HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 6, 1996I' ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING July 1, 1996 5:00 P.M. Fire Station City Council Chambers lo II. Call to Order .............................. .............................................. 5:00 p.m. III. Pledge of Allegiance Approval of minutes for April 11, 1996 meeting. IV. New Business: m. g. Consideration of requests from Keyland Homes. Review New Concept Plan for Wensmann Parcel V. Old Business: A. Annexation - Further pursue or drop. VI. VII. Other Business. ...................................................... 6:30 p.m. 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 070196.DOC 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E.. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) · aN eQUaL OPPOaTUIXlTY eMPLOYeR $O MINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY July 1, 1996 1. CALL TO ORDER - President Mader called the meeting of the Economic Development Authority to order. Present were: Commissioners Andren, Greenfield, Kedrowski, Mader, and Schenck; City Manager Boyles, Planning Director Rye, Assistant City Engineer Wingard, Assistant City Manager Tremer, Economic Development Consultant, and Executive/Recording Secretary Koch 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - President Mader led the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed everyone to the meeting. 3. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES MOTION BY ANDREN SECONDED BY GREENFIELD TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 11, 1996 EDA MEETING. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Greenfield, Mader, and Schenck, the motion carried. Commissioner Kedrowski arrived at 5:10 PM 4. NEW BUSINESS: A. Consideration of Requests from Keyland Homes · Assistant City Manager Tremere introduced this agenda item indicating that Keyland Homes is asking the EDA to allow him to restructure his Tax Increment Financing Agreement regarding payment of approximately $23,000 which is due under the Agreement. If restructuring' is possible, Mr. Horkey would also consider purchasing additional land for expansion of his facility. · Roger Guenette spoke on the land parcel size. He advised that if the City sold a different configuration than the 1.7 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Minutes of the Prior Lake City Council June 12, 1996 acres recommended, it would be more difficult to develop. The full 4.4 acres would be more marketable ff the 1.7 acres were sold because it would give the parcel a rectangular shape. He thought it would make better sense economically. Mr. Horkey said the restructuring of his debt should be dealt with immediately. He had picked out a larger lot before, and 1.7 acres may not meet his needs. He is looking at future expansion, from five to fifteen thousand square feet. Commissioner Kedrowski asked about the County records and whether other TIF parcels had not been recorded. Roger Guenette explained the assessment should have been recorded last year and it didn't reflect the increased value. Commissioner Kedrowski questioned whether we have discussed this matter with Scott County. City Manager Boyles said that would be done. President Mader observed that the proposal doesn't address interest on unpaid taxes. Roger Guenette stated the interest would be recalculated. It was noted that the official request of Mr. Horkey does not address interest. However, the taxes would be amortized with the interest payment. President Mader questioned whether the City has other developments with delinquent taxes. City Manager Boyles stated that all others were current. President Mader commented that the City should not be placed in the role of financier. Commissioner Schenck stated he could not support deferring payment of the amount due since the City already has supported this development through TIF. MOTION BY SCHENCK SECONDED BY KEDROWSKI TO DENY THE REQUEST TO DEFER $23,129 IN TAXES OWED BY KEYLAND HOMES. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Greenfield, Kedrowski, Mader, and Schenck, the motion carried. The second issue to be considered is the sale of land. President Mader stated that since there is not a specific proposal, it would be premature to act on this. He said that a EDA~DOC 2 Minutes of the Prior Lake City Council June 12, 1996 complete proposal with land values included was needed. Commissioner Andren concurred. No action was taken on the possible sale of land to Keyland Homes. B. Review New Concept Plan For Wensmann Parcel City Manager Boyles the item, revised concept Plan for County Road 42 and Pike Lake Trail. Tim Erkilla of Westwood Planning, who represented the owner, discussed the Plan. He stated that the Council had expressed a desire to renew industrial architecture. He stated that they couldn't do this development on this site without extraordinary measures because of drainage limitations and downstream flooding issues. They would be utilizing some of the wetlands to hold water. They looked at one wetland, which they can fill and stay within regulations. Another option was addition of some office uses. This allows two, or maybe three-story structures. The exact number of square feet depends on the buyer. He stated that some of the things they wanted to do in design were an upscale water feature, and an attractive, appealing front with green spaces. He stated that the proposal is a subdivision concept plan and the individual users will spend more time on design details. He said that while three buildings are shown, they could revise the plan for two larger buildings. He said it would be phased development which would still use the same infrastructure. The main point is flexibility. The wetland mitigation would be made in and around buildings and parking areas. He said if capacity of wetlands (county fills) is lost, then water retention capacity is lost. He said that we have maximized the square feet. Tim Erkilla addressed questions from the EDA. Assistant Engineer Wingard and Planning Director Rye discussed issues of who controlled the proposed wetlands, and possible access. EDA. DOC 3 Minutes of the Prior Lake City Council June 12, 1996 Commissioner Greenfield identified a concern with the concept plan; he stated the City would want assurance on the appearance of the end result - the City does not want a group of cement industrial buildings. Roger Guenette explained the financial consideration based upon the preliminary plans would be made available and a report would be prepared. The developers want to come back to the EDA soon. President Mader said the data should be provided in a timely manner so the EDA can thoroughly review it. 5. OLD BUSINESS: A. Annexation - Further pursue or drop. The item was introduced by the City Manager who explained that, as discussed at the April 11 meeting, there are three potential areas for annexation. The EDA was asked to provide direction on any annexation it wished to further pursue. President Mader asked if there were any questions at this point. He stated that the EDA should leave it open for now and look at areas 1 and 3.. · Concerns were raised about what the City would do with the land. Commissioner Schenck supported investigating areas 1 and 3; he said area 2 would have to be considered more thoroughly. Commissioner Kedrowski said he did not want to abandon annexation altogether. He said the City should look at areas I and 3, and focus on Area 3. Commissioner Andren stated her concerns that the metropolitan Lift Station is tied to annexation in Area 1., and is not an exclusive issue. EDA. DOC 4 Minutes of the Prior Lake City Council June 12, 1996 She also stated that a school site in Area 1 was the minimum buildable area because of its poor soils and wetlands. The City would have to invest in soil corrections in order to get a return. There is a chance the City wouldn't get a return. Commissioner Andren stated that the City shouldn't annex a wetland. She is not interested in annexing area 2; Area 3 has some potential but more information is needed. Commissioner Greenfield stated that the City should anticipate the issues that will arise with proposed annexation, such as how to provide City service? He stated that Area 3 seemed least problematic and most advantageous to the City. He stated that Area 2 should be kept in mind, while Area I has the least priority. The annexation issue should be kept open for discussion. Commissioner Mader stated that there were two reasons that the EDA talked about Area 1: its proximity to the Industrial Park and the impact if land use other than a school is developed there. There appeared to be no disagreement with Area 3. Another issue is the advantages and disadvantages of moving on the annexation by combining parcels. If the EDA elects to proceed on Area 3, does the City lose by not proceeding with Area 1 and 2 at the same time? MOTION BY KEDROWSKI SECONDED BY SCHENCK TO PROCEED WITH PLANNING FOR ANNEXATION OF AREA #3. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Greenfield, Kedrowski, Mader, and Schenck, the motion carried. Commissioner Greenfield said there seems to be different concerns with each area. He stated that the staff should prepare a comparison of Pros and Cons for the next meeting. Commissioner Andren stated that the EDA had already addressed the main issues. She advised the EDA to be conscious of the "Casey's Addition" in Credit River Township, and the proximity to where the City wants to annex. It was stated that there is in excess of 320 acres in Area 1. EDA.DOC 5 Minutes of the Prior Lake City Council June 12, 1996 Approximately 150 buildable acres which are very close to "Casey's Addition." Commissioner Andren stated the City should look ahead to what County is doing regarding aesthetics next to the business-office park. President Mader observed that the data so far showed only front end costs. Assistant City Manager Tremere stated that EDA should keep in mind the impact upon staff ff the amount of land to be regulated is expanded. Commissioner Andren stated that if there were more acres and growth, it would require more staff. Assistant City Engineer Wingard stated the City contact the school district about Area I for facility because there are no sites left in Prior Lake. City Planner Rye stated that without some significant investment, it would be tough to handle Credit River development. More analysis needs to be done. MOTION BY GREENFIELD SECONDED BY KEDROWSKI TO TABLE FURTHER CONSIDERATION OF D ANNEXATION OF AREAS 1 AND 2 UNTIL THE NEXT EDA MEETING. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Greenfield, Kedrowski, Mader, and Schenck, the motion carried. MOTION BY ANDREN SECONDED ADJOURN THE MEETING. d at 6:30. Recording Secretary BY KEDROWSKI TO City EDA. DOC 6