HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 31 1972 Planning Commission minutes4 P 2Ie SCOTT COUNTY Ali" 2alzee, /Dl4um4ota, 55372 Aunusr >,I, Ig - 2 The R'7TI!" of the rrior Lake Flanr. inn Commission was a!le to order at `;CO P.1', by cr,airnan :falter Johst. Coh'.I:'IScInI ?; F" -S' T; Luis Ter ccro, ''ill ?i ;son att, falter Jobs t, Harriet ar I son, HarclT lF and :pan Stack. Also present; Councilman Tom Watkins. "usiness Mr. 7777 'IoisinCton of ?rauer 3- Associates presented hirself and his firm's proposal on rommunity planning for Prior Lake to the commission. His main point was total community involvement in the construction of the plan. h1r. Charles TooV<er, planner, presented himself and hj,, on community p ann!ng o Lake to the commission. His mainnwas the pulling together of existing ordinances and objectives and updating them to fit today's circumstances and requirements. Much discussion centered on the subject of setting up interim ordinances by Dec. 1, 1972, prior to the total comp- rehensiv6 plan being set up. Air. Dan Duoos presented a plat plan on lot M in Eastwood, Ist add Ywhere e proposes o move an existing home to. It was decided to refrain from any a action until a report fr9m the building inspector on the building is received. ; A to the covenants { Mr. Delbert Blohm and W yne Leonard appeared in reference � on Mr. B o m's property on Prior Lake at Co. Rd. X21. Motion was made and 4y passed to approve the plat and covenants` subject to the blank spaces on the covenant document being filled in in accorell with village ordinances . and legal Interpretation of the last paragraph of page two of the covenant documents as regards to villaae council approval of any changes the then property owners approve after the twenty five le4r perlod stippulated has passed. Ceneral Pusiness: The subject of „ach commissioner having a specialty ass g en was icussed. It was suggested that the commission look into some type of rubber stamp and /or form for variance approvals. Corres,ondnce: The article appearing in the August 30, 1972 issue of Prior Lace e American as reoard; building permits and planning commiss "io apointments was read, [Action was made and passed to make all commissi minutes public information throuoh the Prior Lake American. The recommendation of a Village Planner to the Villaqe Council was discussed. Motion was made and pass recommen a the services of Mr. Charles Tooker to the Council. The meetinn w3, ndj0urnod of 1® :25 !'.IA, Next meeting, Sept. III,, 1972 W espectfully submitted, Rill 5issonett, Secly , 'lie ee,k4 a/ a fieaiiW Aalso eo j„ August I 1r1 call ?d .o - rear at i, c ^air - •an 7aIf Jobst. mmiss7iners r-3e Rar I t2iIIer, Dar Stac'� Bill Bissonett alts f , arrie1 ­3rIs n, Luis Terce -,; h'ayor - 'Japer Stock, unci 1 en Tor 'Jatkins, !eck Cakes. ;1ini_:t s tc tnc crevious meetin -1 ,vere read and a7pr3vad. Bus}ness• Mssrs. Donald Brauer and Thomas Lo�!cks of Brauer and Associates ex lained flip functions of their comnany and gave reasons how and why the' should be able to do the right job of community Olanning for the Village of Prior Lake. A question and answer session with them followed. It was agreed that they would submit written proposals tb the commission a few days prt ®r to the August 31, 1972 Commission meeting. Those proposals will be reviewed at Q :00 P.M. at that meeting with represent- atives of Rrauer and Associates present. Mr. Charles Tooker, Planner, presented his views on Village Planning to the Commission. A question and answer session followed. The question of whether the integration of the two sets (Prior Lake and Eagle Creek) of ordinances can take place rrior to a total community plan, was discussed. Mr. Tooker will submit proposals to the commission prior to the August 31, 1972 meeting which will be reviewed in his presence at that meeting. Mr. Delbert Blohm, represented by Mr. Gail Davis of Harry S. Johnson Land Surveyors, Inc., presented a preliminary plat plan on developement of property on Prior Lake at County Rd. #21. A discussion on street right of way widths, considering future developements adjacent to the property, took place . A fifty foot wide easment was approved providing the owners of the property (future) are made aware in writing, that a thirty -two foot wide paved surface may gie forthcoming on the easement. It was agreed that they will present written covenants and agreements on the particulars of the develop- ment to the Commission at the August 31, 1372 meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:2) P.M.. Resnectfully submitted by, `_'ill Bissonett, Secretari 1 71 —ei AlW>Z'Ate 10 z9c 6/7y 77� 72F 7:-niq . 4 . 4wa- AU14 lmvllovY�*-- Ar-, olsc�ss/vN 4f 4r?' r. 4 OWIft Ma. DE= ,:.;g;lT- mac oNM fO ALKe Xx l i8a /At¢ *V'C ,2n xz! (Sws ///iau>es - ./9Enf s7 LlYL.`� SOxes o'o 7 �5s GovcwAv �cr crmm�T Rsi� -TTCC� /U �a =c,JrO /f.P /TSf ��k�fsE" eo2.o.yq� j . i eEl�in'av ®'� - /hC � o��wRf.6 'TOY/a C wVG "7�H� /A•QOS�t ry cXti v�3 /¢G.>.COVC , Tiv� ry 1 5 1ewea °nPacwrty .v cfbr �ararc .Br✓a+.�ss _.._._.._ IUNCT Tesf> g' /L� /(i,rT VO 7'>/e' � i� 1CZr f' F L'heiY- C /r cuss Sc- setas�efJ T/`r'r �fl� Goear /�,ro Se�.¢s T/Pe o �?6�L 77/L— z4u /co -,.c /mac r 9rs 9/✓0 !//GC.;'Er_ Pcs,l..,r.ib l�mcs>r>issna .�Riv..nrra!+rs_. W7"t S/x` •• iN $C 1710TY6.v / //Vn /{dLYSO 7L /yl �+9..::c Azt. G/e'NM /ss>e✓ /!>e- ��.+/4' M.,�c,Te:.. ^� I nk� �LlM / �IN(� �L,NM /Sfmlu '/7cSG.USIF1: T2sff." ✓ /LI AEG' 'r"G�1H.v tit. .... �r7uM/ew.( ��� T>/E- / /o7rn.V G//•rs .•.'+!./,off /e,%,yo .foDizc vE9 '7� /��e - 'TC �- �enVCiL- _ /7fQ- (/i/AG[c '7`ae=ae 9. /�- 7//e.GisL3E ©f+it.o4 � 0 3i /4?z /i >'<:�o. i�AC /�T C T _.�> CF .... -.c -o �/ _c _ -✓rc�T /�/ � °. -r+� 1w5. �.��hso. .� ✓_ /�'� �� a -�5 G-✓ /-f /LG � - .�9.4o -v /�T GUAS 1 r 1 Y �! /w,�[� -2 C,e TKCT /TS-:> CAN SC ^[iVI'LTiOt• c -F= f.�r57YUG G,=o, a.. ':+-cam R-nrn C.37¢. - mac � // />lT✓o [/ Tr,v� 7 °�[ 7Z Tc o 's C/L'c tJ S f'9+c+0 i � '75e � -./ fsA.c.c:c / / /cY i< /J 5c.' -Sxn.J '?Aoll f "H+ACE ba/ 77Y� u � l s/c G/�' /C,L f/,v ��,.' snA.G. /5�•/vsE T _ /7` a��.rs SFr. x� 7'�,. ��.r�r,.✓ _ Ma. DE= ,:.;g;lT- mac oNM fO ALKe Xx l i8a /At¢ *V'C ,2n xz! (Sws ///iau>es - ./9Enf s7 LlYL.`� SOxes o'o 7 �5s GovcwAv �cr crmm�T Rsi� -TTCC� /U �a =c,JrO /f.P /TSf ��k�fsE" eo2.o.yq� j . i eEl�in'av ®'� - /hC � o��wRf.6 'TOY/a C wVG "7�H� /A•QOS�t ry cXti v�3 /¢G.>.COVC , Tiv� ry 1 5 1ewea °nPacwrty .v cfbr �ararc .Br✓a+.�ss _.._._.._ IUNCT Tesf> g' /L� /(i,rT VO 7'>/e' � i� 1CZr f' F L'heiY- C /r cuss Sc- setas�efJ T/`r'r �fl� Goear /�,ro Se�.¢s T/Pe o �?6�L 77/L— z4u /co -,.c /mac r 9rs 9/✓0 !//GC.;'Er_ Pcs,l..,r.ib l�mcs>r>issna .�Riv..nrra!+rs_. W7"t S/x` •• iN $C 1710TY6.v / //Vn /{dLYSO 7L /yl �+9..::c Azt. G/e'NM /ss>e✓ /!>e- ��.+/4' M.,�c,Te:.. ^� I nk� �LlM / �IN(� �L,NM /Sfmlu '/7cSG.USIF1: T2sff." ✓ /LI AEG' 'r"G�1H.v tit. .... �r7uM/ew.( ��� T>/E- / /o7rn.V G//•rs .•.'+!./,off /e,%,yo .foDizc vE9 '7� /��e - 'TC �- �enVCiL- _ /7fQ- (/i/AG[c '7`ae=ae 9. /�- 7//e.GisL3E ©f+it.o4 � 0 C -! - LAV- °I. t';' ;I : :I ; 1 Gt August 10, 1972 Meetlnr, Cal Iad to order by Councilman Tom Watkins at 8:00 P.N,. „ Commi present: Gan Stack, Harold MEII er, Harri at Carlson, B1]T SissonA t, Louis Tercero, :!ally Jobst, Mayor Walter Stock, Councilman iom lot kins. Councilman dat ki ns hr i of ed tt:e commission on their function and duties. tbayor Stock reviewed the proceedings on annexation of 12 sections of Spring Lake. He rcouest ed that the commission se l act one of it Is members to serve on an "orderly annexation "board re: this situation. Mayor Stock advised the ccmmissi or. of their responsibility to inter— view prospective Planninc c-,:. cni es. Tne commission deci,?d to hold regular meetings on the Thursday prior to the regular Village Council meetings, at 8:00 F -A. (Regular council meetings are the first and third Mondays of each month) It was decided to try to channel general business to the mid —month meeting and special business to the first meeting. Terms of office and specific specialty of commissioners were dis— cussed. A drawing for length of commissioners terms took place, resulting in the following: I year terms — Louis Tercero and Bill Bissonett. 2 year terms — Dan Stack and 'Walt Jobst. 3 year terms Harold Miller and Harriet Carlson. Officers of the commission elected were: Chairman Wait Jobst, Secretary Bill Bissonett. Q GENERAL BUSINESS Mr. Bob Busse, representing downtown merchants. Requested approval of a "Welcome to Prior Lake" sign, 10 x 24; , 10 off the ground, illuminated, two sides, on the north side of Hwy. #13 at Dakota St. 1/4 of sign for community messages. Sighting sign ordinance 16.1(W), ' a motion to approve the sign was approved by the commission. Mr. Vial Langhorst requested sign approval for a sign on his property on the th side of Hwy. #13 (approx. 100 Sign falls within regulat set forth by Prior Lake ordinance. Motion for approval carried ORGANI�4TIONAL BUSINES Suggestion was made to allow ourselves contemplation time on variation decisions. This suggestion was adopted as a general rule providing that contemplation time not go past the next regular commission meeting..: Discussion on planners to interview: Suggested were: Brauer rk assoc. and Charles Tooker. The meeting was adjourned at 10 :00 P.M. to Next meatier, August 17, 1972 8 :00 P.M. Respectfully submitted: Bill Bissonett