HomeMy WebLinkAbout4A - Copper Cove PrePlatMEETING DATE: AGENDA M PREPARED BY: 4646 Dakota Street SF Prior Lake, MN 55372 PUBLIC HEARING: AGENDA ITEM: PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT JUNE 17, 2013 4A JEFF MATZKE, PLANNER LARRY POPPLER, CITY ENGINEER YES CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR A PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS COPPER COVE DISCUSSION: Introduction K Hovnanian Homes has submitted request for approval of a Preliminary Plat to be known as Copper Cove. The property is located on a 45 acre site located at a site south of County Highway 42 west of Ferndale Avenue. The development plan calls for a residential development consisting of 68 Low Density single fam- ily residential lots. The area encompasses two parcels of land with wooded ar- eas to the north, open field areas in the center, and one residential home site to the south near the shoreline of Prior Lake. Current Circumstances The following paragraphs outline the physical characteristics of the existing site, the Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations, and a description of some of the specifics of the proposed site. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The total site consists of 45.6 acres. Tonography: This site has a varied topography, with elevations ranging from 900 MSL at its lowest point along the shores of Prior Lake to 990' MSL. at its highest point in the northern part of the site. Vegetation: There are a large number of significant trees located on the north end of the site. Wetlands: 'Wetlands exist along the northern edge of the site and at the center of the site. The site is subject to the provisions of the State Wetland Conservation Act. Access: Access to this property is currently from County ,Highway 42 to the north. Proposed access to the development is indicated from existing Ferndale Avenue, Carriage Hills Parkway, and Shore Trail 2030 Comprehensive Plan Designation: This property is designated for Urban Low Density Residential (R -LD) uses on the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Zoning: The site is zoned R-1 (Low Density Residential). Shoreland: The southern portion of this property is located within the Shoreland District for Lower Prior Lake. As such, the southern area is subject to the Shoreland requirements listed in Section 1104 of the Zoning Ordinance. PROPOSED PLAN The development plan calls for a residential development consisting of 68 single family homes. Lot Sizes: The residential lots are proposed with a minimum lot size and width of 12,000 square feet and 86 feet in width respectively. The proposed lots will meet the minimum lot size and width requirements of the R-1 (Low Density Res- idential) Zoning District. Setbacks: The residential lots have proposed setbacks that will meet the mini- mum required 25 foot front yard, 10 foot side yard, 25 foot rear yard, and 25 foot side yard abutting a street. Impervious Surface: The maximum impervious surface coverage for each indi- vidual residential lot within the Lower Prior Lake Shoreland District is 30% of the total lot area as required by the Shoreland Ordinance. Density: Density of the residential development is based on the residential net area of the site, which is 23.0 acres. The density of the residential area of the development is 2.95 units / acre. Parks: No parkland dedication is proposed with the development. An existing park is located immediately east of the site. Therefore the parkland dedication required by City Ordinance is proposed to be satisfied thru a fee payment into the City park fund. Traits: Trails and/or sidewalks are proposed on the plans along the Ferndale Avenue, Carriage Hills Pkwy, and Street 2, 3, and 4 corridors. Also a trail is proposed west of the large wetland to connect the northern and southern resi- dential areas. The large wetland within the center of the development is a'unique and high quality wetland. This is one of the most high quality wetlands within the City. Considering the nearby park, there is an opportunity to provide a trail con- nection from the park toward and possibly encompassing the wetland to allow trail users an opportunity to view this unique City feature. Designed correctly to minimize impact, a trail could be proposed surrounding this feature and connect to City park and other trails including the CSAR 42 trail system. ',Plat changes may be necessary to build this trail yet minimize impact to the wetland itself. The developer is not showing a trail surrounding the wetland; rather, they show trail along the western side of the wetland Streets: A number of important street connections are planned for this property and the adjacent property to the west. Carriage Hills Parkway is a major collector street which will eventually carry approximately 3500 to 4500 vehicle trips per day. Another north/south minor collector roadway is planned in this area as well that would connect CSAH 42 with Carriage Hills Parkway. These major and mi- nor collector roadways will provide a local supporting roadway network to CSAH 21 and CSAH 42. The minor north/south collector street is proposed on the adjacent parcel to the west and is designed for future construction when the parcel to the west develops. This north/south roadway would include a full access intersection at its intersec- tion with CSAH 42 approximately 800 feet west of Ferndale Avenue. Preliminary conclusions from the County Highway 42 Study Area Plan would appear to sup- port this full access location. Possibly adding signals to this intersection would be done if/when traffic counts warranted their installation. The county would also prefer no direct lot access onto that future minor collector street within proximity of the County Highway 42 intersection due to turn lane and car stacking condi- tions. Ferndale Avenue is currently a full access intersection, but would be converted to a right in/right out intersection. Due to the added traffic proposed with the Copper Cove Development, City Staff and Scott County recommend the conver- sion of Ferndale Avenue in conjunction with the Copper Cove Development. A portion of Carriage Hills Parkway (700 feet) would be built with the Copper Cove project; however, a remaining 600 foot segment gap of Carriage Hills Park- way would remain unbuilt between the Knob Hills Neighborhood and the Sand Point Neighborhood on the adjacent parcel to the west. Scott County has com- mented that this gap should be completed in connection with this plat. It is im- portant on a major collector street roadway to reduce conflict points including driveway accesses. As such no driveways are proposed off 'Carriage Hills Park- way through this development. The design of Carriage Hills Parkway would fol- low the design of Knob Hill to the west and include a center median and left turn lanes. The Copper Cove Plat includes three connections to Ferndale including an ex- tension of Ferndale Avenue which curves in an east/west manner. This east/west extension of Ferndale would terminate at the Copper Cove western property line and would be extended with further development to the west. Street 2 off of Ferndale Avenue would intersect with Ash Circle and terminate to the west at the property line. With 'development to the west, Street 2 would intersect with the future north/south minor collector roadway. Street '1 intersects with Hampton Street and connects to Street 2. The plat also includes four roadway connections onto Carriage Hills Parkway. City Staff believe two of these connections are unnecessary. The proposed short Street 6 cul-de-sac south of Carriage Hills Parkway does not meet City Standards and proposes additional City Street that the City would need to maintain in per- petuity. This Copper Cove property south of Carriage Hills can gain access off Ferndale Avenue or the proposed east/west extension of Shore Trail (Street 7). It is also recommended that the north leg of Street 6 be changed from a north/south cul -de -.sac to an east/west roadway which connects Street 4 to Car- dinal Street NE, Cardinal Street extends west off of Fisher Avenue toward the Copper Cove Plata A small segment of land could develop east of Copper Cove and extend this roadway to the plat thus reducing the need for two cul-de-sacs. Connecting roadways are an advantage to communities as they provide better access for public safety personnel, easier for snow removal, and better for resi- dent access during street or utility construction or other roadway closures. The reduction of these two conflict points on Carriage Hills Parkway is strongly rec- ommended. Street 7 extends Shore Trail to the west and terminates at Street 4. It is recom- mended that Street 7 be shifted to the north to provide a standard "T" intersection with Ferndale and Shore Trail, this shift reduces the need for retaining wall south of the 'intersection. It is recommended that Street 7 be connected to Street 4 in conjunction with this plat. Gradina: The existing grades through this site vary from an elevation 988 high point near Ferndale and CSAH 42 to a 904 elevation at the shores of Prior Lake. In between these high and low points, the large wetland in the middle of the plat includes a normal water level of 930. A ridge exists at the Carriage Hills roadway location. Water drains south to Prior Lake from this ridge ;and north and east north of Carriage Hills Parkway.. Mass grading is proposed forthe site to facilitate roadways and house pads within the plat. In general the grading appears appropriate for the development. Be- cause of the way this property was originally divided north to south, the long and narrow Copper Cove parcel required careful analysis of the grades so that the grading links to the adjacent vacant property to the west and allows for future development. The Developer has shown possible roadway elevations for the par- cel to the west to show how future street connections could occur. This infor- mation is helpful and is satisfactory in showing the future roadway connections and ghost platting. it is undetermined how these proposed roadway grades will affect house styles for the adjacent property. The grading design for pond 3 is discussed below and should be reviewed. The proposed grades north of the large wetland require redundant sanitary sewer also discussed in the next section of the report. Sanitary SewerMater Mains/Storm Sewer: Sanitary sewer and water is avail- able to the site along Ferndale Avenue. An existing trunk sanitary sewer and watermain easement exists through the Copper Cove property and to the west along the lake connecting the Shore Trail area to Beach Street. The Copper Cove Plat proposes watermain connection at Hampton Street, Ash Circle, Carriage Hills, and Shore Trail. These connections are appropriate. The storm sewer for the plat is proposed to drain to three ponding areas created with the plat. Pond 1 would serve the area north of the large wetland and is placed between Street 1 and CSAH 42. This ponding system outlets to the wet- land to the west which ultimately drains west along CSAH 42. Pond 2 is located north of Carriage Hills Parkway south of the large wetland. It serves the street network in these areas of the plat and includes a large infiltration cell. The outlet for Pond 2 is to the east through a series of wetland areas. Pond 3 is located south of Carriage Hills Parkway and north of Street 7. In order to build this pond, the developer is proposing retaining wall surrounding the pond. Staff believes the developer needs to review the location of this pond as using retaining wall around the pond restricts access, adds City liability, and is another expensive feature that the City must maintain and eventually replace. This pond location should be reviewed and possibly moved south of Street 7 to avoid the use of retaining wall. Pond 3 currently outlets to the City storm sewer pipe in this area which flows to Prior Lake. The hydrology for the Copper Cove plat has several significant issues which are not yet resolved. The northern portion of the site drains to the west and ultimately to Pike Lake.. Rate control requirements are not met by the current plan submittal; a hydrology report submitted to City staff on the afternoon of 6/13/13 states that the rate control requirements for the northern portion of the project will be met, although at the time of this report, staff had only received an updated hydrology report and not matching revised pians. The southern portion of the site drains to Prior Lake and rate control requirements for that area are not met. The wetland types were reviewed as a part of the project. Certain wetlands require more care than others, based on their quality and existing function. A significant error in the last submittal regarding the wetlands will change several of the critical comments regarding stormwater management for the wetlands, including allowable inunda- tion periods. At the time of this report, an updated report containing information on wetland inundation requirements has not been received. To meet volume con- trol requirements, an infiltration basin is proposed. Required soils testing and de- sign information showing how this infiltration basin will function have also not been received. A sanitary sewer connection is proposed at Shore Trail, Carriage Hills, and the south Ash Circle and Ferndale intersection. The development proposes a sani- tary sewer line along Ferndale between Ash Circle north and Ash Circle south. This sanitary sewer line does not meet City standards as it is proposed in a boule- vard area and not under Ferndale Avenue. Due to the grades proposed for the area north of the wetland, the developer can't connect to the sanitary sewer sys- tem at the northern intersection at Ferndale and Ash. Looking at the overall san- itary sewer system and the grades proposed by the developer for this area north of the wetland, the most efficient way to serve this property would be from the west. A sanitary sewer line at Rolling Oaks and CSAH 42 provides a more direct connection to the sewer interceptor which flows north to the Blue Lake Wastewater Treatment Facility. However, the property to the west and a portion of Rolling Oaks must first be served with sanitary sewer to extend the sanitary sewer to this portion of the Copper Cove project. As proposed, this project would construct a 450 foot segment of redundant sanitary sewer that the City would need to maintain in perpetuity. The Copper Cove development, proposes to maintain the existing sanitary sewer and watermain along the north shore of Prior Lake and within backyard lots pro- posed with the Copper Cove and the ghost plat of the adjacent parcel to the west. The City requests the developer to relocate these facilities to be contained within the nearest adjacent streets. These backyard utilities are difficult to maintain due to the yard grades, trees, and future amenities built by lot owners. The City of Prior Lake maintains many of these types of backyard utilities, however the prob- lems associated with these easements are numerous. Lot owners find it difficult to understand the easement restrictions and sometimes build over the easements anyway. At some point when the City needs to maintain the utilities, ,these fea- tures must be removed. The proposed right of way and depth of the trunk facili- ties will increase due to the movement of the utilities into the proposed street. However, over the long term City Staff anticipate reduced time for maintenance I as well as time associated with dealing with residents on building issues within this backyard easement area. The current plat does not show the movement of these utilities to the street. Tree Replacement/Landscaping: There are many significant trees on the site. The tree inventory identified 25,689 significant caliper inches of trees on the site. Up to 35% of the significant caliper inches may be removed for house pads and driveways. Any removal above these amounts requires tree replacement at a rate of % caliper inches for each inch removed, The proposed plans currently indicate removal of 11,317 inches for the development and 6,154 inches for pub- lic infrastructure. Therefore, the plans indicate 1,163 inches of tree replacement. Fees and Assessment: The development will be subject to all development fees including trunk utility, park dedication, utility connection fees, a City administration fee, and a Construction Observation fee at the time Final Plat. ISSUES: As indicated in comments in this report, City Staff has remaining concerns with the overall development design, particularly in relation to street, utility, storm wa- ter, and trail design. While the developer has continued to have discussions with City Staff concerning these issues, there are differing viewpoints in how the de- velopment design should be proposed. City Staff believes that without the rec- ommended changes to the development plans per the City Staff memorandums and summarized in the comments above, no recommendation of approval can be made at this time. Although the larger 95 acre site is divided in ownership, City Staff feels that many issues .can best be resolved with one combined or two coordinating preliminary plats moving through the process together. This would allow for the coordination and likely cost savings related to grading, storm drainage, streets and public util- ities. While City Staff acknowledges that the current Developer may only have the ability to propose improvements to the eastern half of the 95 acres through a purchase agreement with the owner of the east half, City Staff sees significant opportunities for both sides working together.. The current 124 day review timeline for this project is coming to an end on July 15, 2013. Without an extension of this timeline at the option of the Developer, the City Council must make a decision regarding approval or denial of the prelim- inary plat before this date. Due to the limited time remaining, City Staff must recommend that the item proceed to the City Council at this time for their review and decision no later than at the July 8th City Council meeting. Without changes to the plans as indicated in the attached memorandums, City Staff would there- fore recommend denial of the preliminary plat,. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat subject to any listed conditions as identified by the Planning Commission. 2.. Recommend denial of the request. RECOMMENDED City Staff recommends Alternative #2. MOTION: EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Preliminary Plat Plans 3. City Engineering Staff Memorandum dated 5-31-13 4. City Community Development Staff Memorandum dated 5-28-13 5. Scott County Staff Memorandum 5-28-13 Copper Cove Location Map 'a U r ,. ..c.. e ` .. r Y6 Y 5 +. CL CL e . + Y g 1Yi.1ti1 y� ® ^y W F N o �rioY .b e o x�„ pyhni + �—t �.t•r.{ ! I rte" `a' 'n 9 1 Y~ a. r�tt a ,V sl W a Y � � V`O- ti „ P+ U a o � x �t96tn l} A u e sss» ani o � u po•• o L LM r � dco cts 4z mi W Q3 C!} r-� [� O .,..t �b+ co N � � G •'.•{ O Zc • �, z x Y RAJ ;M4 o �a o a e V �{ -as N PL4 0 Q > 0 0 Q ca N ca co Lo O G\ C-4 d Lo co W ON o U Nc4 0 -�-Q s u a 3 n 'n N 0 a C C C C y ai C a c tl Q. ❑ � O a ❑ a. 0 V V a � 0 C C ❑ T � C C C C N N v o !it U U U U y m N n C O O O O C C W W �� o 0 ❑❑ E ❑ cn w 0 w w 0 w �i tri.. o a c ro ro ro v X x O � o •❑ c O c O c ❑ c ❑ w w Z Z � � � d ✓ ✓ O d d d d d w w ..A ..J c � �, � m C C C C ,c,c v v v C C O C C C C C C C C C a s O O ❑ C U, O0. O O O O O O O ❑ O O O O O O U U a d � U py Q. a a d d d d d H C H C o" '`' ` i? 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OUTLET EL -924.0 TYPICAL LOT eQ, BOTTOM EL 923,D' 100-YR.-FIMEL.7928,6 olt o' L EIRP ONTROL ET LEGEND. 46 z - - V — — — — — — — DENOTES SOIL BORING V�_A DENOTES SILT FENCE f7lra R DENOTES HEAVY DUTY SfLT FENCE ep DENOTES EXISTING CONTOURS \ I '4 O f I o , �' i �„ t$ 5-?�, �T'k '- ���` po.a :,' '`I-- ��i -- _ r980DENOTES PROPOSED CONTOURS _ t DENOTES EXISTING STORM SEWER DENOTES PROPOSED STORM SEWER AP -1 DENOTES EXISTING TREE LINE _y DENOTES APPROMMATE TREE V e -Y -Y EMOYAL LIMITS . . . . . . 56.3 DENOTES 035TINO SPOT ELEVATION DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION ,--SILT FENCE DENOTES BIO -ROLL EROSION CHECKS 0, E.O.F. DENOTES E)JERGENI' Y OVERFLOW DENOTES TOP WALL ELEVATION DENOTES BOTTOM WALL ELEVATION DENOTES RETAINING WALL DENOTE�S INLET PROTECTION AT CATCH BASINS )CA -C x y OLL 91, V, III ir t DENOTES AREAS & SLOPES THAT ARE TO If HE LINMAINTAINEO; 3:1 MAXIMUM SLOPE CARRIAC 56 - - - - - - - E. - DENOTES MTLAND BUFFER MaNUMENT PRIOR (Ak c> c9o ❑J 0 P1II rri I co NOME: ¢ m m m I O \m I I \\ • _T 4 OU LO WORKING HOURS IN PRIOR LAKE ARE FROM 7:00 AM wwI TO 7.00 PM MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY & 8:00 AM C! INLTT PROTECTION cff I (Up_ ,, r _ XJ I. L . ATCH IIA�� TO 5:00 PIA SATURDAY. L - - - - - - - - - - - - L - - - - - - - - ALL BACKYARD DRAINAGE SWALES MUST 13E SODDED ILL7RD- PROTECTED FROM EROSION AT CONCLUStON OF AH SITE GRADING ACTIVITIES. FAG E—_ 962V 957.5 cL L 1+ 36 CA -c CL—CL cli TREET I -T leg 7 69 �2 C-) 0' 50' 100' 150' f,"='. 0 > > NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1-7- - - 3:1 __7 29 0000177GDP34.4,� Om oI (D > LU " 0 -" - J Date 0/13/13 Shfte 10 OF 28 J1 c) r" , I I Copper Cove Preliminary Grading roll D Prep" for: . VM3Clkd.e3 FDF, ,1 Drainage and Erosion F «E 552-49T5150 K Hovnanian Homes of Minnesota, L.L.C. D.— Mw W01 Whitewater Drive, Suite no Fr&ncb R Hism H 17716 F-d D-wta 17L&� Minnetonka, Mn 5&W Prior hake, Minnesota Control Plan Wastwwd n, 03/13/13 TJ_ N� I I 02013 We's ood resst< 1 Semces. Inc ;` i ,'€ '`\. a I -€ - 2164 O - I �� € [ '7 f _ `-'()-M I j \ Coll 48 Hours before di n € € 1 ' ; J _ + fj266 - I F I -_ _,� M Kn 997 4' o!1 fir' �j:•S's z- s ,- e z e t -€z .x: — - H� f2RIA / 5�P,4�� 811 or co1[811.com VCommon Ground AVionce PRIOR rAKE o r a 1. Pw fs s4.5 0I. mm.. _ tb"` I _...� k -.._ _ o PIIJ. ,' ,_� e. \Qcoz`�, i 969.N j i� �X1 ,c 'm w en S 4 I i oro 'r+ - a m 25259©070 y'� I ut v) N 19 1-• m m m m r I m rn m o' m r TEG-TIEA\I CJ1-L0 It iJ AT -CAT BASfNS(TYP)- { I -- _---- _-_-------_--___ _J rt �___�-__ LOT GORhER ELEVATION - - - - _r --- ys� nn A � - j�Y! 1 1 I ss2 / 1-1a%r--r - --. 99 LOT NUVBER - 3.Sk _ CL_CL I _ DRAINAGE ARROW 962.66 -a... .' CL CL ri - _ _ �.�� S7TEE� t _ � _ i _ -_ - 578.5 �F€YiSH GROURfl ELEVATION �1-._. AT REAR OF PAD _ - 2 .-i I_ 9a 44 aa�a4 I �� -T..,. ;"i o L© IF APANCABLE } J ,n ( 537.0 I E ss r. / n s . 95 € aa� 9 r- W I -0 S (T I 524.0 kllt;l€IUTA BASEMENT BOOR / I q�r (Ta= FRPtiDcARAC{ sLAD ELEVATION �> I 1 _.._ LJ 1962 € I 962 i-.-.1�.. DRST�wAY %I 1 -2, Ni .,' i L� �j I k ,� 1 �' c2 FROU CE i ,-> ` P a°' °�' i Ir -�a \fl 'i-�'�IJ 1 ria - Gn]f f _ ._.. _ °�' O `f_ I 1 - - LO SH GROUN4FELEVAT$ON ATRREAR OF PAD 1 ry i 'O } a' r'1 BA'=4 I O RICRADED FRONT CARAGE SLAB ELEVATKAI. C.4.LUE0 FOR 8.0' IXFFIERENCE FROM ` _ FlNISH CAOUNU ELEVATION AT REAR OF PAD 1 I ` I/ �f a, LP___ _Pm 1 �- ti - TO FRONT GARAGE SLAB ELEVATION. 4 T m _f i :'�. �,1 r I t tA'-943.-j�'y!� � f �_ Ui YA -WALKOUT f __ �.�...��_/J•_ - L� 1 F.O. - .�h. f.- t L e5--_"341.0 W ` -._. \tdLo-LvacwT `7 I � � � � s \ / �a� /.Q' \ x = RAItLLk L'� "Jv S i ~ ' `} - TI1'=9480 iYJ2 'SHORE . - d Ul �. ' sn = SOE LOCKOUT ah=54so%TOL/NE,- rn= NOTE: IDR, LAKE O A 1 THE (k) INDICATES THAT THE GARAGE IS r _ 1 m I I -,�hQ-t'._ i ' ( 9y9 `T + 956 _ -i`� .l . �- -`� g3 '- j '� I FOND Y P 50rJr0�10 m I ': 1 DLOCK OR 0.7 FEET UELOW THE FIRST OUTLET -9 o I FLOOR ELEYAIION. i .n h 100 YR. 151.: E1.=938., I � � TYPICAL LOT / m n i .I9 1- 450 II 1 g 6-1 7u7 [. I y � Be.s sa;LEGEND.OF SAC -...-.,� s I 9 I`-_. - J -.,n.. rn rn v i € T !' 116 aB0 � f I S `jj m .116' 94.59 `y \ O DENOTES SOIL BORING m u Lor '( �:Fc�.=.� DENOTES SILT FENCE 59 PFt-i0TE5 HEAVY DUTY SILT FENCE _- J EN _ 9'42 DENOTES EJ(€ST1NG CONTOURS / - r-98O�� DENOTES PROPOSED CONTOURS _ E ;' en' 9aso � n�i UCTI. TYP I .s 0 DENOTES EXISTING STORM SEWER ---"_ -_._X940.51 ;/ 4� R�CK�'. --.- - - - - - - - - - - -.-..- ._---a-cs _ .. _ ER eD sT1i ENTRANCE ( � N 3R ' � - -... � - �. (� 4 �- ...n��- 52af sNQR�'TR�JNt � -� � � --� DENOTES PROPOSED srORM sE55 _ '1-_ i "`� _ `- » _ V �F -� g o osi€•,' I ci.N 1 / ..r-.;-�--� DENOTES EXISTING TREE LINE e-stoo o 1 Vill 2�0440w0' / } . B ; -+ -. - _50O _ �1 DENOTES APPRO)OVATE TREE - - UNKNOS%N ADDRESS / 1 l --' 945.75 - 446 - 344 _ -_ __ ,' _ ��-g ,7 ` I ! �-/- _ _ REMOVAL LIMITS - PID 251350060 1/ r.' o, ,. p \ / / -r -rt- 34 0 , I • i� - ..N - - - % i x e:.c.3 DENOTES EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION / ' - .• `F443A DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION - ARgPOSED G�AYLORIV� 5 Vi'O �-_ % ' / t DENOTES BIO -ROIL EROSION CHECKS -3 -- _ X34.0 i / Eor. DENOTES EMERGENCY OVERFLOW O.Y-THE ADJACENT -k0,'. .942OL E!} �T' ` �' ��LANKET�(TYFi) DENOTES TOP WALL ELEVATION / , '<- - THE DEVELOPER WLLj / / OBTAIN THE APPROF €ATE DENOTES BOTTOM WALL ELEVATION b EASEMENTS P 9 .0A. - IINKN01'.TI ADDRESS / f f! ' I - - - DENOTES INLET PROTECTION AT }(-- DENOTES RETAIN hNG WALL - 7 �.aPID 2513 620 i3f E � CATCH BASINS m ;` j - - -�`.. DENOTES AREAS &SLOPES THAT ARE TO - �`� BE UNMAINTAINED: 3:1 MAXIMUM SLOPE 2 III � j . -- ♦ / , ; 1 I f --L ;.- _--='....,.••• ,�J� DOUBLE aw,IS'€,T FEtTGE At20�ND' - - - ♦'. -.._ ;:. - �.- ^ }-420+�tF --I- - \ s ?`•S k - _- DENOTES 15ETLANO BUFFER MONUMENT 4560 4EAiT04'1LA5'rTl TRL NE:' AL�LETLj4AKE (YY� _ - - ❑ h ] PITT 2513 fl030 ,'`� / 1 �� Y SILT � r NOTES: X zP1 :,WORKING HOURS IN PRIOR LAKE ARE FROM 7:00 AM -- „� ..1- _ 1 - _ - i I I TO 7:00 PIA MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY & 8:00 Aht _ .— a i L _ - i I TO 5:00 PM SATURDAY. 'j ..-.._._._/ ./ / I� I ✓ - `! / / ,% - / r' ALL BACKYARD DRAINAGE SWALES MUST BE SODDED • & PROTECTED FROM EROSION AT CONCLUSION OF 1' / / �•�`- 1 J `y - �/1 / / DELINEATED WETLAND LIMITS (i3P.) f I 4 I 4 SITE GRADING ACTiVMES. pp'{'' i 929-67 l ' `r 0' 50' 100' I 9MAE ! i. r` �Sg . /r'.: �,� NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1735ry S _ / r� �y1/ -'% i /-: / / ,n• 9900177GORo5. �: ♦ i. ,r� -y ` - • �• /..'''/% ,�� e ./,!--.% �"A Date 03/13/13 St,eet 11 of 28 ,♦ Preparm for. Copper Cove FM 8n Preliminary Grading rim. K exoe:e eszssrslvx —FM aszszzszrr Hovnanian Homes o Minnesota L,L C Drainage and Erosion 12701 SYhitewater Drive, Suite 120 «O D rocir-� .sea-sarss� Fonda D- Hagen 11 CO�L�APlan + y{yyppd .,,ae,,, �„ 17716 tea a b'/Laae Minnetonka, Mn 55313 Prior Lake, Minnesota 02013 Westwood Professionol Services, Inc. !No C�XJWT'ROAD 41 ' ' ) .; Coll 48 Hours before digging: TH MEET Oil or ca118l1xom Common Ground ktlonci� 7 V 44 4 4 4 44,942 "Al 7� L-"; L jREE T' A E 51 k J .6 T Al 7 qlfim� 0 f 41 X, Ftsue L. 1�1 o L j !P 0 I J 1 J Q J L P V v EVE — 3 �,`j �, j _ \ r F + r �y 9F r J,� ��� " _— — t } �` F r NOM J f I Al A WORKING HOURS IN PRIOR LAKE ARE FROM 7:00 AM 96 TO 7:00 PM MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY & 8:00 AM -65 956 54,f f TO 5:00 PM SATURDAY. ALL BACKYARD DRAINAGE SWALE$ MUST BE SODDED PROTECTED FROM EROSION AT CONCLUSION Of SITE GRADING ACTIVITIES. j i! np­ I \00 144 V/ ;',Vi 'ZI A Ac_ 0' 100, 200' 304 Z NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DC -7 -00177GOPW d- 7 7-47 f DareW13/13 sheer 12 op 28 ---- - ----- 39- Copper Cove W Preliminary Street � . — I = Prepared for. MIK Grades for Exception K Hovnanian Homes of Minnesota, LL.C. —M 52 —911� D­ uJW T= ,�MM HISS n 12701 IVMtewater Orive, Suite no Parcel Westw"d w,rnewesMrodpcaa num 03/13/13 17716 Rftwd DrwUx WdLS Minnetonka, Mn 55343 Prior Lake, Minnesota o2013 Westwood ProfessionoT Ser -ices. Inc. i A Call 48 Hours before &gging: 811 or calI811.com "K V uri. Conrnm Ground AJHonro 171— F u - > 5 — — 'A j , — t r , , 3 - i — 7'. 5­u�� _J j A 4 t J, Al L 0 jqf f81 �f 87 as 19 2 q4, 3 o, Q I. -7 V 71L -7_ t�l A 2 94 IF -:2 Q f 94 X 93R A 0i -0, •/ , -. � { .. may.- - �-�-� - _ �� 11 � ,� \. _ -� > -_ ' - � - - x J _A WORKING HOURS IN PRIOR LAKE ARE FROM 7:04 AM TO 7:00 PM MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 8:00 AM TO 5:00 PM SATURDAY, NOTES: V( ALL BACKYARD DRAINAGE SWALFS MUST BE SODDED v: A & PROTECTED FROM EROSION AT CON(�LUSIQN OF SITE GRADING ACTI\ATIES. V1 0' 304• 200' 31Y J NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION f 4 CKW177COP07A, t 03/13/13 st,.t 13 of 28 Copper Cove FVH U Prepared for. Preliminary Street F�E nun K Hovnanian Homes of Minnesota, L.L.C. Grades for Exception rax ssxelrstrzz D.— Diw wol WMtewater Dr1w, Suite M �cuw_ 1�741w FrLAcIA a HWn If P—.d prain ht&� Minnetonka, Mn &SM Prior Uke, Minnesota Parcel Westwood —U-4— 03/13/13 U_ N 17716 02013 Westwood Professlonol Services, Inc. kEXAPPROXUATE LOCATION EX. FES . MH6 `IE= -936.&I =903.2=888.00 FUTURE bRl-t,APPROXIMATE LOCATIOLOCATION ',\ EX- STUB 'W'40'-8' PVC 0 2.00% IE=892.0.\ IE=689.8 - / 1 �. E \�cyfa R CITY PROJECT N0. 95 fD- g FUTURE MH RE -933.0 E=923.0 w \ �FUTURE MH FUTURE PAHA ! RE -947.4 7?, .^ RE-908.4 j '�i E=918-9 FUTURE fJH i j \NM E1 RE -948J7 1 �,� `^'" w� •� E=919.4 FUTURE I,JHrp' t ~� ' .,..� EE 919 3 i I�FUTURE iJH c \ 5 1 "!JRE.1 { i t IE -921.9 N`\ FUTURE MH FUTURE R1 ! �.. `�*., i t� ETURF=943I H I _ RE=944.7 RE=94$.7 6 '� /! / / \ N RE 920.7FUTURE H Fi] WSV � FUTURE MHIE=917.5 �E=358.3 /t .,ogN�!R?E-8y j E-921.5 J! C / IE=909.0 • COUNTYROAD 42 X. FES • J_39.81 7 : r FES -150- n-$ / , t IE -940.-_0__ 1 j !FE -51 OUTLOT H ! IF 942:0 _ \ 2 rL E94 2 0 r~~~! 111E=942-1 I 1 14 E II 11 I II f1 3 1 RE=956.0 `\ ,r,1 3E-943-3 'tt,5• RCP slvv RE=949. RE -949.3 IE -916.7 I _ •g ` / % 0 �� IE=945.3 ♦ s [p(N� TURE )AH I / v tiJ h i FUTURE IAFic�f- I • �P2 E921 0 �1 l R / EXCEPTION / p E 40.4 PARCEL I /�„ e 'FUTURE bAN' // ;! 13 L }AHy 8 g RE=965.00 IE -955.80 IE / Kt- J.O 1[=n3 .0 I I MH -r--, MH IE-�6 I 2 I j RE=973.0 3 I I IE=961.0 3 3 15 11 MH 11 \`� \ Et I t RE=951.0711 5 I --IE=939. MH // �.\ L___-_� e�RE=950.6 // j e938.47�/ CB --61. -----,: RE -A4 _4 1 1 \ 1257 1 I H -57A `!? �%, \\Vlir RE=953.8 r/ \ \/, RE -950.5 , RE =9 3 RTv, 51.} -450.3 A MH -60 S'-qy `�I��937.8J Txl�isl1� \ _ FUTURE MH , r=929.9 IE=94 �2 IE4.2 944.5 RE=949.4 J'7,� + RE -946.4 �� - / L___._____J L -„__-_-__J L___J 1E=945.1 EXISTING ------------ - _ ? P i �`A1H San€tory Sewer - a Water 1 Hyd. w\Valve 1---- -- Storm Sewer PROPOSED Sanitary Sewer -� Woter - f Hyd. w\Valve -I F Storm Sewer Ee - FUTURE Sanitary Sewer a Water Hyd. w\Volve Storm Sewer \\ \ _ Y. 12 TO I ��`♦r fs /g/ r�r��/- ..-.._.�.� i- �-�.=`�`� I RE=956. IE -937.7 E . E=934-91 'r y f 55 `RE=947.1 Y Ez`(. FES / I 9,13.53 r'~�• xn;a w:•sa:a a-�nx \ \\ 1 •� n I ^[ 93 RE -932.7 Ex. PAH ' / �Ex.STb.W FUTURE ?JH l f /r �' l \ 4 ` \ E RE=942.6 IE-5)3L5X 3 -� �3 1 1 ':' t ES OMOTQ 3 CBIAH- 200• 300' FOR CONSTRUCTION IE- 33.20E=944,90 0000177UTPol,dng mte: 03/13/13 sheet 14 an 28 �E=939.56 FUTURE MH S Sanitary Sewer Flows Calculations \ \ \ 1 i RE=943.6 \ \ I IE=9321 K `� tt SANITARY SEWER ; RE=944.0 Connection Homes Daily Flow Total Est. \ \1 \ k,. �- ,` 1 CONNECTION POINT A / b) IE -938,1 \ 1I 1 CORE DRILL CONNECTION TO ! Point Served Per Person Flout �' \ I ; ! N� t 1 I EXISTING MANHOLE; REFORM INVERT A 55 274G/D 15,07OG/D `.- \\ i \ ` c t , �� .� \ r r• REQ 44.0 8 34 274GID 3,536 Gro , \ Y`� UTURE MH 1 1 `. - . - • . - . . ,� . �� / 1E=9 2 1 y EE 946.7 _ 1 n \ - --- r - -- ---- ---- --Y�� 'E= 458 \` Total 59 274GID 38,906 G/D \ 1 \ �_-_-`_ ---- ---_-_---- ------- ___--- 1 - k--- r - - -� r--- 1 X75 / 4 44 Il 3 It ¢ II 5 11 6 II R P47.1r , GENERAL UTILITY MOTES: - 1 --- 7 - -� [ \ �" �\ 1 f I t 2 1 1 t I I I I I 1 JIM IE= iY t 11 f ! 4 0 -69 I I I IRE=948.7 i 9 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTI Y I! -•� , \ } H I k RE9 0 HYD'11 TV 1 -9529 1 SRE 950.3' UE -936.4 z AND NOTIFY THE OWNER OF ANY DIFFERENCES. I I ' , , , \ \ I 1 948.9 I I 1 �" "�. In:Z � \ E=955.1 IE=94 14 �E=937.0 v�G IE =944.0 IE,938. ----3 L S - - UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL MATERIALS, CONST. TECHN?DUES AND TESTING SH L ' I I /� A, \\ E.-___ ar, CONFORM TO THE 1999 E0. OF THE 'STANDARD UTIUTIES SPECIFICATIONS FOR W x u,. I MAIN AND SERVICE ONE INSTALLATION AND SANITARY SEWER ANO $TGRM SEWER � ` _ / � 0E- I > FUTURE !A RE -953.8 INSTALLATION BY THE CITY ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION OF MINN` AND TO THE I -'`� 1_,.,,, RE=953.6 _-.d iE=949.8 'STANpARp SPECIFICATION FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION' MINN- DEPT, OF TRANS.. EE -934.0 ` r---- I 957.6 1 I I 1 6 1 N AUGUST 31,2005 INCLUDING THE CURRENT ADDENDUM. THE CONTRACTOR SHALE E � [ '� t � �. irarRc�-�ixi =948-7 t REQUIRED TO FOLLOW ALL PROCEDURES AS OUTLINED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY. 1 •'m°, -, 1 i I • 1 t-940 83I I I ¢ 1 I 5 111 STMHo� �� BF' $� \OUTLOT F-- • 1 CBMH-85 1 I 1 1 I I k 4 R€=932 a THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RECEIVE THE NECESSARY PERMITS FOR ALL WORK OUTSIDE I FUTURE 3. y-ti~v) sv;1t- 1 5 RE=953.81 I I t t _ 11 IE=922' '^ 72 OF THE PROPERTY LIMITS. 1 1 E 93449�...__.�SP�'•-� - I --------J I I UA932.0 P { `v G1. 1 -------- r------- H-71 J -- 28-. --% VERTY EXISTING INVERT LOC. & ELEV. PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. _ s i / yG -T 3 2 R = _ THE WATER SERVICE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A MIN. OF 7.5 FT. OF COVER. E FUTURE IAH� I 2 I 3 925.2 15. pcp sTw \ mow, RE=958.2• tiI CB -66 I 1 I CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE CITY AS -BUILT CONSTRUCTION PLANS T9 CHECK y i FUTURE IAH �,. t L_______� ES-70� IE=9a7.z L__EE 94�u oum . E LOCA31ON AND MATERIAL TYPE. - ' k RE -947.7 - d Lg r' _ �_______- IE=935.7 ALL STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE CLASS 5 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT 'GOPHER STATE ONE CALL' FOR FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO UTILITY INSTALLATION. W 15�se.eedPrefes.3a,N sv.+A.et Inc I'�7 tx as pw .....•.e q Prepared for, IEB3 A�zya-+Drf.s2vj,w ty fYtlF�q`LlC Ed ""I:52 374 K Hovnanian Homes of Minnesota L.L.C. PketiE Si2A)?b150 TAY 'i2A ,SP1) IXiFIaF b oa ?5, Francis D. H.gen tT Westwood »,, 03/13/13 L%_ N. 17716 2An &5M Call 4B Hours before digging: 811 or cal1811.com Common Ground Allionce EX. MH EX. MH RE=965-22 14111TH STREET NE EX. IC61JH I EX.MH .8 I I RE -962S8 IE -960.82 I I p Srr3 EX CBMEX. C81AH I� - I I I J,�-RIIO ��IATE EYISTT1Ij11! HYDRAN I / CONNECT TO EXITING WATE MAIN -L-- I --- L IAMPTON ME NE EX.gb7 T ALl----� ---- 1 E=953.50 ( I 3I 11 1 3 ] I RELOCATE EXISAO HYDRANT C0�INECT 70 EgSTING WATER MAIN SEX. 6 L..P G era PP --ASH Ck9CLE NE j r" Ex:>IS� -�\ I IE -05.10 I I 1 JEX- CO / RE=944,90 E-940.02 / \ RELQr ATE EXISTIN HYDRANT EX. CBAIyy CONNECT TO EXIS ING WATER MAIN IRE=944.9a IF -939.80 / �� E '. C8 7 I R =946 86 I 941.86 / MH R -950.46 I / Oi0 A7 u. CIRCLE NE _ Y. 12 TO X. MH \ RE =948.8 I R£-947.3 1 \IE=937.91 E . E=934-91 'r E�W=935.0 °" EX. ST3AH EX. CH3AH 941 RE=946.801, IEE 626 x TE=937.72 55 `RE=947.1 Y tCBMH--74 LL 11 93 RE -932.7 Ex. PAH ' / �Ex.STb.W IE=917.80 RE -926.50 IE=936.76 / RE -928.517 ernae eoo - ':' qe:x /.- ! I 0' 100• 200• 300' FOR CONSTRUCTION 0000177UTPol,dng mte: 03/13/13 sheet 14 an 28 Copper Cove Prior Lake, Minnmta Preliminary Utility PIan 02013 Westwood Professional Services, Inc'I � V 1 4 i 1a PARK \OUMOT/ FEs 02 t V 1 1 7 1 I I STMH-72 L------_- 3 II ---14 `•� -201 , 1 1----� �_�__ PES -205 RE=928.6 as 1E W=9 40 FUTURE MI,\ �€ 2 I S H-71 IE=1924. 7E E=9 4.0 R£=958.2 .� " e til 9 j I I II -A If=947.2 ."' L_CBMH_83 J ---7 OUTLOTE 12' �a r- - 2� -R -S .F--1 F£S=70 RCP FES -200 15" IE=916.,0 e + IE=939.8 1 12i--R MH-8RCP 2 so' R� stu I /- €I 953.5 zr Rcn 7" - FES -80 9 5a0 t2" a SEFA9-��0 f -MH 939 J . E. _..._...- TV IE=91 .p�..-� �-�STMH-81 ES 2M p ew I {{{� iii -144St I�---------T �-\ �-R€=932A--I[ s236p ni:cl FIT I.!H STMH-86 I 9 I V ♦ IE=925.7 n 2 RE=961.2 RE=955.0 r r STMH-81 1 >, I, , STkIH-7726 I 1 1 IE -950.2 _IE _448.2_ r RE -937.0 ! !!! r 6 5 7 \ RE=926.0 f CS -90 Jr 1 IE -971.5 Fll'�.� ~ _ I J ` _ I E 44.0 i f r 1! 8 ! 1 CHMH-90 \) �`� MH 4 I �a Rf u920.0 I / FUTURE I.IH 1 8 84866 ! r CB--8iB 1 I RE=948.Oi E=948.5 ` iE=913.7 r L- RE=948.0 i 936.5 (�, ! Rf=951.6 z r L.IE_ 442. ! .� ,.� < r� .0 - y � C-_ CB -114 --�! l z RE=937.0 � \ f/ IE=951.8 _ •_ FUTURE MH ��i 3 ! r! J��'� 1 2 -- ; .AZA r 3 --� IE -927.5 e ! ' RE -965.1 )1 `�. IE -954.1 r l `mom 1 l I I 4 ! �. f -_.� _ fi_@E:9&2��_� �`_ r-_ - € MH RE 955.0 'r f -S4 - j r - --==---J FUTURE MH j! 2 i 1 6 r i 1 �-2 �� IE �I.p- EE 956?9 jl t5' RCa Snr 1 + r I 1 CBMH--9 I DROP M t CBMH-83A I 1 -82A I I RE -954 CONNECT TO EASPI4 RE=955 � I F _ - &€=960.9-� !----4E-946_6 F7AL_ 1 IE=933.5 1 I i III IE=956.8 I TE`95b:9- r-------'4 �_iJ---- _ IE -909. 2 F FUTURE fAHICB-97f 1 5 i F 4 1 DR6P MH - i OT J Ex MHI I J I RE -969.3 IRE=963. 7 I HYD. (TYR I RE=957.0 'i I RE_ -95 6 IE=958.3 1 1 1 I I IE=941.5 469 IE _956 6j L I i I I 1 111 15" RCP STI/ - ��� QMH, -93 CONNECI TO EXISTING - _,Ey;¢ r� RE -955.01 8' DIP AN. SEWER - -- - - - - -- - - - - - r�" IE=956.3 j - R 57.5 $AtJ. STUB �s IE=950.8 EX. iE=9109.2 F7- V IE=909-33 I I ~ i 3 1 7 4 iEL= 68.9 3 w L. I II I 1 FUTURE MH 1 I 111 RE 959.0£€ f 1 Y✓" RE=965.7 t pry t Iia948-�-301 I I (n X11 IE=954.1 FUTURE F.!H I r------� r-------� k ♦ RE= I z� RE=959.5 2 € 5 I 1 'CB -95 �� 5A S iE=93 . !T .A IE=945.a t CBMH-1041 !-�/�' RE=953.81 r- ftf=9 3.8 , RE -940.41 ( IE -949.6 r! IE94 fi (N 7E=933.0 --__-- n F-__IE=_936.6 ` I 1 I oUTLOT I I ..rt._. _ _•-.. -� s, G VI ml------�� I MH 2 RE 41 Q)<FES 100' FES -3001 I I J� ^---F y E CB -104 RE=941.5 IE= 5. IE=93 .0 I RELOCATE 6MING HYpRANT &RE=940. j E-930.5 IEr 1 35.7 i CONNECT j0 ELS17N0-#f AI - �� CBMH-107 1 I 1E=9361 r _ f1 TFU11L NE I I t FUTURE UH `� 8• FUTURE MH 1 OT r �dH ` -1z' R RF=963.2 ♦ RE -95&O ; I - CB -€06 :I tE=92926 1e' R 5 HE-C$V1F1' IE -944.5 IE=946.0 IE=941.& I RE -944.5 ♦♦ I RE L- - - -. --_ -- - _ ♦ - - _ _. - - y E VH�EX 8}.IH 936.5 _.- R =943.9 / EXCEPTIDII��/ ca 1€�B - - - "` _d �E 9as s / IRE -4-- RE-950.0 - - - / . , E 0 v ' MH D3 8, wu i v " I p, I E1 15' R,P' Sw1 � 34.8 I FUIURE MH PAR CEL , _ +F7 -106A 11 H-1oz r.. .. / 7 JIB t RE=950.7 / ! l ~� RE=944.5 RE -240.4 s- PVC sx� 942.5 f I Ex. ?ORFd E.!H / 1 "��._ IF=936.3 is, R(Y sT1 935.4 \ Ex_ IEE -93310 1 P TIE=939.7 / }E=940.4 I I f- A 'A 0, / MIH -107A ro� lAH I I E �fH F I PRO RE= 44. I m r l / Rl:=944.6 E=945.8 11 R 931.7 `! i E% I PR € IE= 34. / IE94€.1 " IE=934.8 3 i 1 2 IE $07.47 r I ,Y�. RC -940 EY" 9287 ! 1j: {jt\\ I I PROP RE= 4.3 EX- btP= 4. I FUTURE IdH / / ♦ 1 /�_-v,Q FUTURE MIT ` I I -�� EX. le=908. 2 r I E=99. 0 1 RE -940.5 �` - "� . - 1 PROP IE=9 9.6 I I IE -929.0 /` / / IE -929.5 - r" f D.!H I I I I I r i�F' ♦ ♦� t 1 R 929.6 SANITARY SE15E2 I I 4j Z (FUTURE Far �°" ' f I �_ I 9ps 7; C&N ECTION P NT B FOTU>�E k!H 1 RE=933.9 ♦ �- J -- CRE DRILL[& CWECT TO �i -� ~E ST G SAN. MAMDLE I W-933.01 1 I 1 Y 922.9 ♦ -- L� � � �-� J' 1 TT_I A=922.0 I 1 I {{FUARE M RE -30.0 / I / I FUTURE $ FU RE MH SAN. SWR. RE= 30.2 /!'1l•�h,� / IE=918.3 N:- L FUTURE YHAFUTURE R-928.9 RE 925.8 EE 917.9 Ea 15' RCP a A!J 15' RCP S%- 1 r EXMH MH RE?972.7 I - Y - f - �1 - - } qG� _ RE '921.9 €E=904.81 I EX FJH *sF fE=905.55 FDTURE MHRE-910 0 '1 FUTURE1 H I RE=973.4 1E=90520_ r_ '/ RE=912.1 IE -907.5 -.. - IE=90b.3 ........... ..... CoU 48 Hours before diggtng: 811 or call811.com Common Ground A6ionce GENERAL LI : THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFY THE ONNER OF ANY DIFFERENCES. UNLESS OTHERVASE NOTED, ALL MATERIALS. CO`7ST, TECHNIQUES AND TESTING SHALL CONFORM TO THE 1999 ED. OF THE 'STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER MAIN AND SERVICE LINE INSTALLATION AND SANITARY SEINER AND STORM SCAER INSTALLATION BY THE CITY ENGNEERING ASSOCIARDN OF MINN,' AND TO THE 'STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION" WNN. DEPT. OF TRANS., AUGUST 31,2005 INCLUDING THE CURRENT ADDENDUM, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO FOLLOW ALL PROCEDURES AS OUTLINED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RECEIVE THE NECESSARY PERMITS FOR ALL WORK OUTSIDE OF THE PROPERTY LIMITS, VERIFY EXISTING INVERT LOC. & ELEV. PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. THE WATER SERVICE SHALL BE INSTALLED VATH A MIN. OF 7.5 FT. OF COVER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE CITY AS --BUILT CONSTRUCTION PANS TO CHECK LOCATION AND MATERIAL TYPE. ALL STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL HE CLASS 5 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT 'GOPHER STATE ONE CALL' FOR FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS PR{DR TO UT1iTTY INSTALLATION. L)3GHND ExlsTlxc Sanitary Sewer a Water Hyd. w\Valve I� Storm Sewer w PROPOSED Sanitary Sewer --4- Water - I Hyd. w\Volve -[�+ Storm Sewer 44 FUTURE Sanitary Sewer e Water Hyd. w\Valve - -.p Storm Sewer Sanitary Sewer Flows Calculations Connection Homes Dally Flow Total Est. Point Served Per Person Flow A 55 2744./0 15,070 GID B 14 274G/D 3,B36G/D Total 69 274G/D M9XG/D Yi6+1+,e>� Rofas,put S.K 4ae 7693 Aapo-. E >•mbr err k.l tls rL+ •. pepa4 y adr er ' pR.n� FDFi A Fre ed for. FQc�Pra'r'a.IF155):t vlw�F sss�alfs W 7•��-�4 FM A K Hovnanian Homes of Minnesota, L.L.C. rs.� ssxAaT-s6n TAiIT� ,�6a9n�s,s3 Araxa o1W 12701 Whitewater Thive, Suite 120 FYands i3. liege¢ D tEis{yypp rrvrr.nne ooarxcoro 03/13/13 �Y N. 77716 F"� D-1- be/2ia Minnetonka, Ifn 55349 X 0' 100' 200' 300' NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION D000177UTP02-d»g Det. 03/13/13 m7 t 15 or 28 Copper Cove Preliminary Utility Plan Prior Lake, Minnesota o2013 Westwood Professlonoi Services, Inc. i Era 944 orda 93640938.: m.Fs 944�C1f.Ff7KJ+7 - R e a -�' .��s s 942 -_',,stir: 1' �1 _, ...- r Ea s i �� r. C �� il� � 9�I k • 4 k j-9 88 � a fie.',- - .-s vE �--V�e --e rs .s�- �ss � s -•a ---'s0' f sa -ss coy - i- F 'a `- rn \ - F`r _ag- G.ers-' s a >t �♦ ®F a �v.. ,"+gc� ��- �� �� 1 I g� I s Door fl a n -bs's s970 Ga6_'j e vEs�s&sgB �e�ss&v¢-.Ga_ss6 v s¢s '.as c sic c` ec _ p''s �x Ev'. 1..� —►► _ _ l{� _ !! s a•.s �` c,p c ass SEs &e 6. g . 4 pc., se._,_e �.es; !! 7_. s .'ic ':Ep.F�&° s a °r,+.tc g a ss @_i°_ sa .� •''..q '_SII�a3952- II 'l -9 I 94- r f.� � s a - s;a -�,./ s �/• -- a @'"" •.—r:.. -z`a" ��`,-� s v. ��_�Sr -- p + v a..-�e s s< ° s s- x s•p - - - %354 4 s \48 .-s a s pis43.1�k -�¢ • s• 1 ! f x G - 1 8 S j4 1 91 s 1 s _ -- ► � ;�� 944'•_ ,,li ,,y�_ II _a7 -� ----;i 7 •.,\ _ s -i rsua4r. 11 gra --1i - 1 964 II 958 I) II A s i 952354 11 i 11 '! . - I � `J �- F •1;.U,n l J• o, Qr,n � I - II'944 o, 1 7 71 ► r k -i , `932 9 rrV -r o j Preliminary Plant Schedule ��5S-Y��MSOL CODE OTY. COLOJON/80TANICAL NAME SIZE t ]G1.1 OV193 VVVV.YYY�'"'000GFFFFYYYY STREET TREES 0VER STORY — OTHER 27 00 REPLACEMENT TREES ^ OVERSTO— 136 FUNYARD YARD TREES BY BUILDER EL£RGREEII 39 Black H21s Spruce / Picea glauco densala 8' HT. BS TYP. &0 Colorado Green Spruce / Picea pungens .��rm. ,® �. d �• s� d , ' ��' 0i,F w�Avs mt a Austrian Pre P s n'gro _ . Nor.: ay Pine / Pins ts;,,oso _ Ax s5293TSS22 rar.r raTsrsa Scotch Pine / P syl+vsWs _. 12781 1Vhitewater Drive, Suite 120 Phite Pine / P st pbus 03/13/13 u__ nr. 17716 ORNAMENTAL 10 Thornless Cockspur Hawthorn / Crotoegus crusgalli 'inermis 1.S" DR Japanese Tree Ldac /Syringo rekkvIcto 6, HT., DB CLUMP Arlegheny Serv,ccbu,y / Ame'anchler lcetiis 6' HT. 8B CLUMP Pra r etre Crab / Mo'us 'Pro:rrefire 3.5" 88 PrcfasTori Clab / PAa'u5 'Prc,fa5?an' j,rj" so Sparkler Crab /Mows 'Sparkler" j_g' BB Landscape Requirement Calculations tkiDiVIDUAL LUT ]tf ()UIREMENTS TREES REQUIRED: 2 YARD TREES TREES PROVIDED: 1 FRONT YARD TREE + 3 FUTURE REAR YARD TREE TO BE PROVIDED AFTER HOME CONSTRUCTION. (LOT TREES COUNT TOWARDS TREE REPLACEMENT REQUIREMENTS) TREE REPLACEMENT CALIPER INCHES REOUIRED: 1163 cal. in. (SEE TREE PRESERVATION CALCS SHEET 21) REQUIRED REPLACEMENT TREES (3" PER TREE ASSUMED): 388 TREES OVERALL TOTAL TREES REQUIRED: 386 (2 TREES PER LOT, + ADDITIO,`1AL TREE REPLACEMENT PLANTINGS) OVERALL TOTAL TREES PROVIDED: 405 (OVERSTORY EQUIVALENT) + 10 SUPPLEMENTAL ORNAMENTAL TREES --NOTES: r STREET TREE LOCATIONS AND SPACING ARE SUBJECT TO CHANCE BASED ON CONSTRUCTED DRIVEWAY AND UTILITY LOCATIONS. • STREET TREES TO BE PLACED INSIDE FRONT Dail EASEMENT OF INDIVIDUAL LOTS, NOT IN RIGHT--OF--WAY • LOT TREE PLANTINGS TO BE PROVIDED AFTER HOME CONSTRICTION BY BUILDER • MAINTAIN ADEQUATE STREET INTERSECTION AND UTILITY CLEARANCE ZONES PER CITY CODE NbN.00d nFr•�,r1 Sen3u•, ka. E bid., _e I, � 4 PSn xa +E b, >d a a2s a, azo w nr r �y a...a u�vxars �'�` Prepared for. ssg a -aver, omg .��rm. ,® �. d �• s� d , ' ��' 0i,F w�Avs mt a H0.tiE i5T83TS15a ��� . b l 11 K Hovnanian Homes of Minnesota L,L.C. Ax s5293TSS22 rar.r raTsrsa Cory Meyer D.-Dn9 12781 1Vhitewater Drive, Suite 120 Westwood _,,,•,ti 4PLm , 03/13/13 u__ nr. 17716 >tim a onys ar�r� Minnetonks, Mn 55343 Copper Cove Prior lake, Minnesota Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or C4Il811.Com Common Ground Alliance 0' 100' 200' 3( Hale 03/13/13 shoot 27 OF 2$ Preliminary Landscape Plan PV6) _ •`9 95q mr°D,: I, 1 :g f. M Nam ,' oY 1 Planting Nates 1. CO4TRACTOR SHALL CIXITACT GOPHER 'IXIE CALL' (651 -454 -DOW or 890-252-11$6) TO VERIFY LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITI€S PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ANY PLANTS OR LAIDSCAPE MATERIAL. 2. ACTUAL LOCATION OF PLANT MATERNAL IS SUB.IECT TO RFLO MID SITE CCKIDITC NS. 3. NO PLAITITIG WILL BE INSTALLED UNTIL ALL GRADING AND CIXISTRUCTION HAS BEET! COVPLETEO III THE IMMEDIATE AREA- 4. REA4. ALL SUBSTITUTIDNS !MUST BE APPROVEO BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO SUBMIS900 OF ANY DSD AID/OR QUOTE BY THE LA10SCAPE CONTRACTOR. S. CO.i TRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TWO YEAR GUARANTEE OF ALL PLAIT MATERIALS- THE GUARANTEE BEGNS ON THE DATE OF THE LAIOSCAPE ARCRITEC4'S OR OWNERS WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE OF THE INITIAL PLANTING- REPLACEMENT PLANT MATERIAL SHALL HAVE A ONF YEAR GUARNITEE COMMENCING UPON PLANTING. 6- PLATITS TO MEET AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK (ANSI 760.1-2004 OR MOST CURRENT VERSIO;i) REWIREVEtiTS FOR 92E AND TYPE SPEOFIED. 8_ PLANTS TO BE INSTALLED AS PER MALA & ANSI STAIiDARO PLAiTILiG PRACTICES - 9. PLAITS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY PLANTEG UPON ARRIVAL AT SITE, PROPERLY HEEL -II MATERIALS IF NECESSARY; TEMPORARY ONLY. 10- PRUNE PLAITS AS NECESSARY - PER STANDARD NURSERY PRACTICE AND TO CORRECT POOR BRAICH?NIS OF EXISTING AID PROPOSED TREES. 11, STARING OF TREES AS REWIRED; REPOSITION, PLUVB AND STAKE IF NOT PLUVB AFTER ONE YEAR 12. THE NEED FOR SUL AVENDMENTS SHALL DE DETERMINED UP(X1 SITE S&L CONDITIONS PRIOR TO PLAITING_ LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR THE NEED OF A14Y SOL AWENDVEfiTS. 13- BACKFILL SOL AND TOPSOIL TO ADHERE TO MN/DOT STANDARD SPEOFTCATION 3877 (SELECT TOPSOIL BORROW) AND TO BE EXISTING TOP SOL FROM SITE FREE OF ROOTS, ROCKS LARGER THAN ONE NCH, SNSSOL DEBRIS, AIM LARGE'NEEOS UNLESS SPEOFlED OTHERWISE, MINNUU 4' DEPTH TOPSOIL FOR ALL LAMB CRASS AREAS AND 12` DEPTH TOPSO'L FOR TREE. SHRUBS. AND PERENNIALS. 14. MULCH TO BE AT ALL TREE, SHRUB, PERENNIAL. AND MATITENANCE AREAS- TREE AND SHRUB PLANTING BEDS SHALL HAVE 4' DEPTH OF SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH TO BE USED AROUND ALL PLANTS VNTHIN NRF AREAS. MULCH TO BE FREE OF DELETERIOUS MATERIAL ]MULCH AND FABRIC TO BE APPROVED BY CANER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. MULCH TO MATCH EXTSTIRG CON4NRONS (WHERE APPLICABLE). 15_ EOG'NG TO BE COMMERCJAL GRADE VALLEY-V,EW DLACK DIAMOND (OR EQUAL) POLY EDONG OR SPADED EOGF, AS INOICATED. UTILIZE CURBS AND SDFWALKS FOR EDGING WHERE POSSIBLE. SPADED EDGE TO PROVIDE V -SHAPED DEPTH AID WIDTH TO CREATE SEPARATION BETWEEN} MULCH AID GRASS. INDIVIDUAL TREE. SHRUB, OR RAIN-GARDEtI BEDS TO BE SPARED COW, UNLESS NOTED OTHERAISE. EDG.NG TO MATCH EXYSPNG CONDITIONS (WHERE APPLICABLE). 16. ALL DiSTURBEG AREAS TO BE SODDED OR SEEDED. UNLESS OTHERNSE NOTED. SOD TO BE STANDARD M;NNESOTA GROAT? RID HARDY BLUEGRASS MIX, FREE CF LAWT4 '6SEOS. ALL TOPSOIL AREAS TO BE RAfEO TO REMOVE DEBRIS AND ENSURE DRAINAGE. SLOPES OF 3:1 OR GREATER SHALL CC STAKED. SEED AS SPECIFIED AND PER PI SPECIFICATIONS. IF NOT INDICATED OR LANDSCAPE PLAN, SEE EROSI0.N CONTROL PLAN. 17. PROINDE €RRIGATIO'1 TO OTiLY BOULEVARD TREES ON SITE. IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO BE OES!GN/BU'.LD ELY LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR ON LOT BY LOT BASIS - 16. CONTTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE NECESSARY WATERING OF PLANT UATERIALS UNTIL }FIE PLANT IS FULLY €STASUSHED OR IRRIGATION SYSTEM IS OPERATIONAL. OWNER WLL NOT PROVIDE WATER FOR CONTRACTOR. 19. R€PAIR, REPLACE, OR PROVIDE SOD/SEED AS REWIRED FOR ANY ROAD'NAY BOULEVARD AREAS AD.IACFNT TO THE SITE DISTURBED DURING CN4STRUCTIOI 20. REPAR ALL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY FROM PLNI-NRG OPERARUNS AT NO COST TO OWNER. C41 46 Hours before dfgginq: 811 Or cal1811.com Common Ground Alliance NFstnccd Prokss'uu75eni<a bu.. 0.�a}a-� Bri a PRUNT OUT VISDRECTED BRANCHES. PFI ONE Prepared (Or. R&�xk' N1i B PRUNE OUT 1M,SDRECTED SRAICIiES_ PROVIDE ONE -I-- LEADER. EEA9 w CENTRAL LEADER. ti`= OM".r R:D STAK NG, AS REOURED, PH E 55193Tstw TAX 55aAdT-i42i TCLLFSEE 1Sbb93TL5'A GUYANG AND STAKING AS REQUREO, ., FOR ONE (1) YEAR ON ALL FOR ONE (1) YEAR ON ALL DEOOUOUS A;D 0",'FFRpli$ TREES. Y%. .: °- DEODUOUS AND COnkFEROUS TREES: TOP STAKES 5' ABOVE CAOUN:O W£KFWOD4I xnxrlcawodfx.saa TOP STAKES 5' ABOVE GROUND ~ _ ' .: (VA -V I OR TO FIRST BRRI04. (MAK) OR TO DOST BRAiOi. '�. STAVE 3' (NG BrLoN BOTIGM OF STAKE 3 (M.N.} t` RO BELO'N GROu7:0. STAKiTIG POSTS BELON GRIX474D- STAICIIG 'td TO BE 2'M2' $TA.NY0 Y000 OR PANTED STEEL DELSNEATOR "- ag POSTS TO BE 2'X2' STAN:EO V W= OR PANTED STEEL Tr `} 'E 6` POSTS. PLACE 3 POSTS - DEUNi POSTS. PLACE 3 a ' ' EW 0,STANT AROUND AND OUTSDE RDOT BALL SECURE POSTEATCR POSTS EW'.DiSTAN7 ARCUTO AND OUTSDE ROOT BALL �,<<s`a- _' TREE TO PTS TH i6' LON:C OWIv. SECURE TREE TO POSTS w N - POLYPROPYLENE OR 16' LONG PCLIPROPTTET& OR POLYETHYLENE. 40 MT_. 1 5' 4' POLYETHYLEI;E. 40 VL. 1.5' WOE STRAP. WDE STRAP. TREE WRAP MATERIAL FROM PLACE VULCH, DEPTH AS GROUNOUNE UPWARD TO FIRST _- SPEOFIED. OVER PLATT P17S - B.RANCJIE$, AS REOIJ:REB. BD NOT PLE AGA.NNST TRUNK- PLACE MULCH. DEPTH AS SPEOTIED. Oi U FORV 3 DEEP WATEKNG BASIL 2 BALL GNER PLANT PITS - DO NOT PxE pIAVETER AG0.NNST TRUI"X- I - BACxDLL III PIT WITH FCSU 3' DEEP WATERING BARN SPEOFlED BAONFII€ SOL. I BAWIL3, PLRIT PIT 'MIH SPEORED Af �. SCAREY SUES A.D BOTTW I BACKFILL SOI. - -" HOLE c 1 SCAR FY SDES RID BOTTCdJ OP HOLE. I FOR N R RY ST RI SThNDRRp FOR NURSERY SIZE- FOR - I I REFER TO FOR V. r: VUM BALL SIZE- ROOT TOCK FOR VNVLrUC hVRSERY STOCK FCR MIr"VUU CALL FLARE TO BE PLANTED AT OR E PLANTED SIZE- ROOT FLARE TO BAI ,:EAR HNISHED (RLIIIE CUND AT OR NEAR ONISHED GROWIDWIL SET ROOT BALL (43 LINDiS"FIEU WT ROOT BALL (Na mUSTURSED SOBSDL OR COVPACTED SOL SUBSC11 OR CCNPACTED SOIL MOUND UOUND MATLHNG TREES NATURAL VATCWIG TREES NATURAL GRCONDLINE WITH Fu,SttFD SITE rROUNOITNE AIM H1,ASHEO SITE GRADE N.T.S. GRADE. N.F.S. EVERGREEN TREE �� DECIDUOUS TREE ciPEv� LA29 LAPS PLANTING r.d... PLANTING NFstnccd Prokss'uu75eni<a bu.. 0.�a}a-� Bri a 1 �7 e.e as !� wa pq y =T peei2¢t £en a and tl.t 1111 drib Rsw' IA\'sY9C/SPB �' Prepared (Or. R&�xk' N1i B EEA9 w 'm°'� �' `" d 1"' POfi 3[ K Hovnanian Homes of Minnesota, L.L.C. PH E 55193Tstw TAX 55aAdT-i42i TCLLFSEE 1Sbb93TL5'A COIF Meyer orrr F—d D 1,PAEez 12701 Whitewater DT(Ve, Suite 120 03/13/13 17716 .i- 14finTLeionka, Mn 55343 W£KFWOD4I xnxrlcawodfx.saa p°Y 1Jmr 1Ne Copper Cove Prior 0' 100' 200' 300' 0000177PLP07, Tile 03/13/13 sheet 28 OF 28 Preliminary Landscape Plan Oy pRIO)�P Memo \tNNH50�A Date: May 31, 2013 To: Community Development Department Froin: Engineering Department — Larry Poppler, City Engineer Public Works / Natural Resources Department -- Pete Young, Water Resources Engineer Subject: Copper Cove (Project DEV -2013-005) The Engineering Department and Public Works/Natural Resources Department have reviewed the preliminary plat for the subject project with a draft plan date of May 10, 2013 and we have the following comments. Comments highlighted in bold text are of particular concern: General 1. The final plat plans should follow the requirements of the Public Works Design Manual. 2. Permits from the Scott County, Met Council, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and Department of Health will be needed at the final plat stage. 3. Show approximate location of all existing private utilities and public utilities. 4. The wetland edge shot data should also be shown. 5. Benchmark information should be City benchmark and "City Project DEV -2013-005" should be shown on all plan sheets. 6. All plans should be drafted according to the City of Prior Lake layer system. A digital copy of the plans in pdf or of format is required prior to construction. All drawings should use the Scott County Coordinate System. 7. Provide all City details that pertain to the project (example): hydrant, bio -roll, wetland buffer signage, sanitary manhole, watermain service, sanitary sewer service, concrete sidewalk, bituminous trail, standard storm sewer manhole, catch basin for storm sewer, pond outlet skimmer, trash guards for concrete aprons, standard manhole for sanitary sewer, sanitary sewer outside drop manhole, watermain insulation, street typical section, street typical section with sidewalk, cul-de-sac, curb ramp detail for trails and sidewalks, stop sign with street sign, sign and street light placement, street light types, standard locations of public improvements, and etc. S. This property is critical for City trail system connections in the area. Trails should be provided that connect to existing trails north of North Shore Oaks Park and along Carriage Hill Road. The preferred trail layout would encircle the unique wetland in the northern half of the site (shown as "Wetland 2" on the plan set) with three connection points around this loop: Phonc 952.447.9800 / Fav 952.447.4245 / i+'+,.w.cityorpriorI :e.com a. SE side of Wetland 2, connecting to the North Shore Oaks Park trail system at Ferndale Avenue through Outlot C adjacent to Block 9, Lot 8. b. North side of Wetland 2, connecting to Street 2 through Outlot C between Block 11, Lot 1 and Block 10, Lot 1. c. SW side of Wetland 2, connecting to the planned sidewalk along the proposed north -south collector street, which will connect to the existing and planned trail/sidewalk system corridor for Carriage Hill Road NE. Grading 1. Slopes for maintained areas should be no more than 4:1 and unmaintained at 3:1. Numerous areas do not meet this requirement and there are concerns regarding proposed grades that abut the undeveloped parcel to the west. Proposed grades will impede drainage on the adjacent property. 2. Backyard drainage swales need to be contained within a permanent easement. The easement should be shown on the grading plan and the plat. Areas to be graded in the future with development to the west should be contained within drainage and utility easement. 3. Show wetland buffer and wetland buffer signage on the plans. Setbacks from wetlands must be checked to verify distance requirements. Wetland buffer areas should be hatched. 4. Proposed grading beyond property will require easements. 5. Any backyard drainage paths must be sodded and protected at the conclusion of grading activities. Provide notes in specific areas indicating that this protection is needed. EOF paths are of particular concern. 6. Proposed retaining walls are over 4' in height. Requirements for retaining include obtaining a building permit, fencing, and must be designed by a MN registered professional engineer. Retaining walls should be constructed on private property unless approved by City Engineer. Detailed plans and specifications will be required for review by City staff. 7. Show lot corner elevations. 8. Show construction limits on the plans. 9. Provide tree plan that shows the proposed grades and significant tree locations. Heritage trees should be highlighted. 10. Low opening elevations shall be at least 2' above EOF. Lot 1 block 3 garage elevation needs to be raised by 0.5 feet. 11. The EOF locations for all low points, ponding and wetlands should be shown on the grading plan. Please show EOF for the Ferndale low point north of Ash Circle. 12. Existing survey shot data should be shown on the grading plan and existing conditions sheet at all street intersections. 13. Contour 946 at the intersection of Ash Circle does not tie into an existing contour. 14. The existing 950 Contour west of Outlot F does not tie to a proposed contour within the plat. 15. The 960 contour west of lot 2 block 4 does not tie into the existing 960 contour to the west. 16. Several rear lot elevations are missing on the grading plans throughout the plat. 17. Provide name and contact information for person responsible for erosion and sediment control maintenance. 18, Provide note on the grading plan stating that perimeter / downstream sediment control best management practices should be installed by the contractor and inspected by the City prior to any site work. 19. Provide note on the grading plan stating that slopes greater than or equal to 3:1 shall have approved turf establishment and erosion control best management practices installed immediately after finished grading. Utilities 1. The sanitary sewer layout for the northern portion of the development should be reevaluated. There is currently sanitary sewer located on CR 42 to the west that directly connects to MCES interceptor that would provide optimal service for this area. The proposed plat adds additional redundant sanitary sewer pipe which the City must maintain in perpetuity. The City is not interested in adding additional length of pipe when it is not necessary. Based on the design of the sanitary sewer this northern section of the plat may be premature. Furthermore, pipe should be located on street centerline. 2. The proposed development maintains an existing 15" RCP sanitary sewer pipe within the proposed backyards of three residential lots. The ghost plat to the west also shows the sanitary sewer in backyard areas. Due to the terrain and access issues, the City would prefer to relocate the sanitary sewer as well as the watermain into the street network. The City could then vacate the easement. Due to the depth, the right of way width may need to be evaluated. An outlot would be needed on the western side of the plat to tie into the existing manhole. Dry pipe would need to be installed on sheet 7 to street 4 for future connection. The City would pay oversizing for the movement of these trunk facilities. 3. Provide analysis to show that watermain and sanitary sewer pipe sizes are sufficient to handle the demands of the development. 4. Please note that different type and class of sanitary sewer pipe will be required dependent on depth. Please use chart in PWDM. Streets 1. Street 7 should continue west to intersect with Street 4 as a part of this plat. It is difficult to determine if this plat proposes this street connection. 2. Eliminate the short "Street 6" cul-de-sac south of Carriage Hills Drive. This area can be served by "Street 711. This cul-de-sac is not necessary considering these streets can be accessed off of Street 7. This design adds unnecessary City street length which the City= must maintain in perpetuity. The City is not interested in adding additional street length when another option exists to serve this area. In addition, adding this cul-de-sac, provides another conflict point on the Collector Street. This cul-de-sac does not appear to meet City standards. 3. "Street 6" north of Carriage Hills Parkway should be relocated off of Carriage Hills Parlcivay and onto Street 4. Street 6 should connect in an east -west manner to the short stub street off of Fisher Avenue. This removes a conflict point on Carriage Hills Parkway and extends Street 6 to the eastern property line for future development eventually eliminating two cul-de-sacs. In general for maintenance and emergency access purposes, the City prefers street connections versus cul-de- sacs. 4. The traffic impact study was reviewed. The assumption on the percentage of vehicles using Carriage Hills Parkway to the west appears low. 5. Access restriction on CSAH 42 at Ferndale should be shown as a part of this plat, so that the public is aware and can comment at the public hearing. 6. Provide geotechnical analysis report for soil borings in the project area. Show soil boring locations on all plan sheets. Include street typical section recommendations in excess of City minimum requirements. Carriage Hills Parkway is to be a 9 -ton collector. 7. The north -south collector on the ghost plat should connect to Beach Street. Extension of Rolling Oaks to the collector street should also be shown. 8. The retaining wall south of Street 7 could be reduced in height or eliminated by shifting this roadway to the north. The City is not interested in maintenance and liability of additional retaining wall within City right of way. Hydrology and Storm Sewer The City's PWDM allows for volume reduction credits based on various BMPs such as tree plantings, native grass buffers, impervious disconnection, and others. These credits will help to reduce the required size of other volume control BMPs such as infiltration basins. The current submittal does not include volume reduction credit calculations. The applicant is encouraged to consider incorporating BMPs and tabulating volume control credits to improve stornnwater management at the proposed site. More information can be found in Part III, Sections 4 and 9 of the PWDM (under Volume Control). 2. According to the PWDM, this site includes an area within Stormwater Management. Overlay District #1 (SMOD #1) and has alternate rate control requirements. The site is split approximately in half, with the northern portion draining to the Prior Lake Outlet Channel (located in SMOD #1) and the southern portion draining to Prior Lake. Cumulative discharge totals are needed for each rate control area (SMOD #1 and General Standard, to Prior Lake) as well as for the entire site. The stormwater report should contain data for both existing and proposed conditions (current submittal contained only proposed conditions). The following stormwater requirements must be met: a. Northern portion (SMOD 91): Rate control for areas tributary to the Prior Lake Outlet Channel shall hold total offsite peals runoff at or below the following schedule: 2 -year: 0.25 cfs per net acre; 10 -year: 0.25 cfs per net acre; 100 -year: 0.25 cfs per net acre. For the northern portion of the site, with a total of 9.83 net acres, this equates to a maximum discharge of 2.46 cfs for each critical event. According to the current submittal, this requirement is met for the 2 -year event but not for the 10 -year or 100 -year events. The requirements for this area of the site are correctly outlined in the text of the submitted storrnwater report (under "RATE CONTROL") but the tables within this section show that the requirements are not met. b. Southern portion (General Standard, to Prior Lake): Rate control shall holt total offsite peak runoff at or below the following schedule: 2 -year: 0.05 cfs per net acre; 10 -year: 0.30 cfs per net acre; 100 -year : Existing peak flow. According to the current submittal, these requirements are met for the 10 - year and 100 -year events but not for the 2 -year event. The requirements for this area of the site are correctly outlined in the text of the submitted stormwater report (under "RATE CONTROL") but the tables within this section show that one of the requirements is not met. The requirement for the 2 -year event is 2.06 cfs and proposed conditions show 3.60 cfs. 3. According to submitted MnRAM results, Existing Wetland I is highly susceptible for stormwater impacts and Wetland 2 is moderately susceptible. Where stormwater requirements of the PWDM are different (in this case, wetlands vs. rate control), the more restrictive requirment applies. Applicable requirements from the PWDM based on MnRAM results: a. The 100 -year storm bounce must match existing conditions for Wetland 1. (Requirement is not met by the current submittal) b. The 1, 2, and 10 -year NRCS event inundation must match existing conditions for Wetland 1. The 1 and 2 -year NRCS event inundation must match existing conditions plus 1 day for Wetland 2. The 10 -year NRCS event inundation must match existing conditions plus 7 days for Wetland 2. (Please submit information detailing how these requirements will be met) 4. More detail and design information is needed for the proposed infiltration basin, including a cross section detail and installation procedures. Tile typical infiltration rate for type B soil is 0.3 inches/liour, not 1.0 inches/hour as assumed; two soil borings within the area of the proposed basin are required to verify the assumed infiltration rate. The current plan set shows no proposed soil borings within the proposed infiltration basin. The size and/or configuration of the proposed infiltration basin may need to be changed significantly based on the results of the soil borings. The design of the infiltration basin must follow the recommendations and requirements of the Minnesota Stormwater Manual. 5. The required dead storage in ponds is calculated for each pond, not cumulatively, so that each pond is sized correctly for its individual drainage area. Please revise Pond 2 so that it meets the required dead storage volume (1.23 ac -ft). 6. Show wetland buffers as hatched areas and note the no -grade zone for all wetlands on the relevant plan sheets. A conservation easement is required over all buffers. 7. Provide profile information for all storm sewer pipes and structures. Minimum storm sewer size is 15" in diameter. 8. Environmental manholes with 3' sump must be constructed at the last structure which is road accessible prior to discharge to any water body. 9. Pond 3 shows an outlet to the existing City storm sewer system. Updated HydroCAD calculations must be provided to prove that the existing pipe network downstream of the proposed connection point can handle all expected flows from Pond 3 in addition to the existing drainage. Alternatively, if the existing system is found to be inadequate, please provide details for the potential new outlet pipe. The pond should be re -designed to eliminate the retaining wall within the pond area. The City is not interested in the long term maintenance and liability associated with retaining wall in this area. Changes to the plat and grading design can be made to eliminate this retaining wall. Considering comment #2 under streets, the pond location should be evaluated and possibly moved further west. Erosion & Sediment Control (SWPPP) 1. An NPDES Construction site permit will be required for this project. The City must approve the associated SWPPP prior to grading permit approval. Please review the individual provisions for temporary and permanent erosion control measures and permanent water quality measures that are required for the NPDES permit and submit the SWPPP to the City for review. The current plan set contains a few notes relating to erosion control on Sheets 7-11 but it is missing many of the requirements of a standard SWPPP. The SWPPP submittal should meet all City PWDM and NPDES requirements. Date: May 28, 2013 To: Kevin Clark, K Hovnanian Homes Flom: Jeff Matzke, Planner Community & Economic Development Department Subject: Copper Cove Preliminary Plat Project DEV -2013-005 The Community & Economic Development Department has reviewed the Preliminary Plat for the subject project with a plan revision date of May 8, 2013 and we have the following comments: General 1. Estimated development fees for this project are based on proposed plan net acres. These fees include Park Land Dedication, Street Oversize Charge, Trunk Sewer Charge, Ti Link Water Charge, Trunk Storm Water Charge, and Utility Connection Charge. Additional 4% Administration Fee and 5% Construction Observation Fee based on your engineer's final construction estimate will also be charged. Detailed fee information will be established in the Final Development Agreement at the time of Final Plat. 2. At time of Final Plat provide City with draft warranty deeds for all outlot areas to be dedicated to the City according to Ordinance 1004.604. A recorded copy of the deeds shall be delivered to the City after recording of the final plat. 3. Before final plat is signed the Developer shall submit a security in the amount of 125% of the cost of public improvements, grading, erosion control, tree replacementhandscaping, monumentation, as-builts/record drawings. Grading of site can begin following Preliminary Plat approval once grading, erosion control, and tree replacement/ landscaping security is established. Overall Site Plan 1. Indicate a preferred public trail through Outlot C around wetland with connection points as indicated in Engineering comment memorandum (General comment #8) 2. Location of existing utility easements in Lot 1, Block 1 (lake lot) creates a limited building pad area for the potential lake home, deck, major landscape features, etc. Abandoning the existing utility lines, vacating the existing easements, and relocating services to the street in this location would provide for more opportunity for lake lot development (See Engineering memorandum, Utility comment #2). Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952A47.4245/%%,%Yv.eilyofpriorinke.com Tree Preservation Plan / Landscape Plan 1. Consider revisions to grading to save more trees in eastern portion of Outlot E area and rear lots areas of Lots 3-4, Block 5. 2. Placing utilities adjacent to west side of Ferndale Avenue impacts more trees. Placing these utilities under street would save these existing trees in the corridor. Ar 1AF rsbou May 28, 2013 Jeff Matzke City of Prior Lake 4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 SCOTT COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION 600 COUNTRY TRAIL EAST • JORDAN, MN 55352-9339 (952) 496-8346 - Fax: (952) 496-8365 - www.co.scott.mmus RE: Preliminary Plat, Copper Cove CH 42 and Ferndale Dear Jeff: We have reviewed the revised preliminary plat at Ferndale and County Highway (CH) 42. We offer the following comments on the proposed plat: 1. CH 42 is designated as a future principal arterial and access is managed to principal arterial standards. The County will require an access modification of Ferndale to a right-in/right-out access and should be a condition of their plat approval. 2. The County strongly recommends the City make a full connection Carriage Hills Parkway to support the CH 42 corridor with this development. We also ask the City consider a connection be made with this development to the designated full access location along CH 42 on the property to the west. 3. The minimum ROW dedication for a future principal arterial is 100 feet from the centerline of CH 42. The plans do not call out the dedication from the centerline but it does not appear to meet the this dedication. 4. Noise levels may increase as traffic volumes rise along CH 42. Any noise attenuation is the responsibility of the City/developer. 5. No ponding, berming, landscaping, or signage shall be permitted within the County right-of-way. 6. Any new trail connection to the existing CH 42 trail, or any work in the right-of-way impacting the existing trail, shall require the trail to be brought into ADA compliance. 7. Any work within the County right-of-way shall require a permit. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Craig Jenson Transportation Planner