HomeMy WebLinkAbout4D - Motor Vehicle Sales Ord Amend -2 100* P
4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
DISCUSSION: Introduction
The purpose of this public hearing is to consider amendments to Section
1102.1103 (Subd. 3 Motor Vehicle Sales) of the City of Prior Lake Zoning
On May 20, 2013 the Planning Commission approved a request to initiate the
review of amendments to Section 1102.1103 (Subd. 3, Motor Vehicle Sales) of
the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance.
Current Circumstances
City staff has had recent discussions with representatives of a local automobile
sales dealership interested in expanding their existing motor vehicle sales and
display area onto an adjacent parcel The property is located in the C - 2, General
Business Use District which lists Motor Vehicle Sales as a use permitted by
conditional use permit (CUP). Motor Vehicle Sales is not listed as permitted,
permitted with conditions, or permitted by conditional use permit within any other
use district in the City of Prior Lake,
The purpose of the C -2, General Business Use District is to allow the
concentration of general commercial development for the convenience of the
public and mutually beneficial relationship to each other in those areas located
away from residential areas designated by the Comprehensive Plan; to provide
space for community facilities and institutions that appropriately may be located
in commercial areas; to provide adequate space to meet the needs of modem
commercial development, including off- street parking and truck loading areas; to
minimize traffic congestion; and to carefully regulate the intensity of commercial
development as it refers to both internal site factors and external impacts.
Motor Vehicle Sales is defined in the City of Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance as,
"Display, sale and rental of automobiles, trucks, watercraft and recreational
vehicles; motor vehicle service and repair often occur in conjunction with this use
Characteristics may include outdoor activity, outdoor sound systems, truck
deliveries, night and weekend operating hours, and test driving on nearby streets."
City staff reviewed the zoning ordinance requirements of seven "peer"
communities of similar size or proximity and found motor vehicle sales was listed
as a permitted use in the General Commercial District in Savage; permitted in
the General Commercial and Restricted Industrial Districts in Chaska; a
conditional use in Highway Commercial Districts in Lakeville, Burnsville, and
Rosemount; a conditional use in the Highway and Business Services and
Business Fringe Districts in Chanhassen; and as a conditional use in the
Highway Business and Community Commercial Districts of Shakopee.
Based on the conversations with the existing automobile dealer and the peer
community zoning ordinance review, staff recommends the following
amendments to Section 1102.1103 (Subd. 3 Motor Vehicle Sales) of the City of
Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance.
1102.1103 Uses Permitted By Conditional Use Permit
(3) Motor Vehicle Sales. Conditions:
a. All vehicles stored on the premises shall be insured and operable. Ne
• licensed- -e�non operabl -v leles
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shall be stored -o re ices
b. All open sales or rental lots shall be operated in conjunction with a building
or buildings containing the same or similar materials as displayed on the
open sales or rental lot.
c. The building and the sales or rental lot shall be on one contiguous site.
d. All parking and paved areas shall meet all of the landscaping and design
requirements of Subsection 1107.200.
e. String lighting shall be prohibited.
f. The area -ef- open- sales -or rental lot used for- storage- and- tl+splay -ef
- • - - .. - - - -"z= - - or every 1 square foot of •
- - - - - ery-tkse-
g. Tea drivingshall -prof ited -ori y etreet- in-an" se -Dist
K-f. No outdoor public address system shall be audible from any parcel located
in an ' "R" Use District.peitted:
g_All customer and employee parking shall be clearly designated and signed.
j-,11. No motor vehicle transport loading or unloading shall be permitted on any
minor residential street.
No display or storage of motor vehicles shall be permitted on any public
right -of -way.
1 4 . _ A bufferyard, as determined by Subsection 1107.2003, shall be installed
and maintained along all property lines of an abutting "R" Use District.
'wk. The storage lot shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from an "R" Use
Y Because many of the vehicles on a motor vehicle sales lot are not licensed
until the time of sale, staff is proposing to amend the language stating, "No
previously registered but currently unlicensed or non - operable vehicles shall
be stored on premises" and replace with, "All vehicles stored on the premises
shall be insured and operable."
Y Staff is proposing to eliminate the condition f, which states, "The area of open
sales or rental lot used for storage and display of merchandise shall not
exceed 2 square feet for every 1 square foot of building on the site devoted
to the same or a similar use or accessory use."
The automobile dealership interested in pursuing a CUP to allow expansion
of the sales and display lot feels this condition is particularly restrictive. The
dealership, as it currently exists, is legally non - conforming as it does not comply
with this condition. The existing storage and vehicle display area is
approximately ten times larger than the building on the site. Approval of a CUP
to allow expansion of the storage and display area would not be possible if this
condition were to remain in effect.
Of all the communities researched, only Rosemount had a similar restriction
limiting the outdoor sales and display area based on the building size.
Rosemount lists the maximum area permitted for outdoor sales or display
shall not exceed three and one - half (3.5) square feet of outdoor storage area
to each one square foot of enclosed ground floor principal building area.
D. Staff is proposing to remove the condition g, which states, "Test driving shall
be prohibited on any street in an "R" Use District." Because of the residential
nature of Prior Lake and the proximity of residential districts near C -2
districts, it is anticipated that vehicle test drives may occur in an "R" use
district. Additionally, staff does not believe automobile test drives are
generally disruptive to a residential neighborhood.
Since Motor Vehicle Sales is listed as a conditional use in the C -2 use district,
the Planning Commission will have the ability to review any request to allow
Motor Vehicle Sales. Should the Planning Commission feel this condition
would be appropriate for a specific type of motor vehicle sales (i.e. trucks or
recreational vehicles) the commission would have the ability to add this
condition of approval during the CUP application review process.
D Staff is proposing to amend condition h related to outdoor public address
systems because outdoor sound systems are a characteristic of motor
vehicle sales identified in the definition of the use. Staff is proposing to
amend the language which states, "No outdoor public address system shall
be permitted" to read "No Outdoor public address system shall be audible from
any parcel located in an "R" Use District."
Zoning Ordinance Amendment Findings:
Section 1108.600 of the Zoning Ordinance states:
1108.600 Policy For Amendments. Recommendations of the Planning
Commission and final determinations of the City Council shall be supported by
findings addressing the relationship of the proposed amendment to the following
(2) In the case of amendments to the formal text of this Ordinance:
There is a public need for the amendment, or
➢ The amendment will accomplish one or more of the purposes of this
Ordinance, the Comprehensive Plan or other adopted plans or
policies of the City, or
y The adoption of the amendment is consistent with State and /or
federal requirements.
1. There is a public need for the amendments.
Property and business owners have expressed concerns that restrictive
zoning and land use requirements create a slow and costly development
process and the requirements are hampering their ability to grow and expand
businesses or develop properties. Staff research has identified areas where
the City of Prior Lake does have somewhat restrictive requirements related
Motor Vehicle Sales compared to surrounding communities. The proposed
Zoning Ordinance amendments relax the current minimum conditions of
CUP approval, provide more flexible development options and more closely
align Prior Lake's Zoning Ordinance to those of surrounding communities.
2. The amendment will accomplish one or more of the purposes of this
Ordinance, the Comprehensive Plan, or other adopted plans or policies
of the City.
This amendment will help accomplish one of the goals of the 2030 Vision
and Strategic Plan under the Economic and Community Development
strategic element, which is to review the existing City Code and Zoning
Ordinance provisions to assess their impact on achieving economic
development objectives.
3. The adoption of this amendment is consistent with State and /or federal
These amendments are consistent with state and federal requirements.
ISSUES: The proposed amendments would establish the minimum conditions for approval
of a conditional use permit to allow Motor Vehicle Sales in the C -2, General
Business Use District; however, the Planning Commission, or City Council in the
case of an appeal, may impose additional conditions that are intended to
promote and protect pedestrian safety, limit the impact of a business on
neighboring residential properties, create a buffer between commercial and
residential uses, and maintain the characteristics of a neighborhood. By
recommending approval of the amendments, the Planning Commission is not
establishing the final conditions of approval, they are simply amending the
minimum conditions of approval to eliminate restrictive conditions and provide
greater flexibility.
In an effort to make the Zoning Ordinance more "business friendly," the Planning
Commission and City Council have recently approved text amendments to the 1-
1, Industrial Use District to simplify the development process, provide more
flexible design options and allow a wider variety of land uses and 'building
materials within the City's General Industrial District. City staff views this
proposed amendment to Section 1102.1103 as another opportunity to consider
amendments which make the Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance more business
Based upon the findings set forth in this report and the City of Prior Lake's desire
to identify opportunities to make the zoning ordinance more "business friendly ",
staff recommends approval of the proposed zoning ordinance amendments.
Should the Planning Commission and City Council approve the proposed zoning
ordinance amendments, staff anticipates a conditional use permit application to
allow Motor Vehicle Sales in the C -2, General Business Use District will be
submitted for Planning Commission consideration during a public hearing at the
August 5, 2013 meeting.
ALTERNATIVES: 1. Motion and second recommending the City Council approve the Zoning
Ordinance amendment as proposed, or with changes specified by the
Planning Commission.
2. Motion and second recommending the City Council deny the proposed
Zoning Ordinance amendment based on specific findings.
3. Table or continue discussion of the item for a specific purpose.
RECOMMENDED City Staff recommends Alternative #1.
ATTACHMENT: 1. Draft Ordinance
� 4646 Dakota Street SE
Prior Lake, MN 55372
1. The City Council of the City of Prior Lake does hereby ordain that Subsection 1102.1103 (Uses
Permitted By Conditional Use Permit in the C -2, General Business Use District) of the Prior
Lake City Code is hereby amended as follows:
(3) Motor Vehicle Sales. Conditions:
a. All vehicles stored on the premises shall be insured and operable.
b. All open sales or rental lots shall be operated in conjunction with a building or buildings
containing the same or similar materials as displayed on the open sales or rental lot.
c. The building and the sales or rental lot shall be on one contiguous site.
d. All parking and paved areas shall meet all of the landscaping and design requirements
of Subsection 1107.200.
e. String Lighting shall be prohibited.
f. No outdoor public address system shall be audible from any parcel located in an "R"
Use District.
g. All customer and employee parking shall be clearly designated and signed.
h. No motor vehicle transport loading or unloading shall be permitted on any minor
residential street.
i. No display or storage of motor vehicles shall be permitted on any public right -of -way.
j. A bufferyard, as determined by Subsection 1107.2003, shall be installed and
maintained along all property lines of an abutting "R" Use District.
k. The storage lot shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from an "R" Use District.
2. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication.
Passed by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake this XX day of July, 2013.
Frank Boyles, City Manager Kenneth Hedberg, Mayor
Published in the Prior Lake American on the day of July, 2013.
Drafted By:
Prior Lake Community & Economic Development Department
4646 Dakota Street
Prior Lake, MN 55372