HomeMy WebLinkAbout091994 Regular. 1 1 . MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 19, 1994 CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Andren called the meeting of the Common Council to order on Monday, September 19, 1994 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were: Mayor Andren, Councilmembers, Greenfield, Scott and Schenck, City Manager Boyles, Assistant City Manager Carlson, Acting Planning Director Tremere, Parks and Recreation Director Mangan, Public Works Director Anderson, Recreation Supervisor Woodson, Attorney Kessel and Recording Secretary Birch. Councilmember Kedrowski was absent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Mayor Andren led the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed everyone to the meeting. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING - -- Councilmember Schenck noted that on page 4 - paragraph 5 - after the motion that the results of the vote were not indicated. MOTION BY GREENFIELD, SECONDED BY SCHENCK, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES AS AMENDED. Upon a vote taken, yeas by Andren, Greenfield, Scott and Schenck, the motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA: a, Consider Approval of Invoices To Be Paid Consider Approval of Animal Warden Report Consider Approval of Building Report Consider Approval of Fire and Rescue Report Consider Approval of Treasurer's Report Consider Approval of RS 94-56 Supporting the City of Pdor Lake's Pay Equity Implementation Report. Councilmembers took review the amended invoice list before voting. MOTION BY GREENFIELD, SECONDED BY SCHENCK, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS (a) THRU (f) Upon a vote taken, yeas by Andren, Greenfield, Scott and Schenck, the motion carried. Minutes Invoices Dog Catcher Bldg. Report Fire & Rescue Treasurers Rpt, RS94-56 Pay Equity Report Consent Agenda 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQ~L OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Prior Lake City Council Minutes September 19, 1994 . . . PRESENTATIONS: A. Receive Request to Waive Building Permit Fees for Retrofitting a Home With Handicapped Accessible Devices. City Manager Boyles introduced Mr. McCord who summarized the details of his request. MOTION BY GREENFIELD, SECONDED BY SCOTT, TO WAIVE THE BUILDING PERMIT FEE IN THE AMOUNT OF $200 FOR ARCH AND KATHY McCORD. Upon a vote taken, yeas by Andren, Greenfield, Scott and Schenck. The motion carried. a. Review of Summer Recreation Program Summary Report. Recreation Supervisor, Bret Woodson, reviewed the Summary Report and discussed the various programs. Councilmember Greenfield inquired as to whether the department has explored the possibility of implementing programs for junior high age groups. MOTION BY SCOTT, SECONDED BY GREENFIELD TO ACCEPT THE 1994 SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM SUMMARY REPORT AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PARKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Upon a vote taken, yeas by Andren, Greenfield, Kedrowski, Scott and Schenck. The motion carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS' OLD BUSINESS A, Review City Council Directives and Planning Work Program. City Manager Boyles reviewed the Directives from the City Council from January 1 thru August 15, 1994. Blair Tremere reviewed the Planning Department Project Status Report and explained the rating system. Discussion occurred regarding recent changes to Advisory Body bylaws and the requirement that Advisory Body chair persons report periodically to Council on the committee's progress and, also implementing a work program similar to the planning work program. Council agreed that the City Manager's priorities as assigned on the Directives were sufficient and they did not wish to remove any of the items. B. Consider Request from Suzanne Kruse, Ernie Larson and Johnson-Reiland Construction Company. City Manager Boyles discussed the requirements as directed by Council including the demolition of current buildings on the site and a Letter of Credit in Waiver of Bldg. Permit Fee for McCord's 1994 Summer Recreation Report by PAC Directives and Planning Work Program Kruse Johnson- Reiland -2- Prior Lake City Council Minutes September 19, 1994 8, the amount of $25,000. Discussion occurred regarding the agreement and the inclusion of safeguards for the City. Johnson-Reiland has agreed to the October 15 demolition deadline and to pay up to $500 in attorney costs for completion of the agreement between the parties. MOTION BY SCOTT, SECONDED BY GREENFIELD, TO APPROVE PREPARATION AND EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO AMONG OTHER THINGS ENTER ONTO THE PROPERTY TO COMPLETE DEMOLITION AND REQUIRING A LETTER OF CREDIT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE PETITIONER IN THE AMOUNT OF $25,000 TO ASSURE THAT THEBUILDINGS ARE DEMOLISHED BY OCTOBER 15, 1994. Upon a vote taken, yeas by Andren, Greenfield, Scott and Schenck. The motion carried. MOTION BY SCOTT, SECONDED BY GREENFIELD, TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE COMPLETED AGREEMENT. AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO COMPLETE DEMOLITION IF THE PARTIES FAIL TO DO SO IN A TIMELY FASHION. Upon a vote taken, yeas by Andren, Greenfield, Scott and Schenck. The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Ao Consider Approval of Pole Building in R-1 District for Jerome Miller in Titus Second Addition. Blair Tremere explained details of the request and commented that the Planning Commission has granted two variances for this building and that the request is consistent with the zoning ordinance. Discussion occurred regarding the present zoning and specific uses within that zoning district. Further discussion occurred in reference to future consideration by Council of the whole area with respect to possible rezoning. MOTION BY GREENFIELD, SECONDED APPROVE THE REQUEST FOR A 3,500 METAL POLE BUILDING ON OUT LOT A. ADDITION. BY SCOTT, TO SQUARE FOOT TITUS SECOND Upon a vote taken, yeas by Andren, Greenfield, Scott and Schenck. The motion carried. Agreement with Suzanne Kruse and Johnson- Reiland Constr. Co. Autorization fo: Mayor and City Manager to sign Agreement Jerome Miller Titus 2nd Addn - Pole Barn -3- Prior Lake City Council Minutes September 19, 1994 M91994.CC = 10. 11. OTHER BUSINESS A. Discuss October Council Meeting Schedule - City Manager Boyles reviewed the proposed agendas for October 3 and October 17 and other meetings for the month. Council concurred that the budget workshop should be delayed until closer to the Truth in Taxation hearing in December. S. Discuss Winter Workshop - Councilmembers discussed dates for the winter workshop and the only date open for January that was acceptable to all Councilmembers present was January 20, 21. Councilmember Kedrowski's schedule is not known at this point and City Manager Boyles was directed to check with him as well. Council concurred that some of the topics that should be discussed is review of policies and ordinances that need to be updated. ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE A, Authorize payment of $18,500 from the contingency funds for payment of a settlement. City Manager Boyles briefly summarized the request. MOTION BY GREENFIELD, SECONDED BY SCOTT, TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT FOR SETTLEMENT OF $18,500 TO BE TAKEN FROM CONTINGENCY FUND. Upon a vote taken, yeas by Andren, Greenfield, Scott and Schenck. The motion carried. City Manager Boyles reviewed the September 16 Update with Council. He and Bonnie Carlson would be attending civic organization meetings again this Fall. Councilmember Scott proposed that one of the topics for their discussions include offering an opportunity for volunteers to construct a band shell at Lakefront Park. Councilmember Schenck mentioned an inquiry he had received concerning encroachment by a neighbor upon another neighbor's use of easement rights to the lake. City Attorney Kessel advised that it is a civil matter between owners and the City is not involved. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting FClliour~e~ at 8~4~ p.m. by general consent of the Council. The next CounCillme/?n~w~ {~e Monday, October 3, 1994 at 7:30 p.m. Recording Secretary Winter Workshop 1995 Contingency Fund Contingency Fund payment $18,5oo (Horst Graser) ( Update Review