HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 November Planning Commission MinutesCITY OF PRIOR LAKE
November 18, 1982
7:30 P.M.
7:35 P.M.
8:00 P.M.
8:15 P.M.
8:45 P.M.
Call to Order
Lawrence Schweich
Bob & Cindy Boegeman
Charles James
John Fitzgerald
Subdivision Hearing
Conditional Use
P.U.D. Concept Review
(612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 66372
November 18, 1982
The November 18, 1982 meeting of the Prior Lake Planning Commission was
called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Roseth. Present were John Fitz-
gerald, Tom Foster, Chuck Arnold, Mike Felix and City Planner Graser.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. Corrections were
as follows:
Change last Paragraph, first page, 6th line from
"Granting is due to a lack of consideration and"
"The variance was approved because"
Motion was made by Fitzgerald to approve the minutes as amended, seconded
by Arnold. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed.
Item I, Lawrence Schweich, Subdivision Public Hearing was called to order.
No one was present to represent the applicant.
City Planner Graser commented per memorandum dated November 18, 1982.
At this time Chairman Roseth called for audience input and comments.
Dennis Peterson property owner to the south questioned the location of
the proposed garages and requested assurance that the drainage alterations
and grading would not cause flooding of his property.
Mrs. Haperstad area property owner was concerned over raising the 20'
private roadway.
City Planner Graser felt it would be advantageous to raise the lot and road.
Steve Hafermann area property owner was concerned with drainage onto his
Judy Reed area property owner had concerns over a legal (public) roadway
by her land.
Erwin Alrich in behalf of his father an area property owner had concerns
over the size of the structure to be built in the proposed area. Also
the exteric- finishings.
At this time the Public Hearing was closed to the audience.
(612) 447.4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. P.O. BOX 359 PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 65372
The Pla�ni ng Commissioners comments were focused on the following areas.
i.) Drainage and how it affected the adjacent properties in
conjunction with a long range solution.
2.) The variances requested by the developer and how such deviations
would affect future plats.
3.) The 20' private roadway and what affects grading will have
on its usability.
4.) The possibility for a twin home.
5.) To contact the developer and request his or his represent-
ative be present at the December 2nd meeting.
Motion to continue the Public Hearing to December 2, 1982 at 8:00 P.M.
was made by Fitzgerald and seconded by Foster. Upon a vote taken, the
motion passed.
Item Il Variance request for Bob b Cindy Boegeman was called to order.
Bob Boegeman was present to answer questions.
City Planner Graser commented per memorandum dated November 18, 1982.
Motion by Foster to approve the 14 ft X 5 ft. 8 " porch addition to
the Hollywood Inn which is a non - conforming use since the structural
change will not increase the seating capacity of the business nor
will it change the nature and level of the current operation and
the structure should be tastefully done as not to detract from the
existing neighborhood, seconded by Felix. Upon a vote taken, the
motion was duly passed.
Item III Conditional Use request by Charles James of James Refrigeration
Company. Jim Shelton of P.D.Q. and Gene Wood gasoline equipment installer
were present to answer questions.
The Planning Commissioners commented on the movement of traffic, future
tenants, and time frame of the project.
Motion by Fitzgerald to approve the Conditional Use to sell self- service
gasoline in conjunction with a P.D.Q. Food Store for Lot 5, Block 2
James First Addition subject to staff's recommendation of the revised
radius and subject to the proposed construction being consistent with
Exhibit "A" 6 "B ", the site and landscaping plan with two 4" boulevard
trees along Highway 13, seconded by Arnold. Upon a vote taken, the motion
At this time John Fitzgerald excused himself from the Planning Commission
due to a personal interest in the next item.
Item IV, request for P.U.D. Concept approval by John Fitzgerald.
City Planner Graser commented by reviewing the Concept Review which was
presented to the Planning Commission for the first time 6 months ago.
The property is adjacent to County Road 21 (center line) the Wagon Bridge,
and Quincy Street. At this time the developer is requesting density be
calculated using 2.54 acres. The developer is asking that land density
include up to the center of County Road 21 since the owner pays taxes
on this property.
Mr. Fitzgerald felt that the 18 unit proposed condominium is conducive
to the area, and will be constructed with quality throughout resulting
in an asset to the neighborhood. Mr. Fitzgerald requested verification
for density calculation to include the entire 2.54 acres. Density
credits will be discussed at the Public Hearing at which time the project
will be presented in its entirety.
Skip Sorenson, architect, commented on the P.U.D. as to size, roads,
design, open space, recreational facilities, and materials.
The Planning Commissioners unanimously agreed that 2.54 acres should
be used to figure density.
At this time John Fitzgerald returned to his position at the Planning.
Commission table.
Motion by Fitzgerald to adjourn the November 18, 1982 Planning Commission
meeting, seconded by Arnold. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly
passed. The Planning Commission meting adjourned at 10:20 P.M..