HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 May Planning Commission MinutesCITY OF PRIOR LAKE PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION - AGENDA - MAY 20, 1982 7:30 PM Call to order 7:35 PM WES HUKRIEDE 7 PM JAMES SPACE 7:50 PM SCOTT GENSMORE 8:00 PM JOE RESELAND 8:15 PM HEARING VARIANCE REZONING APPLICATION VARIANCE CONTINUATION VARIANCE HOME CONSTRUCTION POLICIES (612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 AGENDA REPORT MAY 20, 1982 7:35 PM WES HUKRIEDE - VARIANCE Staff analvsis is attached 7:45 PM JAMES SPACE - REZONING APPLICATION Staff has received a petition to rezone a portion of the abandoned railroad property in the vacinity of the Co. Rd. 21 bridge. A map of the property is attached. The rezoning is from C -1 to R -1. Please scheduale a hearing June 17th 1982 at 7:35 P.M. 7:50 PM 8:00 PM 8:15 PM SCOTT GENSMORE - VARIANCE CONTINUATION This variance was continued from April 15th. A copy is attached. JOE RESELAND - VARIANCE Attached please find staff analysis. HEARING - HOME CONSTRUCTION POLICIES (612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 56372 W CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION - MINUTES - MAY 20, 1982 The May 20, 1982 meeting of the Prior Lake Planning Commission was called to order at 7:30 PM by Chairman Roseth. Present at the meeting were Commissioner's Foster, Arnold, Fitzgerald, Felix and City Planner Graser. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. Motion was made by Fitzgerald to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Foster. Upon a vote taken the motion was duly passed. Item I, Wes Hukriede, variance request was called to order. Mr. Hukriede was present. ("'' City Planner Graser commented on this Item per memorandum dated May 20, 1982. C .Motion was made by Fitzgerald to approve a 15 ft. bear yard variance for Lot 33, Boudins Manor to construct a 22 X 28' garage, seconded by Felix. Upon a vote taken the motion was duly passed. At this time Commissioner Fitzgerald excused himself from the Commission due to personal interest in the next item. Item II, James Space, Rezoning Application was called to order. Mr. Space was not present at this time. Staff commented on this item and recommended the Commissioners set a public hearing date. Motion was made by Foster to schedule a public hearing for June 17, 1982 at 7:35 PM. seconded by Felix. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. At this time Commissioner Fitzgerald rejoined the Planning Commission. Item III, Scott Gensmore, Variance continuation was reschuled after the next item due to the fact Mr. Gensmore was not present. Item IV, Joe Reseland, Variance was called to order. Mr. Reseland was present. Staff commented on this item per memorandum dated May 20, 1982. U Mr. Reseland stated that money was a factor in his addition. Motion was made by Foster to approve a 7' side yard variance to add a 22 X 14' addition to an existing cabin on Lot 5, Fairlawn Shores Trail, seconded by Fitzgerald. Upon a vote taken the motion was duly passed. (612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 56372 At this time Item III, Scott Gensmore, Variance continuation was called to order. Mr. Gensmore was not present to answer questions. staff commented on this item per memorandum dated April 15, 1982. Motion was made by Fitzgerald to deny the request for a 15 ft. front yard variance for Lots 5 & 6, Fairview Beach, due to lack of appearance and justification, seconded by Foster. Upon a vote taken, the motion duly passed. At this time Chairman Roseth called a 15 minute recess_ At 8:15 PM the Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Roseth. Chairman Roseth called the Public Hearing on Home Construction Policies to order. City Planner Graser commented on this item per memorandum dated May 17, 1982. Chairman Roseth read his prepared memorandum on Home Construction Policies at this time. The Planning Commissioners commented on the memorandum. The concerns of the Planning Commission were over blending, minimums for housing, and introduction of smaller units into existing areas of homes. Jim Winneger state that a site plan should show a garage. Pat O'Keefe state perhaps minimums could be put in an area that is planned to accomodate such development. Basements can be added for a small amount. To -- ?rotect the value of existing homes in a neighborhood, a mixture of home sizes in ..,�a subdivision should have not more than 50% development. Mr. Claron Ottman stated that an evaluation of subdivisions should be made every so often for concerned goals. New construction should be 85% of existing homes. Doug Moncur stated that construction should blend in with surrounding neighborhoods and that the Ordinance be more specific and "state goals:. Bryce Huemoeller stated that we should have an architectural ordinance and have it defined. Also standards should apply to all structures and it sV'>uld be explored on other ways to handle the storage problem. The ordinance shoiPld be flexible and change with the times. Paul Blackwell stated the structures should be integraded into the area. Sharon. Murr felt that there should be a blend of homes in an area when construction is being considered to keep the value of existing homes consistent. Mary Lund stated that the storage . space should be left up to the builder.. Also he felt that-the houses in an area should not look alike. Marlis Bluedorn stated that people don't take an interest in what's happening in the City until something affects them. Also she stated that small homes are needed in Prior Lake as starter homes for young people and homes for retired people. Bernie Mahowald stated that a minimum doesn't need to be set and a basement doesn't '.rave appeal when noone sees it. Maybe a garage would be better when attached to a small home. Skip Reebie stated that a covenant would be the answer so the price of the home would not be out of FHA standards for modest cost housing. The Plannin. Commissioners commented on the audience input. Motion was made by Fitzgerald to seek the answer to the dilemma in Section 4 -7 -1. City Code and embeli. shed upon to further define variance of character with surrounding development, seconded by Felix. Upon a vote taken, 3 ayes and 2 nayes the motion carried. Motion by Fosterto recind the above motion to continue the Hearing to June 3, 1982 at 8:30 P.M., seconded by Fitzgerald, Upon a vote taken the motion passed. Motion was made by Fitzgerald to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Arnold. Upon a vote taken, the motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 10:40 P.M. HEARING - HOME CONSTRUCTION POLICIES COMMENTS BY DAVE ROSETH The basic problem: Small sized houses: whether or not to place requirements & restrictions on their construction with regards to size, basements & /or garages, and to consider their loca.taion such as next to (or inter - dispersed in) an existing neighborhood of larger sized homes. The broad object of planning is to rurther the we ar ncreasing ly better, more convenient, effecient & attractive community. The Planning Commission is chargeiwith the task of shaping a better community while trying to avoid mistakes detrimental to the well being of the public interest. Duties of the Planning Commission include the establishment of principals & policies for guiding action affecting the development of the city & its environs. No longer is a planner concernerVith the physical design o$ growth of any given area, he deals *ith the sometimes staggering facts of housing needs, social needs & programs, down- town rebuilding, parks & open spaces as well as orxf/e needs of the municipality. As the cost of energy continues to climb, people will attempt to minimize commuting distances, so we need available affordable housing here in Prior Lake to offset the increasing costs. One way is to build smaller homes on smaller lots butl various methods available to make the smaller houses look larger so as not to distract from the existing neighbors. The Comprehensive Plan consists of several things, one of which is a housing element consisting of standards, plans & principals to be followed in the provision of housing for existing residents & the anticipated growth off all areas. The Comp. Plan also encourages us to develop low & moderate income housing. We have before us 2 petitions, both concerning themselves with the same basic idea: "extreme variance from existing neighbors" and requesting a "gradual transition" between neighborhoods. We will make this into a 2 pronged k & consider the following for changes to our Comp. Plan: 1) The blending of neighborhoods into one another. 2) The requirements of "minimum Construction Standards" A) Minimum square footage per house B) The requirement of a basement C) The requirement of a garage D) The requirement of a basement and /or garage E) The requirement that site plans submitted for a building permit include the location of a garage, whether or not it is to be built now or in the future without the use of variances. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA MAY 6, 1582 7:30 PM call to order 7:35 PM MIKE GAIR P.UO CONCEPT CONTINUATION 8:15 PM JIM WENINGER LAND USE DISCUSSION (012) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 66372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION - MINUTES - MAY 6, 1982 The May 6, 1982 meeting of the Prior Lake Planning Commission was called to order at 7:30 PM by Chairman Roseth. Present at the meeting were Commissioner's Foster, Arnold, Fitzgerald, and City Planner Graser. Commissioner Felix was absent. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. Motion was made by Foster to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by Arnold. Upon a vote taken the motion was duly passed. At this time Commissioner Fitzger.ld excused himself from the Planning Commission due to a personal interest in the next item on the agenda. Item I, Mike Gair, P.U.D. Concept continuation was called to order. Mr. Gair was present on behalf of the applicant to answer questions. City Planner Graser commented on this continuation per memorandum dated May 3, 1982. Staff also stated that density calculation has never included Co. Roads,or wetlands. before. Mr. Gair commented on the concerns and felt a compensation would be worked out if the density calculation included the Co. Rd. and wetland area in turn the developer would dedicate the C -1 corridor to the City. Mr. Gair also stated that the design of the condominiums would be an asset to the City in quality and aesethics. Mr. James Space abutting property owner felt his parcel should be included in the rezoning package if the applicant's property were to be rezoned. The Planning Commissioners commented on this and expressed concern over the density calculation for the applicant. Motion was made by Foster to deny the P.U.D. as presented because taking in account Co. Rd. 21 as well as the Conservation area in density calculation this would, if passed, establish a precedence not done before and is in violation of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance set by the Prior Lake City Council, seconded by Arnold. Upon a vote taken, the motion duly passed. Item II, Jim Weninger, Land Use Discussion was called to order. Mr. Weninger was present. At this time Commissioner Fitzgerald rejoined the Planning Commission. Staff stated that Mr. Weninger was present to discuss development on 50' Lots.and how they are utilized. (612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 65372 Mr. weninqer stated his concerns for Spring Lake Townsite as: 1. utilization of 50' _Lots 2. variance requests settinq a precedence 3, consider addition to Ardinance to include a building envelope 4. parking along Highway. The Planning Commission requested a copy of the 50' Lot policy set by precedence. Staff would check into this. At this time Chairman ROseth amended the Agenda by Adding Item III, Tom Loucks, Concept Review on Prior South• Mr. Loucks presented the Planning Commissioners with a Preliminary Plat. Map and explained the Concept for Townhouses. Motion was made by Foster to schedule a Public Hearing for June 3, 1982 at 7:30 PM. seconded by Fitzgerald. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. Discussion took place at this time in regards to the upcoming May 20, 1982 Planning Commission meeting. Staff suggested a letter be written to all Realtors, Developers, Contractors, & Homebuilders inviting them to this meeting. Also Staff felt the Commissioners be knowledgeable regarding all rules and procedures required by Prior Lake on building -and land. Motion was made by Fitzgerald and seconded by Arnold to adjourn the Planning Commission meeting. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. The meeting adjourned at f - -9:30 PM. L i