HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 19 1975 Planning Commission minutesPRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA June 19, 1975 7:30 P.M. ALMAC Corporation- Subdivision Hearing 8:OO P.M. Jack Cates - Review P.U.D. Request 8:1.5 P.M. Glen Tang- Variance 8:30 P.M. Charlos Tooker- Review Final Zonning Draft Crain. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LA KE PLANNING COMMISSIO MEE - June 19, 1975 The meeting of the Prior Lake Planning Commission was called to order at 7 :40 P.M. by Chairman Bissonett.. Members present were Chairman. Bissonett, Commissioners Thorkelson, Houts, Jobst, Councilman Busse & Executive Director Watkins. Other City Officials present were: Mayor Stock, Councilman Williams, Administrator McGuire, & Administrative Assistant Graser. Motion was made by Thorkelson to set, aside the regular order of business of the Planning Commission and open the enntinuation of the public '. on the proposed plat of Oakland Beach 3rd Addition and '.. , replat of Oakland Beach 1st Addition by AIMs.AC Corporation. Chairman Bissonett stated that there were two questions left to discuss or clearup before the Planning Commission could make a recommendation to the City Council to approve or disapprove this proposed plat and replat. Chairman Bissonett directed these two questions at Mr. Dei:ny McWilliams, representing ALMAC Corporation; 1. Is Oakland Beach Road a public or private road, and will the people in Oakland Beach 2nd Addn. have accesn and egress? Mr. McWilliams stated that this matter still isn't clear but. he has an attorney working on it and it really didn't matter that much because this land is already platted and the people of Oakland Beach 2nd Addition would have access and egress whether or not this is a public or private road. Mr. McWilliams stated that no deeds have been trasferred as of yet. Executive Director Watkins stated that this was a legal matter that would be cleared up before the hardshell and the Planning Commission's main concerns is the configuration of the proposed plat and if it meets the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Chairman Bissonett asked Mr. McWilliams just what has transpired at the Park Board meetings when the park dedication was discussed for this proposed plat? Ms. McWilliams stated that several ideas had been discussed but he felt that the Park Board would rather have cash than the land offered for park dedication. Mr. McWilliams stated that he is still working with the Park Board and world he willing to dedicate a central location in the proposed Oakland Beach 3rd Addn. Councilman Williams stated that he felt that the Park Board could work something out with Mr. McWilliams before the hardshell. Commissioner I obst stated that tie was worried about the elevation problem especially in the Seven Acres Area. Executive Director Watkins referred him to the Zoning Ordinance, page 12. Also, the DNR has said that no buildings in that area shall be built below 904. Motion was made by Busse to recon;mend to the Council approval of the prel iminary plat of Oakland Beach 3rd Addition and the Replat of Oakland Beach 1st Addition as submitted to the Planning Commission by ALMAC Corporation, subject to approval by the Park Board (Concerning park dedication), City Attorney (Concerning Oakland Beach Road _ public or private), and the City Engineer (plat must meet all the engineering requirements), second- ed by 7"norkelson and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY (1) Pape #2 F1 anr. np Comm sss o-. min•: - r, .a June 19, 1975 The above motion (or. page 1) was am­ oy J�bst tc reau as i'ollows: Motion was made by Busse :.o recommend 'c -he Cow.ci'. approval of the preliminary plat of Oakland Beach 3rd Additirn and the 3epiat of Oakland Beach 1st Addition as submitted to the Plarming Commission by ALMAC Corporation, subject to approval by the Park Board ( Concerning park dedication), City Attorney (Concerning Oakland Beach Road — public or private), and the City Engineer (plat must meet all the engineering requirements), and that the low lying areas should be reviewed by the City Engireering Staff and something coordinated with the Developer to fill the low lying areas before development or if filling these low lying areas is feasible for development. The regular Planning Commission meeting was ca7.led back to order at 8:25 P.M. The following _orrections were noted in the June 5, 1975 minutes, page three, paragraph two, last sentence should read as follows: The Planning Commission recommended that Mr. Robinson work with Mr. Mcizuire to try and work out some kind of a solution, and re— turn to the Planning Commission if a variance is required. Paragraph three, should read — Motion was made by Thorkelson to approve Cy Schweich's variance to build an addition on the Ballard Busse Funerai Home, with a 2 ft. side yard set back (Lots 16 & 17, Block 3, Cates Addition to Prior Lake) for a canopy only, seconded by Tercero and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Paragraph 5, should read — Jobst made motion to instruct the City Administrator McGuire to talk to Mr Mickus on his conditional use permit about marking off the parking lot, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Motion was made by Thorkelson to approve the minutes of June 5, 1975, as corrected, seconded by Jobst and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Mr. Jack Cates came before the Plarr.ing Commission for a review of a proposed Planned Unit Development which would include subsidized housing for the elderly. After general discussion, motion was made by Jobst to recommenAhe City Council concept approval of this proposed PUB as outlined by the Zoning Ordinance and the idea of subsidized housing for the elderly, seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Mr. Glen Tang came before the Planning Commission for a variance to build an addition onto his garage and have a four foot side yard set bark. Mr. Tang presented a letter of approval by his neighbor. Motion was made by Busse to approve Mr. Tang's variance as applied for, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. The above motion was amended by Thorkelsor: to read that this proposed addition will not be used for commercial purposes. City Planner Tooker was present and reviewed the revised Zoning Ordinance with the Planning Commission. The ..aeting adjourned at 10 :30 P.M. [text meeting will be Jul;. 1 ", 19'(5 Submitted by Shirlene Craig CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA June 5, 1975 7:30 P.M. ALMAC Corporation -Subdivision Hearing 9:00 P.M. Glen Tang - Variance 9:15 P.M. Rayfield Robinson - CUP Review 9:30 P.M. Cy Schweich - Variance 9:45 P.M. Prior Lake Lumber Company - Easement THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF J PRIOR iAKE PLANNING COMMISS - 1ON MEETING — June 5, 1975 The meeting of the Prior Lake Planning Commission was called to order at 7 :40 P.M. by Chairman Bissonett. Members present were: Bissonett, Jobst, Tercero, Burns, Thorkelson, Councilman Busse & Executive Director Watkins. Other City Officials present were: Mayor Stock, Councilmen Williams & Haberkorn, and Administrator McGuire. Motion was made by Jobst to set aside the regular order of business of the Planniu g Commission and open the public hearing on the proposed subdivision of the Almac property, bordered on the west by Seven Acres and Oakland Beach Subdivisions, and to the south by Kneafsey's Cove (See attached legL. description), seconded by Burns and upon a vote taken, the public hearing was opened. Chairman Bissonett read the notice of public hearing as published in the Prior Lake American. Executive Director Watkins read the minutes of May 1, 1975, Planning Commission meeting when the Planning Commission gave concept approval of the prel iminary plat plan for this Almac property (Bordered on the west by Seven Acres and Oakland Beach Subdivisions, to • the south by Kneafsey's Cove). A brief presentation was given by Mr. Ron Swanson, who was representing Almac Corporation. Mr. Swanson explained the different colors on the preliminary plat map; brown — existing roads — some public and some private, orange — unplatted land — approximately 14 acres, blue — Already platted land — proposing to replat to Larger lots from 29 to 18, pink — total roads that would be proposed, lots 10 & 11 in Seven Acres — proposing a total of 9 lots, yellow area — some owned by Almac and some not, not included in this proposal. The two orange areas would include 49 lots on approximately 14 acres. Minimum lot sizes would be approximately 12000 square feet and minimum width at building set back would be approximately 85 feet, this complies with the Cityts R-1 Zoning whicn the land is already zoned. No land was dedicated to park because after discussion with the Park Board, the Park Board perfers cash. End of presentation. At this time the public hearing was opened to the public for their opinions. Councilman Williams stated that he wished to clarify one thing, that it wasn't that the Park Board did not want land for a park dedication, the Park Board did not want the land offered. C.H. Miller asked what was planned for the pond in Seven Acres? Mr. Swanson stated nothing except what it takes for landscaping. Mr. Mill agreed and said he would like to see the pond stay. Mr. Swanson: This land was originally offered as park and the park board did not wnat it. J.D. Harris, Kneafsey's Cove, — Are these all single family homes? Mr. Swanson: Yes, they ar all single family homes. Sara R. How many single family dwellings? Mr. Swanson: A total of 67. (1) THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY Planning Commission Minutes Page #2 June 5, 1975 Sara R. - Felt that the poor road system wasn't adequate to support 57 more dwellings. She also wanted to know what kind of access to the lake these lots would have. Mr. Swanson stated that there was no access to the lake. Arnold Pahl, Oakland Beach, wanted to point out that he owned a 20 £t. easement that he was giving Mr. McWilliams in exchange for the deed to Oakland Beach Road. Mr. Duoos - Pointed out that the lots in Seven Acres and across the road (Blue on the plat map) were very low and would -squire an awful lot of fill. Mr. Ron Clark expressed how he and his neighbor felt about the swamp, the fact that they did not want it drained or any lower than it is at the present time. Mr. Swanson assured them that there was no plans to fill or drain the swamp. Several of the people were concerned about the quality of homes that would be built in the area. Mr. Swanson assured them that the lots would probably sell for some- where around $10,000.00 and if someone pays this must for a lot they are going to build a nice home on it. Mr. Duoos - Wanted to know if there could be some kind of covenants put on this land when platting it? Mr. Swanson stated that there would be some kind of covenants put on the land but couldnt say what. Mr. Arnold Pahl want to know if someone could put a mobile home on one of these lots. According to City ordinances - no. Executive Director Watkins explained exactly what could be placed on this land as it is presently zoned. Commissioner Burns wanted to know why the Park Board turned down the park land offered. Councilman Williams stated that the Park Board didn't feel that the land offered was suitable for park land, if they offered suitable land the=:Park Board would reconsider. The Planning Commissioners main concerns were the two low lying areas (Blue on the plat map), clarification of ownership of the public or private<:roads and they felt that the park land dedication should be re- evaluated: Mr. Joe Whitney stated that the question of elevation of the buildings built in that area have been a court order and that the DNR says that no buildings will be built below the 904. Motion was made by Thorkelson to continue this public hearing until the next regular Planning Commission, meeting, seconded by Jobst and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Jobst made motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, Pray 15, 1975, seconded by Burns and upon a vote taken, the minutes were approved as published. Next item on the agenda was a variance request by Mr. Glenn Tang (N 10' of lot 10 and S 40 of lot 11, block 12, Schmokel's Addition) for an extension on his garage to come within 4' of his southerly lot line. Planning Commission Minutes Page #2 June 5, 1975 Motion was made by Jobst asking the City Admi istrator to get a certified lot survey of the lot in question and the location of the buildings on either side and have Mr. Tang come back to the Planning Commission at a later date, seconded by Tercero and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Mr. Rayfield Robinson came before the Planning Commission for a review of his conditional use permit (to repair vehicles i<i the garage behind his home). The Planning Commission felt that Mr. Robinson has exceeded the conditions that were placed on his conditional use permit. They didn't feel that there should be a used car lot in a-� residential area. And Mr. Robinson has a sign and no sign permit. The Planning Commission recommended that Mr. Robinson work with Mr. McGuire to try and work out some kind of a= -aelutibn. Motion was made by Thorkelson to approve Cy Schweich's variance to build an extention on the Ballard Busse Funeral Home, with a 2 ft. side yard set back (Lots 16 & i7, Block 3, Cates Addition to Prior Lake), seconded by Tercero and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Motion was made by Tercero to grant Prior Lake Lumber Company their variance as requested (0 lot line to build a storage shed), seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Jobst made motion to instruct City Admininstrator McGuire to talk to Mr. Mickus on his conditional use permit, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. The Planning Commission passed a resolution commending and thanking Mr. Watkins on h past work with the Planning Commission and showing their acceptance and appreciation his new position as Executive Director of the Planning Commission. Motion was made by Tercero, seconded by Burns to adjourn at 10:15 PM. Next meeting is June 19, 1975 @ 7:30 P.M. Submitted by, S HTRTENE CRAIG, Secretary n