HomeMy WebLinkAbout030794 Regular, . , , . MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 7, 1994 CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Andren called the meeting of the Common Council to order on Monday, March 7, 1994 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were: Mayor Andren, Councilmembers, Greenfield, Kedrowski, Scott and Schenck, City Manager Boyles, Assistant City Manager Carlson, Planning Director Graser, Assistant Planner Garross, Parks and Recreation Director Mangan, Public Works Director Anderson, Attorney Kessel and Recording Secretary Birch. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Mayor Andren led the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed everyone to the meeting. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING - MOTION BY, KEDROWSKI, SECONDED BY SCHENCK, TO APPROVE THE FEBRUARY 22, 1994 COUNCIL MINUTES Upon a vote taken, yeas by Andren, Greenfield, Kedrowski, and Schenck, the motion carried. Councilmember Scott abstained due to the fact that she had been absent for most of the meeting. CONSENT AGENDA: a. Consider Approval of Invoices To Be Paid Consider Approval of Award of Bids for Three Police Squad Cars Consider Approval of Assessment Policy Changes MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECONDED BY SCHENCK, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS (a) THRU (c) Upon a vote taken, yeas by Andren, Greenfield Kedrowski, Scott and Schenck, the motion passed unanimously. PRESENTATIONS: A. American Legion Police Officer Of The Year Award Plaque - Tom Lannon, Chaplin of the American Legion, and Commander Bob Roe, presented a plaque to the city for Police Officer of the Year which Mayor Andren accepted on behalf of the City Council. The award will be presented on a yearly basis and the name of the recipient will be engraved in the space provided. The plaque will be hung in a prominent place in city hall. Chief Dick Powell was recognized as Police Officer of the Year for 1993. Fe. brua~jl 22 /~u~.~ Police O~icer the Year 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 Prior Lake City Council Minutes March 7, 1994 = . . (Item B was removed from the Agenda) C, Presentation of School Facilities Committee Report by School Superintendent, Les Sonnabend. Mr. Sonnabend reviewed the immediate, short term and long term recommendations which the School District Facilities Committee proposed to the School Board with respect to school buildings, curriculum and programs to meet the challenges of a growing school district. Mayor Andren thanked Mr. Sonnabend for his report. PUBLIC HEARINGS: There were no public hearings. OLD BUSINESS A. Review of 1994 City Council Directives - City Manager Boyles briefly reviewed the 1994 Directives. One of the directives was revised to provide for year around monitoring of Scott County lake enforcement rather than summer months only. S. Authorization to Solicit Bids for the New Fire Station. Paul Mickelberg of Boarman, Kroos Architects discussed the status of the plans and requested Council direction on the training room configuration, audio visual needs and placement, deduct alternates and waiver of permit related fees. Discussion occurred on the deduct alternates, fee waivers, training room configuration and audio visual needs. Council concurred that all items which would be used expressly for Council and advisory body meetings such as tables, chairs, room divider, microphones and related equipment would be paid by the City from either reserve or contingency funds. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECONDED BY SCHENCK, TO AUTHORIZE SOLICITATION OF BIDS FOR THE FIRE STATION. Upon a vote taken, yeas by Andren, Greenfield, Kedrowski, Schenck and Scott, the motion passed unanimously. City Manager Boyles commended the fire department Facilities Committee for their dedication and hard work. A short recess was called. The meeting reconvened at 9:53 p.m. NEW BUSINESS A. Consider Louis Stassen Request to Amend the PUD of First Addition to West Edge Estates - Councilmember Scott withdrew from discussion on this issue due to a possible conflict of interest. Assistant Planner Garross reviewed details of the request and discussed location of the proposed sidewalk and its connection to the trail system. Parks Director Mangan commented on the 5chooi Facidi~m Cotrm~ee Rep,t., Z~ ~or Fi~e $£a~Lon Boatman, Kroo~ Z~Ld~ ~orF. $. -2- Prior Lake City Council Minutes March 7, 1994 S. resident survey which indicated that Prior Lake residents desire a trail system which connects n, eighborhoods, parks and commercial areas within the city. MI', Mi~h~ali recommended denial of the request. Mr. Stassen, developer, presented a letter signed by residents of West Edge Estates who are opposed to the sidewalk. Mayor Andren requested the letters be entered into the record. Emil Carnes, owner of one of the new units, spoke in opposition to the sidewalk. Discussion occurred regarding the placement of the sidewalk, the trail system connecting to the sidewalk and status of the private street. Mayor Andren noted that Resolution 93-85, paragraph 11 states: "A pedestrian side walk system shall be installed along the entire east/west private road and a connection south to 170th street, acceptable to the City Parks Director" and that Mr. Stassen had been present at the November 1, 1993 Council meeting when the Final Plat had been approved. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECONDED BY GREENFIELD, TO DENY MR. STASSEN'S REQUEST TO AMEND THE PUD OF THE FIRST ADDITION TO WEST EDGE ESTATES TO ELIMINATE 415 FEET OF SIDEWALK. Upon a vote taken, yeas by Andren, Greenfield, Kedrowski and Schenck, the motion carried. Scott abstained. Consider Approval of Simpson Administrative Land Division - Planning Director Graser distributed copies of letters from neighborhood residents who are objecting to the Simpson request. Mr. Graser presented an overhead of the plat showing the two lots, and a chart indicating the estimated drainage flow and placement of a house. Mr. Graser indicated location of trees which would be lost or endangered. Mr. Simpson discussed his proposed plans for the lot which included erecting a retaining wall adjacent to the property on the east side of the lot. Several residents addressed the Council to voice their concern regarding water run off from the street onto their property. Mr. Detjen, whose property is adjacent on the east side, expressed concern over the retaining wall and the possible loss of a large maple tree on his property which extends over the lot line of Mr. Simpson's property. Extensive discussion occurred regarding drainage and extent of damage that could occur to the adjacent property owner. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECONDED BY SCOTT, TO TABLE MR. SlMPSON'S REQUEST FOR AN ADMINISTRATIVE LAND DIVISION UNTIL MAY 2 (at the end of the meeting Council concluded that the date should be changed to April 18, 1994 (see motion at end of these minutes). PENDING RECEIPT OF THE FOLLOWING FROM THE PETITIONER: . Drainage information and plan which confirms that the construction of the house on the subject parcel will not exacerbate off site drainage conditions. ,4dg. ZLLon bo_rd.o.Z o~ ~aLLon $imp~on Land D~vi~i~n ~imp4on Land Division Tabled -3- Prior Lake City Council Minutes March 7, 1994 . . Safeguards be provided assuring that development of this parcel will not have a substantial negative impact on the property owner to the east. . Covenants be placed in the deed so that any subsequent buyer/owner is aware of the restrictions on the parcel. Upon a vote taken, yeas by Andren, Greenfield, Kedrowski, Schenck and Scott, the motion carried. A short recess was called. The meeting reconvened at 11:45 p.m. OTHER BUSINESS City Manager Boyles reminded Council of the special meeting on Tuesday, March 8 at 5:00 p.m. Mayor Andren reported the results of the Planning Commission Appointment Committee and stated that the Committee recommends the appointment of Dick Kuykendall to complete the term left vacant by Allen Greenfield's resignation, MOTION BY GREENFIELD, SECONDED BY SCO'n', TO APPOINT DICK KUYKENDALL TO FILL THE UNEXPIRED TERM OF ALLEN GREENFIELD ON THE PLANNING COMMISSION. Upon a vote taken, yeas by Andren, Greenfield, Kedrowski, Schenck and Scott, the motion carried. Councilmember Kedrowski inquired as to the status of the sign ordinance. City Manager Boyles reported on the status of the Ambulance Study Committee. Councilmember Scott requested staff look into the parking situation on Pleasant Street, it appears that used cars for sale are being parked on the street. Councilmember Greenfield stated: "In order to take a proactive approach towards our future concerns and the implementation of the 2010 Comprehensive Plan as discussed in the Council's past workshop, changes to the Zoning Ordinance are proposed as follows: -4- Prior Lake City Council Minutes March 7, 1994 MOTION BY GREENFIELD, SECONDED BY SCOTT, TO DIRECT STAFF TO PREPARE THE NECESSARY LANGUAGE AND EXPEDITE THE PUBLIC PROCESS FOR HEARING AT THE CITY COUNCIL FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED 45 DAYS, TO AMEND THE CITY'S EXISTING ZONING ORDINANCE AS FOLLOWS: Zoning Ordinance Change~ ~-I I. I) Section 4-2; Change the existing lot and yard requirements of R-1 suburban residential for single family dwellings minimum lot size from 10,000 sq. ft. to 12,000 sq. ft., and the yard setback from a width of 80 ft. to 86 ft. and R-3 single family to 12,000 sq. ft. and eliminate the maximum coverage requirement for both uses and use setbacks. . Section 6.11A4; Change existing Planned Unit Development acres of contiguous land from at least two and one-half (21/2) to at least ten (10), with a minimum lot size of 10,000 sq. ft. with 80 ft frontage. Councilmember Greenfield stated: "These changes are recommended to encourage the use of Planned Unit Developments, achieving the following:" 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) "Encourage a variety in the site elements, building densities and housing types. Preservation and enhancement of desirable site characteristics promoting designs more sensitive to topography, natural amenities and better design controls for soil erosion and runoff. Encourage more efficient and effective use of land and open space which will provide for the opportunity for more public parks and trail and public facilities. Higher standards of site and building design through the use of trained and experienced Land Planners to prepare plans for all PUD's. Minimize the use of variances while accommodating desires for more diverse housing designs." Discussion occurred on the timing of this item and whether it should be postponed until the next meeting. Upon a vote taken, yeas by Andren, Greenfield, Kedrowski, Schenck and Scott, the motion carried. -5- Prior Lake City Council Minutes March 7, 1994 10. 11. MOTION BY GREENFIELD, SECOND BY SCOTT, THAT DURING THE 45 DAY PERIOD PRIOR TO ACCEPTING APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION PROCESS, STAFF WILL ADVISE APPLICANTS OF THE PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND THE STATUS OF THE PUBLIC HEARING PROCESS. Discussion occurred regarding the motion on the Simpson request (see page 3). Council asked staff to notify Mr. Simpson that the date of May 2 had been changed to April 18 in order to accommodate his request to be in compliance with the 45 day notice of the zoning amendment. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECONDED BY GREENFIELD, TO RECONSIDER THE PREVIOUS MOTION WHICH TABLED THE SIMPSON ADMINISTRAVIE DIVISION UNTIL MAY 2. Upon a vote taken, yeas by Andren, Greenfield, Kedrowski, Schenck and Scott, the motion carried. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECONDED BY GREENFIELD TO TABLE THE SIMPSON ADMINISTRATIVE LAND DIVISION REQUEST UNTIL APRIL 18, 1994 SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS PREVIOUSLY SET FORTH. Upon a vote taken, yeas by Andren, Greenfield, Kedrowski, Schenck and Scott, the motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 12:20 a.m. The next Council meeting will be Monday, March 21, 1994 at 7:30 p.m. (The regular public forum will begin at 7:00 p.m.) $imp~on Land $imp,,~on Land D. Lv~i. on City M~,nager --. R'ec~rding Secretary M30794.WRT -6-