HomeMy WebLinkAboutPolice Department Annual Report 4/8/2013 PRIOR LAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL APRIL 8, 2013 p 4 PRI�l� CHIEF BILL 0'ROURKE � y U r � � ��� _ _. . ._.._.._ __ � 201x Pbone GII count Ov Monlh �...� 4 F; '' ,..., , � � ,. ,,� � �, �.. x,� ': _ __ _ _ _ � � °��°�;:"�,:m:"�,°;::;':�e;':r`�;:';';'�'�:.�':a.:� m';`:',:;";;;:":;.;" 1 4/8/2013 2o1x Dally Phona Crll Awrotes �. � �^ „� I ��.� .,. i ,. r „ :�; 2012 Awerage Nuurly Ph<�ne Crll Ovnrview i�m�ra a�e o��w,,,ne .. .... ......... .___.. ...._... .. _. .. .. � � ���11�� . I @s . ._.__ ____ -___ _ _.. ... . . 2 4/8/2013 Statistics — C�lls For Service _ � Law Enforcement�Calls For Service (ICR's) � .. . . by Department - 2012� � � � � � - L_______..... _ __.....__. . . ! . � ' °� ... -� .: —,,,± T � �LJ G . ti% N �waru�����.�_... . 1 �Liri � j t'� e �$ 'S - r f 4 � z ii � � � i � � c. «w �ww.�+�wi�.lN:.�.ua�,. . . s _� .. � e � i � �: MI I �e ♦1\+ f � � � 1 N �c �� i . I i �nF '�`2.. .� wMn 6 ��' �' � Y y"% Z �� uLL . . ' ��... . .. . v.�R�`wm�:�..LL��i . C . . Su4u. .IUmw: � t:n��i� � .narrc Nu.n6w. d uepenetl �na�dml� � 14 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 BEILE 4333 4503 4944 5690 5126 SSSO 4335 3440 3964 4466 4646 FIAINE ElKO- NEW 239 359 376 371 475 532 726 417 448 962 1152 M KT IORDAN 3417 3365 3597 3631 3878 3829 3504 3482 3543 3657 3587 NEW 3328 3621 3965 4103 4026 4795 4249 4039 4057 3981 4]54 PRAGUE PRIOR 9451 30131 9653 9415 9664 11162 30662 10062 9672 10419 10988 LAKE SAVAGE 9472 9792 10686 10860 12038 13263 12772 12580 11977 11651 11994 SCOTT 14140 14480 14970 15328 15165 15589 15619 14585 13376 12249 10936 COUNTY SHAKOPEE 13928 14799 16168 17656 18663 19974 19452 18071 18038 18036 18646 TOTAI 58308 61050 64359 67054 69035 74724 71319 66767 65075 65421 66103 3 4/8/2013 REPORTED INCIDENTS 2001- 2012 PRIOR LAKE - SAVAGE - SNAKOPEE 25,000 ■ PRIOR LAKE 20,000 ■ SAVAGE �; � �g � 3. r SI�AKOPEE 15,000 - - 10,000 - - 5,000 - - 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Incident Crime Reports 11,929 10,39511,040 10,544 10,046 9,654 INCIDENTS 2010 2011 2� � 2 2007 2008 2009 4 4/8/2013 _ ..___. _ . __ ._..__.__ __ _____ _._.. _ _ , ' izoo ' 1074 1001 ' ' 5000 ' 9u 9 � � 941 957 i I 790 798 �9 — � 855 j Q00 ' 600 : � i �00 i ( 200 ; � � ' p ' _ _ _ - -- -- — _� _ _ 'TCJaC �� �� PQi � ,Jpe ,J �,� P � `e � `o � e � ,e � `� �� I o � � F R F � � �o Q e � i o w+a�or�s er Moroni zo�z � __ -_ _ _... __._. _ _ _ __.i _ -_ _ __ __ _ __ _ -._ . _ _ _... INCIDENT CRIME REPORTS, SMSC PROPERTY 2011 and � 2012 �� iiao � 1 � �! uio ..r� . .=i:,c':' � 1100 � 7m0 I�j . ...:�'�:',q`.�=�.,,. . �. �00 I ��;' - - ; f00 �� � �. � ; � 3?9 ��; � , .; ... . .. .. � � �� 200 � �r �c . � 0 _.__.–., _ ��1012 TaYlCa14 _-_. . ' �✓°".:':. .- MYAk1�M __' ._ _'_ ' -.,_ .� IOiI � LtlbSi� '... _ __.. _ . , , aMv I r 1011 r 1012 � .._.. ._ __...__ ..._.____ ..___._ .. ...._.. ....._... ._._.__.._ _.._.. .._... __ __..:� 5 4/8/2013 i2000 — -- 10000 -- 10395 - 11040 _ 8000 --- . :,, -__------ 6000 --- �: Total ICR SMSC ICR 4000 - � 2000 - i _.-------- ; _ __ _ __ . 1510 1632 0 2011 2012 4 PRlp O . � , , �,, � u ' m 2012 IJNIFORM CRIME REPORT �,� PRIOR LAKE PART I CRIhICS 2007 2008 � 2010 2011 2012 AII�RDER 0 1 0 0 0 0 RAPH 4 9 7 6 4 8 ROIIBL-RY 2 5 2 2 7 4 AGGRAVATEDASSAULT 22 ?0 20 20 IS 7 BURGLARY 79 83 93 91 64 45 LARCENY 418 367 78� 325 373 38S M1IOTOR VLHICLE'IHEFT 33 16 12 I I 17 22 TOTAL PART I 55S SDI 519 45S 4R0 47a 6 4/8/2013 � � �� � i Parl I Crimes are claasllletl by lhe FBI as 8etlous Crlmes. fiere are e19h1 claasl11ca0ons. 1. Namlclae la the NIIIInO ol another person antl IncluOes muNe�, manslauphle� sntl tleath 6y neBllpence Y. Forcl0le Rape Is Ne camal Nnowled0e of a lemale lacibry antl apalnsl qer win 3. Raohery Is Ihe lelonlous an0lorcNle [aNlno ol propet8l ol anolher apalnsl hla wlll �yNolenca or tear olulolence 4. AB9�avaled Ilssault Ia lhe unlawlul atlack 6y a peraon upon anolher lor the puroose o11n01c11n0 seuere �odlry In1ury 5. Borplary Is Ihe unlawlul eniry ol � swclura lor Ne purposa ol comml111np � erlme fi. iheR Is the nnlaxiM laklnp ol Oroperry hom anolherwNh Ihe Intenl le deOrNe �im N ermership 7. MatorYehicle ihell ls Ns Nel10� atlemptEd 1he110l � molOrlted rehlcle 8. Nson Ic anywllllul or mallclous Ouming � ; i Burglary and Theft are the two most-reported Part I Crimes � I , BUR6LARY BY MONTH 2O12 �: _. ___.�_�,_... i _ _____.. , f io .__�._. e 6 � h � ` q, .,..--..--.��..,,...., -.y �h. 4 i e_ � 2 �. s. e T � f 0 cJ `` a P'�� �� �� �°� �� � v �� °�, F� a �" 1° �y° . . yc O L` � �,� THEFf BY MONTH 2O12 �o -- — _� sn _ � yy f s .��; � " ._��: ; : 50 - -....-..-.-.—....�-..... 5`�? ;+:. +�_ R � � �, � m `` xa� `� � : � _�� ;; p ' ' t `:x t;r r �.�. x . 1 � . � _;� r; :10. ..,r _ .r�' �; ' v ��: 1 � "-: s- 74<,`}! y � � r � ''�E`F:� ;Y .. 4 F ' a � ' �� r ''a' n4€''�k <�� � �:: r , � � �i 1: . � � � �� �� � � � �� � � �� � � � ooa . .. . . . .. sna : � �� �� � auo ' 300 1aa ioo i 1 '�~ _�a � �Nr �xe �sse Hio �o�i �oiv waw�n rrhrn BURGLARY AND THEFT BY MONTH 2O12 �a i euecwer � �_�__ 60 � t 's �� �. �.. � ���� , �ri` s �_ � � � , t t �' l 3 b � 50 .„} "g, 3 � .x " } ��� � � � � � � .�. .. ��� �S� r` r v t0 � �� � � .i.'sa.. r� !U � .J P � s` � l0 �� k i " � � �k �= � t r >^ ,�, .r ` ;� �. 1l+�'+,a'. y �� � F t€, r` �y`S 4,1� 'K f 44 5 �� ;{ s � ir t` � £ . � r � �� hr:f 0 ��''� , � � '�+ � `� �'� �.� �' �� r�`� S �c �t 4/8/2013 DHe: Time: Prior Lake �.�#: ���r�: naa«�: Warnine! �� �� • Your garage door was found open tonight by �, � the Prior Lske Police DepaRmeot. �, •'[7iia is rn open invitation to a criminel �, intending to sleal your property or attanpting U � to melce envy into your home. • For Ihe protection of you and your property, pleese close your guage door �nd lock tbe service door to yau home. • Lock all vehicles in your driveway end mnove �INNESO�p` valuables and garage door openers. Take an active role in keeainQ P oliee vour familv and urouertv safe! Please contact the Prior L.ake Police Depa�ment with D e p a rtm e n t 8°y Questions or concems: 952-440-3555. • 0'C}i[2 ASSAULTti� Consists ol all assauhs and attempted assaults which are simplz or minor in nature • FORGERYAND COIJNTERFEITING: All o9enses dealing with maldng, altering uttering orpossession with intent to defraud anything false in a semblance of [hat which is tme • FRAUD. Obtaining monep by false preiense. Includes bad checks, eic., excrpt lurgeries • EMBEZZLEMENT: Misappropriation of money or property entrusted to one's care • STOLf_Y PROPERTY': 6uyinu, receiving, possessing or concealing stolen property • VANDAI.ISM: Willful or malicious destruction or defacement of pubic or private property • �VEAPO.�'S: M1fanulacturz, sale or possession of deadly �veapons or silencers, curying deadh� weapons • PROSTITCITION: Sex o6enses of a commercialized naNre — prostitution, disorderly house, pandering, etc. • Sf_S OfFENSES: All ses otPenses uther than forcible mpe, prostitution Indecent esposure, mornls • NARCOTICS: UnlawCul possession, sale, use, growing, manufaciuring and making of narcotic drugs • Ge\hIBLING- Promoting, pemiining or engaging in gambling • FAMII..Y AND CHO..DREN: Non-support, negleet, or abuse such as desertion, abandonment, neglect or abuse of a child, or nonpaymrnt of alimony • DRI VING U�1DGR THG I;QPLUENCL: Liquor or drugs • LIQUOR LAWS: With the exception of drunkenness and driving under the intluence, all state and local liquor law violations • DISORDGIiLl'CONDOC'f/DISTURBINGTF[C-PEACF;: • ALL OTI-�R OFFENSBS: 10 4/8/2013 2012 UNIFORM CRIME REPORT PRIOR LAKE PART II CRIMES zoo� zoos � zoio Zoii �oiz OTHERASSAUUS 113 �3 ?4 7'? _.. 112 FORGERY/COUN7cfl=Eii;:Jc 51 .� iS ll E i� FRAUD 77 76 71 75 74 �, C'�.'?EZZLEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;701.EN PROPERTY 11 a 6 3 4 c. Vf.fJDAIISM 193 188 149 124 127 1`^ '.'/[APONS 7 SO SO � 5 2 , PG[?;TITUTION 3 0 2 0 0 0 OTHERSEXCRIMES 10 2A 15 il 5 7 �•'�..r.rOTICS 63 6i 75 72 171 25, ���.'>IaLING 0 1 0 0 0 0 ��'�`:llLYfCHILDREN 27 25 21 9 9 1'. C_�t 207 135 92 49 69 ,._ L'��:-1��,1JRLAWS 69 60 63 56 33 i;. GGOPDERLYCONDUCT 123 173 15A 115 159 11i . �.i �..,. __ , �.9:: _. _y.7 7?, PARTIICRIME 1171 1031 912 745 948 1079 TOTALCRIME 1729 1532 1431 1200 1428 1553 '• � e '..�,�. ��'� :�: �� �T. Part 11 Offenses ase seyresei�ted by twenF� "fesa senous' crime class�ficalions�. 11 � i � Narcotics � �... . .. . . .�.� 250 .._.___ ___ ,_.._.. . -.,__._._ _.. _._ _ . _:__'. ... __._ ,.___ _�__. 200 .__... .. _..__ ....... __ ._ ..._ . . ... ..... .. .. . _._._ 1 W .... .. . . . .. _ . . _ . _ . . . . . . . . . _ . .. _ _ _ _ _.._..._,. _. _—__ 140 ... . . .. ...... . . . . . .. ... ......, 50 - _ __ __.. -_ _.._ _ _ _ _,,, Q . - �:_ _ �� —_.�. ��_ __r__ • ,.�`��� .. �._' � ___ 2007 2008 ]009 2010 2011 2012 NARCOTICS WITHOUT 616 2011/12 INCREASES i.00 ;.._,_. _._...- �--------- - -�— '—�--- � ------.. ._--._ _ ._._.: .. j �:ao '... ._._.... .._._ _ .. . .... _. .. ._ .. _ _ _ . ... ..... .... . _ --.._..... ioao t_ . >� ---_— -------'- _._._._. � . . aoo . . � . . . . . . . . . . . �. . : :.: .;- �.� uoo -- � � -- - - - � ---- - -. �-- � --- --� --- wo �: .. __����_: .._._._...._. ___._,..... __�..�- --._..._...__ ruo 's--_. � .�. ----. _.�_.�__ . .. � .. .�., :.�� 0 i�....._ _:.��:._.._ __.�'_. ._._:._.. :__�;- .__.- '._.:. �noi �ona �oo� vu�a �on �ut� % • 1 VANDALISM aso --____ .._.. ._. _._.____ _......_ mn �: .. .. . . . iso : �_W ��— __�—_ -___,_.� -�_.�..__._ �oo -.___ � _.____- - — - ----.. s° - . _ _ .-- _ o �5 -., ��": __.�. � � zoo� �ooa xoo9 �oio �au �oiz ioou ---- — - �eoo �_ �� — - ieao ,,,,..�........_....,,+._... ._. � ...�..,,..s 1400 � 1100 }� �._,;j � 1000 F+^^ _ 1 900 t' 1 wo �..-�.- � �loo � . z.' ° x ' �. r� "� ;sa j ���. mo �� ' a,�_ a ;i� r...� . ,� �'�s � F: � �'3'� r F' _ ��t 7N7 � Np� Ilif 76to �� tali � . 7oII - .. . . � � : �lVutl ■PafLL � � � 4/8/2013 . _, „o ,_ ,_, =m ,:: �u� an. REPORTED CRIME 2011 3000 2576 �;�_- 2500 ,,��R-.. 2000 � ° � 1470 Z � P�OR LAKE 1500 122� -� SAVAGE 1106 r� SHAKOPEE 1000 r��.`=- 9�8 - 663 500 480 _ _ 0 - -- -- , --- -� PARTI PARTII TOTAL 14 4/8/2013 Pdiu CMef Bitl O'RouAe LieNenanl R.HOhUE SergeaMS DeteNives T.IGMert G.Olson J. Sla�ger J. Rozga G.2oAner B.Ciagoe Rewrtls Supv. Galro101ficen C.Idine R.Plchartls J.MCHeney R. FrelOerg (Vacanq S.JOAnson RewMSqerMs D. GolA�ammer C Ostlk o. wnne �vawm� . C. Johnwn D. Schuep' CJAtlelmann KOlwn N. Denmark A.Bose D. Olson C. Scheekr S.GnA C50 Ne���� ��aU��� sMSC ua�so M. TaboM � 15� 719 Lohon M. O'MeMr 6 7 8 9 1 1 12 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 A 0 1 P a O O O O O O O O O O b c d O O O O O O O O O O e f h O O O O O O O O i O O O O O O O O I I I I 1 1 I I k I 1 1 I I I I I 1 5 5 S S S ¢ 5 5 5 5 S � 5 S 6 S$ 5 5 m . n L L L L l L L l. 0 O = Officer 5 = Sergeant Line h= School Resource Officer, Monday through Friday Line i= SMSC Uaison Officer, Monday through Friday Line j and k= Invertigators, Monday through Friday Line I= Day[ime Sergeant and Wernight 5ergeants, work 5 on 4 otf schedule so no[ staffed everyday line m= Chief, Monday [hrough Friday Line n= lieutenant, Monday [hrough Friday Line o=Traftic shik, but not currently staffed being one officer sFwrt 15 4/8/2013 Cl)LL1Al3UI:rtiI�lONS • I'ri-City 1'actica( "I'eam: Prior Lake, Sava�e, Shal:oPee beg<m this Joint Po�vers I�ntit� that now includes the Scot�t and Carver County Sherit��s Departments • Si�uth���est Metro Drue "I'ask Horce: Qesides Prior 1_ake membar includc Shakopze 1'D, Jurdan PD, i3elle Plaine PU, HuYchinson I'D, South Lnke MinneCOnl�a PD, �intl thc Scott. Carver tmcl McLeod Counlv Sherifl"s Oflices • Seott Count�� Public SaPet�y Answerin� Poinl (PSAP), aka, 9-I-i • Scott Co�nt�� Regional "fraininp Facilih� • Crime Scene Processing (Scott County SherifCan<I 13ureau ofCriminaLlpprehension) • Scott ]oint Proseculion Associ�lioi� • AccidentReconstrucCion Sert�ices (Minnesot�� State Natrolj • S11e ancl SoberiOperation Nig C�riClick it or "I'icket • Alcohol and tobncco compiiance checks • Scott Counfy Investigators and'Cri-Counri� ]n�•eslioators meet regidarl� to di�cuss/compnre npen in� csti��ations Services • Vehicle lock outs • Infant Car Seat Checks • Fingerprinting for our citizens • Vacation home checks • Premise Security checks • Funeral escorts • Help arganize Neighborhood Watch groups • Participate in Crime Free Multi-housing • Solicitor and peddler permit background checks • Process and review Outdoor Event permits • Issue Permits to Purchase Handguns • Recently gained patrol and emergency response responsibility to a beautiful regional park 16 4/8/2013 HANDGUN PERMITS TO PURCNASE � ,>� . � '..�. �. � . ��: ; �� e Permits Approved 133 194 305 108 POLICE EMPLOYEES AS OF OCTOBER 31, 2011- URBAN POPULATION 10,000 TO 25,000 STATINIDE AYERAGE:1.4 PER 1,000 ,�, � � : �. ��7�iR.��,•C e�e�.'� .,,,. � �,e.:.. .,-�� , -� ;. ��� �'d �,�� . . �� �'� i 6:- ��s�E �� ' d� �e ' s .��an� � ` r�t'+.? .. � . , . ' � y �" . � F ���.A� � �., �� S, � ���`",�� 3 �. ��.� � 5���? d t �. ���� N� s� xr�e. ... '.' '.3�.� a �'�:�°: .'c��- ����'�a'�"� .. �`���� ��� � ����,.�F�,.�z�� � a���,�aaHr� . � p < ��. ° ��s�ma�saF-�^i �er ���,� i�.aas� � sr.�msammr� . r.x°.�`.. . . . . 17 4/8/2013 �'U�li;k ktr1p10YEE5 GS 0� UCTOBER 31, 2011— URBAN POPULATION OF 25,00 TO 50,000 STATEWIDE AVERAGE:1.2 PER 1,000 ��� � � �� CHASKA 25,424 24 <l SAVAGE 29,151 32 1.1 SHAKOPEE 36,290 45 1.2 OAKDALE 27,358 31 1.1 P210R LAKE 30,000 36 � 1.2 �""d�""`"" PRIOR LAKE I SPRING LAKE ANNEXA � �_ x,. .�. � — �t i �__�, ��� . � fl10►OiED i �� � - ���� 1 � ANNt%ATIOM �' J �'�` --�,_ -_ �'i' `'i� L f�L� r''" �--�-� � — i �� � _ PP.OR �Ik ,' i � ; �a, SNdY,OP[E �� r - `�,_, � :mm \ J i n= � � ( - - ! � :. SA�tAGE � , � _� ' I n �J� . , �, � 1 �� � � ,- - _ - ,�: - �, - �� � � �i �: ��� i '�� .. , - � ,,� � :��,F ; = � __ — ..�.� � � J r.= � -_ � � r '\ � � - ��„� 1 � �� �� , ! �i � � ^ � o.�w.��r.�.w ..wr � . � ..f ., � �� '� � I �'_�.. . �'�. 1 0 4/8/2013 AS WE GROW: THE NEXT FIVE SWORN POSITIONS: l) PATROL SERGEANT (This position was added in December 2012) 2) ADD[TIONAL INVESTIGATOR AND THE CREAT[ON OF A LEAD INVESTIGATOR POSITION Or 3) POLICC OFFICER 4) LIEUTGNANT This would go hand in hand with creating a Captain or Deputy Chief's position. The Lieutenant would assume day watch supervisory duties for the �atrol officers, thus allowing the day Sergeant to be asstgned as a second overnight supervisor. 5) PATROL OFFICER This growth will also require an expansion of our support personnel; both in necessitating addition transcnpUon help as well as a crime mapping, analysis tyPe position involved in crime prevention efforts throughout the City (this type of position has the potential to be another collaborative effort between agencies). IN THE NEXT 5 YEARS, 13 OF OUR 24 OFFICERS COULD RETIRE CHANGES TO PERA MAY ACCELLERTE SOME OF THEIR PLANS 19 4/8/2013 UNCHARTED WATERS "Seems to be a`good `ol boys culture in police and fire that needs to be broken down and addressed with respect to public perception." Council input to City Manager's evaluation. 20 4/S/2013 There have becn two ollicers who have left wider difterent circumstances for various reasons. One was a good officer who made a couple of really stupid decision. One of those was while on duty and he was terminated — a termination that withsrood an arbitration hearing and which was, according to the arbitrator a result of the high standards set for tl�e dcpartment and that all the `Ps were dotted and the `T's were crossed. In the second instance, misconduct was reported by another officer — you don't see that in `a good `ol boys club'. The men and women of the Prior Lake Police Depariment take pride in their jobs and their service to thc community. They are extremel}' proud of the results of the latest community survey fhat showed satisfaction with policing at levels higher than the experts at the polling company normally see. �-i.., . , . ���� _ .;, .._. �. ��� �;° `—___-�� _, � �� , 21 4/8/2013 ; Neight�orhood Police Patrolling _ . . .� �=' - - ,� r ,�--- --- — e� " ._ � : �q � ��'rJOSU.erl � . .. �Y.6�uay I , , ; „ on„ s��) f , ,a _ .. i m i � tl � � � D--1 Tw Ysa l /rAIIW Vrww[ri`N� Um�.r . . �SS_�.. . �i. . � f'ubiic Safety Concern i . ,--------- R� �� . �� �� �..�.� �..'� , . ,. ,� „ � �. >.� � �_:t;, _. 22 4/8/2013 _ __. __ _ __. _ , c�ty ' -- -. _ I � °�,�, .� � � -' �;� ,� � ' �. _ i � '� � _ �.., „� ; _ _. i Most Serious Issue . . ., ,... -- —.__.. � w , , i , ....:W a�.w, � ..<. �a,,,,..,,,, � �__ ��_ 23 Y l I