HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978 February Planning Commission MinutesAGENDA:
A. 7:30 PM Barbara Johnson - Home Occupation Permit
B. 7:45 PM Ron Swanson - Public Hearing - Sunset Shores
C. 8:00 PM Denny McWillisams - Public Hearing - Replat lots 2,3,4 Boudins
D. 8:30 PM Jim Allen - Public Hearing Lot 1 Bluff Heights
E. 8:45 PM Mary Eggum - Public Hearing Request
F. 9:00 PM Joyce Nickelson - Subdivision Discussion
G. 9:15 PM Hastings Builders - Variance
H. 9:30 PM Wicker Assoc. - Conditional Use
I. 9:45 PM Ron Schmidt - Subdivision Discussion
February 16, 1978
7:30 PM - Barbara Johnson - Home Occupation Permit
The home occupation requested is a Personal Hair Styling
Service. Previous action by the Planning Commission has
allowed similar uses (see description by applicant- attached).
The applicant is complying with the home occupation section of
the zoning ordinance. The neighbors were notified with no
objection being notified. - taff recommends approval.
7:45 PM - Ron Swanson - Public Hearing: Sunset Shores
Christie's 1st .Addition is a replat of an older subdivision
(see attached map) consisting primarily of 50' lots. The
20' public road and waterfront have been vacated by the council.
The recent sewer and water projects placed stubs according to
this preliminary. There are several items on this plat that
need identification: the ordinary high water mark of Spring Lake
is 911 rather than 914. Lot 6 is subject to a variance with
actual measurements to be taken from 911. The width of lot 3
is not 80' at the setback line. Consideration for hammerhead
driveways should be given to lots facing 170th Street. All
other facets meet the subdivision ordinance and recommend preliminary
8:00 PM - Denny McWilliams - Public Hearing: Oakland Beach 7th
This is a replat of lots 2, 3 and 4, Boudins Manor. The sole
purpose for the replat is to give access to backlots in Oakland
Beach 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th according to paragraph H, Page 7 of
the zoning ordinance. The lot measures 320 feet at the 904
elevation allowing 32 backlots access. Paragraph H should be
clearly discussed and it's exact meaning recorded since Denny
McWilliams will likely go to court over this. He is asking for
64 docks and states that our ordinance is unconstitutional or at
least paragraph H. Recommend preliminary approval. (See attached).
8:30 PM - Jim Allen - Public Hearing: Replat
This proposal consists of replatting Lot 1 Block 2,: Bluff Heights
into 4 lots (see attachment). The parcel is zoned R -3 and proposed
to be developed with fourplexes. The proposal meets all requirements
except the setback is 15 Recommend preliminary approval.
8:45 PM - Mary Eggum - Public Hearing Request
Staff has been working with the developer to the point where this
proposal plat can go to public hearing. The developer has bad his
discussion meeting. Recommend public hearing at 7:45 PM March 16,
1978. (See attachment).
9:00 PM - Joyce Nic - Subdivision Discussion
The subject parcel is somewhat oddly shaped needing several
considerations. Condon's Street is presently only 20 feet
wide possibly requiring read dedication off the northern
portion of the parcel_ There is a road easement over the
northwest corner of the parcel with the road since having
been moved westward. Recommendation from the Planning
Commission for these two items is in order. (See attach-
9:15 PM Hasti Builders - Variance
Attached please find map and recommendation.
9:30 PM Wicker Assoc. - Conditional Use
Attached please find analysis and recommendation. Maps and
conditions to be presented at the meeting.
9:45 PM Ron Schmidt- Subdivision Discussion
Attached please find map of preliminary proposal. Since this is a
replat, staff recommends scheduling a public hearing March 16,
at 8:15 PM.
The February 16, 1978 Prior Lake Planning Advisory Commission was
called to order by Chairman Thorkelson at 7:30 PM. Members present
were Commissioners Speiker, Cavill, Johnson, Councilman Busse and
City Planner Graser.
The minutes of the January 19, 1978 meeting were motioned for approval
by Cavill seconded by Johnson and upon a vote taken were approved
as published.
First item on the agenda was a home occupation permit application for
Mrs. Barbara Johnson. The home occupation requested is for a personal
hair styling service. Motion was made by Cavill to approve the permit
seconded by Speiker and upon a vote taken motion duly passed.
The public hearing for Sunset Shores was called to order at 7:45 PM.
Christie's 1st Addition is a replat of an older subdivision consisting
primarily of 50' lots. The 20' public road and waterfront have been
vacated by the council. The recent sewer and water projects placed
stubs according to this preliminary plan. Motion was made by Cavill
to grant preliminary approval with the following stipulations: 1.)
Lot 3 width be 80' at the 25' setback line. 2.)Lot 6 be granted a
lakeside variance of 35'. 3.)Hammerhead driveways be required on all
lots facing 170th Street. 4.) Lots 1 and 2 have their driveways
entering on County Road 81. Motion was seconded by Speiker and upon
a vote taken, motion duly passed.
Third item on the agenda was a public hearing for the replat of lots
2, 3, and 4 in Boudins Manor. The sole purpose of this is to give
lake access to backlots in Oakland Beach. The lots measure 320 feet
at the 904 elevation allowing 32 backlot boat accesses according to
Planner Graser. Mr. Jim Hill gave a description of the plans for the
lot. The meeting was then opened to the public. Mr. Garrison, who
lives on Oakland Beach Avenue stated that he and seven other families
in the Oakland Beach addition had deeded lakeshore access to this lot.
Mr. Hill stated that they plan to move this access over to lot 4 for
these people. Thorkelson pointed out that the 10' per dock would
mean no swimming access. It was also stated by Mr. Graser that a copy
of the association agreement would have to be on file at City Hall
before the hardshell can be approved. Motion was made by Cavill to
grant preliminary approval, according to the Planning Commission,
paragraph H meaning 1 back lot access per 10' of lakeshore if used
for boat dockage. Or S' per back lot access if utilized for swimming
beach only. Seconded by Johnson and upon a vote taken motion duly
r" I
Next item was a public hearing for Jim Allen in the Bluff Heights Addition.
This proposal consists of replatting Lot 1, Block 2, Bluff Heights irto
4 lots. The parcel is zoned R -3 and proposed to be developed with
fourplexes. The proposal meets all requirements except the side setback
is 15 Franklin Trail lots will probably be developed first because
of existing sewer and water. Motion was made by Speiker to grant
preliminary approval seconded by Johnson and upon a vote taken, motion
duly passed.
Next item on the agenda was a discussion for Mary Eggum who is requesting
a public hearing for the subdivision of some land between Highway 13
and Oakridge Court. The grade problem will have to be worked out. Also,
Lot 11 will have to have approval from the highway department for drive-
way access onto Highway 13. Motion was made by Cavill to hold a public
hearing on March 16, 1978 at 7:45 PM seconded by Speiker and upon a
vote taken, motion duly passed.
Next item was a subdivision discussion for Joyce Nickelson. All proposed
lots meet minimum standards. The Nickelson were told by the Commission
that they would probably have to give 20 to 30 feet of ti._ lots to the
City for road right of way. Road easements must be clarified with the
Nickelsons and City staff.
Next item was a variance request for Hastings Builders. They are applying
for variances on lots 28 and 29, Northwood. Motion was made by Johnson F ".
to approve the variance of 5' on the garage side for both lots, a 1' variance ^.':,
on the house sides for the two lots and an 18' variance from the lakeshore
for lot 29 and a 9' variance for lot 28, the reason being that this request
is compatible with respect to the composition of the neighborhood. Also,
it would not be detrimental to the general health, and welfare of the
Next item was a conditional use permit for Wicker 6 Associates for the Human
Services Building. Speiker moved that the conditional use permit be granted
since the request preserves the objectives of the zoning ordinance and is not
detrimental to the general health, and welfare of the community. The whole
set of drawings will be made a part of the record, seconded by Johnson and
upon a vote taken, motion duly passed.
Next item was a subdivision request for Mr. Ron Schmidt. Mr. Schmidt is
requesting to subdivide a parcel on Breezy Point Road near Hannens 3rd Addition.
The developer would have to pay to have sewer and water stubs installed in lots
3 and 4 and for the cost of repaving the street. Motion was made by Speiker
to hold a public hearing on March 16, at 8:15 PM seconded by Johnson and upon
a vote taken, motion duly passed.
Motion was made b Speiker to adjourn seconded by Johnson and upon a vote
taken the meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM.