HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977 June Planning Commission MinutesCITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION June 16. 1977 AGENDA: A. Call to Order 1. Roll Call B. Minutes of Previous Meeting 1. Motion to - C. Presentations $ Requests 1. 7:30 P.M. Dan Will - continuation of public hearing 2. 8:00 P.M. Baysinger Variance continuation 3. 8:15 P.M. Jim Dunn Variance 4. 8:30 P.M. Frank Wicker - Discussion on subdivision S. Workshop with Council - round table discussion. D. Planner Graser 1. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 liftoff PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES June 16. 1977 The June 16, 1977 Planning Advisory Commission meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Thorkelson. Members present were Commissioners Klein, Cavill, Houts, Hafermann and Planner Graser. The minutes of the June 2, 1977 Planning Advisory Commission were motioned for approval by Cavill, seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken were approved as published. The continuation of the public hearing for Dan Will was called to order at 7:35 P.M. Planner Eraser distributed a drawing of the proposed plat to the commissioners and they went over the questions that had been raised at the last meeting. Mr. Will stated that his engineer will have the drainage problems worked out before the hardshell. The watermain exten- sion is to be done by Mr. Will. There was some question as to who would be responsible for blacktopping the 150 feet towards the park. Another point was the relationship to adjacent properties. The feasibility of sewer and water would be no problem. Engineer Anderson stated that the Metro Sewer Board has an easement running across the proposed road. After much discussion on the amount of time that has already been spent on this plat, and the time limit that people have to get their information up to staff for the commission, motion was made by Houts to table the hearing until July 7, 1977 at 9:15 P.M., at which time the City Engineer and planner will have agreed on all problems and answered questions. Seconded by Hafermann and upon a vote taken motion passed. Thorkelson, Hafermann and Hours voted for the motion, Cavill and Klein voted against. Next item on the agenda was the continuation of the Baysinger variance. Greer gave a brief explanation on what is going on right now. The situation has not really changed - the neighbors had not reached any type of agreement. Mr. Don Frendshuh, of Homefinders Realty, spoke for the owners of the prop- erty. Chairman Thorkelson stated that the Planning Commission would be setting a precedence in that there are many properties like this in Spring Lake. Larry Dustrud, a neighbor, stated that with this encroachment they might have problems in the future when the try to sell their home. Hafermann motioned to deny the variance until the encroachment is taken care of, seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, motion duly passed. Klein voted against the motion. Next item on the agenda was a variance request for Mr. Jim Dunn. Mr. Dunn was requesting four foot setbacks from the east and west property lines at lot 10, Grainwood. The request is to move a house onto the lot facing County Road 21 and because of the two easements there would always be at least 20 feet of open space between adjacent homes. The house, if turned, could conform to the setback but it would do no justice to the topography of the parcel. Motion was made by Hafermann to approve the variance as requested, seconded by Cavill and upon a vote taken, motion duly passed. Last item on the agenda was a preliminary discussion for Mr. Frank Wicker, THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY who is requesting .. -o subdivide the land where the Gateway Center is. Ile would like t iut in a Red Owl and another retail outlet. (This wav it would have to be approved by 'h Planning Commission before any new development could move in.) I;oad access would have to he worked out. Motion was made by Touts to hold a public hoaring for the subdivision of this propert, on July 21, 1977 at 9:00 P.M. seconded by Klein and upon a vote taken, motion duly passed. Motion was made by Klein to adjourn seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, this meeting was adjourned at 9:25 P.M. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, M INNESOTA 55372 PRI LAKE PL.A:NNING ADVISORY COMMISSION June 2, 1977 AGENDA: A. Call to Order 1. Roll Call B. Minutes of Previous Meeting 1. Motion to - C. Presentations F, Requests 1. 7:30 P.M. Ray Kasparek - Subdivision Request The applicant is proposing to replat Hennen's 1st Addition. The replat would create an additional two lots. Recommend public hearing to be held July 21, at 7:45 P.M. 2. 7:45 P.M. Dan Will Public Hearing (subdivision) see attached memo 3. 8:15 P.M. Denny McWilliams - Replat of lots 1 -6 Block 3 Island View 1st Addition. This plat is a request in order to relocate the access to County Road 81. Recommend Public Hearing for 8:00 P.M. July 21. 4. Ron Swanson - Subdivision Request The applicant is propsoing to subdivide a parcel of property at the end of Centennial Street SE. Recommend a subdivision hearing on the 21st day of July at 8:30 P.M. S. Larry Baysinger - Variance request see attached memo D. Councilman Busse 1 E Planner Graser 1 THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 " PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION June 2, 1977 The Prior Lake Planning Advisory Commission was brought to order on .June 2, 1977 by Chairman Thorkelson. Members present were Commissioners Klein, Cavill, Hafermann, Councilman Busse and City Planner Graser. The minutes of May 26, 1977 were changed to read: 1st paragraph should read members present were Hafermann instead of Cavill. Cavill was absent. Hafermann motioned that the minutes be approved seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken the minutes of May 26, 1977 were approved. First item on the agenda was a subdivision request for Hannen's 1st Addition. The replat would create an additional two lots. Sewer stubs are available and it is a relatively simple subdivision. Motion was made by Klein to hold a public hearing July 21, 1977 at 7:45 to subdivide Hannen's i.st Addition, seconded by Cavill and upon a vote taken, motion duly passed. Second item on the agenda was a public hearing for Mr. Dan Will. Chairman Thorkelson called the public hearing to order at 7:45 P.M. Graser stated that certain questions had to be answered before preliminary approval could be granted. The Planning Commission was in agreement that all eight points off the memo from Horst Graser should be answered before a decision can be _.. made. There was no one at the public hearing to represent Mr. Will. Hafer - mann motioned to continue the public hearing to June 16, at 7:45 P.M. seconded by Klein and upon a vote taken, motion duly passed. Planner Graser suggested that a workshop be held on June 16, 1977 between the City Council and the Planning Commission. Councilman Busse stated that he would notify the Council of the meeting. Third item on the agenda was a replat of lots for Island View 3rd Addition. The street grades were brought up for discussion. It was decided that a complete set of grading plans would have to be provided to staff. Motion was made by Klein to hold a public hearing on July 21, at 8:00 P.M. seconded by Cavill and upon a vote taken motion duly passed. Fourth item on the agenda was a proposal to subdivide a parcel of property at the end of Centennial Street. Jean Carlson was asked if she would dedicate a cul -de -sac at the end of Centennial Street. Street grades, sewer and water stubs were all to be worked out by the end of July. Motion was made by Klein to hold a public hearing for the subdivision of Centennial Addition duly 21 at 8:30 P.M. seconded by Hafermann and upon a vote taken motion duly passed. Last item on *he agenda was a variance request for Larry Baysinger. The variance request is for 5 feet from the north and south property lines. The applicant is also proposing to square off the front of the house. Ruth Dustrud stated that they are infringing 15 inches on her property. Spring Lake has many encroachments of this type and the Planning Commission should set up policies for future problems such as this, Councilman Busse suggested. The Planning Commission decided to table the request until June 16 at 8:00 P.M. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY when the owner could come up with some type of alternative solution. Motion by Cavill to table the request until June 16, 1977 at 8:00 seconded by Kelin and upon a vote taken motion carried. Klein made a motion to adjourn the meeting seconded by Cavill and upon a vote taken the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M.