HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 29 1972 Planning Commission minutes�A. o f Ault Z alm
/)ac4" 2a/zm, Mimu,QAVa 55372
v. "' 1172
The re^ular meatinm of t" nrior Lak* Plsnnln "o"misslon was
cailmd to outer at '?o<f ". ". 1 socretary "tll 'lssonette
`'ozmmis-;Vrnors cresent were 'arold «,filler. Luis Teremro� rill
A ysoncatt �iarriot = ::anson u "an °,tecl•, yatt Jotst , < tatter
, tocts, "ouncilmen Tam Vatklns "illage attorney naA %uIllvan.
Villa, ^,e rblanner _harles Tooker.
The minutes to the previous meeting were read and er- provod.
The meeting was turned over to village planner Charles Tooker,
9r Tooker reviewed the progress he has made on the now complete
land use map he is ,preparing for the village• � ?o sold thers are
several plats he needs to complete the gap* me reviewed the map
he has to dote and went over several ores, that could be problem
spots from various standpoints.
o^. Tooker then continued through the revised zoning ordinances
that he has drawn up item by Item with the Commissioners and any
questions were dealt with as they came up
village attorney, 4tsrk W lilvsn, went through an exploinstlon
of legal precedents, opinions and recommendations for the
commission so they would ralmle to their business.
the meeting was adjourned at 90to P.s.
Peepectfulty submitted by Pill "issonett, sec +y.
N*ft meeting POC. 14 197P 700 gel. Me general nusinoss until
Il3ti P.K.
7'z� -&40, 5537.2
NoIVGr,oer lo, 19 -2
The regular meeting of the Frior Lake Planning Ce,nmission was called to
order Jy C'naircan ,altar Jobs,` at 0
Co m m i s s 1 o n ur s prasent; "an 3 I LL i s Tercaro, Xarriat :a, - 1son, daft
Jobst, 5i .1 6isso-ett, ,'ayor Jaitor -cock, COLncilmen Jack Oakes, Ton;
' , at kins, VIII e FIanner Char s Tooker, 7uesis; ;Aen ,.,i asgr of t, ,icoIt
Couni y Ian.11r , 7 0 '71ng .... =orJinc. a. I - , .idC .'all in Of 'i he Prior Lake Ass In.
A discussion tool< plac< os ra,a;us __ `Jitlane CounciIIs over —ride of
the Planning Commissionrs recornandation on sidelot variance request
of „' Itun Grey /Lakeside I;,anor pr uperty. Counci i�an 30K Jack Oakes
explained reasons for ina reversal as based on village aftorney's legal
opinion on the question. The comrnissioners agreed that an early legal
interpretation of ordinance precedent is a definite requisite to intell—
igent commission recommendations on future variance requests,
1.1r. Charles Tooker, Village Planner, requested that the commission hold
a meeting Pled. Nov. 29, 1972 at 7;00 F...1. and close it to general business
'so that special attention could be paid to the new community plan. it
was agreed that this would be done.
Air. Emmet Knox presented further plans on his proposed Planned Unit
Development R.L.S. rrl3. He requested re- zoning from R —I to R It
was noted that under the new ordinances, i7 -4 does not exist and was thetie-
fore suggested that existing zoning remain and conditional use permits
be used to obtain the desired variance use of the land.
Mr. Charles Tooker reviewed his draft of revised zoning ordinances item
by item with the commission. Each item that raised a question was
disussed and acted upon by the commission.
The meeting was adjourned at 10;37 P.b1.
Next meeting Wed Nov 29, 1972 7;00 P.)d- NO GENERAL BUSINESS
Respectfully submitted by,
Bill Bissor,ett, Sec +y.
„ '14a e 4 a aid 2644 ems„
November 2, 1972
The regular meeting of the Prior Lake Planning Commission was called to order at 8:04 P.M
Commis - iers present: Harriet Carlson, 'Walter Jobst, Harold Miller and Luis Tercero.
Mayor Walter Stock and Councilman Tom Watkins were also present.
Business: Milton Grey, representing Lakeside Properties, asked for a variance on a side
yard setback from 15 feet to 10 feet and 12 feet, respectively, on Lakeside Manor's Lot 2,
Block 1, a lot 100 feet wide. Both neighbors, Mary Mikrut and Mr. & Mtc. Jack Andrews,
were present and opposed the variance. Tom Watkins also spoke in opposit ;on to the
variance. In discussion, the planning board members noted that there was no particular
hardship involved if the ordinance was enforced. Luis Tercero made a motion to deny the
variance, seconded by Harold Miller. Motion carried unanimously.
Delbert Busse, Fire Marshall, made a general presentation on fire protection insurance
ratings and how they affect the village. The planning commission will work out a procedure
by which the fire marsholl will see building plans of commercial and multi - family structures
for review before the planning commission acts on the permit. A more specific problem was
brought up; the Valley Sign Co. is operating in a R -3 Zone in a barn located on the Roman
Kop property. Signs are being stored in the attic, and paint is not stored in a proper area.
The wooden building is also insulated with corrugated card board, according to Delbert Busse.
Mr. Busse suggested that we look at the site and decide on a course of action.
Emmett Knox submitted more information on the Mitchel Pond PUD. We asked him to submit
all the required information listed L ider our ordinance before we would act on the preliminary
Bob Hauck came in to ask about the possibility of building a house on a 50 foot lakeshore
lot at Maple Park Shores, Lot 24. The lot is a R -I Zone, with no sewer. The lot has 8500
square feet. The planning Board suggested that it would be almot impossible to build a home
on such a lot.
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
Walter Jobst
Planning Commission Chairman
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