HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 31 1974 Planning Commission minutesAGENDA October 31, 1974 7:30 P.M. Leonard Brooks — Variance 8:00 P.M. Mr. Lemley — Replatting 8 :15 P.M. Mr. Gibbish of DuBar Marine — Questions on Conditional Use Perm_t 9:00 P.M. Mr. Rick Spilve of Prior Lake Marine — Sign Permit THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING — October 31, 1974 The meeting of the Prior Lake Planning Commission was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Acting Chairman Tercero. Members present were Tercero, Jobst, Stack, Houts, Thorkelson & Councilman Watkins. Also present were Mayor Stock, Councilman Williams, Administrator McGuire, City Planner Tooker & Administrative Assistant Sullivan. Motion was made by Jobst to approve minutes of the previous meeting as submitted, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Mr. Leonard Brooks scheduled on the agenda for 7:30 P.M. did not appear before the Planning Commission. Mr. Lemley & Mr. Olson came before the Planning Commission with a proposed replatting of Lot 8, Block 2, Lakeside Manor 2nd Addn., to break it down into 3 lots. (J, I� t) Jobst made a motion to approve the breakdown oP Lot �, Block 2, Lakeside Manor 2nd Addn., into three (3) lots, subject to the Engineer's approval of the driveway sites, seconded by Stack and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. is MY.-. Gibbish, of DuBar Marine, and two members of his staff, came before the Planning Commission to discuss the conditions (or agreement) of DuBar'e Conditional Use Permit. Motion was made by Jobst to appoint Commissioners Stack & Routs to meet with Mr. Gibbish and his two staff members, to rewrite the conditions (or agreement) of DuBar's Conditional Use Permit and bring it back before the Planning Commission at a later date, seconded by Stack and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. The meeting between the Commissioners and DuBar Marine was set for November 8, 1974. At this time, Walt Jobst took the floor and read aloud his recommendation for a Lakeshore Ordinance. After a lenghty discussion, motion was made by Jobst requesting that the Council authorize the City Planner Tooker to write up a rough draft of a Lakeshore- Ordinance for review by the Planning Commissioners and City Officals, seconded by Stack and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Motion was made by Jobst appointing Sullivan to contact Prior Lake Marine asking them to conform with the Sign Ordinance, seconded by Stack, and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. The next meeting will be held on November 14, 1974 @ 7:30 P.M. Watkins made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 P.M., seconded by Jobst. Submitted by, SH IRLENE CRAIG, Secretary THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA October 17, 1974 8:00 P.M. Charles Tooker — Discussion on Redevelopment District 9:30 P.M. Don Woodward — Discussion on Proposed Rezoned Area. 10 :00 P.M. Franciscan Retreats — Sign Permit 10:30 P.M. Ivy Financial Inc. — Discussion on Platting. 11 :00 P.M. Cal Erbele — Variance 11:30 P.M. Einar Danial Duoos — Variance THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - October 17, 1974 The meeting of the Prior Lake Planning Commission was called to order at 7:36 P.M. by Acting Chairman Tercero. Members present were Tercero, Jobst, Thorkelson & Councilman Watkins. Also present were Administrator McGuire, Councilman Williams & Administrative Assistant Sullivan. Members absent were Bissonett, Stack & Routs. First item on the agenda was Charles Tooker, City Planner, to discuss his preliminary plan for the Downtown Redevelopment District with the Downtown Merchants & Planning Commissioners, to get their input. Mr. Tooker made it clear that no way was this a final plan, it was just a concept. The main idea is to loop the business district by extending Third Street, crossing Main to Pleasant St., extending Pleasant out to Highway 13, to form a six block business district. The second idea that Mr. Tooker presented was a four block business district. The third idea was a one block business district, with a large mall. The main concern of the merchants present was the parking problem. How to obtain the parking lots and how to pay for them. All the merchants present were in favor of a more pedestrian orientated downtown. Another main concern was what could be done about the railroad to improve its appearance and if it would have to stay where it is now, forever. Mr. Watkins suggested that we could petition to have it removed from downtown. Commissioner Tercero commented that the railroad said that if the City improved itself, the railroad would, also. Mr. Emmett Knox commented that we should probably look at this redevelopment in three different phases. 1. The four block concept. 2. The six block concept. 3. The one block effect with a large mall. Mr. Tooker will return again in approximately four weeks with a revised plan. Motion was made by Jobst to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, October 3, 1974, as submitted, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. The second item on the agenda was Mr. Don Woodward, appearing before the Planning Commission to hear the Planning Commission's final decision on Scottland, Inc's proposed rezoning of the Intersection of Hwy. 13 & 1st Ave, that which is not zoned B-2. Mr. Watkins asked if it was the Commissioners intention to rezone this area. Mr. Thorkelson answered: It is their intention to rezone this property but this would require amending the ordinance. Mr. Thorkelson made the motion to change B-1 Neighborhood Business to B-1 Limited Business, to include the following permitted uses: 1. Personal & Professional Services 2. Funeral Homes 3. Clinics 4. Office and Banks Also, to put Retail Business under Conditional Use Permits, item 2, seconded by Jobst and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Mr. Thorkelson then made a motion that Scottland Inc's proposed rezoning of the Intersection of Highway 13 & 1st Ave, that which is not zoned B-2, to be zoned B-1 Limited Business as amended, seconded by Tercero and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. (1) THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY Next item on the agenda was the Franciscan Retreat's request for a sign permit. Mr. Sullivan reported that the Stale Highway Department will not put up a directional sign in their right —of =way for the retreat house. Thorkelson made a motion to grant a 6 month, temporary conditional use permit to erect a 48 square foot, red wood sign to be located on the Laker Drive —in property, to expire May of 1975, seconded by 'v,atkins and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Einar & Daniel Duoos came before the Planning Commission for a 10 foot sideyard setback with one stipulation, that the house will set back 35 foo'- from Pixie Point Road, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, the motion carried three to one with Jobst opposing. Mr. Jobst felt a definite hardship shoud be shown. Mr. Calvin Erbele came before the Planning Commission to obtain an 8 foot sideyard setback instead of the required 10 foot. Commissioner Jobst made a motion to accept the variance as proposed with two stipulations, that the West sideyard setback be 8 ft. instead of 10 ft. and the East sideyard setback be 10 ft. instead of 8 ft. and that the present cabin be removed prior to inspectors final inspection, seconded by Watkins and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Motion was made by Watkins to adjourn the meeting at 11:00 P.M., seconded by Jobst and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Submitted by SHIRLENE CRAIG, Secretary CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LkKE PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA October 3, 1974 7:30 P.M. 8 :00 P.M. 8 :30 P.M. Northern States Power — Don Chmiec Conditional Use Permit Request Schuman Construction for Robert Bolton — Variance Jeanne Conrady — Conditional Use 9:00 P.M. Glenn Tang — Sign Permit THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA 55372 PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING — October 3, 1974 The meeting of the Prior Lake Planning Commission was called to order at 7 :30 P.M. by Acting Chairman Stack. Members present were Jobs', Thorkelson, Houts & Councilman Watkins. Also present were Councilman Williams and Administrative Assistant Sullivan. Absent were Bissonett and Tercero. The minute= of the previous meeting, October 1, 1974, were approved with one correction in paragraph two, first sentence, the word acres was left out. The first item brought up was a letter of resignation from Pat Walker effective October 1, 1974. Mr. Donald Chmiel, a Staff Assistant with Northern States Power Company, came before the Pl anning Commission to request a Conditional Use Permit for an electrical substation. The station would be located near the corporate limits within the I-2 area, off of CSAH 12. Its purpose would be to provide for Prior Lakets present and future electrical needs. The property, in addition, would have a seven foot fence around the substation as well as being landscaped. Tentative plans are to begin grading this Fall and have the station into operation before June 1975, if the Conditional Use Permit is approved. -otion was made by Jobst to grant the Conditional Use Permit with the stipulations that; 1. The area be landscaped. 2. The preliminary drawings be recorded, seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Mr. Schuman, representing Mr. Robert Bolton, requested a variance to build an attached garage, part of which would be 6 feet from the lot line, instead of the required 15 feet. Motion was made by Jobst to grant the variance as specified on the drawing, seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Mrs. Jeanne Conrady appeared before the Planning Commission to obtain a Conditional Use Permit for a craft shop — classroom in her garage. Motion was made by Thorkelson to approve the Conditional Use Permit with the following stipulations: 1. Traffic does not become a problem in the neighborhood. 2. If problems arise, the permit be subject to review, seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Mr. Tang appeared before the Planning Commission to obtain both a Sign and Conditional Use Permit. The sign, 17" X 17 ", would read "Tangs Air Conditioning Service, 447 — 4330" and be two sided. The Conditional Use Permit is for work done on his property. Motion was made by Thorkelson to grant the request for both the Sign and Conditional Use Permit if the sign is 17" X 17" in size and if no outside storage of air conditioning materials, seconded by Houts and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. A motion was made by Jobst to approve the minutes of September 26th, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. (1) THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY Mr. Wa`_ - -kirs brought up the recq,:est by ,he Franciscar Retrea °ouse for a 4 X 8 Ft. sign to 'be placed on - ,he property of Lakers Drive —In. It was decided to ask the Minnesota State Highway Department if they would provide a sign to alleviate traffic congestion caused cy uruiecessary iuiform;tional checks at Laker Drive —In. Mr. Watkins requested a le .ter be sent to DuBar Marine so come before the Plarming Corvrission to answer questions concerning failure to live ap to conditions under the Conditio -:al Use Permit for D',Bar Marir:e. Next meeting will be Octooer 1', 19'74 - MeeuLig was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Submitted by WILLIAM SULLIVAN, ADMINISTRATIVE A"SISTANT PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION - Minutes of October 1, 1974 The meeting of the Prior Lake Planning Commission was called to order at 8:05 P.M. by Chairman Bissonett. Members present were Jobst, Thorkelson, Councilmen Watkins and Busse. Also present were Mayor Stock, Administrator McGuire and Assistant Administrator Sullivan. Absent were Tercero, Stack, Houts and Walker. The first item on the agenda was a Public Hearing for the proposed rezoning of a 10 (+) tract by the Scottland Corporation. Chairman Bissonett read the following notice of hearing which had been published in the Prior Lake American on September 18, 1974. Notice is hereby given of a Public Hearing on the roposed rezoning of the following described property: "The Northeast one�q=r and Southeast one quarter of the Southwest quarter, and the Northwest one /quarter and Southwest one /quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 2, Township 114, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota. The area is defined by Anna Lane to the North, First Ave. on the West and Highway 13, on the East and South." Said rezoning is a proposal of the Scottland Corporation. The public hearing has been scheduled by the Prior Lake Planning Commission for October 1, 1974 @ 8:00 P.M., in the Prior Lake City Council Chambers. Chairman Bissonett explained the purpose of the meeting and the order to be followed. Mr. Woodward gave a presentation to explain the request, by Scottland, for rezoning the said parcel from R-2 to B-2. He explained one part of the parcel, if rezoned, is tentively planned to contain a Savings & Loan building with parking. He also explained that the remaining area could contain a medical or professional b uilding and /or a office building. Chairman Bissonett asked for comments from people that were in favor of rezoning. There being no comments in favor therof, he then asked for comments opposing the re- zoning. There being no comments opposing thereof, he then asked for comments from the Commissioners and Public Officials. Councilman Watkins read Charles Tooker's memorandum. Mr. Watkins asked if Scottland would limit itself to those accepted uses within a B-2 district. Mr. Woodward replied that this is their intention. In addition he stated that the Saving & Loan if located there would want assurances of compatible use of the adjacent land. (Statement Attached). Mayor Stock asked about screening distance between parking lot and road? Mr. Woodward said small trees, shrubs and green area would be used. Mr. Jobst asked if Anna Lane would be a major entry point? Mr. Woodward e xplain ed that Arta Lane is a limited access route and that First Avenue would be the major entry point for traffic coming off Highway 13. (1) THE CENTER OF LAKE COUNTRY Chairman Bissonett explained that due to a lack of quorum and in order to give consideration to the proposed rezoning, a decision would be made on October 17, 1974. Mr. Jobst asked that Charles Tooker, City Planner, be present to give advise on October 1974. Mr. Woodward said he did not object to this. Motion was made by Jobst to delay a Plannioig Commission decision until October 17th at 9:30 P.M. for the purpose of deciding on rezoning the said parcel, seconded by Thorkelson and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M. Councilman Busse presented the recommended access changes (Anna Lane and First Avenue) on Highway 13 that the Minnesota Highway Department would instal].. Submitted by, WILLIAM SULLIVAN, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT R