HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 June Planning Commission MinutesCITY OF PRIOR LAKE
.< (612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372
June 16, 1983
Call to order
.< (612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372
June 16. 1953
Tie June 16, 1983 meeting of the Prior Lake Planning Commission was called
to order by Chairman Roseth at 7:40 P.M.. Present were Commissioners Felix,
Fitzgerald, Arnold and Citv Planner Graser.
The minutes of she previous meeting were reviewed. Correction as follows:
Page 1, paragraphy 9, after train add "horses ". Motion by Felix to approve
the minutes as corrected, seconded by Arnold. Upon a vote taken, the motion
was duly passed.
Item I, Syndicated Properties, Public Hearing for Subdivision was called to
order. No one was present to represent the applicant.
Motion by Arnold to cancell the Public Hearing for Syndicated Properties due
to a lack of information, seconded by Felix. Upon a vote taken, the motion
was duly passed.
At this time a 5 minute recess was taken.
The meeting resumed at 7:45 P.M.
Item II, Bart Porter, House Move. Mr. Porter was present to answer questions.
City Planner Graser commented per memorandum dated June 13, 1983 and adding
the comment that an outline of the route taking to move the structure should
be presented.
Bart Porter commented that the house is only 20 -25 years old, and felt that
the $5,000 letter of credit should be $2,000, also stating that the house
would be positioned on the lot differently than shown due to lot size and
keeping alignment with existing houses in the neighborhood.
The Planning Commissioners had concerns over the route of the move and
the 6th Street property being vacated for a larger lot area, condition of the
house after the move, and $5,00 setter of credit.
Motior, by Fitzgerald to approve the moving request by Bart Porter subject to
1. Any damages to the home be corrected.
2. The lot be graded and the front yard be sodded
3. The interior of the home be ready for occupancy and upgraded
wherever needed and deemed appropriate by the building inspector.
4. The exterior finish be aesthetically satisfactory.
(612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 56372
�. llrit .. icrte? , I credit ,i cn - <h be delivered to the City
in the sum of ~5,00(1 to h.• used and called down in case
items 1 ..<< not ,'omplrtod within 90 days from Citv
Council approval.
6. "Pha1 u soap of route of move ue fit' lfVerUd to the Cite
7. That this approval is based on preliminary evidence
that 6th street may be vacated and that it is vacated
prior to the time of building pe mit issuance.
Seconded by Arnold. Upon a vote taken the motion was duly passed.
Item IIi, Bill Otting, House Move. Mr. Otting was present to answer questions.
City Planner Craser cormmeuted per memorandum dated June 13, 1983. At this time
Mr. Craser passed around pictures for viewing by the Planning Commissioners.
Mr. Otting commented on necessity of a garage at this time, the large amount
for the letter of credit, gutters are not a requirement by the building code,
and that the house is 22 years old.
The Planning Commissioners had concerns over the appearance of the house and
what has to be done prior to occupancy, position of the house on the lot,
and what variances would be needed.
Motion by Fitzgerald to approve the moving request subject to
1. A new roof be installed.
2. New gutters be optional to the developer.
3. The entire home be painted.
4. Any damaged siding shall be replaced.
5. Anything damaged in the move shall be replaced.
6. A 12 X 24 foot garage shall be attached to the east side
of the home 5 feet from the side property line.
7. A driveway shall be installed of blacktop or concrete.
8. All construction material shall be removed within 90 days
and the home ready for occupancy.
9. The entire property shall be graded.
10. The front yard shall be sodded and the rear yard seeded.
11. The above referenced items shall be completed in less
than 90 days.
12. A $10,000 letter of credit to be delivered to the City
at the time of building permit application.
13. A route map is filed with the City Engineer and approved
prior to the actual moving of the house into the City of
Prior Lake.
14. That a variance in the amount of 3 feet on the west property
line and 5 foot on the east property line enabling the
developer to construct a 12 X 24 foot garage to the east
of the house.
15. That the garage exterior be done similar to the home.
Seconded by Felix. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed.
Item IV Warren Isrealson, Public Hearing, Towering Woods, was called
to order at 8:55 P.M. Mr. & Mrs James Cook, owners, and Warren Isrealson,
Consulting Engineer were present to answer questions.
City Planner Eraser commented per memorandum dated June 13, 1983.
ldarren Isrealson, Consulting Engincer for the owners commented on
the density, which they are proposing 31 units for the 2 acres of
land, parking stalls proposed are 2 per unit, a tot lot at this
time would be difficult because of the unknown tenants status,
the utility plan will be worked out with the Engineering Staff.
At this time the hearing was opened to the public.
Bob Brown, owner and operator of the Tower Apts. had a concern for
traffic in the area and the entrance to the proposal.
At this time the hearing was closed to the public.
Motion by Fitzgerald to approve the Preliminary Plat for Towering
Woods subject to:
1. That the density not be more than 29 units as
per the plat dated 5 /9/83.
2. That a utility plar, acceptable to staff be
3. That the parking be a minimum of 2 to 1 ratio
however that the applicant work with staff to
consider a higher ratio.
seconded by Arnold. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed.
Motion by Arnold to close the Public Hearing for Towering Woods,
seconded by Fitzgerald. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed.
At this time a 2 minute recess was called.
The meeting resumed at 10:00 P.M.
Item V, Susan Totenhaugen, Conditional Sign Permit was cancelled due
to lack of information. No one was present for the applicant.
Item VT, Charles Deckas, variance request. Mr. Deckas was present to
answer questions.
City Planner Graser commented per memorandum dated June 16, 1983.
Mr. Deckas commented that his home is solar due to his occupation of
being a sculpture and because of the unique lot this is the only way
to position his home.
Motion by Arnold 10 approve the 13 foot lakeshore variance and a 2.5 foot
side yard variance to construct a home on lot 16 and half of lot 15 of
Northwood Addition since it is not detrimental to the health and welfare
of the neighborhood, seconded by Fitzgerald. Upon a vote taken, the
motion was duly passed.
Item VII, Dave Lucast, variance request. Mr. Lucast was present to answer
City Planner Graser commented per memorandum dated June 16, 1983.
Mr. Lucast col=( that a Ilvw �urvev w rh the house -)(s itioncd
correctly would be submitted to staff.
George and Virginia Prest, adjoining property owners of Lot 49 and 50
had concerns on the position of the house and its' dimensions.
City Planner clarified the positioning of the house and the dimensions
for all concerned.
Motion by Felix to approve 9.5 foot variance from the lakeshore as
indicated at 904.8 for Lot 51, Northwood Addition to construct a single
family home since it would be consistant with the existing neighborhood
and not detrimental to the existing neighborhood, seconded by Arnold.
Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed.
At this time City Planner Graser commended Fitzgerald for his contribution
to the Planning Commission since this is his last meeting.
The new Planning Commissioners appointed are Doug Larson and Tom Loftus.
Motion by Arnold to adjourn the Planning Commission meeting, seconded by
Fitzgerald. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. The meeting
adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
June 2, 1983
7:30 P.M. Call to order
(812) 447. 4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372
June 2, 1983
The June 2, 1983 meeting of the Prior Lake Planning Commission was called
to order by Chairman Roseth at 7 :31 P.M. Present were Commissioners Felix,
Arnold and City Planner Graser.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. Motion by Felix to
approve the minutes as submitted, seconded by Arnold. Upon a vote taken
the motion was duly passed.
Item I, Wind Song Preliminary P.U.D. hearing. Present were Norm Erickson,
Dean Morlock and Greg Kopischke, Consultant to answer questions.
City Planner Graser commented per memorandum dated May 31, 1983. Also
comments were given regarding a visit to Midwest Equestrian in Minneapolis.
Comments were made regarding City Engineer, Larry Anderson's memo dated
May 31, 1983.
Comments were made regarding City Consultant Planner, Charles Tooker's
memo dated June 2, 1983.
Greg Kopischke commented that the recommendations of the staff will be
considered and had no objections to them.
Dean Morlock commented that Midwest is a commercial operation whereas
this would not be.
Norm Erickson commented tha the nuiiance items would be policed and not
become a problem. Also this is a service operation and the only thing
the owner does is train.
The Planning Commissioners had concerns regarding the nusiance items.
Motion by Arnold to approve the Preliminary P.U.D. for Wind Song
contingent upon:
1. Engineering considerations from Larry J. Anderson.
2. The six nuisance items outlined (dust, noise, odors,
lights, traffic- storage)in the staff report shall not
become problems or cause any condition that may be
dangerous, noxious or produce a negative visual
3. The park dedication be in land located directly north
of Lord's Street. The final location dimension and
(612) 447. 4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372
deed delivered 2: the City prior to final piat approval..
4. [,etaj lc:d architectuai plans be submitted for the barn
outiin:ng construction materials exactly.
5. The ffe v�eIoper shall submit the drainage plans to the P(A
and :coil Conservation Service for their comments. A
copy of their comments shall be submitted to staff.
Also the Watershed Districts comments submitted to staff.
6. An ongoing monitoring system shall be implemented to
catch potential pollution problems.
7. Charles Tooker's recommendations for landscaping be
submitted and approved.
B. A complete plan in final be submitted to the Planning
Commission in the final Preliminary Plat P.U.D.
because future development in the area will not be negatively affected
and the development is consistant with the Comprehensive Plan, seconded
by Felix. Upon a vote taken the notion was duly passed.
Motion by Arnold to adjourn the Planning Commission meeting, seconded
by Felix. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. The meeting
adjourned at 9.45 P.M.