HomeMy WebLinkAboutCERTS GESP PowerPointGuaranteed Energy Guaranteed Energy
Savings Program Savings Program
February 21, 2013February 21, 2013
2013 CERTS Conference2013 CERTS Conference
Facility IssuesFacility Issues
Growing Deferred MaintenanceGrowing Deferred Maintenance
Occupant Comfort and ProductivityOccupant Comfort and Productivity
Health, Safety and EnvironmentalHealth, Safety and Environmental
Energy Price UncertaintyEnergy Price Uncertainty
Limited Budgets and StaffLimited Budgets and Staff
Energy Savings Energy Savings
Performance ContractPerformance Contract
Guaranteed Energy Savings Agreement under Guaranteed Energy Savings Agreement under
statute statute §§16C.144 16C.144
Projects are completed creating energy, Projects are completed creating energy,
operational, and maintenance efficiencies.operational, and maintenance efficiencies.
Accumulated cost savings are Accumulated cost savings are used to pay for all used to pay for all
project and financing costsproject and financing costs
No net cost to public entityNo net cost to public entity
Energy Savings Energy Savings
Performance ContractPerformance Contract
PerformancePerformance--based based contract between a public entity contract between a public entity
and a qualified “Energy Services Company” (ESCO). and a qualified “Energy Services Company” (ESCO).
The The ESCO ESCO “guarantees” “guarantees” that that annual cost savings will annual cost savings will
meet or exceed the annual payments due under the meet or exceed the annual payments due under the
If savings If savings are not are not achieved, the achieved, the ESCO is required to ESCO is required to
reimburse the public entity for the reimburse the public entity for the shortfallshortfall. .
To To achieve the “guaranteed” savings, the ESCO achieve the “guaranteed” savings, the ESCO
assumes the construction and onassumes the construction and on--going performance going performance
risk of the project.risk of the project.
Typical ProjectsTypical Projects
ArchitecturalArchitectural/Structural/Structural––roofing, doors, insulation, weatherroofing, doors, insulation, weather--
stripping, window treatmentstripping, window treatment
ElectricalElectrical––lighting retrofits, emergency power, power and lighting retrofits, emergency power, power and
distribution, IT/communications networks, life safety systemsdistribution, IT/communications networks, life safety systems
MechanicalMechanical––HVAC systems, plumbing and drainage, energy HVAC systems, plumbing and drainage, energy
management and building controls management and building controls
Property/SiteProperty/Site––underground utilities, lighting improvements, underground utilities, lighting improvements,
swimming pools, ice arenasswimming pools, ice arenas
Renewable EnergyRenewable Energy––photovoltaic (PV) solar, thermal solar, wind, photovoltaic (PV) solar, thermal solar, wind,
biomass, hydroelectricbiomass, hydroelectric
Water and WasteWater and Waste––water purification systems, water sewage water purification systems, water sewage
facilities, landfill gas capturing, waste utilizationfacilities, landfill gas capturing, waste utilization
Operational Best PracticesOperational Best Practices––staff training and development staff training and development
programs associated with energy conservationprograms associated with energy conservation
Typical ESPC ProcessTypical ESPC Process
Opportunity AssessmentOpportunity Assessment
Energy Savings AuditEnergy Savings Audit
Selection of projectsSelection of projects
Project DevelopmentProject Development
Project ImplementationProject Implementation
Measurement and VerificationMeasurement and Verification
ESPC ContractingESPC Contracting
StateGESP –MS 16C.144Muni –MS 471.345 | School –MS 123B.65
MasterContract Vetted by Attorney General’s ESCOProvided Contract Document
Office, Dept. of Admin., and Dept. of Comm.
Open Book PricingNo PrescribedPricing Methodology
Maximum Mark-ups and FeesNo Prescribed Mark-ups or Fees
Competitive Bidding of Trade Work and Trade Work & Equipment typically negotiated
Equipment with Pre-qualified Subs and with Favored Subs, Manufactures and
Savings Guarantee requires savings be met Savings Guarantee typically allows excess
each year of the guaranteesavings to be carried forward
Measurement &Verification GuidelinesNo Measurement &Verification Guidelines
Startup & Commissioning GuidelinesNo Startup and Commissioning Guidelines
Third-Party Review of Annual Measurement No Third-Party Review of Annual
& Verification ReportMeasurement & Verification Report
State Provides Technical, Financial & No State Assistance Provided
Contractual Assistance
GESP GoalsGESP Goals
Promote Promote awareness and implementation of awareness and implementation of
energy efficient and renewable energy measures energy efficient and renewable energy measures
in public in public facilitiesfacilities
Develop Develop and administer Master Contract for and administer Master Contract for
Energy Savings Performance Contracting Energy Savings Performance Contracting
Services for use by public Services for use by public entitiesentities
PrePre--qualify Energy Service Companies (ESCO) for qualify Energy Service Companies (ESCO) for
participation in GESP.participation in GESP.
Provide technical, contractual and financial Provide technical, contractual and financial
assistance to public entitiesassistance to public entities
GESP AssistanceGESP Assistance
Evaluating facilities for potential energy efficiency and Evaluating facilities for potential energy efficiency and
renewable energy investment opportunities.renewable energy investment opportunities.
Analyzing the available financing options.Analyzing the available financing options.
Soliciting and awarding siteSoliciting and awarding site--specific RFPs from ESCOs to specific RFPs from ESCOs to
perform Energy Savings Performance Contracting Services.perform Energy Savings Performance Contracting Services.
Evaluating the technical and financial feasibility of ESCO Evaluating the technical and financial feasibility of ESCO
Negotiating and awarding of contracts with ESCOs.Negotiating and awarding of contracts with ESCOs.
Project management oversight during construction.Project management oversight during construction.
Providing technical assistance to ensure Measurement and Providing technical assistance to ensure Measurement and
Verification (M&V) Plan is properly performed.Verification (M&V) Plan is properly performed.
GESP ProcessGESP Process
Process StepActivityMilestone
1 –InterestMeetings with DER to review GESPRequest to proceed with
2 –Opportunity Review B3 data, facility needs, Interagency Agreement
Assessmentissues and goals-or -
Quantify EO 11-12 compliance gapJoint Powers Agreement
3 –Define Project GoalsDefine EO 11-12 compliance goals, Issue Site-Specific RFP
facility and organizational goals,
Identify funds for IGA
4 –ESCO SelectionRFP evaluation and ESCO selectionIssue Work Order Contract
5 –Project DevelopmentDevelop project scope, cost, savings Issue Work Order Contract
and fundingAmendment
6 –Project Installation of measuresCertification of Final
ImplementationCompletion and Acceptance
7 –Performance PeriodReview M&V ReportAnnual M&V Report
GESP Process
Master Contract
Pre-qualified Contractors
The State issued an RFP for Contractors (ESCOs) to pre-qualify to provide
Energy Savings Performance Contracting Services to state institutions. The
following eleven Contractors were qualified and have entered into a Master
Contract with the Department of Commerce:
Harris CompaniesJohnson Controls
Energy Services Group, subsidiary of Honeywell
The Master Contract provides:
Contractor’s Duties, Contractor’s Fees, Measurement and Verification
Guidelines, System startup and commissioning guidelines, and general
GESP Process
Interagency Agreement
The Interagency Agreement (IA) is issued by the Department of Commerce. An
IA is required for State Agencies to access the GESP Master Contract.
Joint Powers Agreement
The Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) is issued by the Department of Commerce.
A JPA is required for Local Governmental Units and Independent School
Districts to access the GESP Master Contract.
GESP Process
Site Specific RFP
Site-Specific RFP
The Site-Specific RFP is issued by the governmental unit for the purpose of
selecting one ESCO from the pool, who they determine is best suited to provide
ESPC Services for their site.
The Site-Specific RFP also provides for a second round of competition in which
the responders may offer lower markups, overheads and fees for the specific
site, than those they agreed to in the Master Contract.
The Site-Specific RFP template is provided by the Department of Commerce.
Site specific data is added by the governmental unit.
GESP Process
Work Order Contract
GESP Work Order Contract
The Work Order Contract is issued by the governmental unit to the selected
ESCO for the purpose of conducting an Investment Grade Audit (IGA) and
developing the Energy Savings Performance Contract project proposal.
This Work Order enables the ESCO to perform design and engineering
services that are required to provide guaranteed maximum pricing and
guaranteed savings for the proposed Energy Conservation Measures included
in the project proposal.
This is also when the ESCO performs necessary pre-installation measurements
and proposes their plan for the Measurement and Verification of savings.
Assumptions agreed to in this process form the basis of the Energy Savings
Performance Contract and are added as exhibits to the Work Order Contract
via Amendment.
GESP Process
Work Order Contract
GESP Work Order Contract Amendment
The amended Work Order Contract becomes the Energy Savings Performance
Contract, also referred to in statute as the Guaranteed Energy Savings
Exhibit C -Savings Measurement and Verification
Exhibit D -Savings Guarantee
Exhibit E -Equipment Installed by Contractor
Exhibit F -Construction and Installation Schedule
Exhibit G -System Startup and Commissioning Plan
Exhibit H -Standards of Comfort
Exhibit I -Training by Contractor
Exhibit J -Project Pro Forma
Exhibit K -Rebates, Incentives and Grants
Exhibit L -Lease Purchase Agreement
Exhibit M -Contractor's Measurement and Verification Services
Exhibit N -Institution's Maintenance Responsibilities
Attachment 4 -Investment Grade Audit Report
Attachment 5 -Certificate of Substantial Completion and Acceptance
Attachment 6 -Certificate of Final Completion and Acceptance
Peter Berger, Eric Rehm
GESP Program ManagerGESP Project Manager