HomeMy WebLinkAbout4A-2012 Annual Finacial ReportI Nmrso� 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: June 17, 2017 AGENDA #: 4A PREPARED BY: Jerilyn Erickson, Assistant Treasurer AGENDA ITEM: CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE 2012 FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SPECIAL REVENUE FUND DISCUSSION: Introduction The 2012 City of Prior Lake annual financial report was presented to the City Council on May 28 and June 10, 2013 by Jim Eichten, Managing Partner of the auditing firm of Malloy, Montague, Karnowski & Radesovich & Company, P.A. (MMKR). Attached to this agenda report are the pertinent pages from the City of Prior Lake 2012 annual financial report which reflect the activity and balances for the EDA: 1) Combining Balance Sheet and 2) Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances. Conclusion If commissioners have questions please feel free to contact me at 952- 447 -9841 for more information. FINANCIAL The December 31, 2012 fund balance for the EDA is $5,453. IMPACT: The adopted 2013 budget includes a new EDA tax levy of $150,000. The projected December 31, 2013 fund balance is $8,469, assuming that all budgeted revenues are received and budgeted expenditures are spent. ALTERNATIVES: The following alternatives are available to the EDA: 1. A motion to accept the 2012 Financial Report as submitted. 2. Take no action and provide the staff with specific direction. RECOMMENDED Alternative 1. MOTION: # PR,1 2 � MEMORANDUM TO: Prior Lake Economic Development Authority FROM: Jerilyn Erickson, Assistant Treasurer RE: Financial Report dated 12/31/2012 The financial report presented as part of this agenda item reflects activity for all of 2012. The significant issues are summarized below. Revenues Revenues reflect a grant received from Scott County CDA for the fiber network study as well as a transfer of funds from the City's General Fund and interest earnings. Expenditures Personnel, commissioner per diems, professional services (for broadband report and financial analysis), legal fees, Venture Fair set up costs and the National Business Incubation Association membership comprise the majority of the total expenditures. In addition, startup costs incurred in 2012 for the Technology Village Incubator were approximately $13,300. The remaining startup costs will be incurred in 2013. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds Combining Balance Sheet as of December 31. 2012 Assets Cash and investments Cash held in escrow Accounts receivable Total assets Liabilities and Fund Balances Liabilities Accounts and contracts payable Accrued salaries and employee benefits payable Due to other governmental agencies Deposits payable Unearned revenue Total liabilities Fund balances Restricted for economic development Assigned for capital improvements Assigned for development Assigned for communications Total fund balances Total liabilities and fund balances Capital ED Revolving Revolving Cable Park Loan Loan DAG Franchise E DA Total $ 298,306 $ 116,172 $ 90,213 $ 1,043,071 $ 51,704 $ 23,745 $ 1,623,211 - - - - 10,000 - 10,000 1,179 451 350 - - 39 2,019 $ 299,485 $ 116,623 $ 90,563 $ 1,043,071 $ 61,704 $ 23,784 $ 1,635,230 $ 8,266 $ - $ - $ 21,718 $ - $ 15,776 $ 45,760 - - - - - 2,234 2,234 - - - - 321 321 - - - 29,730 10,000 - 39,730 33,750 - - - - - 33,750 42,016 - - 51,448 10,000 18,331 121,795 - 116,623 90,563 - - - 207,186 257,469 - - - - - 257,469 - - - 991,623 - 5,453 997,076 - - - - 51,704 - 51,704 257,469 116,623 90,563 991,623 51,704 5,453 1,513,435 $ 299,485 $ 116,623 $ 90,563 $ 1,043,071 $ 61,704 $ 23,784 $ 1,635,230 Pages 64 and 65 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Nonmajor Special Revenue Funds Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances Year Ended December 31, 2012 Pages 66 and 67 Capital ED Revolving Revolving Cable Park Loan Loan DAG Franchise EDA Total Revenues Intergovernmental $ 493,500 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 15,000 $ 508,500 Charges for services 77,996 - - 421,388 6,416 - 505,800 Interest on investments 5,604 2,926 2,273 - - 1,340 12,143 Miscellaneous Contributions and donations 150,000 - - - - - 150,000 Total revenues 727,100 2,926 2,273 421,388 6,416 16,340 1,176,443 Expenditures Current Economic development - - - - - 176,200 176,200 Capital outlay 944,852 - - 114,945 - - 1,059,797 Total expenditures 944,852 - - 114,945 - 176,200 1,235,997 Excess (deficiency) ofrevenues over expenditures (217,752) 2,926 2,273 306,443 6,416 (159,860) (59,554) Other financing sources (uses) Transfers in 355,619 - - - - 29,250 384,869 Transfers out (33,750) - - - - - (33,750) Total other financing sources (uses) 321,869 - - - - 29,250 351,119 Net change in fund balances 104,117 2,926 2,273 306,443 6,416 (130,610) 291,565 Fund balances Beginningofyear 153,352 113,697 88,290 685,180 45,288 136,063 1,221,870 End of year $ 257,469 $ 116,623 $ 90,563 $ 991,623 $ 51,704 $ 5,453 $ 1,513,435 Pages 66 and 67