HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 17 2013 Planning Commission meeting minutes PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, June 17, 2013 1. Call to Order: Acting Chairman Roszak called the June 17, 2013 Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Those present were Commissioners, Roszak, Blahnik, Spieler, Hite, Planner Jeff Matzke, Community and Economic Development Director Dan Rogness, City Engineer Larry Poppler and Community Development Assistant Peter Aldritt. 2. Approval of Agenda: MOTION BY ROSZAK, SECONDED BY SPIELER TO APPROVE THE JUNE 17, 2013 MEETING AGENDA VOTE: Ayes, Blahnik, Spieler, Hite, and Roszak. The Motion carried. 3. Consider Approval of June 3, 2013 Meeting Minutes: MOTION BY HITE, SECONDED BY BLAHNIK TO APPROVE THE JUNE 3, 2013 MEETING MINUTES. VOTE: Ayes, Spieler, Hite, Blahnik, and Roszak. The Motion carried. 4. Public Hearings: A. DEV-2013-0005 Copper Cove Preliminary Plat. K. Hovnanian Homes is proposing a residential subdivision of approximately 68 single family lots to be known as Copper Cove. The subject property is located south of County Road 42, on the north side of Lower Prior Lake, east of Blue Bird Trail and west of Sand Point Beach. Planner Matzke presented K. Hovnanian Homes has submitted request for approval of a Preliminary Plat to be known as Copper Cove. The property is located on a 45 acre site located at a site south of County Highway 42 west of Ferndale Avenue. The development plan calls for a residential development consisting of 68 Low Density single family residential lots. The area encompasses two parcels of land with wooded areas to the north, open field areas in the center, and one residential homes site to the south near the shoreline of Prior Lake. Engineer Poppler presented on the utilities and the road connections related to the plat. There will be connections to our major collector roads and minor collector roads in the area. It is important that these connections are in place correctly. Once the vacant land to the west is developed, it will allow traffic to flow to these roads smoothly. He discussed the grading on the site as well as the wetlands and a trail location around the wetland. 1 Planner Matzke stated there are still some comments that have not been addressed. Due to state statutes, there is time limit that expires on July 15; that is why the Planning Commission is reviewing it tonight. Matzke did receive notification that K. Hovnanian is planning on extending the deadline. Commissioner Questions: Blahnik asked whether the north cul-de-sac complies with city standards? Engineer Poppler responded yes. Blahnik asked about the sewer line along Ferndale; would there be a lift station? Engineer Popper responded no because it is a gravity system. Spieler asked about the sewer system and the difference in line lengths; why would it need to go all the way around a neighborhood? Engineer Poppler responded this is the interceptor line that flows to the water treatment facility; the future line needs to connect to that existing one. Spieler asked how development to the east flows? Engineer Poppler responded that it flows to the south. Spieler asked how the proposed south cul-de-sac design is different than the city standard? Engineer Poppler responded that the shape does not have a long throat tear drop shape. Staff feels that the cul-de-sac is unnecessary. With some modifications, it could be eliminated. Spieler asked about the cost to maintain the proposed retaining wall around a pond? Engineer Poppler responded about $20.00 per foot; the wall is about 4 feet tall and nearly surrounds the pond. Spieler asked how much maintenance is involved for a retaining wall? Engineer Poppler responded that there is not frequent maintenance, but if masonry comes loose or it starts to fall apart, the city needs to get out and repair it. Spieler asked about the easement along the shoreline? The city would like it in the street? Engineer Poppler responded there will be costs to move it to the street, but it will be worth it in the long run. It takes a lot of staff time dealing with easements in the middle of back yards and it greatly increases the chance of structures being placed in the easement. Access is much more difficult when it is in a yard versus the street. 2 Hite asked if it were to be changed to city standards would there be an impact to the retaining wall? Engineer Poppler responded that is undetermined. Roszak asked about the trunk sewer line; does the development to the east and west drain to the sewer; was it designed for that? Engineer Poppler responded yes; it was designed for that. MOTION BY BLAHNIK, SECONDED BY SPIELER TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 6:40 P.M. VOTE: Ayes, Hite, Spieler, Blahnik, and, Roszak. The motioned carried. Applicant Kevin Clark K. Hovnanian Homes presented on the project. This is a complicated project. City staff has done an excellent job working with us. There are issues and disagreements, but there is agreement in many areas. The goals are to develop the land in the most efficient and effective way to provide quality housing stock that boosts the tax base. He then went on to discuss the specific goals and objectives of the plan. Commissioner Questions: Hite asked are there traffic studies on Ferndale? Applicant Clark responded they did counts and projections on Ferndale. Hite asked how many cars are estimated to use Ferndale? Applicant Clark responded it is most likely that the cars will take the path of least resistance and go to Carriage Hills Parkway and then to the light. Hite asked what is the strategy to work together on this project and resolve all of these issues? If the item is tabled, how will these issues get resolved? Applicant Clark responded it takes time to get comments answered and to figure everything out. When a proposal is brought forth city staff reviews it and then the comments are directed back to us to change. There are still a lot of different options out there. More discussion is needed. It is great to have the Planning Commission’s and the public’s input tonight. Hite asked about the easement along the lake; if the sanitary sewer line would be relocated in the street, would that require a lift station? Applicant Clark responded no it would not, but this will happen in phases. There would be numerous intermediate steps to finally get the pipe in the street and be able to serve all the residents on the lake. Blahnik asked about their previous proposal to include smaller lots and a PUD. 3 Applicant Clark responded that originally they presented a concept plan for a PUD with reduced lot sizes. The current proposal is for a traditional development that meets all of the City’s standards. Blahnik stated he is glad that the current proposal is for a traditional development and that the developer will be signing the extension for the review period. Blahnik asked about the trail around the pond; did they consider having the trail go completely around the pond? Applicant Clark responded they have looked at it, but there is a buffer around the wetland and the terrain is very steep; it would require numerous tree removal and retaining walls. There is not an easy and practical way of getting the trail completely around the wetland. Blahnik asked if it would be possible to connect the trail around the entire pond, excluding the south shore of the pond. Applicant Clark responded that in order to take the trail north we would have to either get permission to build in the no-build zone or they would lose a lot. Blahnik stated that as an option, they could possibly construct the trail along the north east part of the pond and connect to Ferndale. Blahnik asked it would make sense to connect the northern cul-de-sacs to a future street to the east? Applicant Clark responded that connecting the northern cul-de-sac to the east is difficult; there would be some significant grade changes. The driveways would need to go to the north until that property is read to develop. It creates an inefficiency on the land due to the connection requirements on Carriage Hills Parkway. Blahnik stated he would like further exploration of the connection of the roads and to determine who owns the property to see if it would be feasible. Blahnik asked whether the neighboring properties are aware of these connection issues? Applicant Clark responded that he cannot speak for the owners, but they are not in a position to approach them. This would be taking on too much at one time. At this time and to the best of his knowledge, there has been little movement on the neighboring property to develop. Blahnik asked whether the neighboring property knows about sewer connection issues in regard to their property? Applicant Clark responded no; it is premature to say at this time. Blahnik asked about phasing. 4 Applicant Clark responded it is really market demand. We would not mast grade the whole site. We would phase each section and plat each phase as lots are sold. Spieler asked on the cul-de-sac could it be shifted to the south? Applicant Clark responded it would significantly affect the lake lots because of the grades. Spieler asked on the construction traffic where that would be access? Applicant Clark responded it would be through carriage hills parkway, as the development worked northward then a possible temporary access point off of 42 may be used. Spieler asked with the different phases what would the designs be? Would they be different through the phases? Applicant Clark responded currently we are in the design phase. They would be 2 level single family homes 2,100 to 2,900 square footages, in the 400s to upper 400s. The lake lots we may sell to custom builders. Spieler asked would there be variances on the lake lots? ApplicantClark responded the buyers would be aware of what city standards are. Spieler asked would there be an association with the neighborhood? Applicant Clark responded yes but only for the maintenance of the monument sign. Roszak asked about how many phases are anticipated if starting in the south and working north? Applicant Clark responded about 2 or 3 phases to go from the south line to the north line. Public Comment: John Shardlow, Stantec Engineering stated on behalf of the Bolger’s, he has been hired to help understand how to plan the piece of property and to learn how the Copper Cove Plat will affect the Bolger property. One concern is the connectivity of the road systems and a second concern is to not get stuck with the ghost plat. It is obvious that this property would be better developed as one and not each half at separate times. Since this is not the case, the developers need to do the best they can to not hinder one side or the other and to ensure a quality development. The Bolger’s are actively moving forward with development, and they still have issues to be worked out that may impact both sides. Joseph Kutz, 6350 Hampton St . stated currently Rolling Oaks neighborhood is on well and septic system. If the sewer line were to be extended to that area the neighborhood would need to be updated. The north south collector should be installed first to ease traffic flow before the 5 connection to 42 is complete. Ferndale, Ash Circle and Hampton due not meet City standards and should be updated before more traffic is directed on the streets. Lynn Spieker, 14226 Ash Circle NE presented her concerns about the development. The traffic impact on Ferndale is a concern as it is constructed narrowly and not able to handle a lot of traffic. The tree removal is significant it would be nice to see a greater replacement. What do the park dedication fees go to? The Prior Lake boat access will see an increase of use, how will that be handled? Tim Connors, 14113 Ash Circle NE stated the road connections need to be closely looked at. The traffic and direction of flow is a concern. Tom Schultz, 5403 Carriage Hills Road stated there should be a better plan for Ferndale. He had concerns about the roads and traffic flow. Ryan Nelson, 14198 Ash Circle NE stated his concerned with the traffic flow on ash circle and Ferndale, and the new proposed streets. Eve Gilder, 14240 Ash Circle NE stated her concern with the street traffic on Ash Circle and Ferndale and the impact on the neighborhood. Bob Scheeler, 14254 Ash Circle NE stated the land is very beautiful and the topography is great. He would like to see the property to be preserved as best as it could. Jim Spieker, 14226 Ash Circle NE stated his concern on the trees and that with the significant removal that proper replacement will be done MOTION BY BLAHNIK, SECONDED BY SPIELER TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:06 P.M. VOTE: Ayes by Blahnik, Spieler, Roszak and Hite. Commissioner Comments: Hite stated she appreciates the comments and concerns from the residents. It would be great to have both parcels develop together. It is nice to see that both representatives from the two sides were here to answer questions and present on the issues. She respects that the developer has worked closely with staff to try and address as many comments as possible. The concern related to the trail, she is pleased with the proposed trail, there would be significant tree removal and possibly damage to the pond if it were to go around the entire pond. There are outstanding issues and during this period of extension time the parties should work together to resolve these issues. City staff should look at Ferndale and how it will handle the increase of traffic. Hydrology is also a big issue that needs to be handled. She stated her recommendation is to table the issue until a later date. Spieler stated he echoed commissioner Hite’s comments. The collector road that goes north south should not hinder either side of the properties. The street connections and current conditions should be looked at. The park dollars should go to the local parks in that area verses a slush fund that is distributed to all the city parks. 6 Blahnik stated his support for tabling the project. He strongly encourages the property owners to try and work together. The overall plan would work so much better if they could work together. The trail system he echoed Spieler’s comments. He would like more attention to look at expanding the trail network around the pond. Roszak stated he echoed his commissioner’s comments and with the willingness of the applicant o work through the comments he supported tabling the item. Planner Matzke added to possibly table the item to a specific date and to consider the time for staffs review. Blahnik asked the applicant what date could they be ready by? th ApplicantClark stated July 15 th Hite asked what is the process? By the 15 that would allow for proper plan submittal and review time? Planner Matzke stated the developer will submit updated plans we will review them and get th comments back. By the 15 that should suffice enough time. Hite asked whether the meeting on the 15th would be a public meeting? Planner Matzke responded it would not be a public hearing. Roszak asked what is the extension deadline? th Planner Matzke responded the deadline is August 30. MOTION BY BLAHNIK SECOND BY SPIELER TO TABLE THE PROJECT UNTIL THE JULY TH 15 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. VOTE: Ayes Spieler, Roszak, Blahnik, and Hite. The motion carried. Commissioner Spieler was absent from the rest of the meeting. B. DEV-2013-1016 6424 Conroy Variance. Robert Welsch is requesting a Variance from the minimum front yard and side yard setback on a non-conforming lot in the R-1 (Low Density Residential) Zoning District. The property is located on the north end of Lower Prior Lake off at 6424 Conroy St. Planner Matzke presented Bob Welsch, property owner of the subject property, is requesting variances in order to allow for the construction of building additions on a property located at 6424 Conroy Street NE. The property is located along the northern shores of Lower Prior Lake, south of Greenway Avenue, and west of Shady Beach Trail. The property currently contains a single family home. The following variances are requested, a 6.1 foot variance from the required minimum 20 foot front yard setback using the average front yard setbacks of the 7 adjacent properties, a 4.0 foot variance from the minimum 15 foot sum of the side yards requirement. MOTION ROSZAK, SECONDED BY HITE TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING 8:36 P.M. VOTE: Ayes, Roszak, Blahnik, and Hite. The motion carried. MOTION BY HITE, SECONDED BY BLAHNIK TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:37 P.M. VOTE: Ayes, Roszak, Blahnik, and Hite. The motion carried. Commissioner Comments: Blahnik was in support of the variance, there are practical difficulties given the narrow nature of the lot and the larger right-of-way along Conroy Street. The applicant is not increasing the impervious surface. Hite stated support for the variance, there are practical difficulties to this lot, there is adequate right-of-way and since it is non-conforming lot she will be in support of the variances on including staffs recommended conditions. Roszak stated support of the variance based on staffs recommendations and comments. MOTION BY HITE SECOND BY BLAHNIK TO APPROVE THE VARIENCE FROM THE MINIMUM FRONT YARD SETBACK AND THE VARIACNE FROM THE MINIMUM SIDEYARD SETBACK IN THE R-1 ZONING DISTRICT. VOTE: Ayes Hite, Roszak, and Blahnik. The motion carried. C. DEV-2103-1015 14590 Oakland Beach Variance. Wayne Mosey is requesting variances from the minimum building to building separation and front yard setback in the R-1 (Residential Zoning District) to construct a new single family home. The property is located on the east Shore of Lower Prior Lake off of Oakland Beach Ave. Planner Matzke presented Wayne Mosey, the property owner, is requesting variances from the minimum front yard setback and minimum building separation on a property located at 14590 Oakland Beach Avenue. The property is located on the eastern shores of Lower Prior Lake, southwest of Rustic Road. The site is currently vacant. The following variances are requested, a 12.6 foot variance from the required minimum 20 foot front yard setback using the average front yard setbacks of the adjacent properties, a 4.5 foot variance from the minimum 15 foot separation between all structures on the nonconforming lot and on the adjoining lot. He discussed the different variances and the rational for staff’s recommendation. He stated that one the conditions of approval is that the window well be moved. It currently encroaches into the setback and by changing grades could be eliminated or moved. Commissioner Questions: Hite asked on the window well, if they re-grade and use a retaining wall then it is not an encroachment? 8 Planner Matzke responded that is correct, if a retaining wall is under 4 feet then it is not considered a structure and does not have a setback. Blahnik asked how is the originally plated road held in title work? Planner Matzke responded it is currently a private road, there are other homes in the platted right away if the road were to have improvements they would just follow where the existing road is now. Blahnik asked on the segment properties how is that owned? Planner Matzke responded they are owned by the property owners on the lake. MOTION BY ROSZAK SECOND BY BLAHNIK TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:49 P.M. VOTE: Ayes Roszak, Blahnik, and Hite. The motioned carried. Applicant Wayne Mosey presented some of the background on the plated road and that it would be very expensive and unnecessary to ever move the road back into the original right- of-way. He stated Staff has been great to work with. Pam Dauffenbach 14580 Glendale Ave stated she lives at the property directly behind the subject property. Her concern is that the privacy of her lot would be in jeopardy and the esthetics of the house would not fit in the neighborhood. It would be tight with a house there up against the road. Blahnik asked is there trees along your pool and the property line? Can you see the lake there? Dauffenhach responded yes we have bushes along the back of the pool. She is able to see the lake now. MOTION BY ROSZAK SECOND BY HITE TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:57 P.M. VOTE: Ayes Roszak, Blahnik, and Hite. The motioned carried. Commissioner Comments: Blahnik stated the nature of this lot and with the unique right-of-way he supported the variances. He sympathized for the neighbor to the east but this seems to be the best way the house will fit on the lot. The property to the south is 5 feet from the lot line and the property to the north just has the garage close to the line. Hite stated her support for both variances the lot has practical difficulties. The applicant should follow staff’s recommendation to redesign the window well to not fall within the 9 encroachment. She appreciated the neighbor comments. The proposed house is similar to the neighborhood style. Roszak stated he will too will be supporting the variances. There are hardships and practical difficulties on the lot. MOTION BY ROSZAK SECOND BY HITE TO APPROVE A 12.6 FOOT VARIANCE FROM THE MINIMUM 20 FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACK. AND A 4.5 FOOT VARIANCE FROM THE MINIMUM 15 FOOT BUILDING SEPERATION, WITH THE CONDITION THAT THE WINDOW WELL DOES NOT ENCROACH IN THE SETBACK. VOTE: Ayes Roszak, Blahnik, and Hite. The motioned carried. C. Motor Vehicle Sales Ordinance Amendment. The purpose of the public hearing is to consider amendments to the City of Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance related primarily to the city’s C-2 (General Business) Zoning Use District in Section 1102.1103 (Subd. 3 Motor Vehicle Sales). Planner Matzke presented the purpose of this agenda item is to consider a request for the Planning Commission to initiate the review of amendments to Section 1102.1103 (Subd. 3 Motor Vehicle Sales) of the City of Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance. In an effort to make the Zoning Ordinance more “business friendly,” the Planning Commission and City Council have recently approved text amendments to the I-1, Industrial Use District to simplify the development process, provide more flexible design options and allow a wider variety of land uses and building materials within the City’s General Industrial District. City staff views this re- quest to initiate the review of amendments to Section 1102.1103 as another opportunity to consider amendments to make the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance more business friendly. City staff recommends approval of the request to initiate the review of amendments to section 1102.1103 of the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance. Commissioner Questions: Hite asked does storage and display have the same definition? Planner Matzke responded yes storage and display mean the same. Blahnik stated his support for the amendments. MOTION BY ROSZAK SECOND BY HITE TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 9:11 P.M. VOTE: Ayes Roszak, Blahnik, and Hite. The motioned carried. Tim Velishek with Velishek Auto presented the company is looking to expand their sales lot and obtain a conditional use permit. This change to ordinance will help the situation. MOTION BY ROSZAK SECOND BY HITE TO CLOSE THE PUBLI HEARING AT 9:12 P.M. VOTE: Ayes Roszak, Blahnik, and Hite. The motioned carried. Commissioner Comments: 10 Blahnik stated his support for the amendments, it seems to be consistent with the neighboring communities and it is nice to see staffs research and to make the amendments. Hite stated her support of the amendments, subject to staff looking at the changes to the ordinances to be more consistent. MOTION BY BLAHNIK SECOND BY ROSZAK TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCES. VOTE: Ayes Roszak, Blahnik, and Hite. The motioned carried. 5. Old Business: None 6. New Business: None 7. Announcements and Correspondence: None 8. Adjournment: MOTION BY ROSZAK, SECONDED BY HITE TO ADJORN THE MEETING. VOTE: Ayes, Roszak, Hite and Blahnik. The Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:14 p.m. Peter Aldritt, Community Development Assistant 11