HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 October Planning Commission MinutesCITY OF PRIOR LAKE
October 20, 1983
7:30 P.M.
7:.35 P.M.
8:00 P.M.
Call to order
Len Grassini
Yvonne Dovick
Nonresidential Licensing
Discussion on Day Care
(612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372
October 20, 1983
The October 20, 1983 meeting of the Prior Lake Planning Commission was
called to order by Chairman Arnold at 7:30 P.M. Present were Commissioners
Loftus, Larson, Felix and City Planner Graser. Absent was Commissioner
Rose th.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. Motion by Loftus to
approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Larson. Upon a vote taken,
the motion was duly passed.
Item I, Len Grassini, request for 7 foot front yard variance to build a
22 X 22 foot garage at 14277 Shady Beach Trail N.E. and a variance to
deviate from the 800sq.ft.maximum accessory structure requirement.
Mr. Grassini was present to answer questions.
Mr. Grassini stated that the incline of the driveway in winter is a
hardship. He felt the cost of vehicles is a big investment and should
have storage.
Mr. Graser commented per memo dated October 20, 1983.
The Planning Commissioners commented on the existing huildings, storage,
size of lot, and number of vehicles the applicant has. The Planning
Commissioners stated that the 800 square foot maximum for accessory
buildings now in the Zoning Code should be maintained.
Motion by Larson to deny the variance application to waive the maximum
accessory use coverage ratio of 800 square feet per lot as per Section 6.2
A paragraph 3 of the City Zoning Ordinance, in as much as a change in the
code may have adverse ramifications in the future, and deny the variance
as it has been applied for and the materials that were provided to the
Commission that they do rAceed 800 square feet maximum for coverage,
seconded by Arnold. Upon a vote taken, 2 ayes and 1 naye, the motion
Motion by Larson to amend the above motion to continue the 7 foot variance
application for 14277 Shady Beach Trail N.E. until the next meeting in two
weeks until clarification by the building inspector as to what constitutes
an attached and what constitutes detached accessory structures, seconded
by Loftus. Upon a vote take::, tLe motion was duly passed.
(612) 447. 4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 65372
At this time informal discussion followed with Yvonne Dovick, Licensing
Consultant with the State Department of Welfare regarding licensing of
Day Care Facilities.
Motion by Loftus to adjourn the Planning Commission meeting of October 20,
1983, seconded by Felix. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed.
The meeting adjourned at 10:03 P.H.
October 6, 1983
7:30 P.M.
7:35 P.M.
8:00 P.M.
8:15 P.M.
8:45 F.M.
9:00 P.M.
9:15 P.M.
Call to order
Zoning Ordinance Amendment
Zoning Ordinance Amendment
Delineate Agricultural Preserve
(612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, WNNESOTA 65372
October 6, 1983
The October 6, 1983 meeting of the Prior Lake Planning Commission
was called to order by Chairman Arnold at 7;30 P.M. Present were
Commissioners Larson, Loftus, Roseth, Felix and City Planner Graser.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. Motion by Felix
to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Loftus. Upon a
vote taken, the motion was duly passed.
Item I, Zoning Ordinance Amendment request by Gary Gibbish. This
Public Hearing was called to order by Chairman Arnold.
Ar. Gibbish commented that other Communities have B -3 Districts
allowing Day Care as a permitted use. Also that state rules
oversee these facilities and are the strictest.
City Planner Graser commented per memorandum dated September 28, 1983.
The Planning Commissioners had concerns over what type of future
development could result surrounding a permitted use in a B -3
district if there is no control.
Motion to recommend to the City Council to amend the Prior Lake Zoning
Ordinance to include Day Care Facilities as a Conditional Use in a B -3
District was made by Felix, seconded by Larson. Upon discussion Roseth
stated the Day Care Facility in a B -3 District should be a Permitted
Use due to the fact that there is no control after the business is
established as to who can build next to it, as it stands now. Upon
a vote taken, 3 ayes, 1 naye, the motion carried.
Motion by Roseth tb adjourn the Public Hearing, seconded by Felix.
Upon a vote taken, the motion duly passed.
Item II, Public Hearing to recommend that Agricularal Perserves
be added to the Zoning Ordinance was called to order.
City Planner Graser commented per memo dated September 30, 1983.
At this time a slide presentation from the Metro Council was shown.
(812) 447. 4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372
Discussion fi�llowed .with thr Planning Commissioners and Staf`
Motion to recommend to the Citv Council to amend the Zoning Ordinance
Section 4.3 Agricultural Preserves as outlined on the attached page
also Section 4.2 Lot and Yard requirements for A -1 and C -1 Districts
should be amended to include Agricultural Preserves w a minimum
lot size of 40 acres and a densitv of one unit per nuarter /quarter
section was made by Roseth, seconded by Larson. Upon a vote taken,
the motion was duly passed.
Motion by Roseth to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Larson.
Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed.
Item III, Public Hearing to deliniate the agricultural acres which
are eligible to preserve status.
City Planner Graser commented per memo dated September 30, 1983.
Discussion followed with the Planning Commissioners and Staff.
Motion by Larson to approve the certification of eligible agricultural
preserve as indicated in dark lines on "Exhibit A" , seconded by Loftus.
Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed.
Motion by Roseth to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Loftus.
Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed.
Item IV, variance request by Rod Stankovich for Lone Tree Island.
Mr. Stankovich was present to answer questions.
City Planner Graser commented per memorandum dated October 6, 1983.
Motion by Larson to approve the 43' lakeshore variance for Lone Tree
Island in upper Prior Lake since it is not detrimental to the health and
welfare,of the community, seconded by Loftus. Upon a vote taken,
the motion was duly passed.
Item V, variance request by Charles Brazier for 16072 Eagel Creek Ave. S.E.
Mr. Brazier was present to answer questions.
City Planner Graser commented per memorandum dated October 6, 1983.
Motion by Larson to approve a 5 ft. side yard variance for 16072 Eagle
Creek Avenue S.E. since it is consistent with the area and the topographical
situation of the lot, seconded by Felix. Upon a vote taken, the motion was
duly passed.
Item VI, variance request by Oline S Ernest Chial for 16061 Northwood Road.
Oline Chial was present to answer questions.
City Planner Graser commented per memorandum dated October 6, 1983.
Motion by Roseth to approve a 5 ft. south side yard variance for 16061
Northwood Road because of precedent in the area and is consistent with
what else has happened in the area and due to unusual topography of the
lot, seconded by Loftus. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed.
Motion by Roseth to adjourn the Planning Commission meeting of October 6, 1983,
seconded by Loftus. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. The
meeting adjourned at 9:47 P.M.
4. AGR1( ATI Pi < •i-'.E Upon �.,�rfi fication by the City Council
that certain lar,,y. in the City ara planned for Tong term a(Iri-
�ultural use in the Compret:en,ive Plan, and zoned A -1 Agricul-
tural and C -1 Con- ,-�rvation in the Zoning Ordinance, owners of
said land may make .application for agricultural preserve status
requirinc a m- aximcm residential density of one unit in forty
(40) acre;, on 'q ecial fore supplied to them.
lA) Minimum. Ac r. ante: The minimum acreage is forty (40) acres,
ut smaller parcels will be considered eligible under the
f - ocdition :
I. t)oneonticuous parcel at least ten (10) acres in size
and aggregating forty (40) or more acres may be eligible
if they are farmed together as a unit.
2. The minimum acreage requirement may be reduced to thirty
five (35) acres if the land is a single quarter /quarter
section and the amount less than forty (40) acres is due
to a public right -of -way or a disturbance in the rect-
angular survey system leaving a quarter /quarter of less
than forty (40) acres.
3. The minimum acreage can be reduced to twenty (20) acres
if it is adjacent to eligible land on not less than two
(2) sides and the following conditions are met:
(a) The land area predominantly comprises Class I, 11,
Ili, or irrigated Class IV land according to the
Land Capability Classification Systems of the Soil -
Conservation Service and the County soil survey; and r
(b) The City Council considers the land to be an essen-
tial part of the agricultural region; and
(c) The parcel was a parcel of record prior to January I,`
1980; or, the land was an agricultural; preserve prior
to becoming a separate parcel of at least twenty (20)'
4. Contiguous Municipally- certified land meeting the total
acreage requirements, but located in an adjoining munic-
ipality as well as in Prior Lake so that the minimum acre
age requirement is not met in one or more jurisdictions Is
eligible through joint resolution of the affected local
(B) Duration: An agricultural preserve continues indefinitely
until either the owner or the City initiates expiration, after
which the duration is eight (8) years. A land owner may ini-
tiate expiration by notifying the City on a form provided to
him. The City may initiate expiration by changing the planning
and zoninc so that the land is no longer planned for long -term
agricultural use or is rezoned to another use.
-14 A-