HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978 August Planning Commission MinutesCITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION August 31, 1978 The special meeting of the Prior Lake Planning Commission was called to order at 7:3S PM by Chairman Thorkelson. Members present were Commissioners Speiker, Cavill, Fitzgerald and City Planners Tooker and Graser. Also present were City Manager McGuire and Mayor Stock. Planner Graser opened the discussion, which was to review th> existing land uses and future plans for development in the city. Points discussed were the delineation of urban serviced areas and rural areas. Different factors contributing to the growth of Prior Lake would be the Metropolitan Interceptor, Highway 13 and County Road 42. Mr. Tooker then discussed the 15 different neighborhoods within the City in relation to type of neighborhood, utilities serving the neighborhood, description of topography and type of zoning. Mr. Tooker stressed the fact that agricultural land should be allowed to remain. The question of lot sizes was brought up. Commissioner Speiker asked if a lot size was decreased would there be a sufficient decrease in the overall cost of the home. Don Williams then raised several questions on rezonings. It was suggested that a six month clause be stated in the zoning ordinance in regard to reapplication for a rezoning. The comment was also made that the zoning ordinance carefully define what industries can go in an industrial zone. There was some discussion on effect of servicing Casey's Addition. Jim Weninger asked if the people in Casey's Addition want sewer and water. Mayor Stock stated that in the future, they will probably be asking for help from Prior Lake. Weninger also asked what the park plans were for Spring Lake. He was told that the plan does not show what will happen specifically. The Comprehensive Plan, at this stage is still conceptual. The suggestion was made that the standards the Metropolitan Council has set could be adopted immediately in regard to marshy, undevelopable areas. The section in the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance that okays platting of agricultural land should be deleted. Commissioner Fitzgerald stated he would like to see the Comprehensive Plan address the downtown area. The Planning Commission then informed Mr. Fitzgerald that there was material in the office on this subject and that if he would like to set up a task force to pursue this matter he was more than welcome to. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY Commissioner Cavill stated he would like to see neighborhood, community business in with the subdivision. Chairman Thorkelson asked if all community business could come in on a conditional use permit for better control and have a landscaping bond a requirement in and R -1 zone. An ordinance on excavation was also asked for. Motion was made by Speiker to adjourn seconded by Fitzgerald and upon a vote taken motion carried. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION August 17, 1978 AGENDA: 1. 7:30 P.M. Call to order 2. 7:30 P.M. Joe Gau - Variance 3. 7:45 P.M. L. Brooks - Public Hearing 4. 8:00 P.M. Tom McCarthy - Subdivision Concept Approval 5. 8:15 P.M. Cy Schweich - Subdivision 6. 8:30 P.M. James Dunn - Variance 7. 9:15 P.M. Simpkins & Farrell - North Shore Oaks Concept Approval 8. 9:30 P.M. K.R. Davenport - Variance 9. 9:45 P.M. James Hill - Subdivision Continuation THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY 7:30Ph1 Joe Gau-- Variance Attached please find supporting material. 7:45PM L. Brooks -- Public Hearing: Subdivision Attached please find maps and staff memorandum. 8:OOPM Tom McCarthy -- Concept Approval The proposed will be presented at the meeting by staff. 8:15PM Cy Schweich -- Subdivision Continuatio This plat was continued pending Council action on the zoning request which was approved as follows: 1. Lot 11, Block 1 was approved for a 12 -plex and rezoned to R -3 2. Lots 1,2,3,5,6,7,12 were approved for four - plexes as conditional use. 3. The remainder of the plat was zoned R -1. The major consideration for this plat is whether or not a road should extend southward from this plat. Staff will recommend a traffic pattern at the hearing. 8:30PM James Dunn -- Variance Attached please find recommendation. 9 :15PM Mr. Farrell- -North Shore Oaks 5th: Concept Approval Attached please find map. Concept approval analysed in terms of sewer and water available to the parcel. Presently there are no plans to service this area. 9:30PM K.R. Davenport -- Variance Attached please find staff recommendation. 9:45PM James Hill -- Subdivision: Continuation Attached please find new proposal by A1mac, Inc. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINVIESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION Minutes of 8 -17 -78 The meeting of the August 17, 1978 Prior Lake Planning ! «:mission was called to order at 7:35 PM by Chairman Thorkelson. 'embers present were Commissioners Fitzgerald, .Johnson, Cavill, Speiker, ':ouncilman Busse and City Planner Graser. Motion was made by Cavill to approve the minutes of the August 3, 1978 Planning Commission seconded by Johnson and upon a vote taken motion. carried. Motion was made by Fitzgerald to approve the minutes of the August 10, 1978 public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan seconded by Johnson and upon a vote taken motion carried. First item on the agenda was a variance request for Mr. Joe Gau. Mr. Gau is requesting a S' front yard and a 3' side yard variance for lot 5, Point Beautiful. Motion was made by Cavill to grant the variance as requested because of past prescedence seconded by Johnson and upon a vote taken motion duly passed. Motion was made by Cavill to table the subdivision hearing for Almac, Inc. until September 7, 1978 at 8:00 PM seconded by Johnson and upon a vote taken motion carried. The public hearing for the Prior Highlands subdivision was called to order at 7:50 PM. Planner Graser gave a brief description of the area. Greg Kopischke then spoke on the topography and access to the subdivision. The is approximately 400 feet of lakeshore for the homeowners. The lot sizes are 16000 square foot average. The meeting was then opened for public comment. Keith Dicki asked if problems with the interceptor were anticipated. Vic Schroeder stated that the interceptor was 75' below the ground and there should be no problem. Greg Kopischke stated that the chances of anything going wrong with the interceptor were very remote. Mr. Kopischke also stated that there would be a combination of boating and dock use for the homeowners. The question of legality of easements if the railroad abandonment did not go through was raised. Commissioner Cavill then stated he would like to see another access to County Road 21 because of the bad grade on Lord Street. Dean Sunde suggested connecting the cul -de -sacs. Greg Kopischke stated this would be impossible because of the percentage of grade. Jim Peterson asked what the Comprehensive Plan said on lengths of cul -de -sacs. Planner Graser replied 500 Mr. Graser also explained the park dedication would be cash in lieu of land. Chairman Thorkelson wanted to see another access to County Road 21 because of the grade on Lord's Street. The middle cul -de -sac on the plan must come out on County Road 21 to avoid problems in the winter. Harlan Anderson asked what was wrong with long cul -de -sacs. The police had told him that cul -de -sacs were easier to protect. Motion was made by Cavill to grant preliminary approval of the subdivision with the following stipulations: THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY 1. the City Attorney ascertain the liability of sewer (interceptor) in case of any sewer related problems. 2. The covenenats of the association be filed with the City. 3. That an alternate access to County Road 21 be approved in regard to the steep grade problem on Lord's Street. 4. All pedestrian traffic have access to the public beach by way of an easement and street. Motion was seconded by Speiker and upon a vote taken motion carried. Commissioner Fitzgerald wanted to amend the motion to include a provision for addition outlot in case of railroad not granting an easement. Amendment was seconded by Cavill and upon a vote taken motion carried. Next item was a subdivision concept approval for Tom McCarthy. Mr. McCarthy is requesting Lot 80, Northwood be subdivided. The sewer and water lines go through the bottom of the lot. Parking for the lot would be on top of the hill. There is an existing easement running between a number of lots. Chairman Thorkelson stated that our present zoning ordinance does not allow this proposal and Commissioner Speiker stated that there were no provisions for exceptions. The suggestion was made that staff contact the neighboring residents and hold a meeting asking for their concensus on the subdivision. Next item was a continuation of a subdivision hearing for Cy Schweich. Planner Graser gave a description of the Council decision on the rezoning. The Council approved the request with the following stipulations: 1. Lot 11, Block 1 was approved for a 12 -plex and rezoned to R -3. 2. Lots 1,2,3,5,6,7 and 12 were approved for 4- plexes as conditional uses. 3. Remainder of the plat was zoned R -1. The major consideration for this plat is whether or not a road should extend southward from this plat. Planner Graser discussed different road alternatives. Cy Schweich then spoke on the way he would like to see the road go in. Engineer Anderson stated that between Lot 1 and Cates Circle is the most reasonable way to go through. Mr. Schweich stated he was not in agreement with Mr. Anderson. Mr. Anderson stated that the cost of pipe should be borne by both property owners. Mr. Schweich stated he would give an easement for the street to the south and when the property owners to the south want the street, Mr. Schweich would construct it. The cost will be decided by the Council. Commissioner Cavill stated he felt that this was a reasonable request to provide for the development. Planner Graser stated that the traffic pattern should be set so that the future developer knows what he has to contend with. Motion was made by Cavill to grant preliminary approval of the subdivison with the following stipulation: 1. That an easement be shown between Cates Circle and the easterly edge of Lot 1 for a road south. Motion was seconded by Speiker and upon a vote taken motion carried. Chairman Thorkelson voted against. Next item was a discussion for Mr. Jim Dunn on Lakeside Marina. Bryce Huemoeller discussed how the idea came about. Commissioners Fitzgerald and Cavill stated they felt that a need existed for this type of use. Motion was made by Speiker to recommend to the Council to add conditional use for marinas under -2- the R -1 and R -2 zones and upon a vote taken motion carried. The next item was , variance request by Jim: Dunn for the deck that was built in violation of the setback ordinance and non - conforming section. Rollie Thieling had no objections to the deck or improvements but was concerned about the change of zoning. Motion was made by Cavill to recommend approval of the variance for the deck, seconded by Johnson because this is a special use of the property having special needs upon a vote taken motion carried. The Council will then act on changing the ordinance. Next item was a concept approval for Mr. Douglas Farrell. The property is North Shore Oaks Sth Addition. Mr. Farrell would like tc extend sewer and water from the Almac property (Sand Pointe Addition). Commissioner Thorkelson stated that it seems premr*ure to subdivide the property until the addition is sewered and watered. Motion was made by Cavill to grant conceptual approval contingent on the park dedication being worked out, the road system and sewer and water be approved by staff. Motion was seconded by Speiker ai:d upon a vote taken motion carried. Last item on the agenda was a variance request for Mr. Davenport. The request is to consider a 4' lakeshore variance request for lot 19, Sunset Shores. Motion was made by Cavill to approve the request seconded by Johnson because the hardship was caused by improper placement of house and the variance would conform with adjoining property. Motion was made by Speiker to reschedule the Bill Smith subdivision public hearing until September 7, 1978 at 7:45 PM seconded by Johnson and upon a vote taken motion carried. Motion was made by Speiker, seconded by Johnson and the meeting was adjourned at 11:25 PM. J CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - PUBLIC HEARING August 10, 1978 The public hearing for the Comprehensive Plan was called to order at 7:35 PM by Chairman Thorkelson. Members present were Commissioners .Johnson, Speiker, Fitzgerald, Planners Tooker and Graser and Council- man Busse. Commissioner Cavill was absent. Planner Graser discussed present sewer and water serviced areas, transportation and existing land uses. Commissioner Fitzgerald asked if the Blue Lake Treatment Plant was capable of serving the area. Mr. Graser stated that after discussing the situation with the Metro Council, he was informed that Savage or Shakopee will utilize what Prior Lake does not. Planner Tooker then spoke on housing, parks and population trends within the City. The meeting was then opened for public discussion at 8:05 PM. Jim Weninger asked what methods of implementation would be used in regard to land use. Mr. Tooker then replied that the zoning ordinance is our best method. The plan that is developed this year will serve as a supple- ment to the existing zoning ordinance. Dave MacGillivray asked if Prior Lake was capable of providing opportunities for employment in existing commercial centers. Chairman Thorkelson stated that industrial areas should be considered. Mr. Tooker explained that the existing centers should be expanding and combining employment and new services. Don Williams stated that the City should look at adjoining cities and not be required to be in low density housing when Shakopee and Savage have them. Prior Lake should also let Shakopee and Savage provide the industrial areas and let Prior Lake remain residential. Steve Anderson asked why most of the zoning changes seem to happen in the summer when people are on vacation. Also thought there was no definite plan of what type of community we want. Does not see any key issue for plan for City. Asked how collector streets came about. Planner Graser stated that collectors come about through planning and mainly by being a heavily used road. Norm Ericson stated that he thought the Planning Commission and Council really had no say anymore. Evervthing is decided by the Metropolitan Council. Chair- man Thorkelson stated that this is local planning for local input. The Metro Council cannot force a change on Prior Lake as long as we conform to the Minnesota State Laws. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY Planner Graser stated that we look into a job base compatible with the people of Prior Lake. Can we abosrb costs of industrial area. If not, we should plan a community that will be able to depend on residential base for taxes. Jim Weninger asked about the possibility of controlled growth. The community has taken on certain dollar responsibilities. Maybe we should try and control this growth. ,John Kalton stated that he was concerned about the speed limit on Highway 13. Would like to see it lowered. Gary Zywotko stated that the North Shore Home Owners and PLAGUE are very opposed to any industry or multiple dwellings on the North end of the lake. Also feels that Highway 13 and County Road 42 are controlled by the Metro Council. Agrees with Norm Ericson in that the Metro Council has the final word. Chairman Thorkelson stated that the County and State control 42 and 13. Rita Grassini felt the collector system was a good idea. Would also like to see people talking about slow traffic. Bikes, walkways going to the downtown area and the parks. Gene White felt that subsidized housing is a very controversial issue. Prior Lake should be very specific in this area. Wanted to know who would pay for rehabilitation development. Chairman Thorkelson stated that there were grants available from the State and Federal government. There are also low income loans available. Mr. White would like to see Prior Lake stay single family residential. Should not be intermixing neighborhoods. Feels there are social problems with high density. Jim Weninger felt that there are people in Prior Lake that need low income housing and we should provide it for them. Ted Pouliot does not like the idea of mixing high density with low. Feels that high density planning is fine for the right area. Told how he had started a rehab program in Minneapolis three years ago and it was very successful. Ed McCorkel believes in progress but feels the people should come before progress. Jan Blaine asked if all the public hearings on the Comprehensive Plan will be open to the public and will they be published so that people will know about them. Thorkelson assured her there would be notices in the paper. Gary Zywotko stated that you do not see multiple dwellings around the lakes in Minneapolis. Planner Tooker stated that everyone living in Prior Lake should have access to the lake. Jim Weninger wanted to know which tax was higher - high density or residential. Steve Anderson wanted to know why Prior Lake had to provide low income housing at all. Chairman Thorkelson stated that we have a moral and legal obligation. -2- Mark Sullivan would like to encourage the planning commission to provide for the needs of the community. John Kalton wanted to commend the council and planning commission for their past actions and would like to see the school and government work together. Does not want to see facilities duplicated. Would like to see a community mix. Jim Weninger stated that if we are developing a 20 year plan we should set aside land for acquisition of green areas. Consider a possible trail from the railroad abandonment. Gene White then asked if anything was planned for fire facilities on the north end of the lake. Stated that Prior Lake has never had to handle a major builder that would handle sewer, water and construction. Feels we must avoid this if we can. Jim Weninger stated that natural features was a very sensitive area. Any emphasis placed on natural resources or formations should be address to the Watershed and formulated in the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Speiker would like to see some regulation of excavating around the lake. Should be some type of regulations on excavating or terracing on individual ] Planner Graser stated there should also be regulations on filling. Councilman Watkins stated that the comprehensive plan was not an act of futility. Motion was made to adjourn at 10:10 PM seconded by Johnson and upon a vote taken motion carried. -3- PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION August 3, 1978 AGENDA: 1. 7:15 P.M. Call to Order on Site Inspection - Lakeside Marina 2. 7:45 P.M. R. Swanson - Public Hearing G.E. Industrial Park 3. 8:00 P.M. Frank Fourry - Variance 4. 8:15 P.M. R. Swanson - Public Hearing Sunset Hills 5. 8:45 P.M. L. Loucher - Public Hearing Northwood 6. 9:00 P.M. James Dunn - Lakeside Marina 7. 9:15 P.M. R. Swanson - Brooksville Center 8. 9:30 P.M. On -Belay 9. 9:45 P.M. Sid Rhinhart - Variance 10. 10:00 P.M. Bill Mangan - Variance THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, 55372 MICHAEL A. McGUIRE, MANAGER PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION August 3, 1978 AGENDA REPORT: 612 - 447 - 4230 1. 7:30 PM Call. to Order Meet at Lakeside Marina for on Site Inspection and presentation by petitioner. 2. 7:45 PM R. Sw anson - Public Hearing; G d E Industrial Park Attached please find memorandum. All maps and supporting material will be presented at the meeting. 3. 8:: PM Frank Fourry - Variance Attached please find supporting material. 4. 8:15 PM R. Swanson - Public Hearing; Sunset Hills No enclosed information, will be presented at Public Hearing. 5. 8:45 PM Larry Loucher - Public Hearing; Northwood Ridges Attached find memorandum. Maps will be presented at the meeting. 6. 9:00 PM James Dunn - Lakeside Marina Attached please find memorandum. 7. 9:15 PM R. Swanson - Tabled; Brooksville Center Request this be tabled until September 7, 1978. 8. 9:30 PM John Benson - Tabled; On -Belay This item was tabled from the July 20, 1978 meeting. 9. 9:45 PM Sid Rhinhart - Variance Attached please find staff recommendation. 10. 10:00 PM Bill Mangan - Variance Attached please find staff recommendation. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION August 3, 1978 The meeting of the August 3, 1978 Prior Lake Planning Commission was called to order at Lakeside Marina at 7:15 PM for an on -site inspection Mr. Jim Dunn toured the site with the Planning Commissioners explaining features needing consideration in the upcoming planning process. Members present were Commissioners Cavill, Johnson, Speiker and Planners Tooker and Graser. 17 First item on the agenda was a public hearing on the G $ E Industrial Park. Mr. Jerry Grendahl described what is planned for the parcel stating that it met the frontage requirements for light industrial zoning. Planner Graser stated that the road must be dedicated. Ron Swanson stated that a 60' right of way would be given at Lawrence Schweich's property over to Bangs property line. Mr. Graser stated in this case, the subdivision would be granted a variance with uses specified, no wet industries or industries requiring large on -site sewage systems. the variance would be granted with recommendation to the 't council for subdivision approval. Lawrence Schweich stated that he does not want the road blacktopped. Ray Bang asked if the road would provide access to his land. Planner Graser replied "yes ". Mr. Archie Pavek and Ron Swanson must resolve drainage problem before the subdivision can go to the council. Motiono'! was made by Cavill to recommend approval of the subdivision subject to resol- ution of the drainage problem, the cul de sac, and a variance be granted to the subdivision (uses that would meet standards to dispose of the water and the Pollution Control Agency) as determined by staff. Seconded by Johnson and upon a vote taken motion carried. Next item was a variance request for Mr. Frank Fourre. A year ago Mr. Fourre applied for a variance and received a 3' side yard variance. Mr. Fourre thought he had received a 7' variance. Adjacent homes are cottages. Motion was made by Cavill seconded by Johnson that an additional 2' variance be granted to Mr. Fourre due to past prescedence. The public hearing for Sunset Hills was called to order at 8:10 PM. The parcel is 46 acres with 96 lots planned, fronting on 170th Street and Sunset Trail. Lots meet requirement size but the the sewer system must be worked out with staff. The meeting was then opened to the public. Victor Forland asked what the lot sizes would be. Ron Swanson stated the minimum would be 10,000, the average would be 12,000. Lawrence Hartmann asked if there were going to be any covenants or restrictions as to what type of housing can go in. Planner Graser replied that the city does not regulate covenants. Mr. Graser stated that the park dedication, grading and drainage has not been discussed. The engineer has approved the street grade. Concern was expressed over the driveway access of lot one adjacent to the intersection. Ron Swanson was asked to develop a pattern which would eliminate that lot. Speiker motioned to approve the plat as presented seconded by Cavill and upon a vote taken motion carried. The public hearing for Northwood Ridges was called to order at 8:50 PM. Mr. Graser gave a description of the area proposal for the subdivision. Mr. Loucher THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY then described the developers intentions for the 28 lots. The City Engineer has given approval to the roads stating they m future city standards. The park dedication would be cash in lieu of land because of the proximity of the county park. A study done by OSM which reflects a design standard says that an additional pipe would have to be extended to cover 52 lots. Gerry Gallagher of Northwood Association asked if this were the preliminary plan and would the developer pay the cost for the installation of sewer. Mr. Graser stated that the developer would participate in the overall cost and the assessments would be called down after the property is subdivided. Paul Norton asked if he would be assessed for the frontage and why didn't they put the pipe down the middle of the road instead of on the lake side. He does not want Northwood Road to be opened up to a lot of additional traffic. Feels the schools are overcrowded now and thought there must be some other area to develop in the City. Mrs. Cecil Platte wanted to know if there were going to be any apartments in the area. The developer replied no. Wyn Simonson was against the back of the homes facing the road. Mr. Graser stated that to put the driveways right onto Northwood Road would be dangerous. Paul Norton stated that if Northwood should become busy the city should erect stop signs and place curves to slow traffic. Mr. Graser stated that Northwood is a natural funnel and the only way to regulate speed is through control devices. Mr. Gentz stated that problems will develop, they already have since the road was widened he has had drainage problems. Does not want additional water problems on his parcel. Mr. Graser stated that if the preliminary plans are approved more explicit drainage problems will be presented. Commissioner Ca".11 asked if grading would be done for the whole plat at one time. The developer stated all grading would be done at the beginning of the development and completed. Motion was made by Cavill to recommend preliminary approval of Northwood Ridges with the stipulations that no secondary accesses to the homes by given, some type of screening be erected on Northwood Road side and a study be done by the engineer so people do not have runoff problems seconded by Johnson and upon a vote taken motion carried. Next item was a continuation discussion on the On Belay Halfway House. Graser gave a brief description of the conditional use application as applied for. Mr. Frank Muelken speaking on behalf of the citizens in the area where the house is to go stated, "The community may need this type of home but the location is wrong ". Motion was made by Cavill to approve the conditional use permit with the following stipulations: 1. Fire Marshal comments be made a part of the record. 2. Must comply with building inspectors modifications. 3. The conditional use be for a period of six months, at end of six months have a reviewal of the use and check parking problem. 4. That a neighbor be on the steering committee of the halfway house and have direct input to the planning commission. Commissioner Speiker asked to amend the motion requesting that the house limit it's residents to S. The amendment died for lack of a second. Motion was seconded by Johnson and upon a vote taken motion carried. Speiker voted against. The Jim Dunn Lakeside Marina discussion was tabled until August 17, 1978. Next item on the agenda was a variance request for Mr. Sid Rhinehart. Mr. Rhinehart is requesting a S' side yard variance for lot 6 and the westerly 12' of lot S Maplewood. Motion was made by Johnson to approve the variance request because it will enhance the surrounding area seconded by Cavill and upon a vote taken motion carried. -2- Last item on the agenda was a variance request for Mr. Bill Mangan. Mr. Mangan was requesting a 4' side yard variance from the east property line and a 2' variance from the west property line for lot 5, block 37, Spring Lake Townsite. Motion was made by Speiker to approve the request since it will not be detrimental to the surrounding neighborhood seconded by Cavill and upon a vote taken motion carried. Motion was made to adjourn by Johnson seconded by Speiker and upon a vote taken the meeting was adjourned at 11:25.