HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 21 1975 Planning Commission minutesCITY OF
August 21, 1975
7:30 P.M. Dick Eirno & Wayne Johnson — Sketch Plan
for Plat
7 :45 P.M. Warren Word — Conditional Use Permit
8:00 P.M. Harold Klenke — Variance
8:15 P.M. James Pundsack — Variance
8:30 P.M. Discussion of Zoning Ordinance
The meeting of the Prior Lake Planning Commission was called to order at 7 :35 P.M.
by Chairman Bissonett. Members present were: Chairman $issonett, Commissioners
Houts, Burns, Te_cero, Jobst, Thorkelson, Councilman Busse & Executive Director
Watkins. Other City Officials present were: Mayor Stock, Councili - .en Williams,
Haberkorn & Oakes, Administrator McGuire & Administrative Assistant Graser.
Motion was made by Burns to approve the minutes of the August 7, 1975 meeting
as published, seconded by Tercero and upon a vote taken, the minutes were approved.
First item on the agenda was Mr. Dick Birno & Wayne Johnson presenting a sketch
plan for a proposed plat for the Planning Commission's review. After a general
discussion Mr. Birno and Mr. Johnson were referred back to Administrative Assistant
Graser to do further study on the proposed plat.
Next item on the agenda was Mr. Richard Klimmek applying for a Conditional Use Permit
to place a 14' x 70' mobile home on his farm for his employee (Mr. Warren Nord) to
live in. The existing well would be used and a new septic tank would be instal7ei.
Motion was made by Jobst to grant this Conditional Use Permit as applied for, fa.
a period of one year, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken, it duly passed.
Mr. Harold Klenke came before the Planning Commission to apply for a variance to
build a garage 5' from his South property line, instead of the required 10 The
legal description of this lot is — Lot 11, Block 3, Prior South. Motion was made
by Tercero to table this matter pending proposed changes in the Zoning Ordinance,
seconded by Jobst and upon a vote taken, motion carried. Mr. Klenke is or the
Planning Commission agenda for the second meeting in September.
Mr. James Pundsack came before the Planning Commission to apply for a variance to
build a home ci Lot 14, Maple Park Shore Acres. Mr. Pundsack would need a 17'
front yard variance and a 42' rear yard variance. Administrative Assistant Graser
gave a brief presentation stating that the staff feels this lot would be over
built and he felt that there would be a problem with visitor parking.
Mr. Harvey Gustafson, an adjacent pr,-, erty owner to Mr. Pundsack stated that he felt
that this lot was too small for this size home and it would also cut off their
view of the lake.
Motion was made by Thorkelson to reject the variance as requested on the grounds
this lot would be over built, seccnded by Jobst and upon a vote taken, motion carried.
Next item on the agenda was discussion on the Zoning Ordu:ancf. Planner Tooker
made a Fresentation on the proposed changes in the revised Zoning Ordinance. Ncted
changes were made on the following pages: Page 8, Page 7, Page 11, Page 15, Page 2C
Page 18, Page 19, & Page 28.E
Motion was made by hOUtE tc recommend to the City Council that Fage 7, Iten. I,
concerning 5 ft. setbacks on the garage side be changed t '_G ft. on the garage
side instead of the proposed 5 ft.., seconded by Jobst anri I ron a vote taken, motion
ca. ^ied. Thorkelson Opposed.
Thorkelson made motion to recommend tc the City Council that the proposed densities
on page S be adopted, seconded by Busse ar,_ uFci . vote taken, motion carrieo by
a 4 to 3 vote. Those in favor were: Busse Bise.onett, Hout.;= ,z 7 orkelson. Those
opposed were: Burns, Jobst, & Tercero.
Thorkelson made motion to recommend to the City Council that Page 7, Item J,
be changed to read 75 ft. setback from shoreline using sight line as guideline,
seconded by Burns and upon a vote taken, motion carried.
Motion was made by Jobst to recommend to the City Council to add Item K, on Page 7
as written, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken, motion carried.
Motion was made by Thorkelson to recommend to the City Council that Page 7, Item
H, the word unit be preceeded by dwelling, seconded by Houts''and upon a vote taken,
motion carried. -
Motion was made by Jobst to recommend to the City Council that Page 11, 6.4, Item C,
be reviewed, seconded by Burns and upon a vote taken, motion carried. Thorkelson
Motion was made by Tercero to change the density for Planned Unit Developments to
1M, seconded by Jobst and upon a vote taken, motion did not carry.
Motion was made by Busse to change the ,tensity for Planned Unit Developments to
1 seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken, motion carried.
Motion was made by Burns to recommend to the City Council to change Planning
Commission to City Council on Page 19, Paragraph 6, seconded by Houts and upon
a vote taken, motion carried.
Motion was made by Jobst to recommend to the City Council that the definition for
animal kennel on Page 28 be adopted as written, seconded by Thorkelson and upon
a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Burns to schedule. a Public Hearing on the 2nd Thursday in
September, seconded by Jobst and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Thorkelson, seconded by Houts to adjourn the meeting at 11:30 P.M.,
upon a vote taken, the meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by,
Shirlene Craig, Secretary
August 7, 1975
7:00 P.M. Emmett Knox - People's Savings & Loan
7:15 P.M. Jim Duren - preliminary Review of
Martinson's Point Subdivision Plat.
7:30 P.M. Public Hearing - Zoning Ordinance &
Zoning Map Changes
The meeting of the Prior Lake Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M.
by Chairman Bissonett. Memhers present were: Chairman Bissonett, Commissioners
Thorkelson, Houts, Burns, a.35t, Tercero and Executive Director 'Watkins. Other
City Officials present were: Administrative Assistant Graser and City Planner
Motion was made by Thorkelson to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, July
17, 1975, as published, seconded by Burns and upon a vote taken, the minutes were
First item on the agenda was the People's Savings & Loan Association applying for
a Conditional Use Permit and a 20 foot variance to build a Savings & Loan bank on
the S.W. Corner of the Intersection of Highway 13 and 9th Ave. The property is
presently zoned B -3 (General Business) which would require a Conditional Use Permit
for a bank. The purpose for the 20 foot variance is to allow for good visibility
at the Intersection of Highway 13 & 9th Ave. After general discussion motion was
made by Burns to approve the 20 foot variance as drawn on Plan B, seconded by
Thorkelson and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Motion was made by Thorkelson
to approve the Conditional Use Permit for People's Savings & Loan Association as
proposed, seconded by Burns and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Next item on the agenda was a preliminary review of the proposed subdivision of
Martinson's Point by Jim Dunn. Motion was made by Thorkelson to give sketch plan
approval of Martinson's Point Subdivision Plat, with one stipulation that sewer
and water assessments be negotiated, seconded by Burns and upon a vote taken, it
was duly passed.
Motion was made by Houts to schedule a Public Hearing on the proposed subdivision
plat of Martinson's Point for the first regular Planning Commission meeting in
September, seconded by Jobst and upon a vote taker, it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Jobst to adjourn the Planning Commission meeting at 7:30 P.M.,
seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, the meeting was adjourned.
Next Planning Commission meeting will be August 21, 1975 Q° 7:30 P.M.
Submitted by,