HomeMy WebLinkAbout95-06 RESOLUTION 95-06 RESOLUTION OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL TO APPROVE AMENDMENTS TO THE WILDS PUD 9-93 FOR OUTLOT L, STERLING NORTH AND STERLING SOUTH. MOTION BY: KEDROWSKI SECONDED BY: GREENFIELD WHEREAS, The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the 5th day of January, 1995, to act on a petition submitted by Prior Lake Development L. P., to amend The Wilds PU D 9-93; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the amendments as per Resolution 95-01 PC and Exhibits A through G, attached thereto: and WHEREAS, The Prior Lake City Council considered the petition for amendment on the 17, day of January, 1995; and WHEREAS, The City Council reaffirms the position of the Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA, That it hereby approves amendments to The Wilds PUD 9-93 as set forth in Resolution 95-01 PC and Exhibits A through G, attached thereto. Passed and adopted this 17th day of January, 1995. YES NO Andren X Andren Greenfield X Greenfield Kedrowski X Kedrowski Scott X Scott Schenck X Schenck {Seal} 'RS01 PC' 16200 Eagle Creek Ave., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER /' .,J "RSOIPC" RESOLUTION 95-01PC RESOLUTION OF THE PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION TO RECOMMEND AN AMENDMENT TO THE WILDS PUD 9-93 FOR OUTLOT L, STERLING NORTH AND STERLING SOUTH. MOTION BY: ARNOLD SECONDED BY: ROSETH WHEREAS. the Prior Lake Planning Commission conducted a Public Hearing on the 5th day of January. 1995. to act on a petition submitted by Prior Lake Development L.P., to amend The Wilds PUD 9-93; and \VHEREAS. notice of the public hearing on said motion has been duly published and posted in accordance with the applicable Minnesota Statutes; and WHEREAS. the Planning Commission finds that the amendments, with recommended revisions contained herein, are consistent with the purpose and intent of the approved "The Wilds PUD 9-93" plan document; and WHEREAS. it is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the City City Council approve the amendments to change the minimum building setback standards as per attached Exhibit A for Sterling North and Sterling South at The Wilds; and 1. The provisions of the Letter of Understanding. endorsed by the City Council and executed on November 2. 1994 be incorporated into the PUD Plan Document. 2. The reduction of opcn space within the plats of Sterling North and Sterling South resulting from reviscd sctback standards is a minor adjustment and will not compromise the overall open space plan for The Wilds PUD 9-93. 3. The setback provisions identified in Exhibit A, will provide adequate area which will permit parking of vehicles on lots, in a manner that will not obstruct the sidewalk within the plat of Sterling South at The Wilds. \VHEREAS. it is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the City Council approve the amendments to Outlot L. The Wilds First Addition as per attached Exhibit B, for The Preserve at The Wilds; and I. Change the density of Villa units from 21 attached and detached to a maximum of 9 Detached Villa Homesites. 2. The configuration of lots, units. and street as shown on Exhibit C is not approved via this PUD amendment petition. Future development design will be considered at the time of subdivision of Outlot L. 3. The development standards identified on Exhibit B. apply to future development of up to 9 Detached Villa Homesites on Outlot L. 4. Street access to future units within Outlot L. be designed to City standards for public streets and the location of the intersection of proposed Preserve Boulevard be subject to resolution of design concerns of the City Engineer prior to submission of a preliminary plat. 16200 Eagle Creek Ave., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN FOlIA! ()PP()RTI INlTV 1=MDJ (,,\\n::'t2 ____.._._____.__...___.__................... ....--...---.-. concerns of the City Engineer prior to submission of a preliminary plat. 5. Additional land is represented for future development of "The Preserve" that is not currently part of Outlot L. A change in the property boundaries of Outlot L will require subdivision approval, vacation of existing easements and dedication of new easements as required by the City of Prior Lake. 6. The tree inventory data provided for the amendment to Outlot L shall be utilized at the time of future subdivision of the Outlot. A specific building pad/tree preservation plan for each lot shall be required at the time of subdivision of Outlot L. The City will require compliance with the preservation plan prior to issuance of an occupancy permit for each structure built within Outlot L. WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the City Council approve the amendments to The Wilds PUD 9-93 as per attached Exhibits D, E, and F. 1. Approve the factual, "housekeeping" items identified in attached Exhibits D, E, and F as amended by staff and/or the Planning Commission. 2. Language stating that front yard setbacks may be reduced to 20' if topography or eXIstmg vegetation dictates should be revised to state that: "At the time of subdivision, proposed lots with topographic or existing vegetation constraints will be identified and the front yard setback may be reduced from 25 to 20' if deemed appropriate by the City Council." NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE PRIOR LAKE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA, that it hereby recommends that the City Council approve the amendments to The Wilds PUD 9-93 as identified herein. Passed and adopted this 5th day of January, 1995. Vonhof Arnold Kuykendall Loftus Roseth Yes X X X X X No Vonhof Arnold Kuykendall Loftus Roseth onald Rye Director of Planning City of Prior Lake {Seal} ZOll6M4 .. .. j EXHIBIT A D. Sterlini North and South at The Wilds Villa Homesites: Single-family attached structures intended for individual lot ownership which may include golf villas, club villas, etc. ** - Permitted Uses -:. - Maximum Number of Attached Units - Minimum Off-Street Parking Spaces per Dwelling Unit - Minimum Lot Size ~~~~~ - Minimum Lot Width - Minimum Lot Depth - Maximum Building Height STERLING SOUTH MINIMillvf SETBACKS: ** Lot 1 south and east setbacks rear setback Lots 2-25; 83-87 front setback side yard setback rear setback Lots 26 and 88 front setback side setback rear setback Lot 27 front setback side and rear setback Lots 28-29; 49-51 front setback side yard setback rear setback Lot 30 and 62 north setback east setback south setback single family attached residential ** 8 units 2 spaces 2,200 sq. ft. 22 ft. (at building line) ** 100 ft. 35ft. 25 ft. from back of curb 5 ft. from property line * 25 ft. from back of curb 15 ft. separation between buildings 5 ft. from property line * 25 ft. from back of curb 2.5 ft. from property line 5 ft. from property line * 30 ft. from back of curb 2.5 ft. from property line 30 ft. from back of curb 15 ft. separation between buildings 2.5 ft. from property line 30 ft. from back of curb 25 ft. from back of curb 2.5 ft. from property line STANDARDS APPUCABLE TO STERLING NORTH AND SOUTH AT THE WILDS SUBDIVISIONS 43 (A - 1) Lot 31 front setback side and rear setbacks Lots 32-40; 73-82 front setback side yard setback rear setback LotS 41-43; 64-72 front setback side yard setback rear setback Lot 44 front setback side setback rear setback Lots 45-47 fu ~ ~ north setbac . \l ~~ \S side yard se~- ~ south setbacC~~~ Lot 48 north setback west setback south setback Lots 52-61 front setback side yard setback rear setback Lot 63 South and East setback rear setback STERLIN'G NORTH MINllvfUNl SETBACKS: ** Lots 1, and 16 front setback side yard setback rear setback Lots 2-15 front setback side yard setback rear setback 43 (A - 2) 25 ft. from back of curb 2.5 ft. from property line 25 ft. from back of curb 15 ft. separation between buildings 2.5 ft. from propertY line 25 ft. from back of curb 15 ft. separation between buildings 40 ft. separation between buildings 25 ft. from back of curb 2.5 ft. from property line 40 ft. separation between buildings 30 ft. from back of curb 15 ft. separation between buildings 25 ft. from back of curb 30 ft. from back of curb 25 ft. from back of curb 25 ft. from back of curb 30 ft. from back of curb 15 ft. separation between buildings 40 ft. separation between buildings 25 ft. from back of curb 2.5 ft. from property line 25 ft. from back of curb 2.5 ft. from property line 5 ft. from property line * 25 ft. from back of curb 15 ft. separation between buildings 5 ft. from property line * Lot 17 north and east setbacks rear setback 25 ft. from back of curb 2.5 ft. from property line Lot 18 front setback side yard setback rear setback 25 ft. from back of curb 2.5 ft. from property line 2.5 ft. from property line = NOTES: A. No construction on, or alteration of, any land within a sensitive land easement will be allowed. B. "Zero Lot Lines" only allowed for common wall property line between attached units. ** c. No part of any structure, including roof overhangs, shall extend over the lot line. ** Other Requirements: It is intended that a preliminary and fmal plat will be submitted for the residential development areas that are consistent with the concepts and development standards set forth above. Additional requirements or modifications may be established by the. Prior Lake Planning Commissions and Prior Lake City Council pursuant to their review. City Council Revisions: ** * Resolution 94-06 approved on 01-18-94 5' rear yard setback for villa units abutting a fairway ** Resolution 95-?? approved on ??- ??-?? setback revisions, text changes ~~ \C\~\S\) ~ \Si:, \.. '0 43 (A - 3) 8 ii ~r:.:-T0 ~ I --....~: -".~ I ,..:'N ~I .... CO! ..__ Q. ~lII: ~ -..'~_ c( i! -... -I l' , ~u , 'to- w ~ ~. zen.,>", o ~~ &~~ .....I :ll~..-- . ~ ~.. III i! -... I ~ ~: ..1- _0 z C" \,) :[ . , ! 'P 1 ,\'1 . . C\I ~ ~~ , . '., - .. C\I ( ^ '" J r , .--. (f) 0 ,. "" ---I "'~ ~ '~.' :::""'l W :r: .<'.. ~ -.. .... 4......' ...- ...." ~ :r: ......., ... ~ CIl . en~ 0::: () ffi:> 0 z ZO:: -:. 3~ z Z Q.~ ~ , . o .~ ...~ en en UJ C> .~. o o:~ ..... < OZ Z ,I.. ... ~ i~ ---I ~ ;:)Z enUJ 0::: -J .. W ....J en e,:) LaJ 0: Z ~ o UJt; J: LAJ UJ (f) () ~1- en Z-I UJC5 en So 2 :~ ,., . , " ~I I i ...J t ~ ! tt )~'j I -~ Ij~=. . . Islsll ;~~~Ii; -0 ~f . a ..01 01 (f) 0 m -.J ~ ~- W ::: :r: ~ ~ ~- ~ ~ ::: :r: ~ :J 0 CJ) <-' Z :J a:: w ...... C/} -ct- ( ... .... J r ) ......, , ~-1 .!, ~, ~ I I , ;; r.':'~ -~. !-- j i ~ Sl ~ In ~ . ~. I,) Jt1. )llJf '. Ji!~ Ill11;i ,,1 11 .. ~I . I .... .. [! .:.rrl.:.nn ,.c:, '..- III cJ ffi i ~ itc Z~~ ~ ~~ .0 C5~ ~ ~I ~ ~W ....I .. [j l2~ ~ l:f ti u ii~ (/) ~.... WSI -. :.: !:; ~ -: iii -..... n ~~ ;;cic.i t;~~ ~l,],", :[iiiii :J: _ :.;). ~~ r.a....... :S:~" t:i ~ ilJ !l.3;'~ ~~~ r; :a ~ \. ~ \\. n fJ ~~~ ~~: ~~~ r; -J. c.> o u ~ i'i,; r;j ~I." ~ P; ilj ...). .r '"'t- . :J:...~ i-i~~ 9:-= i~ i"i3 r; -=;, -I ~ I ~ ~ EXHIBIT B OUILOrL - DEfAanmVlLI.AHOlVJl~1SIT~: Detached Villa Hcmesites: Single-family detached structures intended for individual owrership which may include golf villas, club villas, etc. EXlSTINGPUD PROPOSEDAMENDMENr - Peunitted U~ SIF residential, SIF attached residential. SIP Detached residential - MaximmnBuilding Height - MinimumFront Yard if Ahnting Arterial Street - MinimmnFront Yard if Ahnting PublicJPrivate St 2,200 sq. ft. 35 ft. NJC - MinimmnLct Size NJC 50 ft. fromROWline NJC 25 ft. fromROWkoadway easement 20 ft. - MinimmnRear Yard 22 ft.(at building line) 100ft. 20ft [l ill ~ ~ ~ NJC - MinimumLot Wrlth* - MinimumLot Depth NJC NJC - MinimumRear Yard - Villa Units Adjacent to Fairways 5 ft. (Resolution 94-D6) NJC - Minimum Side Yards of Buildings 7.5 ft. NJC - Minimum Separation between Buildings 15 ft. NiC -MCDcimmnN~r Attached Units 8 units 9 (Detached) - Minimmn Off-Street Pmking 2 spaces per DU NC * Cul-de-sac, pie shaped and flag lots will have less than minimum width measured at building lines. NOIE: Noconstmction on, or alteration of, any land within a sensitive land easement will be allowed. Other Requirements: It is intended that a preliminary and final plat will be submitted for the residential developmnt areas that are consistent with the concepts and develo~t standards set forth above. Adlitional requirements or ma:Iifications may be established by the Prior Lake Planning COIl1Ill5sions and Prior Lake City Ca.mcil pursuant to their review. Ciy CwndI Revision (1-18-94):5' Rear Yard Setback for Villa Units Adjacent to FaiIways. STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO OUTLOT L, -THE PRESERVE- SUBDIVISION S01IM 3Hl 1 V 3I\~3S3~d 3H1 ; .. ! lf1i!!.' I Itaaii'liil .~gllliiila II ~ 't" t f ~ ! "I! id : ~ : f I I I I l t) { 11at 11;111\ J * (J) Z x <( W --' 0 ~ CL I- W W J: Z Vl 0 ~ (J)U 0::> --'0::: -~ 3=(J) wZ IO f-U ~~ <(W W wO::: >~ 0::(J) W ~~ 0::: 0..>- (7 w~ I.-I ~~ :::> .. ~ z - 0 <( 0:: <.? ~ i i on en 9 ~ w = ... ~ ~ ~ W IX a. J i ... z w :2 2s ~ .., 0 I! Ii .., ~i ~ .~ j!.J Ii '-:I ::z: I ~~ I. : ~ 1'."1 J if I DL ... l:j iJi IX ~ 0 u i i z -' ~ 0 ~ l= 0:: Z ~ 8 ~ zz ;> 00 ~ I=u; UO 0:: ::::l0:: ~ l=W l:jLUffiVlQ LiJVl~ZZ J: LiJO< Vl~VlUC) o::<~~~ ~!::O::LUQ o~~~~ UVlVlVle,:) ~Nrti..o II '} ~J Ii I iI" 1'1 I ~!I ~l ' II 1 Ih IUI11 t 1 JI' I Iii If' 11'111111 I tl. I-btn ~~I:)i ! !Ii lhit! lh:ll II II!.!!! i!llll ! I II!!:!' il! !!l1 I i I.ltl";11 jlJ1Ilii I ill'" .III. I I.!III J J , . .. * . .. .. *..." EXHIBIT C - SKETCH MAP EXHIBIT D "ZOO6Ml. ill. LAND USE SUMMARY PROPOSED APPROVED PUD AMENDMENT Project Area N/C +-580.4 acres Total Residential Dev. Area N/C +-226.7 acres Max. Number Dwelling Units 426 466 Total Open Sp. Afea (52.4%) N/C +-304.1 acres Overall Project Density 0.73 DU/acre 0.80 DU/acre Total Commercial Area N/C +-38.8 acres Residential: -Estate Homesites N/C ~ - Total Area N/C ~.4 -Number of Dwelling Units N/C 2 -Density N/C~ ~ ~ 0.56 DU/acre 1/2 Acre Homesites -Total Area N/C \/ +-70.4 acres -Number of Dwelling Units N/C 100 -Density N/C 1.42 1/3 Acre Homesites -Total Area N/C 70.9 acre -Number of Dwelling Units N/C 161 -Density N/C 2.27 DU/acre Villas (Detached & Attached) -Total Area N/C +-32.9 acres -Number of Dwelling Units 137 131-177 -Density 4.16 DU/acre 4.0-7.5 DU/acre Commercial: -Hotel/Clubhouse N/C +-16.7 acres 158,750 sq.ft. - Hotel N/C +-11.8 acres 60,000 sq.ft. -Restaurant N/C +-1.0 acre 7,000 sq .ft. -Neighborhood Shopping N/C +-4.0 acres 24,000 sq.ft. -Restaurant N/C +-3.2 acres 5,000 sq.ft. -Convenience Store N/C +-1.0 acre 2,000 sq.ft. * N/C Indicates No Change Proposed -5- EXHIBIT E IV. PROJECTED PUD POPULATION ANALYSIS PROPOSED APPROVED PUD AMENDMENT Total Anticipated PUD Pop. 1,201 1,291 Adults 758 815 -SIP Detached (1;9 plDU) 566 549 -SIP Attached (1.5 plDU) 192 266 School Age Children 279 300 -SIP Detached (0.69 pIDU) 206 199 -S/F Attached (0.57 p/DU) 73 101 Non-School Age Children 164 176 -S/F Detached (0.41 p/DU) 122 118 -SIP Attached (0.33 pIDU) 42 58 Total # of Families (0.80 x number of DU's) 341 373 * Data obtained and interpolated from the 1990 Census of Population and Housin~ for Prior Lake Minnesota and Prior Lake Public Schools Census Statistics August. 11. .l222.. ~~~ \\\Oi''.. ~ ~0 . \\ \$\ \ \ ~ \~> -7- EXHIBIT F .4 ~....., '.' ~ . ....:---...._- \.,.;, . tn I '. , . . · -~:...L.1.. ..~ ~. ~ 1\.\.... H~:i-J. - I . r- ~ -1(,nrJ 1,~ft'"1.~-~ :u,~,c,~~' :"') ~ ,~ ~1iI ~"'. .\'_ ..: · ~ -:. J~ ' -~~;;.,. .-y: '1-: .~. · ~~ .'.:, r"~.D ~,t'" J '.. 1~~:'v - _, ';.~ - - :i~~~~....... ~'.. .: IH"'I ' ~~~" _ _. .~~\. 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"( l.-1.... 1::- ' \~:Vt-.. __': ~ft'o!-l ~-UO DUfAcft (US) -===---=-..;.-:=.:.=:.-:..-== i ~~ ~U . ~;~j .......... ~..._;;'''_-:'''-=-- ---... \} ~.. .;j "'~':~r~~S"''''' ~y__28. (2SS) .- ....,-,~ . ~ '..P.r-::...,..., . -~~ .,,"'illl. :n....-.- '.1 .- ou_ .;:: ~ .. {.';?r,- II' ~~' ,,~. Iijll . .....-- 100 .- .~- .: 5J.....1--- fW- _{ ~ lUJ;;:.-"V." .-. . '"" :=--= 28 (.):=::... .::::.. 'i.- 1 '" 0-;;:..';.' :~.(I'~/~~ ._YArT_ 177 (12S) .__ .u_ ~ ~... - -1._ - ~. or ~ ~-. ~ .131.177 (12S) , . .... .- - 'T, .- '1 '\.~ _____-..____ s.noAJoo. UncI e-...... I __ ~_ ~ =--- i? ~ ."~~ o 111. \ \ ~ '-j.1 n \ i~) . \ i ;-' ~~ .. J \ ~ ')\ \- -;\ l.<j U -' ~r. ~- d. ~- L- - ~ < 110' rv . ' . v ~_' ~! .. /"\. :! .~ . ~ i - - '.. - .soo;.. ~...rW tfLh, __ ~ .r~j~_ . ..-olD .soi-dc n- -nP"'~ILDS II 0 L' 'c L U .. 0,,, _ '""" _ __" W'as&0f'P0""'-' ., .. eD - ~~~~-I ------- - ....- ....--- .... .... ..."'"" .. ..... -........ .. ~ ......... ... --... ,-.. -....... ......... .......... ..--.. -------- ::.:.::--:..-:.::..==.:: ---~_. ----- ------- ::=-=~---: * PROPOSED AMENDMENTS INDICATED BY ( ) EXHIBIT G VllI. DEVELOPMENT PHASING A. Pha~ne Analysis Tl 11J fI\ I ~ ~-f L) LnJ L-u Lr U It is anticipated The Wilds will be developed in three major phases. The first phase,_which contains approximately 371.9 acres, is the largest of the three phases. With the bulk of the first phase scheduled to begin in 1993, this phase will contain the IS-hole championship golf course, golf practice facility, the clubhouse/hotel, two public parks, approximately half of the main collector road that will begin at the main entrance off of Mystic Lake Drive/Columbia Avenue and all of the residential areas located in the north half of the project. This phase will contain the following residential mix: SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED DWELLINGS - 1/2 acre Lots - 1/3 acre Lots - Corporate Villas SINGLE-FAMILY ATIACHED DWELLINGS - Club Villas REVISED 87DUs 54 24 9 79 DUs 79 " Total Number of Dwelling Units in Phase One 166 DUs The second phase is expected to begin in 1994 and co~tains approximately 146.7 acres. This phase is to include the extension of the project's main collector road approximately 1,850 feet to the south and east, the second hotel, two restaurants, convenience store and two public parks. The residential mix is Phase Two is: SINGLE-FAMILY DETACHED DWELLINGS - 1/2 Acre Lots - 1/3 Acre Lots - Estate Lots 132 DUs 46 58 28 SINGLE-FAMILY ATIACHED DWELLINGS - Fairway Villas - FairwaylLake View Villas - Executive Villas 147 DUs 26 73 48 Total Number of Dwelling Units in Phase Two 279 DUs The :1:49.3 acres that make up Phase Three complete the build out of The Wilds. Scheduled to begin in 1995, Phase Three will include the village shopping area and the remaining single-family detached dwellings. The residential breakdown is as follows: ~4a-