HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978 October Planning Commission MinutesCITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION October 19, 1978 1. 7:30 Discussion of Transportation system. 2. 8:45 Ralph Wagner - Public Hearing Request. 3. 9:00 Wayne Hanson - Public Hearing Request. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY October 19, 1978 7:30 - 8:45PNI Discussion of transportation system with Planners Tooker and Graser. 8:45 Ralph Wagner Public Hearing request. Recommend to hold public hearing November 16 at 7:35 PM. 9:00 Wayne Hanson - Public Hearing request. Recommend to hold public hearing November 16 at 8:15 PM. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF p PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION October 19, 1978 The meeting of the October 19, 1978 Prior Lake Planning Commission was called to order at 7:30 PM by Chairman Thorkelson. Members present were Commissioners Fitzgerald, Speiker, Cavill, Johnson, Councilman Busse and City Planner Graser. The minutes of the October 5, 1978 Prior Lake Planning Commission were motioned for approval by Fitzgerald seconded by Johnson and upon a vote taken motion carried. First item of discussion was the transportation system for the comprehensive plan. Mr. Graser went over the outline covering the existing transportation system, the traffic assignment zone level forecast and graphs depicting thoroughfare plans of the county. Next item was a discussion for Mr. Ralph Wagner. Mr. Wagner is requesting a public hearing date be set for the parcel where the Prior Lake Drive In now exists. (Behind the Deep Rock station, adjacent to Brooksville Shopping Center.) The minimum setback of 150' and lot size minimum . is one acre. Mr. Graser mentioned that condemnation hearings should be held after the public hearing for road vacation. All plans have been submitted and they do meet with ordinance specifications. Motion was made by Speiker to schedule a public hearing on November 16, 1978 at 7:35 PM seconded by Johnson and upon a vote taken motion carried. Next item on the agenda was a public hearing request for Wayne Hanson. Mr. Hanson is requesting to split one lot into two near Fairlawn Shores Trail. The property is approximately one acre lying 200' East of intersection Frost Point Circle and Fish Point Road. Motion was made by Fitzgerald to hold a public hearing on November 16, 1978 at 8:15 PM seconded by Johnson and upon a vote taken motion carried. Motion to adjourn seconded by Johnson and upon a vote taken the meeting closed at 9:35 PM. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION October 5, 1978 AGENDA: 1. 7:30 PM .James Iverson - Home Occupation Permit Request 2. 7:45 PM Ed Birdsong - Variance 3. 8:00 PM Roger Sandberg - Concept Approval 4. 8:15 PM Pete Patchin - Variance 5. 8:30 PM Wallace Langhorst - Variance 6. 8:45 PM David E. Bennett - Variance 7. 9:00 PM Arthur Nash - Variance' 8. 9:15 PM Warren Israelson - Concept Approval 9. 9:30 PM Gary Gibbish - Reschedule public hearing THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LADE, MINNESOTA 55372 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT October S, 1978 1. Minutes of Previous Meeting 2. 7:30 PM James Iverson - Home Occupation Permit. The Planning ^ :ommission considered this at their last meeting but Mr. Iverson claims he was not notified of the time and date. Attached please find staff recommendation. 3. 7:45 PM Ed Birdsong- Variance. Attached please find staff recommendation. 4. 8:00 PM Roger Sandberg - Concept Approval for subdivision. Attached please find proposal. 5. 8:15 PM Pete Patchin - Variance. Attached please find staff recommendation. 6. 8:30 PM Wallace Langhorst - Variance. Attached please find staff recommendation. 7. 8:45 PM David Bennet - Variance Attached please find staff recommendation. 8. 9:00 PM Arthur Nash - Variance. Attached please find staff recommendation. 9. 9:15 PM Warren Israelson - Subdivison Concept Approval Attached find proposal. Do not schedule public hearing. 10. 9:30 PM Gary Gibbish - Reschedule public hearing. Staff neglected to publish this notice therefore the hearing date must be postponed. Staff recommends November 2, 1978 at 7:35 PM. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION October 5, 1978 The meeting of the October 5, 1978 Planning Commission wcs called to order by Chairman Thorkelson at 7:35 PM. Members presen•: were Commissioners Fitzgerald $ Speiker, Councilman Busse and City Planner Graser. The minutes of the September 21, 1978 Prior Lake Planning Commission were motioned for approval by Fitzgerald seconded by Speiker and upon a vote taken minutes were approved as published. First item on the agenda was a home occupation permit request for Mr. James Iverson. The Planning Commission considered this at their last meeting but Mr. Iverson claims that he was not notified of the time and date. Graser gave a brief description of the request. Mr. Iverson then stated that he had UPS and Lakeville Motor Transport now delivering the auto parts. Mr. Graser stated that Mr. Iverson could either reapply to the Planning Commission with the changes he had made or go to the City Council for their decision on the original application. Mr. Iverson stated he would appeal to the City Council. Next item on the agenda was Mr. Ed Birdsong to consider a 48' Lakeshore variance for 4646 Lord's Street to construct a year round home. Graser gave an explanation of the application and staff recommendation. Mr. Birdsong stated this variance was being applied for at this time .because of sewer and water going in. Because of the topography, he wanted add- itional room for boat storage in the lower level at the 904 elevation. It is also important to Mr. Birdsong to protect three large maple trees. Commissioner Speiker asked if Mr. Birdsong would compromise with the Planning Commission and Staff recommendation. Mr. Birdsong agreed. Motion was made by Speiker to grunt a 33' lake side variance for 4646 Lord's Street because of hardship of trees, the general topography, and the aesthetics of the lot seconded by Fitzgerald and upon a vote taken motion carried. Z Ell Next item was a discussion on a proposed subdivision of Lot 2, Block 2, Bluff Heights. Mr. Roger Sandberg is requesting concept approval for the subdivision of one lot into four. The back two lots would not have direct access to a public road. Proposed density would be fourplexes. Allocated density for square footage of lots is 25 units. For Police and Fire protection it is suggested that every lot have access to a public road. It was suggested that Mr. Sandberg work with staff for alternate solutiz:nz. Next item was a variance request for Mr. Pete Patchin. Mr. Patchin is requesting a 5' side yard variance from the east property lines for the addition to an existing garage. The parcels involved are lots 12 and 13 Candy Cove Park. Mr. Graser presented the following points: (1) utility lines would make relocation of garage difficult, (2) existing location is advantageous for construction on the lot to the west, (3) neighbor to the THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY east approved. Motion was made by .Speiker to grant the request due to the fact that the building would not further encroach on the neighboring property, would be aesthetically pleasing to the neighborhood and it would add value to the existing property. Seconded by .Johnson and upon a vote taken motion duly passed. Next item on the agenda was a variance request from Mr. Wally Langhorst. Mr. Langhorst is requesting a 14' front yard variance from Duluth Avenue and a five foot side yarc variance from the east property line for lot 23, Cates Addition. Graser gave an explanation of the proposed request. The subject parcel is a vacant, 40' x 150' corner lot. The home to the east is developed on a S0' let and set back about 12' from the subject parcels east property line. Duluth Avenue has a 66' right of way and a paved width of 24 This avenue is also part of Prior Lake's state aid system with proposed future improvement to a 36' paved width. This would put the edge of the proposed home 21' from the curb. Motion was made by Fitzgerald to grant the variance of 14 feet on the east property line for lot 23, block 3, Cates Addition making the attached drawing a part of the record, reasons being the topography of the lot and the plat is of record. Also, a hammerhead driveway is required. Seconded by Speiker and upon a vote taken motion carried. Next item was a variance request for Mr. David Bennett. The request is for a 5' front yard variance and a 5' side yard variance from the east property line for lot 26, Green Heights. Motion was made by Speiker to approve the request since it will not be detrimental to the neighborhood and general health and welfare of the community, the proposed addition would not extend completely to the side yard property line, because of the lay of the land and the addition would be compatible with adjoining, existing homes. Seconded by Fitzgerald and upon a vote taken, motion carried. Next item was a request for a 17' front yard variance for lot 32, Sunset Shores.:.. The subject parcel is a triangular shaped lakeshore lot on Spring Lake. Sewer and water service was recently made available to the subject parcel. The parcel is developed with a summer cabin only partially on the lot. Recently, the dedicated waterfront was vacated. Also, County Road 12 as existing is not in its proper alignment creating a strip of land between road and lots that will not be claimed by the County for right of way. The adjacent lots are developed with year round homes with road and lake setback problems. Motion was made by Speiker to recommend instigating' procedures to acquire the property between lot and road. Also, a setback of 25' from the edge of the road shoulder and the home be situated lengh- wise with a width not to exceed 26 feet. The front part of the home must be at the recommended setback line. The garage shall be end loading or a hammerhead drive be provided. No side yard variances would be granted. Seconded by Fitzgerald and upon a vote taken motion carried. Next item was a discussion of a possible subdivision with Mr. Warren Israelson. Mr. Israelson has a 12 acre parcel on Highway 13 and Fish Point Road. The point was brought out that the Park Comprehensive Plan states that slopes with 20% grade or more should not be developed. Commissioner Speiker wanted to see a different plan than the lots fronting on Fish Point Road and thought a definite time frame should be set for the development stage. Mr. Israelson was asked to continue discussions with Mr. Graser. -2- Motion was made by Fitzgerald to reschedule a public hearing for Gary Gibbish to November 2, 1978 at 7:35 PM seconded by Speiker and upon a vote taken motion carried. _ Last item was a request for Jim Allen who is requesting a variance of 10' from the rear yard setback for garages proposed for a fourplex on Franklin Trail. After some discussion on alternate sites for the garage, motion was made by Fitzgerald to deny the variance because the proposed placement does not constitute a hardship, seconded by Speiker and upon a vote taken motion carried. Motion was made by Speiker to adjourn seconded by Fitzgerald and upon a vote taken motion carried.