HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 17 1975 Planning Commission minutesPRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISS?ON AGENDA April 17, 1975 7:30 P.M. ALMAC — Public Hearing 9:00 P.M. Wilderness Supper Club — Sign Permit THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION — Minutes of April. 17 1975 The Prior Lake Planning Commission meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Chairman Bissonett. Members present were: Chairman Bissonett, Jobst, Burns, Thorkelson, Houts, and Councilman Watkins. Other City Officials present were: Mayor Stock, Councilmen Oakes and Williams, Administrator McGuire, Administrative Assistant Sullivan, Attorney Sullivan, and Citv Planner Tooker. Members absent: Tercero. Motion was made by Watkins to table the minutes of the previous meeting, April 3, 1975, until the next Planning Commission meeting, seconded by Jobst and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Tre regular Planning Commission meeting was adjourned and the Public Hearing for the proposed rezoning of the following described property by ALMAC Corporation was opened: "The Southerly 1000 feet of the Northerly 1075 feet, bordered to the North by County Highway #42, West by the North Shore Oaks Plats, East by the Meadow Lane of the Shady Beach Plats, lying in Section 25, Town— ship 115, Range 22, of the City of Prior Lake, Scott County, Minnesota." Chairman Bissonett explained the order in which business would be conducted and the pur— pose of the public hearing. Administrative Assistant Sullivan read the notice of public hearing. Chairman Bissonett introduced Mr. Denny McWilliams, representing ALMAC Corporation. Mr. McWilliams gave a brief presentation as follows: First Mr. McW illiams pointed out the location of the property in question, in relation to the development in Prior Lake and the surrounding areas. Then Mr. McWilliams gave several reasons why this was a unique piece of property for this kind of development; the short and long views of the lake, topography, elevation, soils '_n regards to construction, the tree coverage, the major road running by property, and the utility availability. Mr. McWilliams explained what kind of land use surrounds the property in question and what he proposes to develop on his property (Elderly Housing, Nursing Homes, Apartment Houses, Townhouses and Churches). Mr. McWilliams pointed out some things that he felt would be an advantage to the community; actually less school age children coming out of apartments, some other kind of tax base for the City, wouldn't require that much fire protection because buildings are built out of fire proof materials and usually require sprinkler systems,etc. Another point that Mr. McWilliams brough out is that presently in Prior Lake all R -3 abuts R -1, where Mr. McWilliams proposes to buffer with R -2. The public hearing was opened to the public for their opinions. Mr. Al Capron, Shady Beach Road, — In R -3 could you at a future date build a grocery store or restaurant? Commissioner Jobst — No, it could not come under this zoning, although private clubs might come close to a restaurant. ���� THE CENTER OF L CKE COUNTRY Mrs. Peggy Anderson - What is Mr. McWilliams proposal for the property dirrectly to the south of this property? Mr. McWilliams - There is no proposal for this property at this time. Mr. McCorkell - How many people will have access to the lake in this area? Mr. McWilliams - There will be no use of the lake access.. Not a part of the area in question, if any use at all it would be very limited becuase City ordinance states 10 feet of lakeshore per dwelling unit. Mr. Richard Irgens presented two petitions opposing the proposed rezoning, and a letter from Mr. Charles K. Dayton (In regards to an environmental impact study - see AIMAC file - City Administrator's office). Mr. Irgens was concerned about the traffic problem he felt would be created, the number of school age children, additional police and fire protection that would needed, etc. Ms. Bergenbring - Concerned about the number of school age children that this development world produce. Mr. Harlen Anderson - What is the reason for another public hearing? Mr. Bissonett - The zoning request is different. Anyone owning property has the right to ask for a rezoning as many times as he wants. Dan Dahlgren - Expressed concern about the number of children, felt that Mr. McWilliams should quote current data instead of old data. People move here for a reason - to get away from high density, etc. Marge Kinney - Veryvconcerned about the burden this kind of development would have on our school district. Our schools have had great diffculty keeping up with the number of school children. Roger Bruggemeyer - Opposed - Concerned about the tax base, school district, etc. John C. - Could parking lots be built in the buffer? Mr. McWilliams - No way. Cleve Mickley - Could buffer zone be dedicated land to the City? Mr. Bissonett - Yes, this is possible. Marlis Bluedorn - When someone moves into this area, the City educates their children a year before the people pay taxes. Richard Irgens submitted a letter that he wrote and had published in the Prior Lake American. Mr. Frank Anderson - Felt that if people were for this development, they would be giving up some of the reasons why they moved to the City of Prior Lake in the first place, like traffic, noise, high density. Mrs. Marge Kinney submitted a letter that her husband wrote and had published in the Prior Lake American. At this time the public hearing was closed to the public and opened to the City Officials. (2) City Planner Tooker feels that there is only one alternative and that is a Planned Unit Development, with specified density and that the rezoning include the entire parcel of land owned by ALNV,'C Corporation (150(1 feet south of the �9 acres). This Planned Unit Development would give the people some kind of assurance of what would be built and where. Watkins asked Mr. McWilliams what was the proposed average density and would Mr. McWilliams consider changing his rezoning request to PUD instead of F-3 and cd - 2? Because people fear the unknown and i_f this was PUD then the people would know exactly what would be built and where. Commissioner Jobst asked who and how a community benefited from a high density develop- ment like this. Mr. McWilliams explained that if you don't increase density you decrease something else. Also that this wasn't going to be high density but medium density and because of the more dollars involved you can gave a better over all design. Mr. McWilliam's rebutal: The question of the people problem - This rezoning is not going to stop growth in Prior Lake. School growth doesn't really relate because there are actually less school age children coming out of apartments. Apartment are another kind of tax base. Prior Lake's Comprehensive Plan does encourage development like this. Low income housing is needed. Housing for the elderly is needed. Motion was made by Watkins that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that this proposed rezoning by ALMAC Corporation be denied as presented, seconded by Jobst and upon a vote taken, motion carried. Motion was made by Watkins to recommend to the City Council that the Zoning Ordinance concerning PUD be amended in line with Charles Tooker's memorandum, seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, motion carried. Motion was made by Watkins to recommend to ALMAC Corporation and the City Council that this Planned Unit Development contain all this parcel from Co. 42 to the lake of Prior Lake, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote:taken, motion carried. (3) CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA April 3, 1975 7:30 P.M. Mr. Dick Mourning — Variance 7:45 P.M. AIMAC — Discussion Session 9:45 P.M. Bennie Carlson — Variance THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING — Apri 3. 1975 The Prior Lake Planning Commission meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Chairman Bissonett. Planning Commissioners present were: Bissonett, Jobst, and Councilman Watkins. Other City Officials present were: Mayor Stock, Councilmen Oakes & Williams, Admin— istrator McGuire, and Administrative Assistant Sullivan. Members absent were: Thorkelson, Tercero, Houts and Burns. Motion was made by Jobst to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, March 20, 1975 as published, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Mr. Richard Mourning came before the Planning Commission to ask for a variance to build a garage within three (3) feet of his sideyard lot line. Watkins made motion to grant an eight (8) foot variance from the lot line to the foundation line, seconded by Jobst and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Councilman Oakes came before the Planning Commission to speak in regards to the propose rezoning of the ALMAC Corporation. Councilman Oakes pointed out that it is in no rasps needful for rezoning in this area to pay off the sewer and water assessments. So, the sewer and water question should be withdrawn from the question of rezoning. Councilman Oakes stated that he felt the Prior Lake Planning Commission has done and is doing an excellent job and has been held up as an example in surrounding communities for excella in planning. Although in this case Mr. Oakes feels that if this parcel is not rezoned: there is a reasonable possibility that if the City of Prior Lake was taken to court, th the City Council would be over turned in its decision; thinking back to -the Planning Commissions reasons for not granting rezoning Councilman Oakes couldn't think of one that he felt would stand in a court case. He feels the Planning Commission decision was based on the opinion of the adjoining property owners and while admiring andirespec ing their opinions, in court, he didn't feel it would be a pertinent issue at hand. He feels it is the Planning "Commissionts responsibility to consider some form of rezon for this parcel since it is quite large enotse to be properly buffered from the surroua area. Councilman Oakes feels that if the Planning Commission has a fairly legitimate and cohesive set of arguements against this rezoning, fine, but if not he feels the Planning Commission has a responsibility to consider it and consider the wishes of the people around it and work out a plan that would permit ;usage of the land in a fashion that is legally proper to our ordinances, one that will stand a''court test, and one that will be as nearly admissible to the people surrouding the parcel as possible. Mr. Deraiy McWilliams was present for another work session on the proposed rezoning by ALMAC Corporation. Mr. McWilliams has decided to ask for an R -3 zoning with R-2 as a buffer on the east & west sides of his property. It is possible that the area will be developed as -a planned unit development after rezoning. (1) THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY Page 2 Planning Commission April 3, 1975 Mr. Bennie Carlson came before the Planning Commission to apply for a variance to move a home onto his lot (Lot 7, Block 12, Schmokel's Addition) with six (6) foot sideyard setbacks on both sides. Jobst made a motion to approve the requested variance, with one provision that the City Engineer look at the site and safety problems, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Watkins made motion to adjourn at 10:00 P.M., seconded by Jobst and upon a vote taken, meeting adjourned. Next meeting will be April 17, 1975 'Q 7:30 P.M. A