HomeMy WebLinkAbout090898 RegularREGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES e Date: September 8, 1998 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Mader called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Present were: Mayor Mader, Councilmembers Kedrowski, Petersen, Schenck, and Wuellner, City Manager Boyles, City Attorney Pace, Assistant City Manager Woodson, Parks and Recreation Director Hokeness, Recreation Supervisor Esser, Finance Director Teschner, Planning Coordinator Kansier, City Engineer Ilkka, Recording Secretary Oden. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Mader led the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed everyone to the meeting. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Kedrowski requested the addition of an item under Old Business regarding the Weekly Update. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI SECOND BY PETERSEN TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS AMENDED. Upon a vote, ayes by Mader, Kedrowski, Petersen, Schenck, and Wuellner, the motion carried. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES: A. August 17, 1998 Mader: Page 8 motion to investigate landslide on Pixie Point should read, "investigate the issue on Pixie Point to determine what action needs to be taken." MOTION BY WUELLNER SECOND BY KEDROWSKI TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 17 MEETING MINUTES AS AMENDED. Upon a vote, ayes by Mader, Kedrowski, Petersen, Schenck, and Wuellner, the motion carded. CONSENT AGENDA: Those items on the Council Agenda which are considered routine and non-controversial are included as part of the Consent Agenda. Unless the Mayor, a Councilmember, or member of the public specifically requests that an item on the Consent Agenda be removed and considered separately. Items on the Consent Agenda are considered under one motion, second and a roll call vote. Any item removed from the "Consent Agenda" shall be placed on the City Council Agenda as a separate category. A. Consider Approval of Invoices to Be Paid. 16~agle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-42145 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Consider Approval of Temporary 3.2 Liquor License for St. Michael's Church for Pork and Suds. Consider Approval of August Building Permit Report. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI SECOND BY PETERSEN TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. Upon a vote, ayes by Mader, Kedrowski, Petersen, Schenck, and Wuellner, the motion carded. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: A. None PRESENTATIONS: A. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Presentation on Citizen Lake Monitoring Program and Service Award Shannon Lotthamer of the MPCA reviewed the Citizens Lake Monitoring Program. In 1997, 762 volunteers monitored 683 lakes throughout the state. Volunteer monitoring helps the MPCA manage lakes to determine what happens over time. A disc is used to determine the transparency of the lake. The results show nutrients in the lake, amount of plants, and trends in water quality. Data is used in goal setting and trend analysis. MPCA recognizes these volunteers for their efforts. Richard and Sally Konrad were presented a Governor's Certificate in recognition for their 15 years of service in the program. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. There were no Public Hearings. OLD BUSINESS: A. Consider Approval of Ordinance 98-14 Amending and Extending the Moratorium on Downtown Development. Boyles: In September 1997 a moratorium was adopted. The purpose was to preclude further development until new downtown development criteria was established. Downtown Redevelopment planning is underway. This would extend the moratorium until March 21, 1999 or until the zoning ordinance was adopted. The amendment allows the library construction to proceed. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI SECOND BY PETERSEN TO APPROVE ORDINANCE 98- 14 AMENDING AND EXTENDING THE MORATORIUM ON DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT. Questions from Councilmembers: Mader: The duration of the ordinance is until March 21, 19997 Boyles: Or until the zoning ordinance is adopted. 9898.DOC 2 Mader: What concerns were there from downtown business owners? Boyles: There was a proposed entry reconfiguration and reconstruction of a building. Upon a vote, ayes by Mader, Kedrowski, Petersen, Schenck, and Wuellner, the motion carried. Consider Approval of Resolution 98-101 Awarding Bids for the Construction of the Library / Resource Center Excavating, Demolition, and Moving Utilities and Resolution 98-102 Awarding Bids for the Construction of the Library / Resource Center Building Construction. Boyles: The bidding package was divided into three elements. Four bids were received for excavation and ten for construction. Carpeting and millwork will be bid at a different time. Staff is recommending the low bid for both elements. As a result of bids, the project is on budget at $2.5 million. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI SECOND BY SCHENCK TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 98- 101 AWARDING BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE LIBRARY / RESOURCE CENTER FOR EXCAVATION, DEMOLITION, AND MOVING UTILITIES. Upon a vote, ayes by Mader, Kedrowski, Petersen, Schenck, and Wuellner, the motion carried. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI SECOND BY PETERSEN TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 98-102 AWARDING BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE LIBRARY / RESOURCE CENTER BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. Questions from Councilmembers: Wuellner: Has anyone contacted City of Belle Plaine or other customers to see if Fulco's other projects went well? Hokeness: Spoke with representatives who were satisfied. Talked with those involved in construction of the recently built Chaska ice arena. They did a nice job on the Belle Plaine library. It is a newer company, has been in business at least five years. Mader: The total project budget initially included in the referendum was $2.5 million. Understands that includes parking lot and amenities. Does bid fi:om Fulco include parking lot? Hokeness: Yes. Mader: Did the original budget package included refurbishing old library? Hokeness: Yes. Estimate was based on Savage Library construction. Estimated $350,000- $400,000. This was the cost to add the resource center to the library. Mader: Refurbishing old library would be a new expense not covered under referendum funds? Hokenexs : Correct. Mader: According to the breakdown in the report, the only unknown is millwork and flooring? Hokeness : Correct. 9898.DOC 3 10. Upon a vote, ayes by Mader, Kedrowski, Petersen, Schenck, and Wuellner, the motion carded. Boyles: Groundbreaking is scheduled for Thursday, September 17 at 6:00 p.m. C. Weekly Update Kedrowski: Would like to see the attachments for the Update although we are trying to reduce paper. Mader: There was no specific direction from Council. Boyles: Staff is trying to reduce paper, but not take away pertinent information. Wuellner: Can call if questions on an item. NEW BUSINESS: A. Consider Approval of Resolution 98-103 Certifying Proposed 1999 City of Prior Lake Tax Levy to Scott County Auditor. Boyles: The intent of troth in taxation is to increase citizen awareness of the budget being adopted. The law provides that each City Council in the state adopt a preliminary resolution with a maximum levy no later than September 15. Council may not exceed that levy amount but may cut back from it through the Truth in Taxation hearings. Council conducted three budget workshops. Truth in Taxation hearings are December 7th and December 14th (if continued). Council has directed a zero percent tax increase for the last four years, which is more restrictive than the state. The staff cut out $88,000 in the 1998 budget to meet the zero percent target in 1999. The tax levy for 1999 is $4,816,674, or 3.27% over 1998, which does not include the transit tax levy. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI SECOND BY PETERSEN TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 98-103 CERTIFYING THE PROPOSED 1999 CITY OF PRIOR LAKE TAX LEVY TO THE SCOTT COUNTY AUDITOR. Questions from Councilmembers: Wuellner: As he understands the numbers, from a dollars perspective, the levy in is 1999 about 4% more than last year and that will come from increase in valuations. The tax rate will actually decrease. Teschner: Correct. However, Scott County has not completed its final calculations. There has been a shift in the tax burden from commercial and industrial to residential. This will not have that much impact on Prior Lake. It could be plus or minus 1/4% to 1/2% percent. This will become more certain around Thanksgiving. Mader: At the last workshop, the budget represented an above zero percent tax impact. There was a real tax increase in dollars. Teschner: A few dollars. Mader: Is this budget tonight a higher budget? Teschner: Yes. That is because of several revenue transfers. One is MIS cost-sharing to reflect the actual costs and the intergovernmental revenue. 9898.DOC 4 11. 12. 9898.DOC Mader: If my assessed value for property taxation purposes remains unchanged for 1998- 1999, will this represent an increase decrease or no change in taxes? Teschner: If there is no change in assessed value, it will go down. If the market value goes up in a typical fashion, it could remain the same. Mader: The present levy does then take into account a projected market valuation change. Will support this as a not to exceed number but thinks the City can do better. Upon a vote, ayes by Mader, Kedrowski, Petersen, Schenck, and Wuellner, the motion carried. Consider Approval of Resolution 98-104 Approving an Administrative Lot Combination for Bryce Huemoeller on Property Located at 2880 Center Road. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI SECOND BY SCHENCK TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 98- 104 APPROVING AN ADMINISTRATIVE LOT COMBINATION FOR BRYCE HUEMOELLER ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2880 CENTER ROAD. Questions from Councilmembers: Mader: How did this happen? Kansier: The survey and legal description showed it as one parcel. Mader: What about the reference that a driveway was installed after permit was issued. Kansier: We don't require permits for driveways. Installed smaller drive on side of garage. Required revised survey to ensure impervious surface was within 30%. Mader: In his letter, Huemoeller believes the City has no jurisdiction over the issue because it is a combination of lots. If his position is valid then the City may have to change ordinances and if it is not someone should inform him. Pace: Spoke with Huemoeller since then. He dealt with assessor and recorder and is not objecting to the process. Upon a vote, ayes by Mader, Kedrowski, Petersen, Schenck, and Wuellner, the motion carded. OTHER BUSINESS/COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS: A. Executive Session to Discuss Pending Litigation. Council adjourned to Executive Session at 8:30 p.m. Council adjourned from Executive Session at 12:03 a.m. ADJOURNMENT MOTION BY KEDROWS~SECOND BY WUELLNER TO ADJOURN. // Upon a ~~drowski, Petersen, Schenck,~~ioncarried. . City IV}6nage~t Ro(:ording Secretary