HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 June Planning Commission MinutesCITY OF PRIOR LAKE
(612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 369 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 65372
JUNE 17, 1982
Call to order
(612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 369 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 65372
' •'
JUNE 17, 1992
The .June 17, 1982 meeting of the Prior Lake Planning Commission was called to
order -.t 7:35 PM by Char�7,an Roseth. Present at the meeting were Commissioner's
Foster,, Fitzgerald, Felix. and City Consulting Planner Tooker, Absent was Arnold.
The minutes of the previous meeting was reviewed. Motion was made by Foster,
to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Felix. Upon a vote taken, the
motion was duly passed.
At this time Commissioner Fitzgerald excused himself due to personal interest in next item
Item 1, Public Bearing for Rezoning. James Space was present to answer questions.
City Consulting Planner Tooker commented on this Item per memorandum date June 17,
Chairman Roseth opened the discussion to the audience.
Robert Maute felt that if you zoned this property you would have to zone other
ajoining property.
Aurilla Johnson asked where road access to this property was and if off Bass
Tooker stated it was.
James Space commented that he only wanted to build single family residential homes
on the property. He read the minutes of May 24, 1982, regarding the Trail Corridor
along Co. Rd. 21.
Kathy Robbs stated heropposition to R -1 zoning and felt the City Council had
reason and justification for keeping the property zoned as such and until they
deem it necessary to change should be kept as such.
Robert Maute stated that other property in the flood plain could not build how
can this applicant be allowed to build?
James Space stated the property is above flood plain,
At this time Chairman Roseth closed the audience discussion and opened it to the
(612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 65372
The Commissioners felt the City Council should have first chance to ammend the
Comprehensive Plan before the Planning Commission takes action.
Motion by Foster to deny the rezoning request for James Space for property (see
attached) from C -1 to R -1 with the idea being that -t would remain consiste�it with
the Zoning Code as presently approved, seconded by Felix. Upon a vote taken, tha
motion was duly passed.
Motion by Foster to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Felix. Upon a vote
taken the motion was duly passed.
At this time Commissioner Fitzgerald rejoined the Planning Commission.
Item I!, Home Occupation Permit for Dan Stack was called to order.
Mr. Stack was present to answer questions.
City Consulting Planner Tooker commented on this item per memorandum dated June 17, 1982.
The Commissioners commented on this item.
Motion was made by Fitzgerald to approve the Daniel Stack, Home Occupation Permit
for 5500 Woodlawn Circle SE, for the purpose of a MarineConsulting service in as
such that it would not be detrimental to the neighborhood, seconded by Foster.
Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed.
item III, Variance for Jim and Pam Tandberg. Mrs. Pam Tandberg was present to
answer questions.
City Consulting Planner Tooker commented on this item per memorandum dated June 17, 1982
Mrs-Tandberg commented that they had several estimates and this is the best location,
The Commissioners commented on this item and felt that they have to be consistent
with the Comprehensive Plan.
Motion by Foster to deny the variance for 16826 Lyons Ave SE, since there is nothing
unique about the property nor does the enforcement of the Comp. Plan result in undue
hardship seconded by Fitzgerald. Upon a vote taken the motion was duly passed.
Item IV, Variance for Charles Arnold. Mrs. Arnold was present to answer questions.
City Consulting Planner Tooker commented on this item per Memorandum dated June 17, 1982,
, stating that the Planning Commission be consistent on the basis of yourlast action
to deny the side yard variance this one is similar in an R -1 zoning. Therefore this
comment is in disagreement with the staff's recommendation.
Mrs. Arnold stated that there is a long driveway which slopes so grade should be
a consideration.
Motion was made by Foster to continue the variance until Mr. Arnold can be present
seconded by Felix. Upon a vote taken, 1 Aye, 2 Nayes, 1 abstain, the motion was
denied and the item continued before the Planning Commission.
The Planning Commi- ;sioners commented on this item.
Motion was made by Fitzgerald to deny the request for variance for 16017 Camb. dge Cr. S.E.
evidence and justification of hardship in order to grant a variance on the same basis
of the preceding application and to be consistent, seconded by Feiix. Upon a vote
taken, 3 ayes and 1 naye, the motion carried.
Item V, Variance for Duane Melling was called to order. Mr. & Mrs. Melling
were present to answer questions.
City Consulting Planner commented on this item per memorandum dated June 17, 1982.
A correction in the memorandum should read 1 ft. variance for the garage instead
of 9 ft.
Mr. Melling commented on this item and asked Tooker to repeat the recommendation.
Mayor Stock commented that sewer and water for this area is a concern due to low
pressure for fire protection. This applicant is willing to comply with the
well and septic sewage system there should be no problem.
The Planning Commissioners commented of this item and felt that a nice building
package could be worked out with different variances.
Mr. Melling was in agreement with the Commissioners.
Motion was made by Fitzgerald to deny the original variance request for Lot 9, Block
2, Chatonka Beach and approve a modifiJ request which will be granting a 25 ft. Lake-
shore variance and a 5 ft. variance from west property line and a 3 £t. variance from
the east property line for the dwelling and on the proposed garage a 5 ft. variance from
the west property line a 1 ft. variance from the east property line based on the
fact that the difficult lot demensions and consistent with the past decisions, seconded
by Felix. Upon a vote taken the motion was duly passed.
Item VI, Home Occupation Permit for Dorothy Snyder was called to order. Dorothy
Snyder was not present to answer questions.
City Consulting Planner Tooker commented on this item stating that the approval
be contingent upon providing for traffic and parking.
The Planning Commissioners commented on this item.
Motion was made by Fitzgerald to approve the Home Occupation Permit for 15981 West
as requested but subject to the applicant demonstrate the parking facilities for 6
cars for off street parking be provided seconded by Foster. Upon a vote taken the
was duly-passed.
Motion was made by Fitzgerald to adjourn the Planning Commission meeting,
seconded by Foster. Upon a vote taken the motion carried. The meeting adjourned
at 9:23 P.M.
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MINUTES of the Proceedinqs the City council of the v of Prior Lake in the County of
Scott and Stale of I incwta, including all acco,jnt, audited by said Cuuncil.
May 24, 1932
The Common Council ::f the City of Pricr Lake met in regular session on
Monday, May 24, 1982 at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers. Mayor Stock
called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Councilmen
`Vusse, Watkins, Thorkelson, Schweich, Ci +y Manager McGuire and City
Planner Graser.
Mayor Stock asked everyone to please rise and pledge allegiance to the
The minutes of May 17, 1982 were reviewed.
The following corrections are to be made to the minutes of May 17, 1982:
Page 2, Paragraph 3: INSERT after an establishment of a
minimum standards policy, seconded
by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken
it was duly passed.
Motion by Watkins approve the minutes of May 17, 1982 as amended, seconded
by Busse and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
The next item on the agenda was Mike Gair Site Plan. City Planner Graser
made a presentation on this.
City Planner Graser stated that the applicant is appealing a Planning
Commission and Staff recommendation on the Speiker property. The
recommendation was to not include the railroad property and a portion of
the county road easement from density calculations.
Mayor Stock asked Mr. Gair if he wanted to make a presentation.
Mr. Gair had 3 exhibits for the Council. The 1st exhibit was a section
map - the tan colored in area is the PUD. It is a 200 scale with a total
acreage of 2.54. The 2nd exhibit was a scale map 1 =50 and the 3rd exhibit
was a PUD map 1 =30 showing where the development would be placed, this
development would consist of 20 units with underground parking. The
JUNE 3, 1982
P.M. Call to order
(612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372
.TUNE 3. 1982
ie June 3, 1982 meeting of the Prior Lake Planning Commission was called to order
7:30 PM 1 1, Chairman Res -.m H,- Present at the meeting were Commissioner's Foster,
rnold, Fitzgerald, Felix and City Planner Graser.
he minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. Motion was made by Foster
Lo approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Felix. Upon a vote taken, the
motion was duly passed.
Item I, Tom Loucks, Public Hearing for Subdivision. Mr. Louie Stassen developer
and Tom Loucks were present to answer questions.
City Planner Graser commented on this Item per memorandum dated June 1, 1982.
All Exhibits are complete and well done. City Planner Graser stated that the
City Engineer requested a few minor changes in the utility plan, an easement
for the pond and a Developers Agreement signed prior to construction.
The Planning Commissioners commented on this item.
Lane Dice adjacent property owner expressed concern on the drainage.
Mr. Loucks stated that the drainage would be thru the site and into the pond.
Motion was made by Arnold to approve the Colonial Estates Townhouse development
Preliminary Plat for Lot 17, Block 6, Prior South with amended utility plan,
easement for pond, Developers Agreement signed prior to construction and approve
the 20' rear yard variance abutting the B -3 property to the west, and enter
Exhibit "A" into the records, seconded by Foster. Upon a vote taken, the motion
was duly passed.
Motion to close the public hearing by Arnold, seconded by Foster. Ayes passed.
Item II, Greg Schweich, Conditional Use Permit renewal was called to order.
Greg Schweich was present to answer questions.
City Planner Graser commented per memorandum dated June 3, 1982.
Motion was made by Foster to approve Conditional Use Permit renewal for Schweich
Construction to construct two duplexes on Lots 31 -34 Butternut Beach with amended
building plans as part of the record which are: 1. Limit each unit to two bedrooms
2. The front yard set back shall be at least 25'. 3. A drainage plan be submitted
in conjunction with the building permit for proper evaluation of drainage. 4. Hammer-
head driveways be constructed for all units fronting Co. Rd. 12. 5. Lot 30 be
developed with a single family home. and Exhibit "A" made part of the record,
seconded by Felix. Upon a vote taken the motion passed.
(612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372
Motion was made by Fitzgerald to amend the motion to deny the 3rd Conditional Use
Permit because 100 ft. lot the single family home on the lot would provide a transition
between a duplex and the adjacent single family home to the west and the adjacent
vacant lots to the east, since they are larger, be developed as possibly single family
homes. Also the other issue for granting was since there were 5 platted lots the maximum
Permitted density was 5 units which is not exceeding this proposal, seconded by Arnold.
Upon a vote taken, the motion passed.
item IV, Variance for John Trulson. Mr. S Mrs. Trulson were present to answer questions.
City Planner Graser commented on this Item per memorandum dated June 3, 1982.
Motion by Foster to approve a 26' lakeshore variance to construct a deck at
14296 Rutgers Street NE, since the improvement will not be detrimental to the general
health and welfare of the City and within the spirit and intent of the Ordinance,
seconded by Fitzgerald. Upon a vote taken, the motion passed.
At this time Chairman Roseth called a 10 minute recess.
At 8:30 PM the Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Roseth.
Item V, Public Hearing Continuation on Home Construction Policies was called to
City Planner Graser reviewed this item per memorandum dated May 28, 1982.
At this time Chairman Roseth called for audience input.
Jim Weinger stated that whatever decision was made future board members would
have to live with.
Pat O'Keefe stated that other neighborhoods in other areas have set up zones and
felt Prior Lake could handle the same.
The Planning Commissioners commented on this item with concerns being: local
neighborhoods, staff's recommendations, Ordinance for future reference, density, &
Motion by Foster to approve Staff's Recommendation to add to the comprehensive
Plan the following:
Section 4 -Lot, Yard & Storage Requirements
Add new paragraph:
4.1 (N) All new housing units must anticipate the future
need for expansion, storage and garages. Toward
that end all housing shall be constructed either..
with a basement or a minimum of one staff gar-
age. Single family & two family houses shall be'°
constructed so that a future garage may lbe.`:built
without variances.
seconded by Arnold. Upon a vote taken, 4 ayes 1 naye, the motion carried.
Motion was made by Fitzgerald to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Arnold.
Upon a vote taken, the motion passed. The : ^ adjourned at 9:18 PM.