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3 - 08 15 13 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MONDAY, July 15, 2013 1. Call to Order: Chairman Phelan called the July 15, 2013 Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Those present were Commissioners Roszak, Phelan, Spiele(s; Blahnik and Hite, Planner Jeff Matzke, Community and Economic Development Dire &0t -,"" Dan Rogness, Engineer Seng Thongvanh, Engineering and Building Inspections Director Larry Poppler, and Community Development Assistant Peter Aldritt. 2. Approval of Agenda: MOTION BY SPIELER, SECONDED BY HITE-;TO APPR AGENDA VOTE: Ayes by Blahnik, Spieler, Phelan, Hite, and"Ro 3. Consider Approval of July 1."20,.13:Nbeting Mi MOTION BY HITE, SECONDED BY ROSZAK TOS qP MINUTES WITH A FEW.CHANGES SUBMITTED;BY - VOTE: Ayes by Hite, '5ler, Phelan, Blah rtik;a'r>Ro� 4. Public Hearings: A. DEV-20:'130007"131uff8::of Sl behalf of �04pper Creek beVelo consisting of22._lots on an 8OJ subject site is l6,cated south ofd Birchwood and Meadow Avenu THE JULY 15, 2013 MEETING E JULY 1, 2013 MEETING he Motion carried. .Beach l'felimrriary Plat & P.U.D. Greg Schweich, on ertJs proposing a Preliminary Plat and P.U.D. development re's arcel to be known as the "Bluffs of Shady Beach". The jnty `koad 42, north of Shady Beach Trail, between Planner Matzke summa` ized that :Copper Creek Development has applied for approval of a Planned Unit Developmerit�`(?U,D;d approval of a Preliminary Plat to be known as the Bluffs of Shady Beach. The proposal`66)is'for a subdivision of the property into 22 lots and 2 outlots for the development of single family homes. He presented the updated plan revision showing the cul-de-sac with supporting documents. The lot sizes have increased, and one lot was eliminated from the original design. A traffic study was completed for the area. Engineer Thongvanh presented the grading and topography of the site. He discussed stormwater and the proposed two stormwater ponds. The stormwater ponds have been oversized to receive additional water from surrounding property. This is a significant part of the benefit that the developer is providing the city in support of a PUD. He reviewed the street connections, including recommendations city staff has made to the developer for the different connections. He emphasized that staff would like to see three connections made with the previously stubbed in Ridgeview streets and with Shady Beach. Commissioner Questions: Roszak asked about the grade change from Aspen to the proposed road connections and the proposed cul-de-sac. Engineer Thongvanh responded they are essentially the same, there is about a 4% grade change with the road connection. Hite asked how many cul-de-sacs are in the City; is therela';Yafio of homes on a cul -de --sac to the length of the cul-de-sac? Engineer Thongvanh responded there are about 200cukde-'96'es. in the city. City ordinance dictates that when topography and site conditiot��,Ore limiting, therm;=cul-de-sacs are allowed. The length of the cul-de-sac is limited to 500: et`by City ordinance�,:, Spieler asked how many lots would need to be rerj cul-de-sac was made by eliminating #h, Icul-de-sac Engineer Thongvanh responded prob- bIVIG'st,tbe one. Spieler asked whether thewould be a sidewalk Engineer Thongvanh,"(Ospon Spieler asked how long tlecUl-de sac;is as proposed? Engineer;;;TftoY''gva"nh respondecl;:about con nectioifrotn Aspen to the Blahnik askedfor further inforMatiori"about the conservation easement. Planner Matzke`'rQ"sponded thaf'lhe rear yards between Shady Beach Trail would have the easement, which guafantees that the trees and natural areas will be conserved even as the lots are sold to private° i 'oMe oWWs. Blahnik asked if Shady Beau "Trail and the cul-de sac were to be connected, could that remove some traffic from Shady Beach? Engineer Thongvanh responded yes; drivers will take the point of least resistance. Phelan asked for further clarification on the proposed street connections. Engineer Thongvanh responded that ultimately the City would like to see all three connections made, including Aspen to the north and south, and to Shady Beach. 2 MOTION BY BLAHNIK, SECONDED BY SPIELER TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 6:25 P.M. VOTE: Ayes by Hite, Spieler, Phelan, Blahnik, and, Roszak. The motioned carried. Applicant Greg Schweich presented the revised cul-de-sac design. He stated this is a preferred plan in response to the neighbors and commissioners. The commissioner's requests for larger lots, the traffic report, and the extra stormwater ponding have been addressed. It is not feasible to provide land for stormwater and to lose two more lots with the loop road connections. If the connection were made, the PUD would possibly not be considered because it would not be feasible to add the cost associated with oversizing of the pond. Spieler asked about the cost to add the road connectio Applicant Schweich responded about $180,000. Public Comment: Vince Vander Top, Wenck Associates Civi["Ehgineer on residents stated his concerns on stormwater and F%6W it \Yil,i, evaluation seems to have errors in the .calculations` and 6 E Tim Harper, 1434 Shady Beach Tra1Wstafed',,,'hjs, concerh"v increased traffic if the connection goes thtough ''-:;:;;:, . John Stallings, 14210,:A`spew�. venue stafed ho ;rri`uc} :h, over 30 years; his cond� is with" -the trees arjd%tile fiatural` Marlin Saber, 14320 Sha'413eai length of the:.o l>.4 ',=bac, of 966],leE Kelly Burj7 ,: , 4202 Aspep; iwen on the site is�A:concern with'flib,t( stormwater need:to be clos Ann Conklin, 14492Shady parks, and she is aga'iitthE lu half of the treated; t I design. ady Beach ;tormwater the cul-de sac design and the is° enjoyed the wooded area uty of the property. stated i is concern on the stormwater pond and the lbout"the impact of traffic on Aspen. The erosion being very steep and significant tree removal. The Trail stated her concern with the increased traffic at the )nnections. Vicki Cirillo, 14166 Aspen_�Ae stated her concern on the 35 foot natural buffer zone between the Aspen homes and this development; she would like to see a buffer between the homes for privacy. She questioned why a 900 foot cul-de-sac would be allowed when the standard is 500 feet. Brad Rixmann, 14291 Shady Beach Trail stated that his largest concern is the increased traffic followed by his concern on how stormwater will be handled. Harry Alcorn, 14283 Shady Beach Trail stated his concerns on the access points, road connections and the increased traffic. Janine Alcorn, 14283 Shady Beach Trail stated her concerns on stormwater, the benefit that will be given to the city, and that homeowners will eventually incur future costs related to improving Shady Beach Trail. Vaughn Lemke, 14472 Shady Beach Trail stated his support for the cul-de-sac; the ordinance allows them; if the city does not want cul-de-sacs, then the ordinance should be changed. Brian Lompart, 14223 Shady Beach Trail stated his concerns with stormwater and the proposed north basin. John Hewitt, 14100 Meadow Ave stated his concern a subject site. MOTION PHELAN, SECONDED BY HITE TO C VOTE: Ayes by Hite, Spieler, Phelan, Blahnik,;ai Commissioner Comments/Questions: Phelan asked for further explanationof.the traffic Engineer Thongvanh responded that::fhere Was.a focused on the cul-de-sac and how mudh'Jraffi&` traffic would be impacted,yvth,;the road cob pction Phelan asked about t4e;16cation`i f';the con HEP !ak. ' be on the wildlife in the C HEARING AT 7:07 P.M. d carried. rt done by the developer, which ,rated. It did not look at how the Planner Matzke responded,that th`e";35:;foot buffer.mentioned by an Aspen resident is not where the n .easemetlf wodd be, located,.:. Rather, the easement would be going along Shadj/;Beach 'The efevelopr is not go .lots will g to `rade out the lots completely; the back portion of e remi jr ntouc,n at a width" of up to 35 feet in some places. The easementwill 0reserve the 'grades ard'trees forever. Spieler asked W'IiiAher city staff;#eels the stormwater design is sufficient enough? Engineer Thongvanfi ` e pond 60 f hat staff has not had time to review the stormwater portion of the development, whic}:was:siabmitted late last week. From a quick review, the water will sheet drain across to the streef"ai nd be captured into the pond. The water has been directed across the development to sheet flow to a storm sewer and then directed to a pond. Spieler asked what the timeline is for further review? Engineer Thongvanh responded about a week. Hite stated she would like to see a grading and landscape plan for the buffer zone on lots 5- 11. She also would like to see a more in-depth traffic study showing traffic with the connections. 4 Roszak asked about the volume the pond can hold before it would overflow. Engineer Thongvanh responded 2,880 cubic feet. Normal water level of the pond is 923'; the high water level is 925. Roszak asked whether there is any chance that the pond will flow into the neighbor's property. Engineer Thongvanh responded there will be an emergency outlet flow (EOF) built into the pond directing water away from impact on properties. Blahnik asked about the cul-de-sac and street connection than the other? Engineer Thongvanh responded that a full co partial connection could work, too. Phelan asked about the road plan and the I Engineer Thongvanh responded that the grade retaining wall on bot 1. Phelan asked about the cost of streefimpro i later. Engineer Thongvanh:rq,s� on"de:d :that the'del streets within the devejopment ard4twhen a'f paid by assessments duO"Tom the' bnefitting Phelan stated he ,dOJRs:have'§O progress bot the' P I ai 1'n"i rig ComMls; done in a�r�(aality manner::`H „state are ordinariedsthat are in plac,. for to the ordinance requirement: 7h,e be completely warked out with staff time due to too mariV� ananswer&i ange in el nts an )roject ,com rty owners. connection design is better all three locations, but a n the cul-de-sac. about 48466t. and there is a pact of those costs now or ponsible to construct the to Shady Beach, it will be riee hs:aboutthe project. He did not want to impede n is here to guide development and to make sure it is �e has a large issue with a 900 foot cul -de -sae. There ?eet design; cul-de-sacs are allowed but should be held enation here is very steep, and the stormwater needs to satisfaction. He was not in favor of either design at this Spieler stated he agreed With. Commissioner Phelan. The public safety needs to be addressed, and the cul-de-sac design is very long. Stormwater needs to be thoroughly reviewed. He stated he was in favor of the "C" layout design with the road connections. Hite stated that staff needs more time to discuss the stormwater plan. The zoning ordinance allows for cul-de-sacs, but it needs to meet the standard. It would be nice to review the information more that was presented by Mr. Vander Top with Wenk Associates. She was in favor of tabling the project. Roszak stated there are a lot of questions. He feels that the full connection should be made to Aspen. A conservation easement is good, but a tree survey should be done to see what type of hardwood trees are there. He stated he was in favor of tabling the project. 5 Blahnik stated he supported tabling the project. He is content with the lot widths, sizes and depths. His issues were related to the runoff and stormwater, the long cul-de-sac, and the connection is to Aspen Avenue. He does want to see the conservation easement in place. Hite asked if the developer could be ready to meet the August 5th Planning Commission meeting? Applicant Schweich stated yes. MOTION BY BLAHNIK, SECONDED BY SPIELER TO TAB,LF]TEM 4A UNTIL THE AUGUST 5" PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. VOTE: Ayes by Blahnik, Phelan, Spieler, Roszak and HWThe motion carried. 5. Old Business: a residential subdivision of approximately 68 The subject property is located south of Col Lake, east of Blue Bird Trail and west of Sand Planner Matzke Presented the Plan application on June 17, 2013. Public connections to Ferndale Avenue, iml City Staff identified the rer ; water. The Planning C,am;rr 15th Planning CommisJ.' h network near the wetland,e Staff, attempt to coordinate plat design thf:may;ta#iji.ze standards :Gity'Staff "bias; si submitted revised plan exh,I These revised plan exhibits ni,pg critical iss 5sf6 1ri voted to't" ieetirg`and adv nsider;revision lith thy; kjacen h i.nfrA.Mi"Cid6YXI-t ce mbet with th streets, storm wa, Engineer Poppler'pf6sented the project. He covered ,the c to street design and the `p acE needed changes. The hydrol,E recommending denial. ary Plat. K. H60anian Homes is proposing le family lots to �e�*nown as Copper Cove. .Road 42,, on the north, side of Lower Prior ;emission"fell, a public hearing regarding this plat ptwere taken'=apd included concerns about street c' lE i` :ht ;traffic, 'ah(..Jree impacts. At the meeting oes reg`di.cjpg streets ;;utilities, trails, and storm E dis:cu'ss©ri.:of the"preliminary plat to the July ised f . develdp. t to consider changes to the trail s fo`address street and utility concerns of City t property owner to the west to develop an overall ,,.;,ne4a' ;,and revise the hydrology to meet City developer on June 26th at which the developer in .response to th, major comments outlined by City Staff. includeci:with this report and City Staff has updated the trails, fectiot s'of this report to reflect these revised exhibits. i he hydrology of the site, street connections and utilities of 1g'es that the city has asked the developer to make in regards :'lit of utilities. Staff has met with the applicant to go over the , street and utility designs do not meet City standards. Staff is Hite asked on the elevation change from carriage hills down to the lake, what is the elevation of Carriage Hills. Engineer Poppler roughly 950, 960. Spieler asked how close the collector road could be to the wetland? 2 Engineer Poppler responded with a 30 foot minimum buffer and a 25 foot no -grade zone requirement. Blahnik asked about the status of the adjacent property owners and their development plans. Planner Matzke responded that staff has received a letter in regard to the western property owners; however, the developer may be able to better respond to that question. Applicant Kevin Clark, K. Hovnanian Homes stated that they cannot extend Carriage Hills Parkway due to the separate ownership of that property. The sanitary sewer along Rolling Oaks needs to come through that neighborhood, which::would require much more city discussion and large assessments. If the line is extende:tti K. Hovnanian's property at the time they are ready to do that phase, they would amendtheir plans to connect. There is no compelling reason to move the sewer along the lak6;itt6 ffZtreet, which would would incur numerous additional costs. The design has beer modified for; he cul-de-sacs; the southerly one is only 8 feet from the city standard. A p,ai , .iias relocated �'and the retaining walls were eliminated. The hydrology changes are sflll ;being worked thrdQgh, each design change triggers a change in the hydrology. They have addressed the outstandi;r g Jssues to the best of their ability. Hite asked whether retaining walls"�*vi i uld ,.be needed ; ,ound the pond if a trail were to go there. Applicant Clark resp Blahnik asked if this 0"JU"could ble awroved W"AtWsewer connections to Ferndale? Applicant Clark responded yes. Phelan asked"about'a:timeline'forahe last pE -ase,,, Applicant C!, responded t} ;at theit''ir tention is to phase in the north side in 1-2 years. Phelan asked fo";; Hite stated that trails are in demand, but if the trail goes around the full wetland, there will be more grade changes and tree loss. The developer has done a good job of connecting the trail in other parts of the development; she is not in support with the full trail as requested by city staff. However, the street issues need to be worked out with staff. Stormwater and hydrology information is incomplete. The sanitary sewer connections can likely have a contingency plan. She recommended tabling the project. Blahnik asked about the decision timeline on the project? Planner Matzke responded there would be time to table; however, staff is looking for action on the item tonight in order to allow sufficient time for city counci feview, Blahnik stated he is satisfied with the revised trail system:He is concerned with the northern part of the development and the sanitary sewer ca:tectiorl;tjming. He is content on the southern cul-de-sac, but would like to see the nortF erin cul. de-sac;,connected. He understands that the hydrology piece needs to be further d�W,Moped. He recommended tabling to the next meeting. Roszak stated that if the developer is willing to woC at resolving some of these issues, th en,,,he recomrr to work through the issues, he recommer "ds,denial. Phelan stated he is fine with the trails .46,the�� `r` the developer work together .,and comprise on t project. He asked about't}e cast of connecting Road; it looks like the''e'' 0 will be"bOMened UV ttj26 Engineer Poppler res in part of the. cooj ;c� Phelan asked whether th&:'Qj,ty h of compromise, the City mayha, the developmentJo the other.' Engineer Poppler`� ponded tf standard width as furth r.define and the adj'E'(ce.nt property owner ig. If the developer is not willing He recommends that staff and ectfoi s; He supported tabling the le, Hills Parkway to Carriages Hills collects trunk oversizing dollars, and it participates evelope,r pays for the standard 36 foot width. e past"paid for the entirety of the road, and in the spirit ter benefit of the road going through from one end of he is unaware of doing this; the City generally pays for the the city's assessment policy. Engineer Poppler stated"th . the cul-de-sacs are of significant concern. There is a City ordinance and standard in terms of street intersection distance, and the proposed intersections on Carriage Hills Parkway do not meet the design manual and ordinance. He emphasized that city staff is not okay with the street intersections. Phelan stated he understood staff's concerns. In the past two years that he has been on the commission, he has seen a number of projects come through asking for variances. He is asking in tabling of the project that these issues are worked out in a compromising manner. There is a huge benefit to the City both in revenue and connections if this development goes through to completion. 8 Hite asked whether concerns have been adequately addressed so that both the developer and staff are clear about the commission's direction. Applicant Clark stated that one item could use direction, including the sewer line to the south along the lake. Hite asked the age of the current system? Engineer Poppler responded that the system was installed in the late 70's or early 80's. It is functioning without issues. Staff's real issue, however, relates to access. It is on a steep slope, running through future backyards; it will be very probleilatic for maintenance. Hite stated that based on existing age and conditi developer to relocate the sewer line; she does not se: Engineer Poppler stated that he is unable to Phelan asked for clarification on the north or the:south Engineer Poppler responded both north and south` Phelan asked staff to clarify how are these'df fere Engineer Poppler stated,jhose,were coistructe one of the most important roads in the City,p. tel connections is unacc6'p' ble; the�eity could 'pos r::.. land to develop. Hite asked that is a co col nt fro e is inclined to not require the Pecessity. 6 to coriWt to the Parkway. Court to the west. o.r:.to todoy';s standards; Carriage Hills is )'f cp1"nnectio'ns and traffic. To have three supp`i 6`11two for both sides of the vacant lat has the third connection, and whether Engineer POO said yes : fhe dist% ice between Raven and Ferndale is 1,400 feet; per the ordinance, th"r Bally should'o ly be of Phelan asked aboufa,con nectioi`to the east toward Cardinal Street and whether there is an opportunity to red esign'-fo dead ' and not connect to Carriage Hills. Engineer Poppler resporido "that one of the complications is the developer does not control the neighboring property; however, it could possibly be redesigned to connect to Cardinal Street in the future. Phelan stated that this is an area that could be a compromise. Staff and the developer need to work together a develop solutions by the August 5th MOTION BY SPIELER, SECONDED BY ROSZAK TO TABLE ITEM 5A UNTIL THE AUGUST 5TH PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. VOTE: Ayes by Blahnik, Phelan, Spieler, Roszak and Hite. The motion carried. 9 6. New Business: None 7. Announcements and Correspondence: Director Rogness presented items that were previously brought before the Planning Commission and action taken by the City Council on those items. 8. Adjournment: MOTION BY PHELAN, SECONDED BY HITE TO ADJORN::TH,E MEETING. VOTE: Ayes by Phelan, Spieler, Roszak, Hite and BlahnkTfe Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Peter Aldritt, Community Development As 10