motion by Roseth to adjourn the Planning Commission meeting, seconded
by Larson. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. The meeting
adjourned at 9:30 PM.
Jame 7, 1984
7:30 P.M.
7:35 P.M.
8:30 P.M.
9:00 P.M.
9:15 P.M.
9:30 P.M.
Cali to order
(612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. SOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 65372
June 7, 1984
Th, June 7, 1984 meeting of the Prior Lake Planning Commission was called to
order by Chairman Arnold at 7:30 P.M. Present were Commissioners Roseth,
Felix, Larson, Loftus, and City Planner Graser.
The minutes of the prevous meeting were reviewed. Motion by Roseth to approve
the minutes as presented, seconded by Larson. Upon a vote taken, the motion
was duly passed.
Item I, Cheryl Wilfond, Preliminary Plat approval for Lots 53 and 54 North-
wood Addition. Cheryl Wilfond, Gordon Harder, Cherry Wilfond and Jack
Flannery, Attorney, were all present to answer questions.
Gordon Harder presented the application and stated they are willing to comply
with City requests.
Cheryl Wilfond commented that they will meet all requirements but need a
variance for all three lots from the lake side.
City Planner Graser commented per memo dated June 5, 1984.
Norbert Traxler, Attorney, spoke for some of the residents on Linden Circle and
presented Exhibit "A" a detailed parcel map of the proposed plat. Also stating
that the parcel is substandard, Council had turned it down previously, road
maintenance is a problem, hardship would be to the Linden Circle residents not
the developer, &therefore very much opposed to the Preliminary Plat request for
Lois Cheever, area resident, commented that the road is very narrow and is a
problem now with snow plowing and garbage trucks.
Peter Kuehn, 3198 Linden Circle, stated that the road is a problem now with
school buses and trucks and the maintenance of the road.
Herb Lemke, 3201 Linden Circle, questioned the cut made on the future cul -de-
sac in location to his abutting lot.
Mrs. Lemke, 3201 Linden Circle, questicned the square footage before or after
the setback from the lake, also commenting that the traffic of three more
houses would create a problem on this narrow road.
Attorney Flannery, for the developer, commented on the variances and the survey
which was drawn to scale.
(612) 4474230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 66372
The Planning, Commissioners had concerns over the cul -de -sac diameter,
narrow road, drainage, setbacks and the utility service.
Motion oy Felix to approve the Preliminary Plat request by Cheryl Wilfond
as presented and issue a 25 foot lakeshore variance for all three lots
contingent upon an agreement being drawn up between the developer which
specifies the improvements and maintenance for the cul -de -sac and said
improvements be made prior to issuance of occupancy permit for all three
lots since it would be in the best interest of the neighborhood and general
public, seconded by Larson. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed.
At this time a 5 minute recess was called.
The meeting resumed at 8:40 V.M.
Item II, Howard Olson Preliminary Plat approval request. Howard Olson and
Bryce Huemoeller were present to answer questions.
Howard Olson commented that the request is to provide the cable T.V.
company to acquire the property.
City Planner Graser commented per memo dated June 5, 1984.
Mike Iannocone, representing the abutting 3 property owners (Dean Morlock,
Butch Hanson, Norm Erickson) stated that by combining the two parcels along
Franklin Trail it should be eligible for a building permit and be developed
as one parcel.
The Planning Commissioners commented on the access, development of the parcel
in front of the requested Preliminary Plat, and park dedication.
Motion by Arnold to approve the Preliminary Plat of Olson's 1st Addition
subject to the park dedication fee and once Hill Street is connected to
Franklin Trail and Highway 13 that the existing driveway to the existing
office building of that intersection with Highway 13 be closed, seconded
by Felix. Upon a vote taken, 4 aye, 1 obstention, the motion carried.
Item III, Gerald D. Svenby request for 45 foot lakeshore variance for Outlot
A Boudins Manor 5th Addition. Mr. Svenby was present to answer questions.
Mr. Svenby commented that this is recreation property for the neighborhood
and a variance is needed for the picnic shelter.
City Planner Graser commented per memo dated June 7, 1984.
Len Grassini area property owner commented on nuisance items this recreation
area could have for the area residents.
City Planner Graser commented that the City Ordinances /Codes would take care
of this.
Motion by Roseth to approve the 45 foot lakeshore variance for Outlot A
Boudins Manor 5th Addition since the petition is not detrimental to any
site lines, property values or general health and welfare of the community,
seconded by Loftus. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed.
Item IV, Michael Abitz request for a 25' height variance for 14056
Natalie Road N.E.. Mr. Abitz was present to answer questions. f'
Mr. Abitz commented that the tower is needed to be above noise levels,
it will be well anchored, is controlled by the FAA, and would not
interfer with area residents T.V. or radio reception. Also Mr. Abitz
stated that he checked with the area residents and there was no objection
to an antenna of this height in the residential area.
City Planner Graser commented per Memo dated June 7, 1984. Also comment-
ing that if there are no problems with other air wave instruments and
the tower is constructed with no safety hazard the recommendation would
be to approve the tower.
The Planning Commissioners had concerns over height, anchoring, residential
site line, air wave interference, and safety.
Motion by Roseth to approve a 25 foot height variance for 14056 Natalie Road
N.W. for a 60 foot radio tower provided that the tower be placed in such a
location that if it topples it will land on the property and the site placed
be consistent with the area also contingent upon 1. evidence of insurance
for liability 2. Inspection at 2 year intervals of tower & wires by a professional .
to the satisfaction of staff., seconded by Loftus. Upon a vote taken,
3 ayes and 2 nay, the motion carried.
Item V, Schweich Construction request for a 5 foot side yard variance and
a 2 foot lakeshore variance for Lot 4 Fairview Beach. Ted Schweich was
present to answer questions.
Mr. Schweich commented that a variance is needed for a double garage & to make
a more attractive home.
City Planner Graser commented per memo dated June 7, 1984.
The area residents had concern over the narrow private road and would like
to see it City owned and maintained.
Motion by Loftus to approve a 5 foot side yard variance and a 2 foot
lakeshore variance for Lot 4 Fairview Beach since it is consistent with '.
previous Planning Commission policies and since it's not detrimental to
the general health and welfare of the neighborhood and community, seconded
by Roseth. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed.
At this time Mayor Johnson commented on the Planning Commission article in
the Prior Lake American stating that if someone should decide to retire
there is interest from the public for a replacement without feeling guilty.
Motion by Roseth to adjourn the June 7, 1984 Planning Commission meeting,
seconded by Felix. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. The
meeting adjourned at 10:55 P.M.