HomeMy WebLinkAbout8D Savage Water Supply StudySTAFF AGENDA REPORT
DECEMBER 19, 1994
The purpose of this Agenda Item is for the Council to consider approval of
the attached Cooperative Agreement between the cities of Prior Lake and
Savage to conduct an Alternative Water Supply Study.
The City of Savage has been required by the DNR to undergo a Fen
Management Study to determine the affects of municipal high capacity
wells on the Savage Fen. The Savage Fen Wetland Complex shown on
the attached location map is a rare wetland area which has special
protection by the State Legislature.
The Savage Management Plan has been prepared by Barr Engineering
Company for the City of Savage. A ground water model for the City of.
Savage was developed to determine the affect of the ground water level
at the Fen. The model was calibrated from measurements of Savage
wells only and the Fen area.
The model concluded that the City of Savage could not pump more than
800 gallons per minute from the Jordan Sandstone Aquifer without
impacting the Fen Wetland Complex. Deeper aquifers such as the
Franconia-lronton-Galesville or Mt. Simon-Hinckly are not recommended
by the DNR as a long term solution.
The City of Prior Lake has three wells within the Jordan Aquifer in the
Brooksville Hills area which is located due south and a little west of the
Savage Fen. The ground water flow from the well field is towards the
Fen. The Fen Management Plan Report states that any additional City of
Prior Lake high capacity municipal wells may also impact the Fen.
Any restrictions on this well field will affect our water distribution system
since there is a high likelihood that an alternate well field would have to
be established. This would require a major modification to our water
system and associated cost.
The Cooperative Agreement is to conduct further study within the City of
Prior Lake and in particular on our existing well field to determine if future
wells will impact the Fen. The study will be done by expanding the
computer model and calibration process to include the City of Prior Lake
area. The Agreement is with the City of Savage as they will administer
the contract with Barr Engineering and the City of Prior Lake will
reimburse the City of Savage. Other nearby cities such as Burnsville and
Shakopee, as well as the Shiely Corporation, are also involved in the
4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 5537.2-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245
AG1219. ENG
study. Funding participation depends upon the analysis being done for
each community.
In the case of Prior Lake, the study is estimated to be approximately
$14,000.00 to be paid with Trunk Reserve Funds. The study will provide
answers to several ground water study questions such as:
The annual withdrawal amount from the Jordan Aquifer by the
City's existing well field without adversely impacting the Fen.
Modeling of new potential well fields in the western part of the
City and their impact on the Fen.
The City has programmed an additional well for the City in 1999. This
study is essential to determine where and what amounts of withdrawal will
be permitted by the DNR, and what will be needed for future well
The main issue is whether or not the study should be done at this time.
The City will need to update its Comprehensive Water Plan, prepare a
Wellhead Protection Plan by 1996, and have an Emergency and
Conservation Water Plan by 1996. It appears that eventually a ground
water model study will be required by the DNR for any new well. Knowing
what the DNR will approve in our existing well field site is important in
planning the City's water system for the year 2010 and beyond.
The alternatives are as follows:
Authorize the Mayor and City Manager to sign the Cooperative
Agreement with the City of Savage to complete the study, with
Prior lake's portion not exceeding $14,000.00 paid from the
Trunk Reserve Fund.
Table this item for a specific reason.
Deny this item for a specific reason.
Staff recommends that the study be approved at this time to determine
what can be done for future wells and water supply needs for the City.
Make a motion to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to sign the
Cooperative Agreement with the City of Savage for the amount listed in
the Agreement and to be paid out of the City's Trunk Reserve Funds.
The City's Trunk Reserve Fund's current amount is $982,000.00. This
fund is reimbursed,~by the Trunk Reserve Acreage Charge which is
cure__acre for trunk water.
12/12/94 16:31 CITY OF SAUAGE - 612 447 4245 N0.492 Q~2
This agreement is entered into between the City of Savage and the City of Prior Lake.
%TIEREAS, the City of Savage Alternative Urban Areawide Review and Fen Management Plan documents
set forth the criteria for development of 2600 acres within the City. of Savage, while protecting the natural
resources of the Savage Fen, Eagle Creek and Boiling Springs; and
WHEREAS, these documents indicate that the City of Savage can no longer utilize the Prairie Du
chien/Jordan aquifer as its main source of water supply; and
WHEREAS, the City of Savage will be exploring alternatives tbr a permanent water supply source, not
limited to but including deeper aquifers, the Minnesota River or existing permanent dewatering operations in
the area, such as the Sheily gravel pit (Shakopee) or the Kraemer gravel pit (Burnsville); and
WHEREAS, the expansion of the City of Savage's groundwater model and analysis of water supply
alternatives may benefit other communities or organizations: and
WHEREAS, the Cities of Savage, Burnsville, Prior Lake and Shakopee, along with the Shiely Corporation,
agree to cooperate in these efforts as outlined in the Barr Engineering Scope of Services (Amendment A to
Attactunent 1) and participate in the funding of these studies accordingly.
THEREFORE, the City. of Prior Lake agrees to pay for the costs associated w, ith assessing the groundwater
conditions in Prior Lake Lu. accordance with the terms of Part C of Amendment A to Attachment 1 to the
Bart Engineering contract with the Ci~ of Savage.
The City, of Savage will administer and expand Barr Engineering's current contract to include the proposed
scope of services shown in Amendment A to Attachment 1 (which is the original contract).
City of Savage Representatives:
Name Name Name
Title Title Title
Dato Date Date
City of Prior Lake Representatives:
City Manager
En, gineedng Company
8300 Norman Center Drive
Minneacoiis, MN 55437- ;026
P,flone: f612) 832-2600
Fax: (612) 832-2601
November 11, 1994
Nix. David E. Hutton
Director of Public Works/City Engineer
City of Savage
6000 McColl Drive
Savage, M~ 55378
RE: Expanded Scope of Services for Groundwater Modeling
Dear Mr. Hutton:
Enclosed is Amendment A to Attachment 1 which Barr Engineering Company proposes be
attached to Barr's Contract with the City dated April 14, 1994. The amendment is a revised scope
of services for additional groundwater modeling and alternative water source evaluation, and is
based on Bar~s memo written to you earlier. The amendment is broken down into four separate
parts: Par~ A is for the City of Savage and Shiely quarry; Part B for the City of Burnsville and
Kraemer quarry; Part C for the City of Prior Lake; and Part D for meetings. Also included in the
amendment are a project schedule and costs for each Part. I trust this ~r, endment will be
appropriate for you to: (1) bring to your Council for approval, and (2) submit to the Cities of
Burnsville and Prior Lake. The amendment includes all revisions to the scope of services affecting
all of the cities on the task force. Please note that we are offering our services on a lump sum
basis for each part except Part D (meetings) which is on a t~me and expenses basis with an
estimated cost based on the scope. Parc D does not have a not-to-exceed amount.
Please review the enclosed amendment and if you have any questions on any items, please
do not hesitate to contact me at 832-2774.
Brian K. LeMon
c: Bruce Loney, City of Prior Lake
Craig Ebling, City of Burnsville
Robert Bieraugel, Shiely Company
John Morley, Edward Kraemer
~-. \ss\ 0003094 \ 19337_i
Mo~g the scope of settees ~o be furnished under the A~e~ment dated Apr~ 14, 1994 be~een:
Bart Engineering Company CBarr")
8300 Norman Cen~r Drive, Suite 300
Minneapolis, MN 55437-1026
City of Savage ("Client")
6000 McColl Drive
Savage, MN 55378
Arm: David Hutton
The following addlt/o,~,l services are required ~o perform groundwater modeling and
altemat/ve water source evaluation for the City of Savage. The work will assist the Ci~ies of
Savage, Burns~lle, Prior r~e, and Shakopee; as well z~ Shiely Company. and Kraemer &
Sons, Inc. to evaluate impacts of alternative water sources on specifically iden~ed
environmentally sensitive areas and municipal plans for public warar supplies.
The proposed added ~cope as been developed without the be~efit o£ a/1 of the available data
for the Cities' well fields and quarries, and may be subject ~o some change. Such changes
will be accomplished by additional amendments which will amend the Contract scope, fees
and schedule as needed. Bart will coordinate with the Cities, companies, the Minnesota
Depa~-~ent of Natural Resources and the Cities' other co~sultant~ a~ needed in the
completion of this project.
Part A. City ,of Sava~e/Skiel¥ Qua_r? Tasks
Bart will make modi6cat/ons to the Savage Fen MLEAM groundwater model near the Shiely
quarry, to el~,-~ate m~or instabili~ies and improve model accuracy. This will be done:
(1) to provide a more accurate assessment of the potent/al piezometric impacts of an increase
of dewatering rates at the Shiely quarry on the Savage Fen Wetland Complex, Eagle Creek,
exis~g and proposed Cit7 of Shakopee wells, Deans z~,l,e, and surrounding weClzadz; and
(2) ~o fadlitate a review of alternative wa~er sources for the City.
P: \~\0003094 \ 19~S7__1 \YMH 1
Task I - Data Gathering and Eeview of Existing Information
Bart will review the exist~g model and data and gather the following data needed to
complete the re,~nder of this par~ of the project~
City of Sh-~opee will be asked to provide ~he location and withdrawal rate of ~heir
exisr/ng City wells ss well az the proposed location and withdrawal rates of their
fum.r e wells.
City of Savage will be z.~ked ~o confirm its ultimate az~d interim annual water needs.
Addit/onal geolog/c in/ormat/on will be gathered from av~;l~hle sources for the Shiely
quarry area.
Shiely Company will be ssked to Provide a history of quarry pumping r=tes, including
annual withdrawal, measuzed drawdown, water quality information, and observat/on
well information.
· Past studies relevant to alternat/ve water sources available to the City.
In addition to gathering the data lis~d above, Bars will coordinate with the
Depa,-t~ent of Natural Resources so that studies being done on the Shiely quarry
~rea will not conflict with or duplicate work currently being proposed by the DNR.
Th/s specific task does not have a deliverable.
Task 2 - Alternative Water Sotn-ee Review and Treatment Requ/rements
Bart will review identi//ed alternat/ve water sources ava/lable to the City of Savage and
deter~i,~e what will be required of the City to meet Safe Dri,~i,~g Water Act requirements
if the Shiely quarry dewatering water is used az a potable water source.
Bart will meet with the Mi,~uesota Depa, t~ent of Health on two separate occasions. It is
anticipated that these meet/ni/~ will identify additio-,] ser~ces beyond this project's scope
for perfor~i,~g a bench or pilot plant study of Shiely quarry dewatermg water.
P:\SS\0003094\ 19337_! \~ 2
612 85~ 2601
The deliverable for ~t,;, task will be a report outlining akernat/ve wazer sources available to
the City and defining the scope of a bench or pilot plant study to determiue the type of
treatment required ~o use the Shiely quarry as a potable wa~er source.
Task 3 - Dewatering Effects (Meyer Model)
Bart will use the Meyer water balance model to estimate the effect of increased dewatering
at the Shiely quarry on area wetlands and Deans Lake. Results of previous studies done on
this topic will be incorporated into ~i_~ task. Bart will gather data to support ~he Meyer
modeling efforts, including obtainin4/past Deans Lake work, regional and local weather
data, and welfland delineations for the area. This work will be coordinated with the
groundwater modeling effort to produce a surface water balance for the Deans Lake and
Shiely quarry area which will es~,~ate impacts to local surface water resources due to the
dewatering at Shiely quarry. Water quality issues will not be studied unde/this scope.
This task will also include one meeting with the Minnesota Depa~t~,,ent of Nat-aral
Resources in order to coordinate work and avoid duplicate effort,
The deliverable for ~i~ task will be a report to summarize fin~.
Task i - Modil~ Groundwa~r Model
Barf will improve model accuracy in the Shiely quany area by using data ~athered in
earlier rusks to eliminate instabilities in the Savage Fen MI.EAM groundwater model in the
Shiely quarry area. Bart will relocate nodes that do not coincide and sweep all other nodes
so that they coincide in all layers and in neighboring analytical elements. Bart will also
refine elements near the Shiely quarry and the leaky elements beneath De_~,,-~ Lake as well
as the elements near the Shakopee wells. Finally, Bart will incorporate additio,~!l ~eologic
data needed to detail the area.
The deliverable for ~i~ task will be a memo, to be included as par~ of the report,
demonstrating that the model is calibrated to known conditions in the Shiely quarry area.
p: \ SS\0O03094 \ 19357_1 \yMI:t 3
NOV 29 '84 13:28 FROM BARR ENGINEERING TO B8908321 PAGE.005/O14
Task 5 - Modeling Scenarios
Bart will calibrate the model to current condit/ons and use the model to evaluate the impact
of an increased pumping rate at ~he Shiely quarry on piezometric heads at the Savage Fen
Wetland Complex, Eagle Creek and Shakopee wells, using no more than four modeling
scenarios. The model will be used to specifically locate wells that will most effic/ently
dewater the quarry wkile also provid/ng raw water lm the City of Savage and other
The deliverable for this task will be a report svr. r. ariz/ng the findings, inclua~-g proposed
well locaC/ons aroumd the Shiely quarry.
Part B - City o£ llurnsville/Kraemer Quarry Tasks
Bart will modify the existing regional groundwater model, specifically tailoring it to the City
of Burnzville and Kraemer quarry area. The model will be used co predict where, within the
City of Burnsville, wells pumping at a specified rate can be operated without negatively
impacting piezometric heads in the Savage Fen Wetland Complex or Eagle Creek.
Task 1 - Data Gathering and Review of R~stJng Information
Bart will review the existing model and data and gather the following data needed to
complete the remainder of this part of the project:
Cit7 of Burnsville will be ~ed to provide the location and withdrawal rate of their
existing City wells as well as the proposed locaiion and proposed withdrawal rates of
future wells.
City of Burnsville will be asked to provide its ul~.w._=.te and mter/m wa~er needs.
Add/t/onal geolog/c informat/on w/Il be gathered from available sources for the
Kraemer quarry area.
Kraemer quarry will be asked to provide a pumping history, including p~mpiug rates,
~ual withdrawal, measured drawdown, water quali~y information, and observation
well informat/on.
P:, \,~\00030t)4 \ 1933/__1 \ YMI:I 4
N~U 29 '94 13:28 FROM BARR ENGINEERING TO 98988321 PAGE.008×OI4
Barr will coord;n~te with the Department of lqa~ural Resources, so that work being
done will not conflic~ with or duplicate work done by the DNI~
spec/ftc ~ask does no~ have a del/retable.
Task 2 - Treatment Requirement
Bart will de~er~iue what level of treat:nent will be required of t, he City of Burnswille to
meet Safe DrL, xk;~.o Wa~er Act requ/rement~ ff they use Kraemer quarry dewatering water
as a potable water source. Ba~r will meet wigh the Minnesota Depax~cment of Health on two
separate occasions to discuss this issue. It is ant/c/pared that these meetings will ident/fy
add/~onal sea*vices, beyond the ~cope of th/s project for performing a bench or pilot plant
study of Kraemer quarry water.
The deliverable for this task will be a repor~ defining the scope of a bench or pilot plant
study to determine the type of ~reatsnent required for using Kraemer quarry a~ a potable
wa~r s ot.l.l'C e,
Task 3 - Dewatering Effects
Bart will make a prel~-~-ary determiner/on of the effect of dewatering at ~he Kraemer
quarry area on area wetlands should Kraemer q,.~ry water be used to supplement
Burnsville's supply. Results of previous studies done on ~i-~ area will be incorporated in~o
this ~ask. B~r will review current wetland delineation work for the ares_ This work will be
coordinated w/th the groundwater modeling effort to produce a report on potent/s] impacts
to surface waters due to increased dewatering at the quarry. Th/s t~zk does no~ include
Meyer modeling or water quality issues.
The deliverable for this task will be a report to summzrize findings.
Task 4 - Modified Groundwater Model
Barr will improve model accuracy in the Kraemer quarry and western B~e area using
data gathered in earlier tasks to e~im/nate instab/lit/es in the Savag9 Fen MLAE~
groundwater model in the Kraemer quarry ares. Bart will relocate nodes tha~ do not
coincide and sweep all other nodes so that they coincide in aH layers and in neighboring
NOU 29 '94 13:28 FROM BARR ENGINEERING TO ~8908321 PAGE.007×O14
analy~icaI elements. Bart will also refine elements near the Kraemer quarry ~ud elements
~ear the Burnsville wells. Finally, Barr will incorporate any additional geologic data needed
to detail the area.
The deliverable for this task will be a memo to be included as a parc of the report,
demonstrating that the model is calibrated to kuown conditions in the Kraemer quarry and
western Burnsville arem
Task 5 - Modeling Scenarios
Bart will calibrate the revised model to current conditions axxd use the model to evaluate the
impact of new Burnsville wells on piezometric heads at the Savage Fen Wetland Complex
and Eagle Creek,. using no more than four modeling scenar/os. In addition to flais, one
modeling scenario reviewing horizontal expansion aC the Kraemer quarry will be rev/ewed
and analyzed for the same impacts.
The deliverable for &is ~ will be a repor~ snm~narizing ~he findings includin~ a map
delineating where future wells can be operated in Burnsville without negatively impacting
the natural resources listed above, and one map showing the drawdown impacts of
}lorizontal expans/on at the quant.
Par~ C - City of Prior Lake Tn_~lr~
Bart will modify the exis~ regional groundwater model, specifically tailoring it to the City
of Prior false. The model will be used to predict where wells pumping at a specifled rate
can be operated within the City of Prior Lake without negatively impacting piezomet~ic
heads at the Savage Fen Wetland Complex or Eagle Creek In addition to the following
tasks, scope items outlined in a November 4, 1994 letter ~o Bruce Loney of the City of Prior
Lake are also i~ctuded in this project. A copy of ~ha~ letter is attached to this
Task 1 - Data Gathering and Review of Existing l,~!ormation
Bart will review the exise;.~ model and data and gather ~he following data needed to
complete the remainder of this part of the projec~
P: x ~ \0003094 \ 19337_l\YMH 6
NOV 29 '94 13:29 FROM BARR ENGINEERING TO S8908321 PAGE.008/014
City of Prior Lake will be asked ~o provide the location and withdrawal rate of their
axisti~g City wells as well as the proposed location and withdrawal ra~es of the/r
fut'ar e wells.
City of Prior Lake will be asked to provide its ultimate a~d interim water needs.
Additional geologic information will be gathered from available sources.
This specific lmsk does not have a deliverable.
Tac~k 2 - Modify Groundwater Model
Using data gathered in Task 1, Ba~ will improve the accurac~ of the Savage Fen MLAEM
groundwater model in the Prior ~_,~l~e area by adding elexnents and rlod~s as needed so that
existing nodes coincide in all layers aud in neighboring analytical element. Bart will also
make ~inor refinements to elements near Prior Lake wells and the leaky elements below
Prior Lake if needed. Finally, Bart may incorporate a small smount of additional geologic
data needed to detail the area.
The deliverable for this task will be a memo, to be included as a parc of the report,
demonstrating t~hat the model is calibrated to known conditions in Prior Lake.
Task 3 - Model Scenarios
Bart will calibrate the model to current conditions and use the model to evaluate the impac~
of new Prior !,_~lre wells on piezometric heads at the Savage Fen Wetland Complex and
Eagle Creek, using no more than four modeling scenarios.
The deliverable for this task will be a report summ-rizing the findings, induclin~ a map
delineating where future wells can be placed without negatively impacting the natural
resources listed above.
NOV 29 '94 13:29 FROM BARR ENGINEERING TO 98988321 PAGE.009×O'I4
Part D - Pro.~ect Meetings
Seven two-hour long project task force meel/ngs will be at~ended by two Bait personnel.
Because chis project is unique, additional meetings may be required to properly complet~ the
work. If more than seven meetings are required they will be billed on a time and expenses
The deliverable for ~_h4_. par~ of the project will be seven memos of meeting ~4~u~es.
p: \ ~.~ \OOO~O~N \ 19557_1\YMI:I
The following schedule assumes that Bart will receive required information from Cities aud
quarries within two weeks of date of request- Barfs budget is closely t~ed to th/s schedule.
If, for any reasons other than those directly caused by Barr, the work on ~ project
continues ai%er }J. arch 1, 199~, Barr will be entitled to adcli~ional compensation beyond that
called out in this a~cactunen~. The addit/onsl compensation will be billed to the Client on a
t~me and expenses ~:~s~s.
NOV 89 '94 13:30 FROM BARR ENGINEERING TO 98908321 PAGE.012×OI4
Bart will perform the work listed m the Scope of Services accord;~g to the schedule called
out in Section II for the following costs. Changes in scope or schedule will require a change
in the following costs:
Part A Cit~ of SavageYShiely Quarry Tasks ..................... $36,000
Bart En2ineermg Company will perform the tasks for Part A of this projec~ for the
lump sum of $36,000. Cost will be payable on a monthly basi~ as stated in Section 3
of the A~reement wi~h any b-l-~ce due upon submittal of the final deliverable.
Part B City of Burnsville .................................. $12,000
l~aemer .......................................... $8,000
Bart Engineering Company will perform the tasks for Part B of this project for the
lump SUm of $20,000 (Burrer/lie related costs are $12,000 and Kraemer related costs
are $8,000). Costs will be payable on a monthly basis as sta~ed in Section 3 of the
A~reement with any balance due upon submittal of the ~al deliverable.
Part C City of Prior Lake .................................. $14,000 ,.
Bart En~ineerlng Company will perform the tasks for Pa~ C of th/~ project for the
lump sum of $14,000. Cost will be payable on a monthly basis as stated in Section 3
of the Asreement with any balance due upon submittal of the final deliverable.
Par~ D Meetin~ .......................................... $3,800
Costs will be billed ~o the Client on a t~ne and expenses bas/s with an estimated
COSt Of $3,800, ~-m;ng seven (7) meetm~s. In the event more chart 7 seeings are
required, Bart will bill for Chose meet~n~ on a time and expenses basis in accordance
with fee schedules in use at that time.
Accepted this
day of
· 1994
By: .
P:. \BS\OOO~'J~ \ 19~$7__1 \YMH 11
NOU 29 '94 13:30 FROM BARR ENGINEERING TO 98908321 PAGE.013×014
Engineering Company
J[~nea~s, MN 55437-1026
FI'~,~: (612) a32-2~0
. II
November 4, i994
~f.r. Bntce Loney
Assis~nt City Engineer
City of Prior r~e
4629 Dakota S~ree~ SE
Prior Lake, ~ 55372-1714
Re: Sa~e Fen M,~ement Plan for the City of Prior
Dear Bruce:
3~e purpose of this let,er is ~ respond t~ ~he ei~h~ ques~ons sta~d in yottr letter dated
October 25, 1994 ~ud in the letter from M~ier-Stewar~ ~nd Associates to I___~,wy Anderson dar~l
October 20, ~.994. Each quest/on will be deslt with sep~tely ~ud you should refer ~o ~he enclosed
copy of your letter for further cla._,'~cat~on of ea~ of the questions. The ~-~wers are ~ below:
~d~u~ ~e hydraulic connec~on between ~f~e Pr~r/e ~u Ch~u and Jordan
aqu/fers. The hydraulic modeI/ng will lead to a conclusion on ~i-~/~ue ~ accurately
as ex/~__'~ data allows. As a pre]~-~7 answer, our discoveries in Savage indicate
tha~ t~he aquifers are si~cantly kydr~ulically connected. All proposed wells
modeled in the study for ~he CiW of Savage were loca~d in the Jordan and did
adversely effect the fern Therefore, it is likely ~m~ any Jordan weI~ located in Prior
r.~e.~e near l~e Savage border would also demonstrate a ne~a~ve/~npac~ on ~he fern
However, the model will be used ~o resolve thi~ ~e.
Re~ ~he modeling of sur~-I aquifer welI~ Under the cuzrent proposed scope
of serv/ces, up ~ fou~ fuCare well sce~*~os will be modelecL These scenarios can be
'de~er~;~I by the City of l~or ~ake wi~ reco~-~_endat/ons from Bart. If the City
· c~esires thaC one of ~hose scenarios ~e Wells located in ~ze sur~;~I aquifer, ~-~t c~= be
accom~noda~ed under the current scape.
l~,~g the mode];~E of well~ in ~he western portion of the City on ~e o~ ~ of
~e ~ed ~ ~ey. ~ ~ ~es~on 3, up ~
~e ~ ~d ~e Ci~ ~ ~ ~le ~ de~i~e the ~on of ~o~
~d~ ~ ~ scope of
NOb ~S 'S4 13:31 FROM BARR ENGINEERING TO S8~083~1 PAGE.O14/014
Mr. Bruce Loney
l~ovember 4, 1~4
Re~rd/ng whether or not ~he annual wlthdr~wal m~y be pumped over a three-month
summer spr~.lrl;.g season. This question w~l be deak with in the modeling uuder
the ct=rent ~cope of services. However, it should be po/nced oat thac the model is a
s~eady st~e model and is somewhat 1;~-~_~ed in regards rn answermg th;_, question
Regar~i~ deeper aqu/fers, l:~"eIPm+~ary indications
fo~o~ deeper ~ ~ 5or~ ~1 net ~ve ~ adve~ ~pa~ on ~e ~a~e f~.
Howler, C~ w~ not ve~fi~ by modell;~g ~d ~ere ~e no i~ ~ ~ ~ope of
s~ces ~ do ~er study on ~ it~ ~ laye~ ~ ~ude deeper a~ers
co~d be done but would be
recommend ~a~ ~ ~e of ad~on~ mode~g be avoidS.
Regarm~ the ~,~u~ per~;,s/ble withdrawal from the Shiely quarry, ~odeling
on ~h_;: pruject is no~ in~nded ~o deter~;~e ~he ~,~u~ amou~ of wa~er ~hat c~
be removed from the Shiely qum-ry without adversely impact~u~ ~e Savage fen.
Currently, the Shiely quarry has requested to withdraw up ~o 4 b/llion gs]Io~
~ually. Thi.~ amoun~ is more d~m enough for the Ci~ of Savage and should be
able ~o include the m~mum demand for the Cit7 of Pr/or Lake as well. Should
addi~io~! wa~er be required for ocher c/t~es ~nvotved, modeling co~,.ensurate wi~
~he needs would be u~der~en. However, a~ this ~,e, modelin~ ~s only intended CO
run up Co the 4 billion g~llons requested by Shiely.
Regard/rig the defini~iou of "wet]head protection areas" for We~ 8, 4, ~d 5 ~
~e Ci~ of P~or ~e. ~e model, ~ it ~nfly ~ se~ up, h~ o~y r~o~ de~.~
· e ~a of ~or r,~e. Should ~e Ci~ d~e ~ have ~ ~~ ws~d
de.eaton done, ad~on~ cos~ would ~ re~ed ~ add ~ hy~uUc ~en~
~ ~e m~el ~d ~prove i~ acm~ n~ ~e we~ ~ qu~o~ ~ could be
p~o~ed for ~ ~on~ $7,000 ~d wo~d ~ctude a de. ed repo= ~ve~ ~e
I~ summary~ a~l of the/~ues r~ised in the i~[aier-S~ewa~ le~r ~ be de~t ~ ~d~ ~e
~n~ scope of ~ ~ ~e ~ep~on of mode~ d~p~ ~, we~d pm~a ~ea
de~om ~d id~g ~e ~-~ ~aw~ ~om S~eI7 ~ ~ no~ ~pa~ ~e f~.
~ you ~ve'~y qu~ ~;~ ~y of ~e ~ ~ ~;, ~, ple~ do not h~te ~
con~ ~ a~ 832-2774.
Br;_~- II.
David Hu~ City of Savage
Craig Eh1;-_% Ci~y of Burnsville
Lou Van Hour, Shakopee Public Ulilities
! ~2 W
Y 0
A G E'
0 I 2
Scale in Miles