HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978 March Planning Commission MinutesCITY OF
March 16, 1978
1. 7:30 PM J.C. Kohlrusch - Rezoning Request
a .
2. 7:45 PM Mary Eggum - Public Hearing
3. 8:15 PM Ron Schmidt - Public Hearing
4. Elect Vice Chairman
March 16, 1978
Agenda Report
1. 7:30 PM J.C. Kohlrusch - Rezoning Request The applicant is
requesting a zoning change from I -1 to A -1 for a portion
of the E 'z of the SW ', of Section 21, Township 115,
Range 22. It would be ideal if the applicant could wait
until the Comprehensive plan is completed. But the owner
has requested a hearing as soon as possible. Recommend
to hold a public hearing to amend the zoning map April
20th at 7:45 PM.
2. 7:45 PM Mary Eggum - Public Hearing - Subdivision The Eggum
parcel is a difficult piece to develop because of its
limited access points and severe topography. There were
several options considered by the developer and staff with
the attached proposal having staff preference. Although
there are some conditions that have tobemet in order for
this plat to gain preliminary plat approval from staff.
1. Grade - The proposed grade for one portion of the road
(from small cul -de -sac to bottom of hill) is 9.6% which
is extremely steep for residential areas. In this case
people living on the two cul -de -sacs could not get a run
at the hill. Staff has proposed the extension of the road
through lot 14 then intersecting with Oak Ridge Circle.
The developer seems agreeable but Al Steiner wants a
substantial sum for the right of way. Staff will not
approve the 9.6% slope. An alternative would be to cut
the top of the hill which would mean eliminating many
stands of trees.
2. Sight Distance in front of lot 18 and 19 is poor. Staff
requests one driveway to service both lots.
3. Lot 6 is only 78' in width.
4. Ponding and storm sewer distribution system is not mentioned.
5. Street names are not included.
6. There is no water report as to the feasibility of connecting
to an existing sewer and water system.
7. Square footage of the lots are not included.
In order fot staff to render a professional opinion additional
information is requested. Recommend tabling this item.
3. 8:15 PM Ron Schmidt - Public Hearing Subdivision. The
subdivision consists of four lots all meeting the minimun
lot size requirement. All lots meet the minimum 80' width
at the 25` setback. All adjacent streets are paved with
services and utilites installed. Existing stubs are -
S & W to lot 1; two sewer stubs to lot 2; neither sewer
or water to lot 3 or 4. Before final plat approval is
given the installation costs and who is to pay for them
must be determined. Recommend preliminary approval.
March 16, 1978
The meeting of the Mardi 16, 1978 Prior Lake Planning Commission was
called to order at 7 :30 PM by Chairman Thorkelson. Members present
were Commissioners Houts, Speiker, .Johnson and Ci Planner Graser.
The minutes of the March 2, 1978 Planning Commission were changed to
read (4th paragraph - stipulations on Rollie Thieli: property) stipulation
n2: The sewer and water hook ups be private with 20' easement in front of
the townhomes. Motion was made to approve the mii 'es as amended by
Speiker seconded by Hunts and upon a vote taken motion duly passed.
The resignation of Burl Houts was accepted by Chairman Thorkelson.
First item on the agenda was a rezoning request for Mr. J.C. Kohlrusch.
The applicant is requesting a zoning change from I -- to A -1 for a portion
of the E 'z of the SW % of Section 21, Township 115 Range 22. The owner
has requested a public hearing as soon as possible. Motion was made by
Speiker to hold a public hearing to amend the zoning map on April 20, 1976
at 7:45 PM seconded by Johnson and upon a vote taken motion duly passed.
Second item on the agenda was a public hearing for Mr_ Mary Eggum. Graser
gave a brief description of the parcel involved. The meeting was then
opened to the public. Mrs. Bluedorn asked he,. many homes would be built
in the area. The developer replied 26. Mr. Ike Rygalo asked exactly what the
hearing was for. Mr. Graser gave an explanation of the subdivision pro-
Mrs. Bluedorn raised a question on the topography of Highway 13 and people
having direct access to it. Mr. Rygalo also commented on how hard= it.i9;
to get onto Highway 13 at this particular spot.
Mr. Eggum stated that he had not checked with the highway department as of yet.
Mr. Rygalo asked what would happen to the large natural ponding area. Planner
Graser stated that the pond would remain in its natural state. Mr. Rygalo
stated that in the summer the ponding area smells quite bad and he would
hate to see any more storm sewer going in there.
Mr. William Nelson asked if that pond could have an overflow pipe. Planner
Graser stated that an overflow could be put in.
Mr. Nelson also stated that if the road proposed toward Oakridge Court
goes in people will use it more than Fairlawn Shores Trail and the road toward
Oakridge Court was not made to handle heavy traffic. Planner Graser stated
that these people in Oakridge Court will not be assessed any additional money
for the improvements made in Mr. Eggums subdivision. Mr. Nelson also asked
if the watermains were of adequate size to handle the existing homes plus
two more subdivisions. Mr. Graser stated that he was not able to answer
that question.
Mr. Rygalo asked if the duplex would be rental property. Mr. Graser
replied yes, it ::ould be. Mr. Rygalo stated that he would be opposed
to a duplex.
Mr. Eggum stat.1 that one solution would be to take the storm water and
put it into a _�.ib area and there would be no additional water runoff.
Mr. Eggum also, stated that he has been working on this for about six
months and wocid like to get going on it and he realizes it is a problem
Mr. Graser � ted that if the road does not go through to Oakridge Court
the hill and trees would have to be cut down and staff would not go along
with that. There also is a problem with the grade. Mr. Eggum stated
that the road is only about 200 feet long which anyone should be able
to make up if they have a good start.
Motion was made by }louts to table the public hearing until some of these
problems can be resolved, seconded by Johnson and upon a vote taken, motion
duly passed. The public hearing was scheduled to be continued on April 6,
at 8:30 PM.
Mr. Eggum asked the Planning Commission if they agreed with the concept of
his subdivision. Mr. Johnson stated that the Planning Commission should
not be the one to decide where the water should go. Speiker stated that
conceptually, he was in favor of the developers plans but can see that
there are problems that have to be worked out.
It was Mated that Mr. Ron Swanson would take care of the feasibility of
the water system in regard to connection to the present water system. Also,
square footage of the lots should be included.
The public hearing was closed at 8:45 PM.
Next item was a public hearing for Mr. Ron Schmidt. Mr. Schmidt is proposing
to subdivide a parcel of land on lot 2, Block 1, Hannen's 1st Addition.
City Planner Graser gave a brief description of the parcel involved stating
that the park dedication fee would be waived because of previous platting.
Motion was made by Houts to grant preliminary approval of the plat as
submitted seconded by Johnson and upon a vote taken motion duly passed.
Motion was made by Houts to nominate Jim Speiker as vice chairman of the
Planning Commission. Motion was seconded by Johnson and upon a vote taken
;notion duly passed. Motion was made by Houts to close the nominations
seconded by Johnson and upon a vote taken motion duly passed. A vote
was taken and all voted in favor of the nomination.
Planner Graser then discussed the public hearing for the Comprehensive
Plan. The public hearing will be sometime in May. Mr. Tooker and Planner
Graser will have additional information for the Planning Commission before
the meeting in May.
Speiker motioned to adjourn the meeting seconded by Johnson upon a vote
eaken the meeting was adjourned at 10:00.
A. 7:30 PM Nickelson - Request Public Hearing
B. 7:45 PM Ron Swanson - Public Hearing - Rollie Thieling
C. 8:00 PM Karen Kalal - Conditional Use Permit
D. 8:15 PM Discussion - Norbert Traxler on Twin Isles
E. 8:30 PM Scottland - Rezoning Request
F. 8:45 PM Leonard Tupa - Conditional Use Permit
1. 7:30 PM - Public i ring Request
The Nit !son's had their discussion meeting February 17,
at whi- time the road dedication issue was raised. Staff
has we ed with the Nickelson's and are confident this
issue an be resolved. Recommend to hold a public hearing
April :th at 7:45 PM.
2. 7:45 PM - Ron -.a anson - Public Nearing
Ron Swanson is representing Rollie Thieling for a replat to
develop townhomes. This parcel was previously rezoned to
R -2 and a conditional use permit granted in September of
1977. The proposed plat is similar to the specifications
listed in the conditional use permit and therefore in
The proposal is a common one in townhouse developments. That
is, it shows the exact location of the units with the remainder
of the property belonging to an association comprised of the
seven lot owners. The development meets the lot and yard set-
back requirements of the zoning ordinance.
Since the association covenants are extremely important from
a City maintenance and installation standpoint, the following
items should be clearly spelled out in the covenants.
1. The road easements must be to a public road.
2. The sewer system must remain private but with the following
a. The City have the right to flush the fire hydrant at
the end of the line.
b. The City have the right to turn individual water lin
c. All repairs to utilities must be made to City
d. The covenants must be on file prior to obtaining
3. 8:00 PM - Karen Kala1 - Conditional Use Permit
The Kalal residence on Watersedge Trail NE is a 50' Lakeshore
lot. The home is situated the long way on the lot with a two
car detached garage. The apartment would be in the walkout
basement of the home with the owner residing upstairs. Past
actions show the Planning Commission looking favorably on
owner occupied rentals. Including the two garage stalls a tot:
of four parking spaces are provided. Recommend approval of
permit on the following conditions:
1. The owner of the home reside in the home.
2. Sufficient off street parking be provided for the tenants.
3. Recommendations of the fire marshall be complied with.
The social environment of the neighborhood is such that the proposed use
would not be detrimental to that environment nor the property values of
the neighborhood. Staff feels not every neighborhood is appropriate
for owner occupied rental units. The test of compatability is staff's
consistent application and evaluation of social and environmental forces
in the neighborhood.
4. 8:15 PM Discussion on Twin Isles
Staff has been receiving building permit inquiries for this
island in Prior Lake. The island is zoned R -1 but the safe-
guards not being adequate under that zone. Staff recommends
an amendment to the zoning ordinance covering the development
of islands. Staff suggests a moratorium on development until
the subject can be studied and guidelines adopted. Discussion
topics sewer, water, on land parking and municipal services.
S. 8:30 PM Scottland - Rezoning Request
Scottland is requesting a zoning change from R -1 to R -2 for
Brooksville Hills 5th. Recommend to hold a special planning
commission meeting March 23rd at 7:30 PM to consider this
6. 8:45 PM Leona Tupa - Conditional Use
The applicant is requesting permission to rent the walkout portion
of his one story rambler. The subject parcel is approximr.tely
.75 acre and contiguous to Prior Lake. The owner has provided
six off street parking spaces with two being reserved for the
apartment. The homes in the neighborhood are a combination of
old and modern living units mostly situated contiguous to the
lake. 'Phe area is served by sewer and water with the access toad
being paved.
Due to self- interest in this permit the writer of this agenda report
will decline on any further comments and recommendation.
March 2, 1978
The March 2, 1978 Prior Lake Planning Advisory Commission was called
to order at 7:30 PM by Chairman Thorkelson. Members present were
Commissioners bouts, Cavill, Speiker, .Johnson, Councilman Busse
and City Planner Graser.
The minutes of the February 16, 1978 Planning Commission were
motioned for approval by Cavill seconded by Johnson and upon a vote
taken, motion duly passed.
First item on the agenda was a public hearin ^, request For the Nickelson
property. The Nickelson's had thei - _ discussion meeting February 17,
at which time the road dedication issue was raised. Staff has worked
with the Nickelson's and feels confident this issue can be resolved.
Motion was made by bouts to hold a public hearing on April 6th at
7:45 PM seconded by Johnson, upon a vote taken, motion carried.
Second item on the agenda was a public hearing for the Rollie Thieling
property known as Grainwood West. Planner Graser gave a brief description
of the proposed plans. It was also discussed that a 20' easement should
be obtained for sewer all along the front of the townhomes. Motion was
made by Cavill to approve the replat with the following stipulations:
1. The road easements must be to a public road.
2. The sewer system must remain private but with the following
a. The City have the right to flush the fire hydrant at the end
of the line.
b. The City have the right to turn individual water lines off.
U. All repairs to utilities must be made, to City specification.
3. The covenants must be on file prior to obtaining hardshell.
Motion was seconded by Speiker and upon a vote taken, motion carried.
Third item on the agenda was a conditional use permit for Karen Kalal.
After a brief presentation by Planner Graser, who stated that he had
conferred with the neighbors and had only one objection, motion was made
by Cavill to deny the request because of the proximity of the neighboring
homes, seconded by Speiker and upon a vote taken, motion duly passed.
Next item on the agenda was a discussion with Norbert Traxler about
Twin Isles. The island is zoned R -1 but safeguards are not adequate
under that zone. Mr. Traxler stated that he has six lots and would like
to start building a year round home. Dr. Abrahms discussed an alter-
native way to dispose of waste in regard to septic systems. After much
discussion, Mr. Graser stated that about a month of staff time would be
required to examine the different aspects for this plan and that a dis-
cussion would be warranted at this time.
Motion was made by Houts to hold a public hearing on Brooksville Hills 5th
rezoning from R -1 to R -2 on April 6, 1978 at 8:15 PM seconded by Cavill
and upon a vote taken motion duly passed.
Last item on the agenda was a conditional use permit for Mr. Leonard
Tupa. The applicant is proposing to rent out the walkout portion of
his one story rambler. The owner has provided six off street parking
spaces. Motion was made by Houts to grant the conditional use permit
because of the proximity of the neighbors seconded by Speiker and upon
a vote taken motion carried.
Motion was made by Cavill to adjourn the meeting seconded by Johnson
and - upon a vote taken, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 PM.