MEETING DATE: June 17, 2013
PREPARED BY: Dan Rogness, Community & Economic Development Director
DISCUSSION: Introduction
The Scott County Board has provided funds to include this county in a regional Economic Gardening
Program. This program aims to target participation from businesses who meet certain criteria (noted
below). The EDA is being asked to identify potential businesses in Prior Lake to inquire about their
interest in participation.
The Scott County Board of Commissioners agreed to provide funds that would allow all eligible
businesses in the county to participate in a new "Economic Gardening Program" which targets ex-
isting rg owth companies. This program, initiated by the Edward Lowe Foundation, supports entre-
preneurship through research, recognition and education. Counties participating in 2013 include
Anoka, Carver, Hennepin, Scott, and Suburban Ramsey.
Current Circumstances
Those businesses who may be eligible to appy include: (1) for - profit, privately held companies
headquartered in the participating counties; (2) companies that generate annual revenue of between
$1 and $50 million; (3) companies that employ between 10 and 99 full -time employees; (4) compa-
nies that can demonstrate growth over the past five years; and (5) companies that provide products
or services beyond the local area.
Through the economic gardening program an eligible business can receive the flowing types of ben-
efits: (1) identifying and prioritizing sales leads and business opportunities; (2) refining core strate-
gies and business models; and (3) using social media to connect with customers. A regional network
is then established to provide companies access to highly skilled research specialists that will be
matched with the qualifying /selected companies.
The EDA should identify potential participants from this community; once identified, City staff can
target those companies with information about the program. Applications are due by mid -July.
ISSUES: Based on the selection criteria, this program may be better suited for communities with larger busi-
nesses, such as Shakopee; however, what businesses here are potential participants?
ALTERNATIVES: 1. Provide direction to staff related to which local companies may be targeted as participants in
the regional Economic Gardening Program.
2. Continue discussion at a future meeting.
RECOMMENDED Alternative #1.
ATTACHMENTS: Economic Gardening Program Information.
Better information, better decisions
and a beta (--�r way to Delp your company!
You know more about your company than anyone else.
But like most CEOs you could probably use some
help when it conies to decisions about new
tuarkets, generating sales leads or deriving
more v alue from your website. We realize
You tcouldn't ty pically look to economic
development or entrepreneur support
organizations for this type of lielp but that 8 L/
Ilia) be changing as we i ipletment the
Economic Gardening Program.
Econornic Gardenin represents a new way of
thinking about supporting growth companies and letting
business owners kn how important they are to our local
economies. So instead of offering traditional incentives like
tax credits or real estate discounts, we're offering sonnething
that tnight be even nnore valuable to you: information --
strategic information — gathered with your guidance and
specifically for your connpany We've observed this nnodel it
many other areas around the country and seen what kind of
impressive results it produces.
Who should apply?
To be eiigib;e for the pr ogram, par must:
• Be a for- profit privately held company that has
been headquartered in Hennepin, Carver, Anoka,
Ramsey or Scott County for at least the past two
• Generate annual revenue or working capital of
between $1 million and $50 million.
• Employ between 10 and 99 full -time employees,
• Demonstrate growth in employment and /o• revenue
during two of the past five years.
• Provide products or services beyond the local area
to regional, national or global markets.
• For more info, visit httpsl /hcrs.nationalcentereg.org
Here's how it works: Partnering with the National
Center for Economic Gardening, we've set up a
®� Y•. regional network to provide virtual access to
teams of highly skilled research specialists
t , that will be matched with a select group of
qualifying companies. Using private conference
c � calls and a secure online workspace this team will
y interview the company to help identify specific
issues. The team devotes about 60 hours to each
company over the course of a few months as
p the}' stork quickly to deliver action- oriented
information. In addition to the research teann, the
program also includes peer learning opportunities via CEO
roundtables and forums.
This program is available only to companies that meet
certain criteria — and is offered to them at no cost. As a
growing company, you snake a positive impact on our local
economy. We want to help you make an even bigger impact.
Econotic Gardening services are specifically designed
to help growing companies make better decisions while
navigating the challenges associated with growth.
What to expect
Fees: Costs arc covered by regional of state organizations
who have pooled funds to support this program.
Time: Accepted companies will spend about 60 hours over
the course of eight months collaborating with their research
team. Participants will also attend CEO roundtables and
forunns. (Attendance is nnandatory for at least six of the
eight roundtable sessions and three of the four forums.)
Potential issues: Identifying and prioritizing sales leads
and business opportunities; refining your core strategies
and business model and using social nnedia to connect with
customers and create buzz about your products or services
Logistics: For the research component, you don't even have.
to leave your office. All communications are handled through
the phone and a secure online portal where a -workspace will
be assigned to your company
Feedback fi CEOs
Hundreds of companies across the cot miry hive tested crud
irnplernent:ed this progran) with outstanding results:
"Economic Gardening is like a shot of adrenaline for a business... There are things you
know you should be doing to grow, but there simply aren't enough hours in the day to get
to them.The program creates structure and deadlines, and gives you resources to research
some of those strategic issues"
4 jC� The Edward Lowe Foundation is a nonprofit crgonizotion that supports entrepreneurship through research
4.1 P. recognition and educationol prvgrarns, which ore deGvercd through entrepreneur support organizations (ECf Nj
The Notional Center for Ecenortrc Gardening is a partnership betw een Uie foundation and Ch +is Grbbons.
NATIONAI. CENTER FOR NCEG defilers economic Gardening Serv;ces and maintains notional standards in truiriAg and certification for
ECoN04uC GARDENING both regionoi cud stotewide net works. For more info, visit vA-nvedwordlowe.org
'The three [research, roundtables and forums] were synergistic. Discussion on how other
roundtable members used or planned to use the research techniques or information from
the forums helped illustrate how I might possibly use them for my business:'
— Stevphen Doas, COO of Global Tax Network (GTN),
on international assignment tax firm in Maple Grove, Minn.
"My roundtable group also confirmed that our game plan for growth was on track, which
was really helpful. Knowing what you're doing right can be just as beneficial as knowing
what to do differently."
How to get started
'lo learn more about eligibility requirements, visit
Complete the online application. Among other
things, you'll be asked to subrtut revenue and
employment numbers for the past five years. You'll
also be asked to list strategic business issues you
need help with.
Someone from our organization swill contact you
within 24 hours.
Your application will be reviewed by the selection
�> Once accepted into the program, we'll schedule an
interview between you and the research team to
start the process.
-- Mike Fox, CEO of Ingenuity IEQ,
a provider of indoor air quality solutions based in Midland, Mich.
— Loren O'Brien, CEO of B &F Fastener Supply,
a Minneopolis -bored distributor of industrial and construction supplies
Value for your time
Our Economic Gardening program inclu not only research
services, but also a peer- learning component in the form of CEO
roundtables and forums. The goal of combining these three
educational experiences is to accelerate the value that entrepreneurs
receive and make every interaction more nnearungfiil.
For example, the research assistance provides just -in -time
information to roadblocks that CEOs are facing. Forums give
participants an opportunity to learn from a seasoned entrepreneur
who has successfully exited second stage and roundtables enable
participants to learn from other second- stagers, in addition, roundtable
facilitators make introductions to CLo s in other roundtables or
at quarterly forums — and recognize when the research team
could address a specific issue for participants. Bottomline, this is a
holistic program that's geared to arm second - stagers with the right
information, resources and referrals so they can make better decisions
and grow their businesses faster.
For more info, contact:
Anoka, Carver, Hennepin, Scott &
Suburban Ramsey Economic Gardening Plot
Twin Cities Regional Economic Gardening Partnership
Recognizing the need for sustained growth of second -stage growth companies the Counties of
Hennepin, Carver, Anoka, Scott and Suburban Ramsey established the Regional Economic
Gardening Partnership to provide select growth companies with free business research and
enhanement. Companies who participate in this free opportunity must show potential for job
creation and long business growth. Applications are submitted on line until July 15, 2013.
Hennepin County previously funded a "Pilot" Economic Gardening project which assisted in the
design of this current Partnership program. Hennepin County is the lead Agency with support
from Ramsey, Scott and Carver Counties. The Counties will implement the Edward Lowe
Foundation's Economic Gardening Program to provide practical tools and techniques designed
specifically for growing regional second stage companies within the Counties (see map)
including provision of:
Custom Research: Forty (40) hours per CEO of three "pods" of fifteen (15) selected core
companies (for a total of forty five (45) companies);
CEO Roundtable Sessions: eight (8) half -day sessions for the CEO's of the forty -five
(45) selected core companies; and
CEO Forum Events: Four (4) sessions for CEO's of up to 100 additional companies per
Contacts in each of the Counties are:
Hennepin and Carver - Ron White
I •on.white@co.henn e in.mn.us
952 -881 -6577
Scott County- Larry Raddatz
612 -518 -3142
Suburban Ramsey- Denise Beigbeder
Denise. bei bg ederReco.ramsey.mn.us
651 -266 -8005