HomeMy WebLinkAbout8A - Rezone Request WennsmanSTAFF AGENDA REPORT AGENDA #: PREPARED BY: SUBJECT: DATE: INTRODUCTION: DISCUSSION: ACTION REQUIRED: 8A HORST W. GRASER, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING WENSMANN REALTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT FEBRUARY 22, 1994 The Planning Department has received an application for a comprehensive plan and rezoning for 40 acres of vacant land southeast of the intersection of County Road 42 and Pike Lake Trail. The amendment process requires the Planning Commission to hold a public hearing and within 60 days transmit its findings to the Council, which in turn, has 60 days to act on the application. The Planning Commission conducted two hearings for this application. The first meeting was held on December 17, 1993, and the second meeting on January 6, 1994. The date of transmitting the information to the Council is February 21, 1994, and the last day the Council can act is April 22, 1994. Attached to this item is a letter from Tim Erkkila, who represents the developer. He has requested the final action be postponed to March 21, 1994. The developer recognizes that the City is in the process of formulating a new general city-wide land use plan which includes his site. It is important that the pending action be consistent with any planned actions by the City. Enclosed please find Staff's analysis for your review. In the event you have any questions or want additional information prior to the hearing, please contact me. The requested action is to direct the City Manager to schedule the hearing for consideration of the rezoning and comprehensive plan amendment for March 21,1994. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPOI~TUNITY EMPLOYER 02/~5~94 14:25 ~612 937 5822 wESTWOOD PRO SVS ~002 Westw~c~l Pmtes$iop31 Services. February 15, 1994 612-9'37.51.50 FAX 612.9.~7.$82;~ Mr. Horst Creaser City of Prior Lake 4629 Dakota S.E. Prior Lake, MN 55372 Current Compmhe, nsiv= Pisa 3an~chtw. nt and Pu~zom~ Rexiu~st l~f.: 93361 Brandt Site (4u acre parcel) for W~smann ReahT Honorable Mayor mid Council Members; On b~half of Wcnsmann Rca[W, I am requesting the above rcfcmme, d item bc removed from thc F~;brua~' 21, 1994 Council agenda. In going through the plmmh~g process to date. v,~: perceived some sense of uncertainW on the part of Planning Commission members r~saxdin8 our proposed rczoning and (.:omprch~n$1ve Plan Amendmem. We understand there axe current discussions undcr~,'ay at this time with CiW Staff, Planning Conurdssion and Cit3.' Council m~mbcrs regarding the Land Use Designation and City objectives m the next gro~sth a~'cras. While we arc intcrcsted m rcsolution of a decision on our si~, wc f~l the Ci~,, Cotmcil should have the b~neflt of the next few weeks to $ca,rally formulaxe its land us~ goals and specifically considcr whcrc industrial land uscs bclong, la that regard, we ask our rezonin$ and Compreheasiv¢ Plan A_mcndmcnt request be plac~d mt thc March 21, 1994 Council agenda. Sincerely.. V~rES'I~OOD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, I~C. Tim Erkkila Vice Presid¢,~t, Plamting cc; Herb Wensmann PLANNING REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBJECT: PRESENTER: PUBLIC HEARING DATE: 1 WENSMANN REALTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING HORST W. GRASER, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING X YES reNO DECEMBER 16, 1993 INTRODUCTION: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Planning Department has received an application for a comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning from Wensmann Realty for the 40 acre Brandt farm located directly southwest of the intersection of County Road 42 and Pike Lake Trail. The Brandt farm is currently designated industrial (approximately 33 acres), and open space (approximately 7 acres). The zoning of the subject site consists of Industrial (approximately 25 acres), and Conservation (approximately 15 acres). Based on the acreages of the zones it is obvious that the C- 1 zones do not match well with the open space designation. Prior Lake's natural open space policy plan and laws will be utilized to define and eventually preserve natural features. The natural features will be defined during the development plan stages, although the applicant has done an excellent job in delineating them in the application. Development Concept: Unfortunately, Prior Lake's development strategy for several key areas of the community is not well defined. The principle reason is that the current comprehensive plan is out of date and in desperate need of updating. In the past several years, strong market forces have required Staff, Planning Commission, and Council, to make growth management decisions in conjunction with land use changes and development applications. The current land use designation for the subject site is industrial and open space. There are approximately 7 acres of designated open space within the site, all located in the northwest comer, However, a detailed analysis of the entire site reveals rolling land with numerous steep slopes, additional wetlands and lowlands, and overstory in areas 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 AN E~UAL OPPORTUNITY ~ that have not been farmed. Based on these physiographical characteristics, the subject should never have been designated industrial. The existing industrial land use designation is the only remnant of the development concept envisioned in the 1980 or current Comprehensive Plan for the lands southeast of the County Road 42 and 21 intersection. In August 1990, the City officially abandoned the industrial land uses in this area. The City Council commissioned a study to determine the most appropriate sites in the community. The Council eventually adopted the finding that this area had limited industrial potential and shortly thereafter redesignated the most southerly 97 acres Oh'ogress Land Company 3-2-92) to low density residential. Earlier this year, Leo Viefling's 160 acres were redesignated to agricultural and removed from the urban service area. The deletion is only temporary, since the Council has assured Mr. Viefling that his property will be included in the 2010 Urban Service Area, if at all possible. Staff has been working on a land use and transportation plan for the North Shore and Jeffcrs neighborhoods to be included in the 2010 Comprehensive Plan. The land use plan suggest a combination of commercial, high and medium density, along County Road 21 and 42. The draft plan will be made available to the Planning Commission to aid in the evaluation. Caution must be used not to base decisions on a draft plan but rather to use it only as a guide. The rational and decision must be based on the existing plan. Transportation: The existing transportation element shows Pike Lake Trail as a local street only and County Road 42 as an arterial. The draft transportation plan projects County Road 42 as a principle arterial and Pike Lake Trail as a major collector. Access restrictions are 1/2 mile spacing on County Road 42 and no direct land access for Pike Lake Trail. Also a minor collector is anticipated to mn parallel to County Road 42 and 21 serving the higher intensity uses along these two arterials. Based on traffic generated by use, residential ADT is significantly less than industrial. Open Space: There are approximately 7 acres of open space designated in the northwest comer of the site. It is unclear as to the quality, importance, or identity giving potential of this area. The overall open space plan lacks direction and sensitivity to a community open space/trail and park system. The comprehensive plan's policy plan should be used to del'me natural features at the time of development. The applicant has taken an inventory of the natural features and has incorporated them in his application. The draft plan does not indicate the subject site to be the location of a community park or any other land needs for other governments. Utilities: Trunk s~wer is available to the site at the intersection of County Road 42 and Pike Lake Trail. It is of capacity to accommodate low density residential development which produces about haft the effluent volume of industrial. Trunk water is not directly adjacent to the site but is available. A trunk line would have to be extended from Beach Street, north through the proposed Knob Hill development. Water Quality: Prior Lake has adopted interim water quality standards that are based on the National Urban Runoff Program (NURP). Storm water management is required on-site versus past practices of discharging it to an off-site receiving water body. The development characteristics of residential land use is certainly more sensitive to water quality management and natural features than industrial. Other Supporting Analysis: Attached please find memorandums from Bill Mangan, Parks and Recreation Director, and Larry Anderson, Public Works Director. If the Planning Commission amends the Comprehensive Plan, then the Zoning Ordinance should be amended to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The applicant has requested a low density designation which corresponds to an R-1 Zoning District with a maximum density 3.:5 units per acre. It is anticipated that the applicant will propose a development plan of attached housing. Attached please find Ordinance 94-03, which implements the requested rezoning. If approved the amendment will produce a maximum of 140 housing units. Sewer is of capacity to accommodate the land use change. Water is available to the site. The site is not part of a regional park system. Based on previous Council action, the plan amendment is consistent with other land use changes which were from Industrial to Residential and Agricultural. The City has in place NURP and other policy standards that will protect wetlands and natural features. The site is within the Urban Service Area. The draft transportation element of the Cemprehensive plan designates Pike Lake Trail a T~ ALTERNATIVES: RECOMMENDATION: major collector and a minor collector corridor running parallel and directly south to County Road 42. Any planned action or development on the site, not accounting for these two collectors, is inconsistent with Prior Lake's long range transportation planning effort. Adopt the findings in this report and based on these findings recommend to the City Council to amend the Comprehensive Land use Plan for the Brandt farm from Industrial to low density residential. Recommend to the City Council that the Comprehensive Plan be brought into compliance with the Zoning Ordinance by adopting Ordinance 94-05. 2. Continue the hearings for specific purposes. Deny the requested amendments based on facts and findings. Alternative #1 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: DATE: PLANNING COMMISSION HORST W. GRASER, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION ON THE WENSMANN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONINO JANUARY 6, 1994 REALTY On December 16, 1993, the Planning Commission conducted a hearing to consider a comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning for Wensmann Realty. Apprehension was shared by several members of the Commission about the amendment. The Commission felt more land use information is required both along County Road 83 and County Road 42 before a decision can be reached. I have put together a map of the existing land uses along County Road 83 and 42 together with natural features, wetlands, open space and anticipated traffic. The Planning Commission must be careful in its application of facts since some of this information has been compiled outside of the Urban Service Area which has not been approved by the Council. I will present this data to the Commission at the hearing. There are a number of facts and policies that may help you develop your positions which perhaps were not clear in the planning report dated December 16, 1993. In 1990, the Council adopted an industrial study which was to be incorporated into the 2010 plan. The subject site is a component of that industrial policy directive. The Council policy towards the industrial designated land use southeast of intersection 42 and 21, was to change it to residential. It has so far been implemented through the rezoning of Carriage Hills and Leo Vierling. e The short and long range industrial su'ategies of the Council were positioned on the 320 acre Vierling site north of County Road 42 and adjacent to County Road 21 in the southeast comer of the community. Commercial opportunities north of the lake have never been formally discussed. Although the concept of neighborhood planned commercial is one that has been incorporated in the draft 2010 plan. The 40 acre subject site is the remnant piece of industrial after 200 acres have been rezoned to agricultural and residential. The subject site based on the physiographical analysis done by the applicant is considerable more conclusive to the more site responsive residential use. 4629 Dakota St. Si:., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 4474245 AN EQUAL OPPORK.INH'Y EMPLOYER Pike Lake Trail has also been identified as a major collection In the draft transportation play. A minor collector is proposed for the anticipated land uses south and west of the subject site. Although the Vierling 120 acres have been removed from the Urban Service Area, it is prudent to look at potential land use relationship issues. I have developed a land use plan for this farm although it has not received any form of approval. I will attempt to give you as many of the current conditions which influence this County Road 42 and 83 corridor. But if the Commission wants an approved land use plan or direction beyond the year 2000, then it must wait until the 2010 plan is completed and approved. INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM FROM: SUBJEC~ DATE: HORST GRASER, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING LARRY J. ANDERSON, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS WENSMANN REALITY PROPERTY REZONING AMENDMENT TO THE PRIOR LAKE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DECEMBER 8, 1993 The request for the Comprehensive Plan Amendment is to change the land use designation from industrial to low density residential use. The parcel abuts CSAH 42 on the north and Pike Lake Trail on the east. Access to this parcel needs to be via Pike Lake Trail and not provide direct access to CSAH 42. Scott County's access spacing requirements for CSAH 42 is 1/2 mile spacing of intersections. This would not allow direct access to CSAH 42. The proposed concept site plan dated November 10, 1993 shows an east/west roadway that connects to Pike Lake Trail. This roadway should remain in place to connect with a north/south minor collector that would nm from Carriage Hills Parkway northerly through the Leo Vierling parcel to CSAH 42 and then easterly to Pike Lake Trail. This minor collector would be immediately to the south and parallel to CSAH 42 and connect at Pike Lake Trail, approximately 300 feet south/CSAH 42 intersection. The parcel is in the urban service area and is adjacent to sanitary sewer. At this point, the watermain would have to be extended through the proposed Knob Hill plat to provide other access to this parcel. Improvement projects are necessary to provide utilities for this parcel. The proposed change in land use will decrease the intensity of need for infrastructure for streets, sanitary sewer and watermain and should not adversely impact the infrastructure system for the City of Prior Lake. The infrastructure system such as the sanitary sewer and the improvement of streets must be made in order to serve this proposed development, and those issues would need to be addressed as part of the plat approval for the area. The Public Works Department does not object to the request to change the land use of the property from industrial to low density residential land use. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, M~esota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMP~ MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: DATE: DRC MEMBERS BILL MANGAN, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION WENSMANN HOMES'COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT DECEMBER 6, 1993 I have reviewed the application for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment for the Brandt property by Wensmann Homes and I have the following comments: 1. Based on the plan as submitted, these needs to be a connecting road on this propeIty that would be located southwest to northeast on the plat. When this road is put in, it should serve as a local road connecting this neighborhood with the neighborhoods adjacent to it. As such, this road will carIy vehicle tzaffic as well as pedestrian traffic which will necessitate the need for a bike/hike system. At minimum, this would be a sidewalk that would connect up to the citywide trail system located on C.R. 42 and Carriage Hills Parkway. 2. The open space ~equirements calls for a large parcel of land just south and west of this parcel to be preserved for open. while this plat has minimal effect on that concept, there still is a need for open space within the parcel that will serve as a neighborhood park as opposed to the community park that will serve several neighborhoods. This type of open space is even more essential in those neighborhoods with a higher density than low, residential density. There is a portion of the southwest corner of this property that could be included in the large, community park that is called foI in the Comprehensive Plan. With the Ielatively steep slopes in this area, a portion of this area could be dedicated as open space to ty into the larger community pa~k envisioned in the future. 3, This neighbozhood needs to be integzated into adjacent neighborhoods both from a pedestrian standpoint as well as transportation standpoint so that it is not an 4629 Dakota St. Sl:i. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQ~JAL OPPORTUNITY EHPI.OYER ~ isolated neighborhood. The paxcel needs to be connected to the Citywide Trail system thxough the use of hike/bike trails along connecting stxeets. Any parks located within the plat must be interconnected with this trail system so that users can safely travel from open space to other open spaces. In addition, there needs to be pedestrian connections made to ty the neighboxhood with any commercial areas that will be established in th~s area. 4. There are several areas of steep slopes (<20%) that will need to be protected in this area as well. This can be accomplished through proper planning of the site. In addition, there are several wetlands that need to be addressed at the time of development. These wetlands need to be incorporated into development plans so as to be protected and even enhanced. Those are my comments regarding this proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment. My concerns are for open space, transportation systems, trails and walkways linking the neighborhood with other public facilities and trails, and protection of steep slopes and wetlands. In addition, there is a need for open space within this area as well as a plan for a large community park just south and west of this parcel. units per acre which is the lowest of any development in Prior Lake. The recommendation from (1-20-9t0 Staff is to approve Resolution 94-01PC. (Chairman Arnold noted a duplication of two sentences. Comments from thc Commissioners were: possibility coverage ration variances, clarification on lots affected, setbacks requested, amble open space, request will not interfere with golfing experience, and development is a PUD and changes can be made. MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY VONHOF, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 94-01PC AS PRESENTED. Vote taken signified ayes by Loftus, Vonhof, Arnold, and Roscth. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY ROSETH, SECOND BY VONHOF, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. Vote taken signified ayes by Roscth, Vonhof, Arnold, and Loftus. MOTION CARRIED. Public Hearing closed at 8:05 P.M. ITEM H - PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED - WENSMANN REALTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN/REZONING The Public Hearing was called to order at 8:06 P.M., the public was in attendance and a sign-up sheet was circulated. Tim Erlddla, Westwood Professional Services and Planning, Eden Prairie, represented the applicant Wensmann Realty, 3312-151st St. West, Rosemount, MN. Mr. Erkldla stated they concur with the Staff's facts and findings for the subject site. The rezoning requested allows single family or townhomes. The housing style has not been determined at this time and will be defined when the development plan is finalized. Horst Graser, Director of Planning, stated that the Commission had directed Staff to outline the land uses along County Road 42 and County Road 83 and related traffic concerns and data. The land uses in the 2010 Comprehensive Plan draft have not been approved. The concepts demonstrated have been incorporated into the 2010 comprehensive plan draft. The industrial study conducted in 1990 which was commissioned by the City Council, changed the industrial land use from the subject site to two other areas which were more conducive to industrial construction. The topography in the subject site consists of steep slope, wetlands, and is suited to residential rather than industrial. The surrounding area is residential and agricultural. Access onto County Road 42 will be an issue also. Knob Hill Development and Wensmann Realty have suggested they will construct Pike Lake Trial within their respective developments. Deb Garross, Assistant City Planner, reinforced Mr. Graser's presentation in regard to the natural features, and the pattern has been set as residential in the adjacent neighborhoods. Land uses are determined by the natural features on the site. Prior Lake does not have the type of land conducive to industry as the adjoining communities. lames Boerhave, 14243 Mitoka Circle, President of the Maple Hill Homeowners Association, which is adjacent to the subject site and wanted the Commissioners to know they are in favor of the rezoning. Mr. Boerhave stated the subject site is not industrial material. Wayne Fleck, Gold Nugget Development, stated he is the developer of Knob Hill and also was in favor of the rezoning action. Comments from the Commissioners were: thanked the Staff for the presentation which clarified the situation, time to rezone to the proper land use, traffic buffering, transportation, topography, PLANNING COMMISSION and land bank for industry. Commissioner Loftus stated he was not in favor of thc ordinance as he felt the land should be kept zoned industrial and could not support the request. Commissioner Loftus felt the City should not b~ application driven and should not deplete the industrial site inventory. MOTION BY ROSETH, SECOND BY ARNOLD, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL THAT THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BE BROUGHT INTO COMPLIANCE WITH THE ZONING ORDINANCE BY ADOPTING ORDINANCE 94-03, BASED ON THE FOLLOWING FACTS AND FINDINGS PRESENTED ON DECEMBER 16, 1993, AND JANUARY 6, 1994. Upon discussion it was determined the motion should be in two parts. Thereby the parties that made and seconded the motion agreed to withdraw it at this time. MOTION BY ROSETH, AND SECOND BY ARNOLD, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL TO AMEND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE BRANDT FARM, FROM INDUSTRIAL TO LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, BASED ON THE FOLLOWING FACTS AND FINDINGS PRESENTED ON DECEMBER 16, 1993, AS FOLLOWS: IF APPROVED THE AMENDMENT WILL PRODUCE A MAXIMUM OF 140 HOUSING UNITS. o SEWER IS OF CAPACITY TO ACCOMMODATE THE LAND USE CHANGE. WATER IS AVAILABLE TO THE SITE. 3. THE SITE IS NOT PART OF A REGIONAL PARK SYSTEM. BASED ON PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION, THE PLAN AMENDMENT IS CONSISTENT WITH OTHER LAND USE CHANGES WHICH WERE FROM INDUSTRIAL TO RESIDENTIAL. THE CITY HAS IN PLACE NURP AND OTHER POLICY STANDARDS THAT WILL PROTECT WETLANDS AND NATURAL FEATURES. 6. THE SITE IS WITHIN THE URBAN SERVICE AREA. THE DRAFT TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATES PIKE LAKE TRAIL A MAJOR COLLECTOR AND A MINOR COLLECTOR CORRIDOR RUNNING PARALLEL DIRECTLY SOUTH TO COUNTY ROAD 42. ANY PLANNED ACTION OR DEVELOPMENT ON THE SITE, NOT ACCOUNTING FOR THESE TWO COLLECTORS, IS INCONSISTENT WITH PRIOR LAKE'S LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLANNING EFFORT. AND THE FACTS AND FINDINGS OF JANUARY 6, 1994, MEMORANDUM AS FOLLOWS: IN 1990, THE COUNCIL ADOPTED AN INDUSTRIAL STUDY WHICH WAS TO BE INCORPORATED INTO THE 2010 PLAN. THE SUBJECT SITE I$ A COMPONENT OF THAT INDUSTRIAL POLICY DIRECTIVE. THE COUNCIL POLICY TOWARDS THE INDUSTRIAL DESIGNATED LAND USE SOUTHEAST OF INTERSECTION 42 AND 21, WAS TO CHANGE IT TO RESIDENTIAL. IT HAS SO FAR BEEN IMPLEMENTED THROUGH PLANNING COMMISSION J'anua~y 6, 1994 Page 3 THE REZONING OF CARRIAGE HILLS AND LEO VIERLING. THE SHORT AND LONG RANGE INDUSTRIAL STRATEGIES OF THE COUNCIL WERE POSITIONED ON THE 3:20 ACRE VIERLING SITE NORTH OF COUNTY ROAD 42 AND ADJAC~ENT TO COUNTY ROAD 2! IN THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE COMMUNITY, COMMERCIAL OPPOR'IXJNrI~S NORTH OF THE LAKE HAVE NEVER BEEN FORMALLY DISCUSSED, ALTHOUGH THE CONCEPT OF NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNED COMMERCIAL IS ONE THAT HAS BEEN INCORPORATED IN THE DRAFT 2010 PLAN, THE 40 ACRE SUBJECT SITE IS THE REMNANT PIECE OF INDUSTRIAl AFTER 200 ACRES HAVE BEEN REZONED TO AGRICULTURAL AND RESIDENTIAL, THE SUBJECT SITE BASED ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHICAL ANALYSIS DONE BY THE APPLICANT IS CONSIDERABLE MORE CONCLUSIVE TO THE MORE SITE RESPONSIVE RESIDENTIAL USE. o PIKE LAKE TRAIL HAS ALSO BEEN IDENTIFIED AS A MAJOR COLLECTOR IN THE DRAFT TRANSPORTATION PLAN. A MINOR COLLECTOR IS PROPOSED FOR THE ANTICIPATED LAND USES SOUTH AND WEST OF THE SUBJECT SITE. ALTHOUGH 2TIE VIERLING 120 ACRES HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM THE URBAN SERVICE AREA, IT IS PRUDENT TO LOOK AS POTENTIAL LAND USE RELATIONSHIP ISSUES. NOT ONE SINGLE RESIDENT OF PRIOR LAKE HAS OBJECTED TO THE APPLICATION. Commissioner Loftus again stated he would not be in support of the motion. Commissioer Vonhof sated that a better use of the subject site has not been found. Vote taken signified ayes by Roseth, Amold, and Vonhof. Nay by Loftus. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY ROSETH, SECOND BY VONHOF, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL THAT THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BE BROUGHT INTO COMPLIANCE WITH THE ZONING ORDINANCE BY ADOPTING ORDINANCE 94-03. Vote taken signified ayes by Roseth, Vonhof, and Arnold. Nay by Loftus. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY LOFTUS, SECOND BY VONHOF, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. Vote taken signified ayes by Lofms, Vonhof, Arnold, and Roseth. MOTION CARRIED. OTHER BUSINESS a) Work Plan for for 1994 Planning Commission, Horst Graser and Deb Garross, stated they wish to establish a work program for the upcoming year and asked the Commissioners for ideas, subjects, and direction, on what the Commissioners PLANNING COMMISSION Januaz~ 6. 1994 Page 4 'DeSc~ibe Submitted this_ Signature of "ORDPRO" CITY OF PRIOR LAKE ORDINANCE NO. 94-03 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING PRIOR LAKE CITY CODE SECTION $-2-1 AND PRIOR LAKE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 83-6 SECTION 2.1. The Council of lhe City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain: The Prior Lake Zoning Map, refaxed to in IMor Lake City Code Section 5-2-1 and Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance No. 83-6 Section 2.1, is hereby amended to change the zoning classifications of the following legally described property from I-1, Special Industrial and C-I, Conservation to R-l, Urban Residential: LEOAL DESCRIPTION: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF I-1, SPECIAL INDUSTRIAL TO BE REZONED TO R-l, URBAN RESIDENTIAL: That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 115, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota lying easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, thence westerly, along the north line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quaxter, a distance of 670.53 feet, to the actual point of beginning of the line to be described; thence southerly, parallel with the east line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 552.00 feet; thence southwesterly, to the southwest comer of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, a said line there terminating. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF C-l, CONSERVATION TO BE REZONED TO R-l, URBAN RESIDENTIAL: That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 115, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota lying westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the northeast comer of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter;, thence westerly along the north line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 670.53 feet, to the actual point of beginning of the line to be descn~ned; thence southerly, parallel with the east line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 552.00 feet; thence southwesterly, to the southwest comer of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, and said line there terminating. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this day of ,1994. ATTEST: City Manager:. Mayor:. To be published in the Prior Lake American on the day of ,1994. Drafted By: NOTICE OF PUBLIC Ii'EARING TO CONSIDER AN AMI~~ TO ~ PRIOR LAKE COMPREIiENSIVE PLAN You are hereby notified that the Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing in the Prior Lake City Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street S.E., on Thursday, December 16, 1993 at 7:35 p.m.. The purpose of the public hearing is to consider an application from Wensmann Realty to amend the Land Use Map of the Prior Lake Comprehensive Plan. Specifically, the request is to change the land use designation of the following legally described property from Industrial to Low Density Residential Land Use. The proposal is a minor comprehensive plan amendment request. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 115, Range 22, Scott County, lVfinnesota. Subject to easements and restrictions of record if any. Or more commonly described as: Approximately 41 acres of land located southwest of the intersection of County Road 42 and Pike Lake Trail, Prior Lake. If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this hearing. The Planning Commission will accept oral and or written comments. If you have questions regarding this matter, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447-4230. Deb Garro~ Assistant City Planner To be published in the Prior Lake American on December 4 and 11, 1993. 4629 Dakota St. $.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 AN EQUAl. Oi~ORTUNFFY EMPLOYER / Fax (612) 447-4245 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A REZONING APPLICATION FOR WENSMANN REALTY You are hereby notified that the Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing in the Prior Lake City Council Chambers at 4629 Dakota Street $.E., on Thursday, December 16, 1993 at 7:35 p.m.. The purpose of the public heating is to consider an application from Wensmann Realty to rezone property. Specifically, the request is to change the zoning designation of the following legally described property from I-1 Special Industrial, and C-I, Conseta, afion to R-I, Urban Residential. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF I-1, SPECIAL INDUSTRIAL TO BE REZONED TO R-l, URBAN RESIDENTIAL: That part of thc Northeast Quarter of thc Northwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 115, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota lying easterly of thc following described line: Commencing at the norhheast comer of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, thence westerly, along the north line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 670.53 feet, to the actual point of beginning of the line to be described; thence southerly, parallel with the east line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 552.00 feet; thence southwesterly, to the southwest comer of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, a said line there terminating. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF C-l, CONSERVATION TO BE REZONED TO R-l, URBAN RESIDENTIAL: That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 115, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota lying westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the northeast comer of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, thence westerly along the north line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 670.53 feet, to the actual point of beginning of the line to be described; theme southerly, parallel with the east line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 552.00 feet; thence southwesterly, to the southwest comer of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, and said line there terminating. If you desire to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this hearing. The Planning Commission will accept oral and or written comments. If you have questions regarding this matter, contact the Prior Lake Planning Department at 447-4230. .a~--istant City Planner To be published in the Prior Lake American on December 4 and 11, 1993. 4629 Dakota St. S£., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 4474230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING BRANDT PROPERTY PRIOR LAKE, MN November 16, 1993 14180 Trunk Hwy. 5 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 612-937-5150 FAX 612-937-5822 REQUEST An amendment to thc Land Use Plan section of the Prior Lake Comprehensive Plan is requested. The request is to amend thc land usc of a 40-~: acre parcel immediately southwest of County Road 42 and County Road 21 (Pike Lake Trail) from industrial to low density residential (see Exhibit A and B). A rezoning of this same parcel is requested from I-1, Special Industrial, and C-l, Conservation to R-l, Urban Residential (Exhibit C). See attached legal descriptions. RATIONALE 1. Existing Planning Context The proposed amendment will not create a contextually isolated or an incompatible land use. According to the City's current plans, the zoning and proposed land use for the surrounding area is as follows: Proposed Land Use Zoning North Agricultural C-1 Conservation District and A-1 Agricultural East High Density Residential R-1 Urban Residential South Agricultural I-1 Special Industrial West Natural Open Space C-1 Conservation and and Agricultural I-I Industrial 2. Future Planning Context The City has recently undertaken an update of the Comprehensive Plan which suggests a change in focus of the subject area from industrial to residential. According to the City Planning staff, the area to the west and south of the subject property will be redesignated to predominately residential land use with some commercial southeast of the intersection of County Road 21 and County Road 42. A recent amendment to the Comprehensive Plan involved an urban service area land exchange involving the proposed industrial Westwood Professional Services, Inc is an equal opportunh'y employer land to the south and west of the subject property. The industrial land was removed from the MUSA in exchange for "The Wilds" a parcel further to the west which will be designated for mixed use. 3. Physical Site Characteristics The topography of the site is very rolling with slopes ranging from 3% to 30%. Several wetlands are present on the lowlands. Small clumps of wooded areas consist of mainly elms, boxelder and a few sugar maple and hackberry. The balance of the site comprises shrubby growth and tilled farm land. A detailed inventory of wetlands and trees is included in this report. Due to the typically smaller building and parking masses, residential development can be more sensitive to the natural systems ora site than typical industrial development. In addition, the amount of total impervious surface is typically greater for industrial development than residential development. In Prior Lake, the maximum lot coverage for residential development is restricted to 22%. Industrial development is restricted primarily by setback requirements but could potentially reach 70-80% lot coverage given a large industrial lot. Therefore, a change from industrial land use to residential land use will have no greater, and likely less, impact on the natural systems of the site. Approximately 1/3 of the site is currently zoned Conservation District, which is intended to protect areas of steep slopes and other sensitive natural conditions. This zoning designation will be maintained on the site and refined to more closely match the actual site conditions. 4. Sanitary Sewer Based on an average daily residential sanitary sewer of 274 gallons/day/unit volume, a residential land use at 3.5 units/acre on the subject 40 acre site would produce 38,360 gallons/day. An industrial land use on the same 40 acres site at a typical rate of 2,000 gallons/day/acre would produce 80,000 gallons/day. Residential land use will have significantly less and certainly no greater demand for sanitary sewer service than an industrial use 5. Transportation Based on the Institute of Traffic Engineers Trip Generation Manual, 5th Edition, a residential land use, specifically a condominium/townhouse unit with an average of 5.86 trips/day, will generate a total of 820 trips per day from the subject parcel. A light industrial use will generate 2,000 trips per day for this same size parcel. A residential land use would generate significantly less traffic volume than an industrial land USe. 6. Airports The proposed site is not in a search area for any future airport or restricted flyway. 7. Parks The proposed site is not near a potential or existing regional park site or trail. The proposed development will tie into the local (municipal) park and trail system. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING BRANDT PROPERTY - PRIOR LAKE, MN Page 2 g. Water Resources a. Stormwater Stormwater runoff is a factor of impervious surface and topography. As discussed in "Physical Site Character" above, the total site coverage can possibly be much greater for an industrial use than for a residential use creating more stormwater nmoff. Similarly, due to the smaller building masses of residential development and consequent flexibility of design, natural topography can be maintained to a greater extent than is possible with larger building/parking masses of industrial development. Therefore, based on impervious surface and topography, residential land use will create no more and probably less, stormwater mnoffthan industrial development. b. Wetlands A complete inventory of wetlands is included in this report. The site contains approximately 5 acres of wetlands. The largest wetlands are located at the far west edge of the property and the southeast comer. The site design will avoid impacting these wetlands to the greatest extent possible and reasonable. Any impacts will be replaced at a 2:1 ratio. 9. 5 Year Capital Improvement Plan Several projects appear in Prior Lake's Five-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) in the area of the subject property indicating that the area has a high demand for development and that the City is ready for this development. Two county roads, CSAH 21 which is 1/2 mile to the west of the subject property, and CSAH 42, immediately north of the subject property, are planned to be widened from the existing two-lane roadway to a four-lane rural roadway with a bikeway improvement. This road, which is on the County Highway System, is being upgraded to handle the increasing traffic in this area in 1995 (CIP-31 and CIP- 33). A collector street, Carriage Hill Road, in the same neighborhood as the subject property is currently under construction and will continue in 1994 and 1996 (CIP-27). The timing is developer driven. 10. Housing The proposed land use change and subsequent residential development are in accordance with the City's housing goals. Prior Lake's Drat~ Comprehensive Plan 20 l0 includes policies that encourage choices in housing. Specific policies state as follows: 1. The City of Prior Lake is dedicated to provide sufficient housing options to meet the needs of all segments of the population, including the elderly and those of a variety of income levels. 2. The City of Prior Lake encourage and promote adequate living space and fully utilized housing through the provision of a range of choice among housing types and options. 13. Multi-family and low to moderate income housing should not be located in areas considered inferior to those generally used for conventional single family housing. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND KEZONING BRANDT PROPERTY - PRIOR LAKE, MN Page Prior Lake's existing housing stock is primarily single family homes. The proposed residential development will be a mixture of attached units - tovmhouses, patio homes, etc. The units will have a range of sizes. The site is away from the town center, therefore adding diversity in location. The housing policy that addresses the environment reads as follows: 14. Housing styles and development techniques which conserve land and increase efficiency are encouraged by the City of Prior Lake The proposed development of attached residential units with a low density is appropriate for the site in that much of the site is either too steep or wetland and cannot be developed. Attached residential allows for the remaining developable land to be used efficiently without detriment to the sensitive natural features. Another policy from the Dra~ Prior Lake 2010 Comprehensive Plan reads as follows: 15. Rental and multi-family housing shall be designed to insure adequate soundproofing, increased energy conservation, provisions for social and recreational facilities and access to adjacent neighborhoods, schools, public lands and commercial centers. The proposed development will be designed to include trails to the commercial center at the intersection of County Roads 21 and 42 as well as connections to the park land to the southwest and neighborhoods to the south and southeast. NATURAL SYSTEMS INVENTORY WETLANDS Methodology/ Wetlands within the site were staked in the field using the Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands (Federal Interagency Committee for Wetland Delineation, 1989) and the Wetland Delineation Manual (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1987). These manuals are currently followed to delineate wetlands regulated under the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act of 1991 and the Federal Clean Water Act, respectively. In this case and in several other recent delineations, these manuals resulted in one set (i.e., identical) wetland boundaries. These boundaries reflect the stake locations determined by land surveyors and are shown on the accompanying Natural Systems Inventory graphic. National Wetland Inventory mapping and the Scott County Soil survey were also reviewed to aid in identifying wetlands within the parcel. Wetlands were classified according to Wetlands of the United States (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Circular 39; Shaw and Fredine, 1971) and Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States (FWS/OBS Publication 79/31; Cowardin et al. 1979). Although the Circular 39 system is more broadly understood, the administrative rules of the Wetland Conservation Act use abbreviated Cowardin classifications. Throughout the rest of this narrative and on the accompanying graphic, wetlands are first identified by their Cowardin classifications, and secondly by their Circular 39 Classifications. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING BRANDT PROPERTY - PRIOR LAKE, MN Page 4 Description of Wetlands The site contains all or part of five wetland basins encompassing a total of 4.92 acres and described in Table 1. Table 1. Description of delineated wetlands. Classification Square Basin Cowardin Circ.39 Feet Acres Dominant vegetation A PEMB/PSS lB 2/6 55,933 1.28 Reed canary; few willow, dogwood, sedges, bluegrass B PFO1AfPEMB 1L/2 17,529 0.40 Boxelder, elm, read canary; few sedges, wood nettles, elderberry C PEMB 2 7,543 0.17 Reed canary; few sedges D PEMB 2 118,025 2.71 Reed canary; few sedges, elm, boxelder, willow E PEMB 2 15,600 0.36 Reed canary; few elm, boxelder, green ash, bluegrass Basin A is a 1.28-acre Palustrine emergent saturated/Palu~e scrub-shrub broadleafdeciduous saturated (PEMB/PSS1B; Type 2/6 wet meadow/shrub swamp) wetland dominated by reed canary grass with a few sedges. Red osier dogwood mixed with elm and boxelder predominates on the west side of the basin and a few black willow are present toward the north end. Soil probes reveled 18 inches of black silty clay loam with saturation but no mottling or gleying in the lower profile. Basin B is an 0.40-acre Palustrine forested broad-leaf deciduous temporarily flooded/Palustrine emergent saturated (PFO 1AfPEMB; Type 1L/2 bottomland hardwoods/wet meadow) wetland dominated by boxelder elm in the forested zone along Pike Lake Trail, with reed canary grass and a few sedges is where the drainage continues northwest through agricultural field. Soils included dark gray to black sandy loam to loam with no mottling or gleying with 18 inches of the surface but with saturation and some running surface water. Basin C is an 0.17-acre Palustrine emergent saturated (PEMB; Type 2 wet meadow) wetland dominated by reed canary grass with a few sedges and having black silty clay loam soils. Much of this basin and part of Basin E was mowed and harvested for hay after wetland stakes were located by surveyors. Consequently, all wetland boundary stakes do not remain in their original location. Basin D is 2.17-acre Palustrine emergent saturated (PEMB; Type 2 wet meadow) wetland dominated by reed canary grass with a few sedges, and with elms and boxelders along the edges. Soils included dark gray to black silty clay loam with brown and light gray mottles present at a depth of 14 inches. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING BRANDT PROPERTY - PRIOR LAKE, MN Page 5 Basin E is an 0.36-acre Palustrine emergent saturated (PEMB; Type 2 wet meadow) wetland dominated by reed canary grass with a small amount of Kentucky bluegrass and with elm, boxdder, and green ash along the south and west sides and with dark gray to black silty clay loam soils. Regulatow Jurisdiction All wetlands on the site fall under the jurisdiction of the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act of 1991 (administered by the City of Prior Lake in conjunction with the Prior Lake-Spring Lake Watershed District) and Section 404 of the Federal Clean Water Act (administered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers). Because all wetlands on the site are considered isolated for Corps of Engineers permitting purposes, up to one-half acre of these basins could be filled without pre-discharge notification to the Corps and without wetland replacement. However, at the Wetland Conservation Act will require 2 to 1 replacement for wetland fill if the amount of fill exceeds 400 square feet. The site does not contain any DNR protected wetlands, waters, or watercourses. TREES Methodology Significant trees within the site were inventoried according the methods agreed to by Westwood Professional Services and the City of Prior Lake. With few exceptions, these methods followed the Tree Preservation Guidelines adopted by the City of Eagan. The minimum size of healthy trees considered significant varied by species based on the following table. The diameter of each significant tree was measured to the nearest inch at breast height (4.5 feet above the ground, high side of tree) and the diameter and species was recorded on an aluminum tag attached to the tree with a double-headed 6-penney nail. Each tagged tree was also tied around the trunk with orange flagging. Tagged trees were located by land surveyors to prepare the accompanying graphic. In cases where the tree had more than one stem due to suckering as a sapling, only the largest of the significant multiple stems was tagged and recorded. In eases where the leading bole of the tree was broken offin a manner that substantially disfigured the tree's growth form, the tree was not considered significant and was not tagged or located. All tree species meeting the minimum dimensions given in the following table are listed by species in that table; no other trees of significant size were located. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING BRANDT PROPERTY - PRIOR LAKE, MN Page 6 Table 2. Minimum dimensions of trees considered significant. Common name American basswood American elm Bittcrnut hickory Black cherry Black willow Boxelder Eastern cottonwood Green ash Hackberry Red cedar Red oak Siberian elm Sugar maple Trembling aspen Scientific name Tilia americana UImus americana Carya cordiformis Prunus serotina Salix nigra Acer negundo Populus deltoides Fraxinus pennsylvanica Celtis occidentalis Juniperus virginiana Quercus rubra Ulmus pumila Acer saccharum Populus tremuloides Minimum dimension of significant trees 8" dbh (diameter breast height) 8" dbh 8" dbh 8" dbh 12" dbh 12" dbh 12" dbh 8" dbh 8" dbh 12' height 8" dbh 8" dbh 8" dbh 8" dbh Description of Significant Trees 402 significant trees were tagged on the site. The general character of wooded areas (including species composition and general size range) has been inventoried below and illustrated on the accompanying graphic. Table 3. Summary of significant tree inventory results. Number Number Common name Scientific name 8-12" dbh > 12" dbh American basswood Tilia americana 16 19 American elm Ulmus americana 126 15 Bittemut hickory Carya cordiformis I Black cherry Prunus serotina Black willow Salix nigra 2 Boxelder Acer negundo 18 81 Eastern cottonwood Populus deltoides Green ash Fraxinus pennsylvamca 7 3 Hackberry Celtis occidentalis 1 1 Red cedar Junipems virginiana 1 Red oak Quercus rubra 1 4 Siberian elm Ulmus pumila 28 14 Sugar maple Acer saccharum 44 17 Tremblin$ aspen Populus tremuloides 1 2 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND KEZONING BRANDT PROPERTY - PRIOR LAKE, MN age '1 TOPOGRAPHY Topographic mapping for the site showing two-foot contours was obtained from the City of Prior Lake by Wensmann Homes. Analysis of this topography identified six areas where slopes meet or exceed the 20 percent steep slope criterion specified by the City of Prior Lake. These areas range in size from 0.27 to 1.34 acres and encompass a total of 3.67 acres. It should be noted that the accuracy of this topographic mapping has not been checked or confirmed in the field by land surveyors. Some minor deviations between this mapping and actual topographic conditions may exist. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING BRANDT PROPERTY - PRIOR LAKE, MN Pase 8 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 14180 Trunk Hwy, 5 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 612-937-5150 Legal Descriptions FAX 612-937-5822 C-1 Zoning: That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 115, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota lying westerly of the following described line: Commencing at thc northeast comer of said Northeast Quarter of thc Northwest Quarter; thence westerly, along the north line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 670.53 feet, to the actual point of beginning of the line to be described; thence southerly, parallel with the east line of said Northeast Quarter of the North~vest Quarter, a distance of 552.00 feet; thence southwesterly, to the southwest comer of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, and said line there terminating. I-1 Zoning: That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 115, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota lying easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the northeast comer of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence westerly, along the north line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 670.53 feet, to the actual point of beginning of the line to be described; thence southerly, parallel with the east line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 552.00 feet; thence southwesterly, to the southwest comer of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, a said line there terminating. K- Site Location Brandt Property, Prior Lake, MN Exhibit A A-1 ~ j PRIO~ LAKE Existing Zoning Rezoning Brandt Property, Prior Lake, MN SMSC LAND HOLD~GS ,! i LAND USE PLAN -?---=-I '- -~--..J ,,mW~ ~ ~ ~ Existing Land Use LDR The proposed lend use designetions of the area surrounding the site are based on discussions with city staff. LDR - Low Density Residential MDR - Medium Density Residential P - Park COM - Commercial O - Open Space Proposed Land Use,