HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 Resolution Index LIST OF RESOLUTIONS FOR 1993 NUMBER DESCRIPTION DATE *Indicates sent to Recorder's office APPROVED --. WHO * 93-01 93-02 93-03 93-04 93-05 93-06 93-07 93-08 93-09 93-10 93-11 93-12 93-13 93-14 RES93 For Prior Lake/Savage Area Schools Reinvest in America New Priorities Proclamation Requesting Minnesota State Legislators to Consider Enact- ment of Equitable Funding Legislation Authorizing The Issuance of $500 000.00 LGO Equip. Certif. of 1993 Authorizing $1,100,000 GO Refunding Bonds of 1993 Accepting Feasibility Study and Calling for public hearing on improvement of 1993 projects supporting Volunteer of America Week of March 7-14 Resolution Approving the EDC 1992 Annual Report and the 1993 EDC Work Program Resolution authorizing upgrade of Septic Systems - Minnesota Conservation Fed. To Conduct One-Day Lawful Gambling Approving the Premise Permit Renewal Application for Lawful Gambling of P.L. Lions Club Approving Gambling - Knights of Columbus Reaffirming Support of CR 18 Improvements Ordering Improvement and Pre- paration of Plans for Lime and Center Roads ...... Or~dering Improveme~- ara~'~0f~P/~s~r Water- fr,~t.~-~~ness Park 1/4/93 1/4/93 1/19/93 1/19/93 2/16/93 2/16/93 2/16/93 3/1/93 3/1/93 3/1/93 3/15/93 3/15/93 KK KK KK BW DG LF LIST OF RESOLUTIONS FOR 1993 NUMBER DESCRIPTION DATE *Indicate'~ sent to Recorder's Office APPROVED WHO * 93-15 93-16 93-17 93-18 93-19 93-20 93-21 93-22 93-23 93-24 RES93 Authorizing Holmes & Graven to Represent the City of Prior Lake in Lawsuits Commenced by John Starks and Christopher Fields Resolution Ordering Improvements and Preparation of Plans on Business Office Park (Proj 93-11 and other 1993 City Improvement Projects. Authorizing Conveyance of Certain Tax Forfeiture Lands to the City of Prior Lake Opposing House Files 622, 623, 641, 671 and 677 introduced in Minnesota House of Reps during 1993 Legislative Session Local Government Resolution for Submission of an Economic Recovery Fund Application to Facilitate the Katun Proposal Resolution Approving the Application for Lawful Gambling for the Premise of O'Malley's on Main by the Knights of Columbus Resolution establishing municipal state aid street (MSAS) desig- nation Resolution setting forth conditions to be met prior to filing final plat for Busse First Addition Resolution authorizing submittal of MWCC Grant Application Establishing Date and Bond Amount for Fire Station Referendum 3/15/93 3/15/93 4/05/93 4/05/93 4/05/93 4/05/93 4/19/93 4/19/93 4/19/93 5/3/93 RES90 LIST OF RESOLUTIONS FOR 1993 NUMBER DESCRIPTION DATE *Indicates sent to Recorder's Office APPROVED WHO * RS93-25 RS93-26 RS93-27 RS93-28 RS93-29 RS93-30 RS93-31 RS93-32 RS93-33 RS93-34 RS93-35 RS93-36 Adopting the Americans With Disabilities Act Requirements Setting Forth Conditions To Be Met Prior to Filing and Related to Final Plat For Woodridge Estates Second Addition Prior Lake Development L.P. Comprehensive Plan Approving Adjustment to Prior Lake Year 2000 Urban Service Area Authorizing Public Sale of $3,000,000 General Obligation Bonds Forest Oaks and Forest Circle First Addition Sewer and Water Project Request MnDOT Financial Assis- tance in Upgrading of Storm Sewer Outlet from T.H. 13 to Mitchell Pond Requesting MnDOT Financial Assistance in Construction of Traffic Signal at T.H. 13 and Five Hawks Avenue Resolution Adopting Comprehensive Plan Amendment for Agricultural Preserve Resolution Approving Preliminary and Final Plat for Hidden View Resolution Approving Preliminary and Final Plat for Westbury Ponds Resolution for Premise Permit For Optimists Club for Extra Innings Saloon Resolution Setting Forth Items to be Complete Prior to Release of and Recording of Hardshell for Forest Oaks First Addition 5/3/93 5/3/93 5/3/93 5/17/93 5/17/93 5/17/93 5/17/93 5/17/93 5/17/93 5/17/93 5/17/93 RES90 LIST OF RESOLUTIONS FOR 1993 NUMBER DESCRIPTION DATE *Indicates sent to Recorder's Office APPROVED WHO * RS93-37 RS93-38 RS93-39 RS93-40 RS93-41 RS93-42 RS93-43 RS93-44 RS93-45 RS93-46 RS93-47 RES93 Resolution for Preliminary and Final Plat for Lakefront Woods Resolution Approving Lawful Gambling Premis Permit For Extra Innings Saloon - Optimist Club. Resolution of Prior Lake City Council setting Forth Items to Be Complete Prior to Release of and Recording of Hardshell For Carriage Hills Second Addn. Resolution of P.L. City Council to Approve the Schematic and Preliminary PUD Plan for Cardina Ridge. Resolution Approving Plans and Specs & Ordering Advertisment For Bids on Lime Road & Center Road Street Improvement Proj 93-12 and on the Pond Athletic Complex Road & Parking Lot Improvement (Proj. 93-14) Resolution Approving the Premise Permit Renewal Application For Lawful Gambling of the P.L. VFW Post 6208 Resolution Relating to Parking Restrictions on CSAH 42 Resolution Approving Plans For CSAH 42 Project From 1300' West of Ferndale Avenue to Harbor Place. Resolution Relating to Parking Restrictions on CSAH 18 Resolution Approving Plans For The CSAH 18 Project From CSAH 42 to 1/2 Mile North Resolution of the P.L. City Council to Approve The Pre- liminary Plat of Cardinal Ridge 5/17/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 6/7/93 RES93 LIST OF ~LUTIONS FOR 1993 NT/~BER DESCRIPTION DATE *Indicates sent to Recorder's Office APPRO%q~ RS93-48 RS93-49 RS93-50 RS93-51 RS93-52 RS93-53 RS93-54 RS93-55 RS93-56 RS93-57 RS93-58 Resolution authorizing eminent domain proceedings in accordance with Minnesota Statutes ch. 117 Resolution accepting bid on sale of $3,000,000 General Obligation Bonds of 1993, providing for their issuance and levying a taxi for the payment thereof ! Resolution of P.L. City Council To Canvass the Returns of the Special Fire Hall Referendum I Election I Accepting Bid for Project 93-12 I (Lime Boad and Center Road street improvements) and Project 93-14 (Pond Athletic Complex Road andl parking lot improvement) I Authorizing Bond Sale for I Construction of Fire Station ! I I Approving Plans and Specifications and ordering advertisement for bids on Forest Circle and Forest l Oaks First Addition Improvement Project 93-13 and on Pike Lake I Trail Sanitary Sewer extension Improvement Project 93-06 ! Approval of Schematic and Prelim PUD plan for the Wilds I I Preliminary Plat of the Wilds I ! Resolution Ordering Advertisement of Bids for 1993 Street Seal- coating program, Proj. 93-15 Approve Preliminary Plat of Waterfront Passage Business Park Addition Setting Forth conditions to be met prior to filing of final tabled 6/21/93 6/21/93 6/22/93 7/6/93 7/6/93 7/6/93 7/19/93 7/19/93 7/19/93 7/19/93 7/19/93 LIST OF RESOLUTIONS FOR 1993 ~ DESCRIPTION DATE *Indicates sent to Recozder's Office WHO * APPROVED I RS93 -59 RS93-60 RS93 -61 RS93-62 RS93-63 RS93-64 RS93-65 RS93-66 RS93-67 RS93-68 Resolution appzoving plans and specifications and ozdezing adveztisement fox bids on Watezfzont Passage Business/ office Pazk Plat Pzoj. 93-11 Appzoving Final Plat of Watez- Fzont Passage Business Pazk Resolution Appzoving ...police Finding a negative declazation foz the envizonmental assessment wozksheet foz Cazziage Hills Pazkway and does not zequize an EAW Accepting bid foz Pzoject 93-13 Fozest Cizcle and Fozest Oaks Fizst Addition Impzovement and Pzoject 93-06 Pike Lake Tzail Sanitazy Sewez extension impzov. Resolution appzoving a one-day lawful gambling pezmit foz the Pzioz Lake VFW on 8/7/93 Lakefzont Days Resolution to appzove the Pzeliminazy Plat of the Echos Subdivision. Bond Sale foz Fize Station $2,100,000 GO & Levying a Tax Resolution to appzove vaziance foz A1 Skaja dba Valley sign Appzoving the Schematic and Pzeliminazy Plat PUD foz the fizst Addition to West Edge Estates 7/19/93 7/19/93 8/2/93 8/2/93 7/28/93 8/2/93 7/28/93 8/2/93 8/16/93 RES93 LIST OF RESOLUTIONS FOR 1993 ~ DESCRIPTION DATE *Indicates sent to Recozdez's Office WHO * APPROVED I RS93 -69 RS93-70 RS93-71 RS93 -72 RS93-73 RS93 -74 RS93 -75 RS93 -76 RS93-77 RS93-78 I Approving the Preliminary Plat of the first addition to West Edge Estates. Resolution Setting Forth cond- itions to be met prior to filing of final plat for Westbuzy Pond Approving the Preliminary Plat of Jefferson's Second Addition Setting Forth Conditions to be met prior to filing of final plat for Jefferson's second addition. Accepting bid for Project 93-15 bituminous sealcoating of streets Resolution Certifying "Proposed" 1994 City of Prior Lake Tax Levy to Scott County Auditor Resolution Accepting Bid for Project 93-11 (Waterfront Psg. Business office Park Resolution Ordering Preparation of Report on 1994 Improvement Pzojects Resolution Calling for a public hearing on a proposed tax incre- ment financing district 2-1 and the use of tax increment financing. Resolution Approving Plans and Specs and Ordering Advertisement for Bids on Fish point Road 8/16/93 8/16/93 s/16/93 8/16/93 8/16/93 9/7/93 9/7/93 9/20/93 9/7/93 9/20/93 RES93 LIST OF RESOLUTIONS FOR 1993 NUMBER DESCRIPTION DATE *Indicates sent to Recorder's office WHO * APPROVED RS93 -79 RS93-80 RS93-81 RS93-82 RS93-83 RS93-84 RS93-85 RS93-86 RS93 - 87 RS93-88 Resolution Relating to Parking Restrictions on S.A.P. 201-105 05 on Fish Point Road from CSAH 44 to 0.312 Mi. South of CSAH 44 along Fish Point Road 9/20/93 Approving Tax Increment financing 9/20/93 Dist. 2-1 and the use of tax increment financing Comprehensive Pland Use to modify year 2000 urban service area within the city to allow development of the Wilds Resolution adopting negative Declaration for Preparation of EIS for Wilds Golf Club and Residengtial PUD Approve Schematic and Prelim PUD plan for the Wilds Resolution of the Prior Lake City Council Setting Forth Conditions to be met prior to release of final plat of Cardinal Ridge first addition. Resolution Setting forth cond. to be met prior to release of final plat of first addn.of West Edge Estates Expressing Prior Lake's position with respect to unfunded mandates 9/20/93 9/20/93 9/20/93 10/18/93 10/18/93 Resolution identifying project representative and authorizing Phase II application for Clean water Partnership with watershed Board Resolution Accepting Bid for Project 93-05 Fish Point Road Improvements 10/18/93 10/18/93 RES93 LIST OF RESOLUTIONS FOR 1993 NUMBER DESCRIPTION *Indicates sent to Reco~dez's office APPROVED WHO * RS93 - 86 RS93-87 RS93-88 RS93-89 RS93-90 RS93 -91 I RS93-92 RS93-93 RS93-94 RS93-95 RS93-96 RS93-97 Expressing Prior Lake's positionl 10/18/93 with respect to unfunded mandates Resolution identifying project representative and authorizing Phase II application for Clean Water Partnership with Watershed Board Resolution Accepting Bid for Project 93-05 Fish Point Road Improvements Hearing on proposed assessments for Proj. 93-11 waterfront Passg Business Park Constr. Improv. Proposed Assessments for Proj 93-13 Forest Circle constr. improvements. lO/18/93 lO/18/93 lO/18 10/18 Proposed Assessments for Pro~ 931 10/18 -12 Lime & Center Road Constr. I Improvements. I Declaring Cost to be assessed & Ordering prep. of proposed asses fox proj 93-11 WPBOP constI imp. DeclaIing Costs to be assessed & oIderin§ pIep. of p~op. assessm. for proj 93-13 Forest Circle Declaring Costs to be assessed & ordering prep. of prop. assess. for Proj. 93-12 Lime & Center Rd Approving the Final PUD Plan For the Wilds Setting Forth Conditions to be Met prior to release of the Final Plat of the Wilds Authorizing restrictive access to Watzl's Point From Red Oaks Lane in Lakefront Park lO/18 10/lS lO/18 10/22/93 10/22/93 lO/18 LIST OF RESOLUTIONS FOR 1993 NUMBER DESCRIPTION *Indicates sent to Recorder's Office APPROVED DATE WHO * RS93-98 RS93-99 RS93-100 RS93-101 RS93-102 RS93-103 RS93-104 RS93-105 RS93-106 RS93-107 RS93-108 RS93-109 Canvassing of Votes from Nov 2, 1993 city election Adopting Assessment for Water- front Passage Business Park Improvements Proj. 93-11 Adopting Assessment for Forest Circle/Forest Oaks Improvements Proj. 93-13 Adopting Assessment for Lime Road and Center Road Improvements Proj. 93-12 Approving the Final PUD for First Addition to West Edge Estates Awarding Contract to Apple Printing for Preparation of the Wavelength and Recreation Brochure Requesting a Variance From MSAS std. procedure on North- wood Road. Lions Club Premise Permit Setting Forth Conditions to be met prior to release of the Final Plat of Carriage Hills Adopting 1994 P.L. budget & Certifying Final City of P.L. Tax Levy to Scott County Auditor Approval of Feasibility Studies for 1994 Public Improvement Projects Eminent Domain Proceedingsl in Accordance with MN. Statutes 11/3/93 11/15 11/15 11/15 11/15 11/15 12/6 12/20 12/20 12/20 12/20 RES93