HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 December Planning Commission MinutesINDEX 1980 PLANNIN7G CnMMISSION MINUTES J ANUARY 3_ l4An STAFF REORGANIZATION STAFF DISCUSSION LANDSCAPING & DESIGN ORD. STAFF GENERAL, DISCUSSION - MEETING FORMAT 1 7, 1980 ROY CLAY DEFINED ZONING FOR EVANSTON AVE. & S.T.H 13 PHIL FREEMAN CONED. USE CONE. 2 TOWNHOUSE IN FAIRLAWN SHORES & 4' VAR DONALD PAUL VAR 19' FRONT 4' SIDE TO NAM 14' GARDE APPR DAVID MC GUIRE DISCUSSION GREENBRIAR P.U.D. EST. P.H. 1 TONY THELEN THELEN 1ST ADD CONCEPT REVIEW ID BIRDSONG DISC DEV LOTS 30-36 CANDY COVE PARR BRYCE HUEMDELLER SCHEDULE P.H. REZONE PARCEL. FRANKLIN TR & S.T.H. 13 TO 2 -21 -80 TOM O'MEARA 8' SIDE VAR Lll L31 VALE ADD DENIED DUHADE HARRIS DIVIDE 28 AC RM 2.5 AC LOTS SE CORNER OF INTERSECTION CO. RD 81 & CO. RD 17 ABUTS HOWARD LAKE DENIED RON SWANSON THELEN,S 1ST ADD ACCESS FOR L5 OFF BOUDINS Sr A JOHN TRUISON DISCUSSION USES FOR WATERSEDGE OPC PLAZA JAMES HILL GREENBRIAR P.U.D. CONCEPT APPROVAL EST P.A. 3 -20 MABCB 6, 1980 GARY GIBBISH REZONE B-3 TO B-2 DENIED TED HURRIIDE 3' E SIDE & 1' W SIDE VAR FOR E 40' L8 OUTLOT A GRAINWOOD PARR APPROVED JOHN PACKER COND USE RENT LOWER LEVEL OF HOME AT 15325 EDGEWATER CIR DENIED INDEX 1980 PLANNING CJMMISSION MrTLTFES MARCH 14, 19 NO MEETING APRIL 3 1980 EDWIN OSTERBERG 6' SIDE YARD VAR L4 B3 16? ADD PRIOR ACRES DENIED INSTEAD GRANTED A 2' SIDE YARD JANINE LIPOVSKY 2' E SIDE YARD & 4' W SIDE YARD VAR L5 & 30 TWIN ISLES APPROVED JOHN PACKER CDND USE RENTAL OF LOWER LEVEL VERIFICATION OF DENIAL DENNIS REMUS 15' REAR YARD Lll B1 BOUDINS MANOR 4TH ADD DENIED STAFF APPROVED OFFICES & BANKS IN B -3 ZONES APRIL 17 1980 LOWELL WEBSTER VAR 4.5' E SIDE YARD 5.7' W SIDE YARD TWIN ISLES APPROVED ERICKSON PETROLEUM 25' FRONT YARD VAR PUMP ISLAND CANOPY, DEEP ROCK DENIED BUT GRANTED 5' FRONT YARD & CANOPY NO CLOSER TO S.T.H. 13 THAN 33' & 10' SIDE VAR. TO PROVIDE 20' GREEN SPACE IN FRONT OF STATION STAFF SCHEDULE P.H. FOR 6 -5-80 TO REZONE R -1 TO R-2 FOR DUNN MARINA L:_ ;1 PAUL VIERECK VAR FOR 8 SIGN ON CO. RD 42 DENIM JERRY JENSEN, HOLIDAY STORE DISC ON VAR TO MOVE BLDG BACK 20' SKIP REEBIE VAR 44' LAKE 11' FRONT N1 /2 L7,8 & 38'LAKE L6 & S1 /2 L7 BREEZY PT APPROVED y r� • ; 1] CANCELLED DUE TO LACK OF ITEMS 1 i9'i m JAMES DUNN REZONING 5 LOTS GRAINWOOD PENINSULA R-1 TO R2 A JANET THOMPSON HOME OCCP DOG GROOMING 16066 CAMBRIDGE CIR A ROBERT ENGEL VAR 1' E SIDE L6 & El /2 L7 B3 LAKESIDE GARDENS A GARY REVAK VAR 30 & 40' E SIDE 160TH & JORDAN AVE TAB AL WILKER VAR 20' HEIGHT FREE STANDING TOWER 16001 NORTHWOOD ROAD APPROVED INDEX 1980 PLANNING OJMPSISSION MURTT'ES JUNE 18, 1980 PAUL VIERECK CY KRUSE GARY RE7AK JOHN TRULSON KATHLEEN SPEILMAN JULY 2, 19 A• 40 11 c HOME OCCP SELL FIREPLACES, STOVES & 4'X3' SIGN A VAR 2' FRONT 5' SIDE I,26 1/2 27 RID OAK, APP$ VAR 40' FRONT 40' SIDE 30' JORDAN SIDE CAR WASH A PMaT SUBDIVISION CONCEPT APPROVED VAR 16'X20' DECK LOT 16 LREEZY POINT APPROVED DENNY MCWILLIANS DISCUSSION - UTILITY BLDG %)XMM SVOBODA VAR 29' IARE L4 Bl BLOHM'S 1ST APPROVED JOHN TRULSON REZONING APPROVED JOHN TF_n_�!vN SUBDIVISION APPROVED KENNETH SWANSON VAR RELOCATE & REJUVENATE BOATHOUSE L77 & 78 MANFRED BUEI4,ER NORTHWOOD APPROVED VAR 5' SIDE L24 & 1/2 25 EASTWOOD DENIED JIM FILIPPI SUBDIVISION CONCEPT TABLED 8 -7 -80 WILMER SCHARF PAT LEITCHMAN SIGN ORDINANCE CLYDE B. REMBOLD JAMES FILLIPI TIM BO'1HOF /SHERRY d1,PHICK ARTHUR HOAGLUND WESLEY CONSTRUCTION ORAL DISCUSSION • 1 TI • I 1 : }� VAR 9.5' LAKE 4' S SIDE 5' N SIDE MM ZONING CODE SEPTEMBER 4. 1980 CHARLES DOFJM VAR TRAILER HOUSE M29M SIGN ORDINANCE CO ND. • ::Jy,•M E/ K I• •• n•I ••• ;a5' NK :7f :1 •' •• D USE PERMIT UTILITY / E CORN OF INT ERSECTION 140TH CREST AVE. DENIED INDEX 1980 PLANNING COMMISSION MR.11TES SEPTEMBER 18. 1980 BRAD RO HNEM CONCEPT REVIEW APPROVED HOWARD LAKE ESTATES /FILLIPI P.H. PRELIMINARY PLAT DENIED SIGN ORDINANCE P.H. CHANGES .A EM M BRUCE: EHLERS VAR 9' LAKE L3,4 GRA.051COD PK A_pPRWID DON SCHUSSLER VAR 10' FRONT L4 Bl GATEWAY SHORES ADD DENNIS GRISWOLD CONCEPT REVIEW DISCUSSION S SPTEMBER 29. 1980 (SP°�IAL MEETING) GARY GIBBISH VAR 11.9 FRONT FRANKLIN TRAIL APPROVED OCTOBER 16 1980 NORM ERICKSON CONDITIONAL USE TW?N HOMES L2,3 Ell CENTENNIAL R BRAD ROTHNEy P.H. PRELIMINARY PLAT L3 B2 BLUFF HEIGHTS A HARRY TUPY ZONING VIOLATION TABLED CANCELLED LOVE TO LACK OF ITEMS 1980 ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING ELECTION OF VICE PRESIDENT - WICKER FRANK MILLER VAR REAR LAKE Lll SHADY BEACH R2 APPROVED SKIP REEBIE VAR 4' S FROM 5' N REAR L6 MAPLE PK SH AC A JAMES P. PRCHAL VAR 6' SIDE L3,4 SPRING LK Dg= CY SCHWEICH VAR 10' FROM L46,45,44 N1 /2 43 CONROY BAY A DECEMBER :0 M ONTH HARRY TUPY COND. USE VIOLATION BLACKTOP PARKING LOT GRAMM :/ :1 !#IV BUCKEYE SUBDIVISION-CONCEPT REVIEW 2BUIM DECEM BM 18, 1980 RON BUCKEYE SUB. P.H. PRELIMINARY PLAT APPRIJVM DENNY MCKILLIAMS VAR 25' LAKE OUTLOT A, ISLAND VIEW 2ND AM JAMES SPACE COND. USE L8 MAPLE PK SH AC 2 FAMILY HOME 12 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MICHAEL A. McGUIRE, MANAGER PRIOR LAKF PLANNING COMMISSION - AGENDA - DECFMBER 18. 1980 7:30 PM Call to order 7:3S PM RON BUCKEYE SUBDIVISION - PUBLIC HEARING 7:45 PM DENM' McWILLIAMS VARIANCE 8:00 PM JAMES SPACE CONDITIONAL USE (612) 447 -4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE AWN POK MICHAEL A. McGUIRE, MANAGER PRIOR LAU PIAJNNT. l CONTMISSION 411MITFS- DECEMBER 18, 1980 The December 18, 1980 meeting of the Prior Lake Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Fitzgerald at 7:30 P.PI. Present at the meeting were Commissioners Fitzgerald, Arnold, Wilker, Roseth, Councilman Bissorett and City Planner Graser. Commissioner Foster was absent. The minutes of the December 4, 1980 Prior Lake Planning Commission meeting were reviewed. Motion was made by Commissioner Roseth to approve the minutes as written, seconded by Arnold. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. Item I, a public hearing for subdivision by Ron Buckeye was called to order by Chairman Fitzgerald at 7:35 P.M. Mr. Buckeye was present at the meeting to answer questions. City Planner Graser gave his presentation as per his memorandum dated December 18th, 1980, Mr. Graser noted that the preliminary plat consists of the replatting of Tract J and G, RLS 111. The plat would create an additional 14,646 square foot lot between two existing homes. lie also noted that when City utilities were installed in Pixie Point Circle, the sewer and water stub was placed in the appropriate location to service the newly created lot. Staff's recommendation was to approve the preliminary plat since the plat is within the intent of the Subdivision Ordinance and produces a potential justice with respect to the Ordinance. Mr. Buckeye made no comments regarding this preliminary plat. 'Me Preliminary Plat was discussed by the Planning Commissioners. They questioned place- ment of the home and park dedication. Mr. Graser stated that park dedication had not been s =t at this time. Motion was made by Commissioner Arnold to approve the preliminary plat as presented, The plat is within the intent of the subdivision ordinance, this would be subject to park dedication fee being paid as determined by staff, seconded by Wilker. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. Item II, a variance request by Denny McWilliams was called to order at 7:45 P.M. by Chair- man Fitzgerald. Mr. James Hill was present at the meeting representing Denny McWilliams. City Planner Graser gave his presentation to the Planning Commission. The request is to consider a 25' lakeshore variance for a portion of Outlot A, Island View 2nd Addition. (612) 447 -4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LV(l NANNING COPPI[SSION I'AGf 11:0 - III CPMRI`R 18, 198() i%II SU'I'T lS 'Inc applicants intentions are to split off a portion of "iutiot A, Island View 2nd Addition and then to apply for a lakeshore variance to make the lot buildable. He also noted that the split of ()utIot A can he handled by staff via Resolution 78 -31. Staff's recommendation was to approve the request since it would not he detrimental to the general health, safety and welfare of the community and the immediate neighborhood. Also, the application meets the intent of the Citv Zoning Code. Mr. Hill came to the podium and gave a brief presentation to the Planning Commission regarding this request. He noted that the remaining portion of Outlot A will be un- bui?dahle. The Planning Commissioners discussed this item. The general feeling of the Commission members was favorable. Motion was made by Commissioner Wilker to approve the 25' lakeshore variance for Outlot A as per the plan submitted and signed by James R. Hill marking that exhibit "A ", seconded by Arnold. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. Item III, a Conditional Use request by James Space was called to order by Chairman Fitzgerald. Mr. Space was present at the meeting to answer questions. Mr. Graser gave a presentation to the Commission noting that Mr. Space is requesting a Conditional Use Permit for Lot 8, Maple Park Shore Acres. The application calls for the conversion of a single family home into a. two family home. The subject parcel consists of approximately 7500 square feet which is half the requirement for two family homes in R -1 districts. Mr. Graser also noted that Maple Park Shore Acres is predominately platted with 50' lots. Staff's recommendation was to deny the request because of the following reasons: The lot is extremely small for a two family use. The adjacent lots are also small and all individually owned. Since this is a transition area, a precedent set here could result in a rippling affect. Staff does not feel this area will succumb to decay be- cause of the value placed on the amenities therefore liberal interpretations of the zoning code is not necessary as incentive to a developer. Second, absentee ownership could lead to negative social impact on the immediate neighborhood. Third, the immediate neighborhood is too condensed to allow an increase in density. Mr. Space stated his reasons for the Conditional Use Permit request. The Planning Commissioner's discussed this items. They were concerned with the zoning being R - -1, they felt that this should remain single family homes. They were also con- cerned about the size of the parcel; would this be adequate for a two family home. Motion was made by Arnold to deny the Conditional Use Permit - request as per staff's recommendation, seconded by Roseth. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. Motion to adjourn the December 18, 1980 Planning Commission meeting was made by Arnold, seconded by Commissioner Roseth. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly and the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M. mh CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MICHAEL A. MtGUIRE, MANAGER PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION 7:30 F.M. 7:35 P.M. 7:45 P.M. - AGENDA - DECEMBER 4, 1980 Call to order HARRY TUPPE RON BUCKEYE CONDITIONAL USE VIOLATION SUBDIVISION - CONCEPT REVIEW (612) 447 -4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 f > , .v �r CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MICHAEL A. McGUIRE, MANAGER PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT DECEMBER 4, 1980 HAR TUPE - CONDIT IONAL USE VIOLATION Mr. 1Upe is in violation of his conditional use permit granted August 2, 1979. , Mr. rupe did not complete the blacktopping of the parking lot within one year. He has written a letter to the City requesting an extension. Mr. Tupe will be present to expound on his request. The Commission should make a recommendatic of extension or prosecution. RON BUCKEYE - SUBDIVISION - CONCEPT REVIEW This is a simple subdivision to create.one additional lot between tx structures. The newly created lot is not rectangular as called out subdivision ordinance, however, the home placement will result in a relationship with adjacent homes. The application is within the int subdivision ordinance. (612) 44T -4230 4629 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE MICHAEL A. McGUIRE, MANAGER PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - MINDTES - DECEMBER 4, 1980 The December 4, 1980 meeting of the Prior Lake Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Fitzgerald at 7:30 P.M. Fresent at the meeting were Commissioners Foster, Fitzgerald, Wilker, Arnold, Roseth and Assistant Planner Tom Burt. City Planner Graser and Councilman Bissonett were absent. The minutes of the November 20, 1980 Prior Lake Planning Commission meeting were reviewed. Motion was made by Arnold to approve the minutes as published, seconded by Foster. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. Rem I, Harry Tupe conditional use violation was called to order by Chairman Fitz- gerald. Mr. Tupe was present to answer questions. Mr. Burt gave a brief presentation noting that Mr. pipe is in violation of his conditional use permit which was granted on August 2, 1979. Mr. Tupe has not completed the blacktopping of the parking lot as stated in the conditional use permit. Mr. Tupe has written a letter to the city requesting an extension. Mr. Tupe commented on this matter. He stated that he did not intend to do the black - topping until he has the building rented out. He also stated that in the future he may turn the retail space in the building into apartments if this would be allowable. It was noted that staffs recommendation would be to grant a limited extension of approximately six months time. The matter was discussed among the commission members. It was their feeling that a six month extension on this conditional use permit would be reasonable. It was also noted that if there would be extenuating circumstances at the end of the six month time Mr. Tape would have the option of appearing before the commission at that time. Motion was made by Commissioner Foster to grant a six month extension of the conditional use permit, seconded by Milker. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed. Item II, subdivision concept review request by Ron Buckeye.was called to order by Chairman Fitzgerald. Mr. Buckeye was not present at the meeting. Mr. Burt gave a brief presentation regarding this subdivision request. He stated that the request is to create one additional lot between two existing structures. (612) 447- 4230 4628 DAKOTA STREET S.E. PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 Page two Minutes continued He added that the newly created lot is not rectangular as called out in the sub- division ordinance, however,.the home placement will be compatible with the ad- jacent homes. The commission members questioned whether the owner to the north had been contacted.:'. 'they also questioned the placement of the home on the newly created lot and whether there would be adequate room. After discussion of this item, motion was made by Arnold to table this matter Mr. Buckeye can appear before the commission, seconded by Roseth. Upon a vote the motion was duly passed. Motion was made by Arnold to adjourn the Planning Commission meeting, seconded Foster. Upon a vote taken, the motion was duly passed and the meeting was adj at 7:58 P.M.